- mrtg-unix-guide - Instructions for running MRTG 2.13.2 on
- a Unix Box
- MRTG comes to you in Source Code. This means that you have
- to compile parts of it before you can use it on a Unix
- machine. These instructions help you to do so.
- In order to compile and use mrtg you need a C compiler and
- a copy of perl installed on your machine. In most cases
- this will already be available. In case it is not, here
- are some starting points. Below I'll give you a detailed
- run through the whole compilation process.
- GCC The GNU C compiler comes preinstalled on most of the
- free Unicies out there. For commercial derivatives
- you may have to download and compile it first. If you
- have no compiler at all there is a chicken and egg
- problem, but there are also precompiled versions of
- gcc available for most operating systems.
- Perl
- Large parts of the MRTG system are written in the Perl
- scripting language. Make sure there is a recent copy
- of perl on your machine (try perl -v). At least ver-
- sion 5.005 is required for mrtg to work well. You can
- get the latest perl from
- MRTG generates traffic graphs in the PNG format. To be
- able to do this it needs several 3rd party libraries. When
- compiling these libraries I urge you to make sure you com-
- pile them as ssttaattiicc libraries. There is just much less
- trouble ahead if you are doing it like this. See the
- Instructions in the next section for inspiration. Note
- that many free unices have all the required libraries
- already in place so there is no need to install another
- copy. To check it is best to skip all the library instruc-
- tions below and go straight into the mrtg compile.
- If the first attempt fails and you do not get a working
- version of mrtg, try compiling new copies of all libraries
- as explained below. Do this BBEEFFOORREE you send email to me
- about problems compiling mrtg.
- gd This is a basic graph drawing library created by
- Thomas Boutell. Note that all releases after Version
- 1.3 only create PNG images. This is because a) Thomas
- got into trouble because the GIF format which it used
- to produce uses a compression technology patented by
- Unisys. b) PNG is more efficient and patent free. MRTG
- can work with old and new version of the GD library.
- You can get a recent copy of GD from:
- libpng
- Is required by gd in order to produce PNG graphics
- files. Get it from:
- zlib
- Is needed by libpng to compress the graphics files you
- create. Get a copy from
- And last but not least you also need mrtg itself. In case
- you have not yet downloaded it, you can find a copy on my
- website:
- In this section I will give you step by step instructions
- on how to compile the various libraries required for the
- compilation of mrtg. Note that these libaries may already
- be installed if you have a _*_B_S_D or _L_i_n_u_x system so you can
- skip recompiling them. The wwggeett program used below is a
- simple web downloader. You can also enter the address into
- your nneettssccaappee if you don't have wwggeett available.
- First let's create a directory for the compilation. Note
- that this may already exist on your system. No problem,
- just use it.
- mkdir -p /usr/local/src
- cd /usr/local/src
- If you do not have zlib installed:
- wget
- gunzip -c zlib-*.tar.gz | tar xf -
- rm zlib-*.tar.gz
- mv zlib-* zlib
- cd zlib
- ./configure
- make
- cd ..
- If you don't have libpng installed
- wget
- gunzip -c libpng-*.tar.gz |tar xf -
- rm libpng-*.tar.gz
- mv libpng-* libpng
- cd libpng
- make -f scripts/makefile.std CC=gcc ZLIBLIB=../zlib ZLIBINC=../zlib
- rm *.so.* *.so
- cd ..
- And now you can compile gd
- For versions up to 1.8.4, try:
- wget
- gunzip -c gd-*.tar.gz |tar xf -
- rm gd-*.tar.gz
- mv gd-* gd
- cd gd
- The characters at the end of the following lines mean
- that all the following material should actually be written
- on a single line.
- perl -i~ -p -e s/gd_jpeg.o//g Makefile
- make INCLUDEDIRS="-I. -I../zlib -I../libpng"
- LIBDIRS="-L../zlib -L. -L../libpng"
- LIBS="-lgd -lpng -lz -lm"
- cd ..
- For version starting around 2.0.11, try:
- wget
- gunzip -c gd-2.0.11.tar.gz |tar xf -
- mv gd-2.0.11 gd
- cd gd
- env CPPFLAGS="-I../zlib -I../libpng" LDFLAGS="-L../zlib -L../libpng" ./configure --disable-shared
- --without-freetype --without-jpeg
- make
- cp .libs/* .
- Ok, now everything is ready for the mrtg compilation.
