- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This is a part of the Feature program.
- // Version: 1.0
- // Date: February 22, 2003
- // Programmer: Oh-Wook Kwon
- // Copyright(c) 2003 Oh-Wook Kwon. All rights reserved. owkwon@ucsd.edu
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "StdAfx.h"
#include "FE_feature.h"
- int Fe::fft_spectrum_basic(short *sample, int frameSize, float *spectrum, int fftSize)
- {
- _fft_spectrum_basic(sample, frameSize, spectrum, fftSize, 0, 0);
- return 1;
- }
- int Fe::_fft_spectrum_basic(short *sample, int frameSize, float *spectrum, int fftSize, int cep_smooth, int cepFilterLen)
- {
- int i;
- vector<float> frameA(frameSize);
- vector<float> power(fftSize);
- for(i=0;i<frameSize;i++) frameA[i]=sample[i];
- preemphasize(&frameA[0], frameSize, m_emphFac);
- m_window.Windowing(&frameA[0], frameSize, WIN_HAMMING);
- int uiLogFFTSize = (int)(log((double)fftSize)/log((double)2)+0.5);
- compute_spectrum(&frameA[0], &power[0], frameSize, uiLogFFTSize);
- float log10db=(float)10/log(10);
- for(i=0;i<(int)fftSize;i++)
- spectrum[i] = log10db*LogE(power[i]);
- if(cep_smooth) {
- vector<float> a(fftSize);
- vector<float> b(fftSize);
- for(i=0;i<fftSize;i++){
- a[i] = spectrum[i];
- b[i] = 0;
- }
- PRFFT_NEW( &a[0], &b[0], uiLogFFTSize, fftSize, -1);
- if(cepFilterLen <= 0) cepFilterLen = 1;
- for (i=cepFilterLen ; i < fftSize-(cepFilterLen-1); i++){
- a[i] = b[i] = 0;
- }
- for(i=fftSize-1;i>fftSize/2;i--){
- a[i] = a[fftSize-i];
- b[i] = b[fftSize-i];
- }
- PRFFT_NEW( &a[0], &b[0], uiLogFFTSize, fftSize, 1) ;
- for (i=0 ; i < m_fftSize; i++)
- spectrum[i] = a[i];
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int Fe::fft_cepstrum_basic(short *sample, int frameSize, float *fft_cep, int ceporder, int fftSize)
- {
- vector<float> frameA(frameSize);
- preprocessing(sample, frameSize, &frameA[0]);
- m_window.Windowing(&frameA[0], frameSize, WIN_HAMMING);
- _fft_cepstrum_basic(&frameA[0],frameSize,fft_cep,ceporder,fftSize);
- cepstral_window(fft_cep, ceporder, m_lifter);
- /* owkwon: To make dynamic range consistent with other kinds of cepstral coefficients */
- /* Needs further study */
- for (int i=0;i<=ceporder;i++) fft_cep[i] /= 8;
- return 1;
- }
- int Fe::_fft_cepstrum_basic(float *sample, int frameSize, float *fft_cep, int ceporder, int fftSize)
- {
- int i;
- int uiLogFFTSize = (int)(log((double)fftSize)/log((double)2)+0.5);
- vector<float> a(fftSize);
- vector<float> b(fftSize);
- for(i=0;i<frameSize;i++){ a[i] = sample[i]; b[i]=0; }
- for(i=frameSize;i<fftSize;i++) a[i] = b[i] = 0;
- PRFFT_NEW( &a[0], &b[0], uiLogFFTSize, frameSize, 1);
- for(i=0;i<fftSize;i++){
- a[i] = (float)(0.5*LogE(a[i]*a[i]+b[i]*b[i]));
- b[i] = 0;
- }
- PRFFT_NEW( &a[0], &b[0], uiLogFFTSize, fftSize, -1);
- for(i=0;i<=ceporder;i++) fft_cep[i] = a[i];
- return 1;
- }
- int Fe::filterbank_basic(short *sample, int frameSize, float *filter_bank, int fborder, int fftSize)
- {
- vector<float> frameA(frameSize);
- preprocessing(sample, frameSize, &frameA[0]);
- m_window.Windowing(&frameA[0], frameSize, WIN_HAMMING);
- _filterbank_basic(&frameA[0], frameSize, filter_bank, fborder, fftSize, m_cepSmooth, (int)(m_sampleRate/MAX_PITCH_FREQ));
- /* Convert to dB scale */
