- MRTG-IPV6(1) mrtg MRTG-IPV6(1)
- mrtg-ipv6 - IPv6 support in MRTG
- MRTG and cfgmaker support SNMP over IPv6. IPv6 targets can
- be specified by hostname or IPv6 address, and if the
- required libraries are present (see below), queries will
- use IPv6.
- EEnnaabblliinngg IIPPvv66
- IPv6 is currently disabled by default and must be explic-
- itly enabled. In MRTG this is done by turning on the
- EEnnaabblleeIIPPvv66 global option in the configuration file. In
- cfgmaker, it is enabled with the ----eennaabbllee--iippvv66 command-
- line option.
- If IPv6 is disabled, MRTG and cfgmaker should behave in
- exactly the same way as previous versions. So the addition
- of IPv6 support should have no effect on existing MRTG
- setups unless IPv6 is enabled.
- IPv6 support requires the Socket6 and INET6 libraries (see
- below). If MRTG can't find them, IPv6 is disabled.
- SSppeecciiffyyiinngg IIPPvv66 ttaarrggeettss
- IPv6 targets may be specified by name or IPv6 address.
- Numeric IPv6 addresses may be used with both cfgmaker and
- MRTG, but they must be enclosed in square brackets.
- For example, a target could be specified as:
- public@[2001:760:4::]:161
- Hostnames work as expected: first an IPv6 name lookup is
- tried, then an IPv4 lookup.
- TTaarrggeettss tthhaatt ddoo nnoott ssuuppppoorrtt SSNNMMPP oovveerr IIPPvv66
- Many targets (this currently includes all Cisco routers)
- do not yet support SNMP over IPv6 and must be monitored
- over IPv4. This can cause problems if you specify a target
- through its DNS name and the name maps to both the IPv6
- address and the IPv4 address of the target: MRTG will only
- try IPv6, and will fail.
- To query these targets, use the IIPPvv44OOnnllyy per-target
- option, which tells MRTG not to use SNMP over IPv6 for the
- target.
- MRTG does not fall back to IPv4 for performance and cor-
- rectness reasons. If there are many routers to query, a
- timeout for every router would make MRTG take too long to
- query them all. And if, for some reason, IPv6 connectivity
- to the target is lost, MRTG's error messages can help fig-
- ure out what is wrong.
- cfgmaker does fall back from IPv6 to IPv4. If IPv6 is
- enabled and cfgmaker is given a hostname that resolves to
- both an IPv6 and an IPv4 address, it first tries to query
- the target over IPv6. If it receives no answer, it tries
- again using IPv4. If the target answers, cfgmaker sets the
- IPv4Only option in the generated config file.
- LLiibbrraarriieess rreeqquuiirreedd
- IPv6 support requires the SSoocckkeett66 and IINNEETT66 Perl modules.
- Both can be downloaded from CPAN:
- If you use Debian, you will need the packages lliibb--
- ssoocckkeett66--ppeerrll and lliibbiioo--ssoocckkeett--iinneett66--ppeerrll, which are (or
- should soon be) in unstable.
- So far, IPv6 support has been tested on Linux only, and
- only with Socket6 version 0.12. Also note that IPv6 won't
- work at all if you don't have version 2.00 or
- newer.
- IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee lliibbrraarriieess
- Building and installing Socket6 and INET6 is very simple.
- For each module, just unpack the archive and then do:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- and then:
- su
- make install
- If you have installed the libraries successfully, cfgmaker
- and mrtg should automatically detect them and allow IPv6
- support to be enabled.
- Lorenzo Colitti <lorenzo location>
- 2.13.2 2006-02-03 MRTG-IPV6(1)