- cd /usr/local/src
- gunzip -c mrtg-2.13.2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- cd mrtg-2.13.2
- If all the libraries have been preinstalled on your system
- you can configure mrtg by doing a simple:
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mrtg-2
- Otherwise you may have to give some hints on where to find
- the various libraries required to compile mrtg:
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mrtg-2
- --with-gd=/usr/local/src/gd
- --with-z=/usr/local/src/zlib
- --with-png=/usr/local/src/libpng
- If you have RRDtool available you might want to tell mrtg
- about it so that you can opt to use rrdtool with mrtg.
- Check mrtg-rrd.
- Configure will make sure your environment is fit for
- building mrtg. If it finds a problem, it will tell you so
- and it will also tell you what to do about it. If every-
- thing is OK, you will end up with a custom Makefile for
- your system. Now type:
- make
- This builds the rateup binary and edits all the perl path-
- names in the scripts. You can now install mrtg by typing
- make install (requires gnu install)
- All the software required by MRTG is now installed under
- the _/_u_s_r_/_l_o_c_a_l_/_m_r_t_g_-_2 subdirectory.
- You can now safely delete the libraries we compiled above.
- Then again, you might want to keep them around so that you
- have them available when compiling the next version of
- mrtg.
- The next step is to configure mrtg for monitoring a net-
- work device. This is done by creating an _m_r_t_g_._c_f_g file
- which defines what you want to monitor. Luckily, you don't
- have to dive straight in and start writing your own con-
- figuration file all by yourself. Together with mrtg you
- also got a copy of ccffggmmaakkeerr. This is a script you can
- point at a router of your choice; it will create a mrtg
- configuration file for you. You can find the script in the
- _b_i_n subdirectory.
- cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir: /home/httpd/mrtg'
- --global 'Options[_]: bits,growright'
- --output /home/mrtg/cfg/mrtg.cfg
- This example above will create an mrtg config file in
- _/_h_o_m_e_/_m_r_t_g_/_c_f_g assuming this is a directory visible on
- your webserver. You can read all about cfgmaker in cfg-
- maker. One area you might want to look at is the possibil-
- ity of using ----iiffrreeff==iipp to prevent interface renumbering
- troubles from catching you.
- If you want to start rolling your own mrtg configuration
- files, make sure you read mrtg-reference to learn all
- about the possible configuration options.
- Once you have created a configuration file, try the fol-
- lowing:
- /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /home/mrtg/cfg/mrtg.cfg
- This will query your router and also create your first
- mrtg trafic graphs and webpages. When you run mrtg for the
- first time there will be a lot of complaints about missing
- log files. Don't worry, this is normal for the first 2
- times you start mrtg. If it keeps complaining after this
- time you might want to look into the problem.
- Starting mrtg by hand is not ideal in the long run. So
- when you are satisfied with the results you can automate
- the process of running mrtg in regular intervals (this
- means every 5 minutes by default).
- You can either add mrtg to your crontab with a line like
- this:
- 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
- <mrtg-bin>/mrtg <path to mrtg-cfg>/mrtg.cfg
- --logging /var/log/mrtg.log
- or if you live in Linux Land the line may look like this
- if you are using "crontab -e"
- */5 * * * * <mrtg-bin>/mrtg <path to mrtg-cfg>/mrtg.cfg
- --logging /var/log/mrtg.log
- or like this if you use _/_e_t_c_/_c_r_o_n_t_a_b
- */5 * * * * mrtg-user <mrtg-bin>/mrtg <path to mrtg-cfg>/mrtg.cfg
- --logging /var/log/mrtg.log
- You can also run mrtg as a daemon process by adding the
- line
- RunAsDaemon: Yes
- to your mrtg configuration file and then creating a
- startup script in your system startup sequence. Unfortu-
- nately, adding startup scripts differs widely amongst dif-
- ferent unix systems. The modern ones normally have a
- directory called _/_e_t_c_/_i_n_i_t_._d or _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_i_n_i_t_._d where you
- put scripts which starts the process you want to run when
- the system boots. Further you must create a symbolic link
- in _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_3_._d or _/_e_t_c_/_r_c_._d_/_r_c_?_._d called _S_6_5_m_r_t_g (this is
- just a sample name ... it is just important that it starts
- with S followed by a two digit number). If you are not
- sure about this, make sure you consult the documentation
- of your system to make sure you get this right.
- A mmiinniimmaall script to put into _i_n_i_t_._d might look like this:
- #! /bin/sh
- cd /usr/local/mrtg-2.13.2/bin && ./mrtg --user=mrtg-user
- /home/httpd/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --logging /var/log/mrtg.log
- Note that this will only work with RRuunnAAssDDaaeemmoonn:: YYeess in
- your mrtg.cfg file.
- Tobias Oetiker <>
- 2.13.2 2006-02-03 MRTG-UNIX-GUIDE(1)