- float log10db=(float)(10/log(10));
- for(int i=0;i<fborder;i++) filter_bank[i]*=log10db;
- return 1;
- }
- int Fe::_filterbank_basic(float *sample, int frameSize, float *filter_bank, int fborder, int fftSize, int cep_smooth, int cepFilterLen)
- {
- if(m_MelFB.size() != fborder || fftSize != m_MelFBfftSize){
- m_MelFBfftSize=fftSize;
- MfccInitMelFilterBanks ((float)64.0, (float)m_sampleRate, fftSize, fborder);
- }
- int i;
- int uiLogFFTSize = (int)(log((double)fftSize)/log((double)2)+0.5);
- vector<float> a(fftSize);
- vector<float> b(fftSize);
- for(i=0;i<frameSize;i++){ a[i] = sample[i]; b[i]=0; }
- for(i=frameSize;i<fftSize;i++) a[i] = b[i] = 0;
- PRFFT_NEW( &a[0], &b[0], uiLogFFTSize, frameSize, 1);
- for(i=0;i<fftSize;i++){
- a[i] = a[i]*a[i] + b[i]*b[i];
- b[i] = 0.0;
- }
- MfccMelFilterBank (&a[0], fborder, &filter_bank[0], 1);
- for (i = 0; i < fborder; i++) filter_bank[i] = 0.5*LogE(filter_bank[i]);
- return(1);
- }
- int Fe::compute_spectrum(float *input, float *spectrum, int winlength, int log2length)
- {
- int i, log2length_i;
- int npoints, npoints2;
- npoints = (int) (pow(2.0,(float) log2length) + 0.5);
- npoints2 = npoints / 2;
- vector<FeComplex> complex_in(npoints);
- for(i=0;i<winlength;i++){
- complex_in[i].m_re = input[i];
- complex_in[i].m_im = (float)0.0;
- }
- for(i = winlength; i < npoints; i++){
- complex_in[i].m_re = (float)0.0;
- complex_in[i].m_im = (float)0.0;
- }
- log2length_i = (int)log2length;
- FAST_new(&complex_in[0],log2length_i);
- spectrum[0] = complex_in[0].m_re * complex_in[0].m_re;
- spectrum[npoints2] = complex_in[npoints2].m_re * complex_in[npoints2].m_re;
- /*
- Only the first half of the spectrum[] array is filled with data.
- The second half is just a reflection of the first half.
- */
- for(i=1;i<npoints2;i++){
- spectrum[i] = complex_in[i].m_re * complex_in[i].m_re + complex_in[i].m_im * complex_in[i].m_im;
- }
- for(i=npoints-1;i>npoints2;i--){
- spectrum[i] = spectrum[npoints-i];
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int Fe::smooth_spectrum(float *spectrum, int pointsN)
- {
- vector<float> tmp(pointsN);
- tmp[0]=spectrum[0];
- tmp[1]=(2*spectrum[1]+spectrum[0]+spectrum[2])/(float)4;
- for(int i=2;i<pointsN-2;i++){
- tmp[i]=(float)(4*spectrum[i]+2*spectrum[i-1]+2*spectrum[i+1]+spectrum[i-2]+spectrum[i+2])/(float)10;
- }
- tmp[pointsN-2]=(2*spectrum[pointsN-2]+spectrum[pointsN-3]+spectrum[pointsN-1])/(float)4;
- tmp[pointsN-1]=spectrum[pointsN-1];
- memmove(spectrum, &tmp[0], sizeof(float)*pointsN);
- return(1);
- }
- /*========================================================================
- ** Discrete Fourier analysis routine
- ** from IEEE Programs for Digital Signal Processing
- ** G. D. Bergland and M. T. Dolan, original authors
- ** Translated from the FORTRAN with some changes by Paul Kube
- ** Modified to return the power spectrum by Chuck Wooters
- ========================================================================*/
- /**************************************************************************
- FAST_new - In-place radix 2 decimation in time FFT
- Requires pointer to complex array, x and power of 2 size of FFT, m
- (size of FFT = 2**m). Places FFT output on top of input FeComplex array.
