- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //ICTCLAS简介:计算所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System),
- // 功能有:中文分词;词性标注;未登录词识别。
- // 分词正确率高达97.58%(973专家评测结果),
- // 未登录词识别召回率均高于90%,其中中国人名的识别召回率接近98%;
- // 处理速度为31.5Kbytes/s。
- //著作权: Copyright?2002-2005中科院计算所 职务著作权人:张华平 刘群
- //遵循协议:自然语言处理开放资源许可证1.0
- //Email:
- //;
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001
- * Machine Group
- * Software Research Lab.
- * Institute of Computing Tech.
- * Chinese Academy of Sciences
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is the confidential and proprietary property of
- * Institute of Computing Tech. and the posession or use of this file requires
- * a written license from the author.
- * Filename: Span.cpp
- * Abstract:
- * implementation of the CSpan class.
- * Author: Kevin Zhang
- * (
- * Date: 2002-4-23
- *
- * Notes: Tagging with Hidden Markov Model
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Span.h"
- #include "..\Segment\Segment.h"
- #include "..\Utility\Utility.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CSpan::CSpan()
- {
- if(m_tagType!=TT_NORMAL)
- m_nTags[0][0]=100;//Begin tag
- else
- m_nTags[0][0]=0;//Begin tag
- m_nTags[0][1]=-1;
- m_dFrequency[0][0]=0;
- m_nCurLength=1;
- m_nUnknownIndex=0;
- m_nStartPos=0;
- m_nWordPosition[1]=0;
- m_sWords[0][0]=0;
- m_tagType=TT_NORMAL;//Default tagging type
- }
- CSpan::~CSpan()
- {
- }
- bool CSpan::Disamb()
- {
- int i,j,k,nMinCandidate;
- double dMinFee,dTmp;
- for(i=1;i<m_nCurLength;i++)//For every word
- {
- for(j=0;m_nTags[i][j]>=0;j++)//For every word
- {
- nMinCandidate=MAX_POS_PER_WORD+1;
- for(k=0;m_nTags[i-1][k]>=0;k++)
- {
- //ConvertPOS(m_nTags[i-1][k],&nKey,&nPrevPOS);
- //ConvertPOS(m_nTags[i][j],&nKey,&nCurPOS);
- //dTmp=m_context.GetContextPossibility(nKey,nPrevPOS,nCurPOS);
- dTmp=-log(m_context.GetContextPossibility(0,m_nTags[i-1][k],m_nTags[i][j]));
- dTmp+=m_dFrequency[i-1][k];//Add the fees
- if(nMinCandidate>10||dTmp<dMinFee)//Get the minimum fee
- {
- nMinCandidate=k;
- dMinFee=dTmp;
- }
- }
- m_nBestPrev[i][j]=nMinCandidate;//The best previous for j
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=m_dFrequency[i][j]+dMinFee;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CSpan::Reset(bool bContinue)
- {
- if(!bContinue)
- {//||CC_Find("。!”〕〉》」〗】",m_sWords[m_nCurLength-1])
- if(m_tagType!=TT_NORMAL)//Get the last POS in the last sentence
- m_nTags[0][0]=100;//Begin tag
- else
- m_nTags[0][0]=0;//Begin tag
- m_nUnknownIndex=0;
- m_dFrequency[0][0]=0;
- m_nStartPos=0;
- }
- else
- {
- m_nTags[0][0]=m_nTags[m_nCurLength-1][0];//Get the last POS in the last sentence
- m_dFrequency[0][0]=m_dFrequency[m_nCurLength-1][0];
- }
- m_nTags[0][1]=-1;//Get the last POS in the last sentence,set the -1 as end flag
- m_nCurLength=1;
- m_nWordPosition[1]=m_nStartPos;
- m_sWords[0][0]=0;
- return true;
- }
- bool CSpan::LoadContext(char *sFilename)
- {
- return m_context.Load(sFilename);
- }
- bool CSpan::GetBestPOS()
- {
- Disamb();
- for(int i=m_nCurLength-1,j=0;i>0;i--)//,j>=0
- {
- if(m_sWords[i][0])
- {//Not virtual ending
