资源名称:security.rar [点击查看]
- package org.bouncycastle.util.encoders;
- import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
- /**
- * a buffering class to allow translation from one format to another to
- * be done in discrete chunks.
- */
- public class BufferedDecoder
- {
- protected byte[] buf;
- protected int bufOff;
- protected Translator translator;
- /**
- * @param translator the translator to use.
- * @param bufSize amount of input to buffer for each chunk.
- */
- public BufferedDecoder(
- Translator translator,
- int bufSize)
- {
- this.translator = translator;
- if ((bufSize % translator.getEncodedBlockSize()) != 0)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer size not multiple of input block size");
- }
- buf = new byte[bufSize];
- bufOff = 0;
- }
- public int processByte(
- byte in,
- byte[] out,
- int outOff)
- {
- int resultLen = 0;
- buf[bufOff++] = in;
- if (bufOff == buf.length)
- {
- resultLen = translator.decode(buf, 0, buf.length, out, outOff);
- bufOff = 0;
- }
- return resultLen;
- }
- public int processBytes(
- byte[] in,
- int inOff,
- int len,
- byte[] out,
- int outOff)
- {
- if (len < 0)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a negative input length!");
- }
- int resultLen = 0;
- int gapLen = buf.length - bufOff;
- if (len > gapLen)
- {
- System.arraycopy(in, inOff, buf, bufOff, gapLen);
- resultLen += translator.decode(buf, 0, buf.length, out, outOff);
- bufOff = 0;
- len -= gapLen;
- inOff += gapLen;
- outOff += resultLen;
- int chunkSize = len - (len % buf.length);
- resultLen += translator.decode(in, inOff, chunkSize, out, outOff);
- len -= chunkSize;
- inOff += chunkSize;
- }
- if (len != 0)
- {
- System.arraycopy(in, inOff, buf, bufOff, len);
- bufOff += len;
- }
- return resultLen;
- }
- }