资源名称 [点击查看]
- <%@ Language=VBScript %>
- <%
- option explicit
- Response.Expires=-1
- %>
- <!-- The Response.Expires=-1 will make sure the page is not cached.
- If the page is cached and the database changes, the new tree will not be shown -->
- <!--
- (Please keep all copyright notices.)
- This page document includes the Treeview script.
- Script found at:
- Author: Marcelino Alves Martins
- -->
- <%
- Dim databaseDir, Conn
- 'Change this to a path (c:...) if the database is not in the same dir of the
- 'current file
- databaseDir = Server.MapPath("demoDynamic.mdb")
- Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- Conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & databaseDir)
- ' This is a recursive function; it will find the children directly under a node
- ' and then call itself for each of those children in order to find the grand-children.
- ' For each entry in the DB that this function finds, it sends a snippet of
- ' JavaScript to the browser with the Treeview commands necessary for the
- ' construction of a node (folder or "doc")
- '
- ' conn: is an ADODB.Connection opened on a database with a NodesTable table
- ' parentId: is the value of the ParentID field for a record in the database
- ' parentObject: is the name of the JavaScript variable used to define the parent
- sub outputJavascriptForRoot(Conn)
- dim rsHits, queryString
- queryString = "SELECT NodeID, NodeName, IsFolder, ParentID, Link FROM NodesTable WHERE (ParentID=-1)"
- Set rsHits = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rsHits.Open queryString, Conn ' It should reeturn one and one only
- outputJavascriptForSubFolder Conn, rsHits("NodeID"), rsHits("NodeName"), "fSub1"
- response.write "foldersTree = fSub1"
- end sub
- sub outputJavascriptForSubFolder(Conn, folderId, nodeName, fName)
- dim rsHits, queryString, gFldStr, gLnkStr, fi, subFolders, di
- queryString = "SELECT NodeID, NodeName, IsFolder, ParentID, Link FROM NodesTable WHERE ((ParentID=" & folderId & ") AND (IsFolder=True)) ORDER BY NodeName"
- Set rsHits = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- rsHits.Open queryString, Conn
- fi=1
- do while not rsHits.EOF
- outputJavascriptForSubFolder Conn, rsHits("NodeID"), rsHits("NodeName"), fName & "Sub" & fi
- rsHits.MoveNext
- fi=fi+1
- loop
- response.write fName & " = " & "gFld('" & nodeName & "', 'javascript:parent.op();')" & VbCrLf
- response.write fName & ".xID = " & folderId & VbCrLf
- ' Call the addChildren function
- response.write fName & ".addChildren(["
- ' member of the list argument to addChildren
- if not rsHits.BOF then rsHits.MoveFirst()
- fi=1
- do while not rsHits.EOF
- if fi>1 then response.write ", "
- response.write fName & "Sub" & fi
- rsHits.MoveNext
- fi=fi+1
- loop
- rsHits.close
- subFolders = fi-1 'Count how many
- queryString = "SELECT NodeID, NodeName, Link FROM NodesTable WHERE ((ParentID=" & folderId & ") AND (IsFolder=False)) ORDER BY NodeName"
- rsHits.Open queryString, Conn
- di = 1
- do while not rsHits.EOF
- if di>1 or subFolders > 0 then response.write ", "
- response.write "['" & rsHits("NodeName") & "', '" & rsHits("Link") &"']"
- rsHits.MoveNext
- di = di + 1
- loop
- response.write "])" & VbCrLf 'Close addChildren function
- ' xID's for docs
- if not rsHits.BOF then rsHits.MoveFirst()
- di = subFolders
- do while not rsHits.EOF
- response.write fName & ".children[" & di & "].xID = " & rsHits("NodeID") & VbCrLf
- rsHits.MoveNext
- di = di+1
- loop
- rsHits.close
- end sub
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Tree from database</title>
- <style>
- BODY {background-color: white}
- TD {font-size: 10pt;
- font-family: verdana,helvetica;
- text-decoration: none;
- white-space:nowrap;}
- A {text-decoration: none;
- color: black}
- </style>
- <!-- As in a client-side built tree, all the tree infrastructure is put in place
- within the HEAD block, but the actual tree rendering is trigered within the
- BODY -->
- <!-- Code for browser detection -->
- <script src="ua.js"></script>
- <!-- Infrastructure code for the tree -->
- <script src="ftiens4.js"></script>
- <!-- Execution of the code that actually builds the specific tree.
- The variable foldersTree creates its structure with calls to
- gFld, insFld, and insDoc -->
- <script>
- <%
- outputJavascriptForRoot Conn
- %>
- // Load a page as if a node on the tree was clicked (synchronize frames)
- // (Highlights selection if highlight is available.)
- function loadSynchPage(xID)
- {
- var folderObj;
- docObj = parent.treeframe.findObj(xID);
- docObj.forceOpeningOfAncestorFolders();
- parent.treeframe.clickOnLink(xID,,'basefrm');
- //Scroll the tree window to show the selected node
- //Other code in these functions needs to be changed to work with
- //frameless pages, but this code should, I think, simply be removed
- if (typeof parent.treeframe.document.body != "undefined") //scroll doesn work with NS4, for example
- parent.treeframe.document.body.scrollTop=docObj.navObj.offsetTop
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body topmargin=16 marginheight=16>
- <!-- By removing the follwoing code you are violating your user agreement.
- Corporate users or any others that want to remove the link should check
- the online FAQ for instructions on how to obtain a version without the link -->
- <!-- Removing this link will make the script stop from working -->
- <div style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; "><table border=0><tr><td><font size=-2><a style="font-size:7pt;text-decoration:none;color:silver" href="" target=_blank>JavaScript Tree Menu</a></font></td></tr></table></div>
- <!-- Build the browser's objects and display default view of the
- tree. -->
- <script>
- initializeDocument()
- //Click the Parakeet link
- loadSynchPage(506027036)
- </script>
- <noscript>
- A tree for site navigation will open here if you enable JavaScript in your browser.
- </noscript>
- </body>
- </html>