- m_nBestTag[i]=m_nTags[i][j];//Record the best POS and its possibility
- }
- j=m_nBestPrev[i][j];
- }
- int nEnd=m_nCurLength;//Set the end of POS tagging
- if(m_sWords[m_nCurLength-1][0]==0)
- nEnd=m_nCurLength-1;
- m_nBestTag[nEnd]=-1;
- return true;
- }
- bool CSpan::PersonRecognize(CDictionary &personDict)
- {
- char sPOS[MAX_WORDS_PER_SENTENCE]="z",sPersonName[100];
- //0 1 2 3 4 5
- char sPatterns[][5]={ "BBCD","BBC","BBE","BBZ","BCD","BEE","BE","BG",
- "BXD","BZ", "CDCD","CD","EE", "FB", "Y","XD",""};
- double dFactor[]={0.003606,0.000021,0.001314,0.000315,0.656624, 0.000021,0.146116,0.009136,
- 0.000042,0.038971,0,0.090367,0.000273,0.009157,0.034324,0.009735,0
- };
- //About parameter:
- /*
- BBCD 343 0.003606
- BBC 2 0.000021
- BBE 125 0.001314
- BBZ 30 0.000315
- BCD 62460 0.656624
- BEE 0 0.000000
- BE 13899 0.146116
- BG 869 0.009136
- BXD 4 0.000042
- BZ 3707 0.038971
- CD 8596 0.090367
- EE 26 0.000273
- FB 871 0.009157
- Y 3265 0.034324
- XD 926 0.009735
- */
- //The person recognition patterns set
- //BBCD:姓+姓+名1+名2;
- //BBE: 姓+姓+单名;
- //BBZ: 姓+姓+双名成词;
- //BCD: 姓+名1+名2;
- //BE: 姓+单名;
- //BEE: 姓+单名+单名;韩磊磊
- //BG: 姓+后缀
- //BXD: 姓+姓双名首字成词+双名末字
- //BZ: 姓+双名成词;
- //B: 姓
- //CD: 名1+名2;
- //EE: 单名+单名;
- //FB: 前缀+姓
- //XD: 姓双名首字成词+双名末字
- //Y: 姓单名成词
- int nPatternLen[]={4,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,3,2,4,2,2,2,1,2,0};
- for(int i=1;m_nBestTag[i]>-1;i++)//Convert to string from POS
- sPOS[i]=m_nBestTag[i]+'A';
- sPOS[i]=0;
- int j=1,k,nPos;//Find the proper pattern from the first POS
- int nLittleFreqCount;//Counter for the person name role with little frequecy
- bool bMatched=false;
- while(j<i)
- {
- bMatched=false;
- for(k=0;!bMatched&&nPatternLen[k]>0;k++)
- {
- if(strncmp(sPatterns[k],sPOS+j,nPatternLen[k])==0&&strcmp(m_sWords[j-1],"·")!=0&&strcmp(m_sWords[j+nPatternLen[k]],"·")!=0)
- {//Find the proper pattern k
- if(strcmp(sPatterns[k],"FB")==0&&(sPOS[j+2]=='E'||sPOS[j+2]=='C'||sPOS[j+2]=='G'))
- {//Rule 1 for exclusion:前缀+姓+名1(名2): 规则(前缀+姓)失效;
- continue;
- }
- /* if((strcmp(sPatterns[k],"BEE")==0||strcmp(sPatterns[k],"EE")==0)&&strcmp(m_sWords[j+nPatternLen[k]-1],m_sWords[j+nPatternLen[k]-2])!=0)
- {//Rule 2 for exclusion:姓+单名+单名:单名+单名 若EE对应的字不同,规则失效.如:韩磊磊
- continue;
- }
- if(strcmp(sPatterns[k],"B")==0&&m_nBestTag[j+1]!=12)
- {//Rule 3 for exclusion: 若姓后不是后缀,规则失效.如:江主席、刘大娘
- continue;
- }
- */ //Get the possible name
- nPos=j;//Record the person position in the tag sequence
- sPersonName[0]=0;
- nLittleFreqCount=0;//Record the number of role with little frequency
- while(nPos<j+nPatternLen[k])
- {//Get the possible person name
- //
- if(m_nBestTag[nPos]<4&&personDict.GetFrequency(m_sWords[nPos],m_nBestTag[nPos])<LITTLE_FREQUENCY)
- nLittleFreqCount++;//The counter increase
- strcat(sPersonName,m_sWords[nPos]);
- nPos+=1;
- }
- /*
- if(IsAllForeign(sPersonName)&&personDict.GetFrequency(m_sWords[j],1)<LITTLE_FREQUENCY)
- {//Exclusion foreign name
- //Rule 2 for exclusion:若均为外国人名用字 规则(名1+名2)失效
- j+=nPatternLen[k]-1;
- continue;
- }
- */ if(strcmp(sPatterns[k],"CDCD")==0)
- {//Rule for exclusion
- //规则(名1+名2+名1+名2)本身是排除规则:女高音歌唱家迪里拜尔演唱