- void FAST_new(FeComplex *x, int m)
- *************************************************************************/
- void Fe::FAST_new(FeComplex *x, int m)
- {
- FeComplex u,temp,tm;
- FeComplex *xi,*xip,*xj,*wptr;
- int i,j,k,l,le,windex;
- double arg,w_real,w_imag,wrecur_real,wrecur_imag,wtemp_real;
- if(m == 0) return; /* if m=0 then done */
- int n = 1 << m; /* length of fft */
- if(n != m_fftW.size()) {
- m_fftW.resize(n);
- le = n/2;
- for(int nn=0;nn < le-1; nn++)
- m_fftW[nn].m_re = m_fftW[nn].m_im = (float)0.0;
- arg = 4.0*atan(1.0)/le;
- wrecur_real = w_real = cos(arg);
- wrecur_imag = w_imag = -sin(arg);
- xj = &m_fftW[0];
- for (j = 1 ; j < le ; j++) {
- xj->m_re = (float)wrecur_real;
- xj->m_im = (float)wrecur_imag;
- xj++;
- wtemp_real = wrecur_real*w_real - wrecur_imag*w_imag;
- wrecur_imag = wrecur_real*w_imag + wrecur_imag*w_real;
- wrecur_real = wtemp_real;
- }
- }
- le = n;
- windex = 1;
- for (l = 0 ; l < m ; l++) {
- le = le/2;
- for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i = i + 2*le) {
- xi = x + i;
- xip = xi + le;
- temp.m_re = xi->m_re + xip->m_re;
- temp.m_im = xi->m_im + xip->m_im;
- xip->m_re = xi->m_re - xip->m_re;
- xip->m_im = xi->m_im - xip->m_im;
- *xi = temp;
- }
- wptr = &m_fftW[0] + windex - 1;
- for (j = 1 ; j < le ; j++) {
- u = *wptr;
- for (i = j ; i < n ; i = i + 2*le) {
- xi = x + i;
- xip = xi + le;
- temp.m_re = xi->m_re + xip->m_re;
- temp.m_im = xi->m_im + xip->m_im;
- tm.m_re = xi->m_re - xip->m_re;
- tm.m_im = xi->m_im - xip->m_im;
- xip->m_re = tm.m_re*u.m_re - tm.m_im*u.m_im;
- xip->m_im = tm.m_re*u.m_im + tm.m_im*u.m_re;
- *xi = temp;
- }
- wptr = wptr + windex;
- }
- windex = 2*windex;
- }
- j = 0;
- for (i = 1 ; i < (n-1) ; i++) {
- k = n/2;
- while(k <= j) {
- j = j - k;
- k = k/2;
- }
- j = j + k;
- if (i < j) {
- xi = x + i;
- xj = x + j;
- temp = *xj;
- *xj = *xi;
- *xi = temp;
- }
- }
- }
- /* pruned FFT */
- void PRFFT_NEW(float *a, float *b, int m, int n_pts, int iff)
- {
- int l,lmx,lix,lm,li,j1,j2,ii,jj,nv2,nm1,k,lmxy,n;
- float scl,s,c,arg,T_a,T_b;
- n = 1 << m;
- for( l=1 ; l<=m ; l++ ) {
- lmx = 1 << (m - l) ;
- lix = 2 * lmx ;
- scl = 2 * (float)M_PI/(float)lix ;
- if(lmx < n_pts) lmxy = lmx ;
- else lmxy = n_pts ;
- for( lm = 1 ; lm <= lmxy ; lm++ ) {
- arg=((float)(lm-1)*scl) ;
- c = (float)cos(arg) ;
- s = iff * (float)sin(arg) ;
- for( li = lix ; li <= n ; li += lix ) {
- j1 = li - lix + lm ;
- j2 = j1 + lmx ;
- if(lmxy != n_pts ) {
- T_a=a[j1-1] - a[j2-1] ;
- /* T_a : real part */
- T_b=b[j1-1] - b[j2-1] ;
- /* T_b : imaginary part */
- a[j1-1] = a[j1-1] + a[j2-1] ;
- b[j1-1] = b[j1-1] + b[j2-1] ;
- a[j2-1] = T_a*c + T_b*s ;
- b[j2-1] = T_b*c - T_a*s ;
- } else{
- a[j2-1] = a[j1-1]*c + b[j1-1]*s ;
- b[j2-1] = b[j1-1]*c - a[j1-1]*s ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- nv2 = n/2 ;
- nm1 = n - 1 ;
- jj = 1 ;
- for( ii = 1 ; ii <= nm1 ;) {
- if( ii < jj ) {
- T_a = a[jj-1] ;
- T_b = b[jj-1] ;
- a[jj-1] = a[ii-1] ;
- b[jj-1] = b[ii-1] ;
- a[ii-1] = T_a ;
- b[ii-1] = T_b ;
- }
- k = nv2 ;
- while( k < jj ) {
- jj = jj - k ;
- k = k/2 ;
- }
- jj = jj + k ;
- ii = ii + 1 ;
- }
- if(iff == (-1)){
- for( l=0 ; l<n ; l++ ) {
- a[l]/=(float)n;
- b[l]/=(float)n;
- }
- }
- }