- //Rule 3 for exclusion:含外国人名用字 规则适用
- //否则,排除规则失效:黑妞白妞姐俩拔了头筹。
- if(GetForeignCharCount(sPersonName)>0)
- j+=nPatternLen[k]-1;
- continue;
- }
- /* if(strcmp(sPatterns[k],"CD")==0&&IsAllForeign(sPersonName))
- {//
- j+=nPatternLen[k]-1;
- continue;
- }
- if(nLittleFreqCount==nPatternLen[k]||nLittleFreqCount==3)
- //马哈蒂尔;小扎耶德与他的中国阿姨胡彩玲受华黎明大使之邀,
- //The all roles appear with two lower frequecy,we will ignore them
- continue;
- */ m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][0]=m_nWordPosition[j];
- m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][1]=m_nWordPosition[j+nPatternLen[k]];
- m_dWordsPossibility[m_nUnknownIndex]=-log(dFactor[k])+ComputePossibility(j,nPatternLen[k],personDict);
- //Mutiply the factor
- m_nUnknownIndex+=1;
- j+=nPatternLen[k];
- bMatched=true;
- }
- }
- if(!bMatched)//Not matched, add j by 1
- j+=1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- int CSpan::GetFrom(PWORD_RESULT pWordItems,int nIndex,CDictionary &dictCore, CDictionary &dictUnknown)
- {
- int nFreq=0,j,nRetPos=0,nWordsIndex=0;
- bool bSplit=false;//Need to split in Transliteration recognition
- int i=1,nPOSCount;
- char sCurWord[WORD_MAXLENGTH];//Current word
- nWordsIndex=i+nIndex-1;
- for(;i<MAX_WORDS_PER_SENTENCE&&pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord[0]!=0;i++)
- {
- if(m_tagType==TT_NORMAL||!dictUnknown.IsExist(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord,44))
- {
- strcpy(m_sWords[i],pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord);//store current word
- m_nWordPosition[i+1]=m_nWordPosition[i]+strlen(m_sWords[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- if(!bSplit)
- {
- strncpy(m_sWords[i],pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord,2);//store current word
- m_sWords[i][2]=0;
- bSplit=true;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int nLen=strlen(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord+2);
- strncpy(m_sWords[i],pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord+2,nLen);//store current word
- m_sWords[i][nLen]=0;
- bSplit=false;
- }
- m_nWordPosition[i+1]=m_nWordPosition[i]+strlen(m_sWords[i]);
- }
- //Record the position of current word
- m_nStartPos=m_nWordPosition[i+1];
- //Move the Start POS to the ending
- if(m_tagType!=TT_NORMAL)
- {
- //Get the POSs from the unknown recognition dictionary
- strcpy(sCurWord,m_sWords[i]);
- if(m_tagType==TT_TRANS_PERSON&&i>0&&charType((unsigned char*)m_sWords[i-1])==CT_CHINESE)
- {
- if(m_sWords[i][0]=='.'&&m_sWords[i][1]==0)
- strcpy(sCurWord,".");
- else if(m_sWords[i][0]=='-'&&m_sWords[i][1]==0)
- strcpy(sCurWord,"-");
- }
- dictUnknown.GetHandle(sCurWord,&nCount,aPOS,aFreq);
- nPOSCount=nCount+1;
- for(j=0;j<nCount;j++)
- {//Get the POS set of sCurWord in the unknown dictionary
- m_nTags[i][j]=aPOS[j];
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log((double)(1+aFreq[j]))+log((double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,aPOS[j])+nPOSCount));
- }
- //Get the POS set of sCurWord in the core dictionary
- //We ignore the POS in the core dictionary and recognize them as other (0).
- //We add their frequency to get the possibility as POS 0
- if(strcmp(m_sWords[i],"始##始")==0)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=100;
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=0;
- j++;
- }
- else if(strcmp(m_sWords[i],"末##末")==0)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=101;
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=0;
- j++;
- }
- else
- {
- dictCore.GetHandle(m_sWords[i],&nCount,aPOS,aFreq);
- nFreq=0;
- for(int k=0;k<nCount;k++)
- {
- nFreq+=aFreq[k];
- }
- if(nCount>0)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- //m_dFrequency[i][j]=(double)(1+nFreq)/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log((double)(1+nFreq))+log((double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+nPOSCount));
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- else//For normal POS tagging
- {
- j=0;
- //Get the POSs from the unknown recognition dictionary
- if(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].nHandle>0)
- {//The word has is only one POS value
- //We have record its POS and nFrequncy in the items.
- m_nTags[i][j]=pWordItems[nWordsIndex].nHandle;
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue)+log((double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,m_nTags[i][j])+1));
- if(m_dFrequency[i][j]<0)//Not permit the value less than 0
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=0;
- j++;
- }
- else
- {//The word has multiple POSs, we should retrieve the information from Core Dictionary
- if(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].nHandle<0)
- {//The word has is only one POS value
- //We have record its POS and nFrequncy in the items.
- /*
- if(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].nHandle==-'t'*256-'t')//tt
- {
- char sWordOrg[100],sPostfix[10];
- double dRatio=0.6925;//The ratio which transliteration as a person name
- PostfixSplit(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord,sWordOrg,sPostfix);
- if(sPostfix[0]!=0)
- dRatio=0.01;
- m_nTags[i][j]='n'*256+'r';
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log(dRatio)+pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue;
- //m_dFrequency[i][j]=log(dRatio)+pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue-log(m_context.GetFrequency(0,m_nTags[i][j]))+log(MAX_FREQUENCE);
- //P(W|R)=P(WRT)/P(RT)=P(R)*P(W|T)/P(R|T)
- j++;
- m_nTags[i][j]='n'*256+'s';
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log(1-dRatio)+pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue;
- //m_dFrequency[i][j]=log(1-dRatio)+pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue-log(m_context.GetFrequency(0,m_nTags[i][j]))+log(MAX_FREQUENCE);
- j++;
- }
- else//Unknown words such as Chinese person name or place name
- {
- */
- m_nTags[i][j]=-pWordItems[nWordsIndex].nHandle;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=pWordItems[nWordsIndex].dValue;
- //}
- }
- dictCore.GetHandle(m_sWords[i],&nCount,aPOS,aFreq);
- nPOSCount=nCount;
- for(;j<nCount;j++)
- {//Get the POS set of sCurWord in the unknown dictionary
- m_nTags[i][j]=aPOS[j];
- m_dFrequency[i][j]=-log(1+aFreq[j])+log(m_context.GetFrequency(0,m_nTags[i][j])+nPOSCount);
- }
- }
- }
- if(j==0)
- {//We donot know the POS, so we have to guess them according lexical knowledge
- GuessPOS(i,&j);//Guess the POS of current word
- }
- m_nTags[i][j]=-1;//Set the ending POS
- if(j==1&&m_nTags[i][j]!=CT_SENTENCE_BEGIN)//No ambuguity
- {//No ambuguity, so we can break from the loop
- i++;
- m_sWords[i][0]=0;
- break;
- }
- if(!bSplit)
- nWordsIndex++;
- }
- if(pWordItems[nWordsIndex].sWord[0]==0)
- nRetPos=-1;//Reaching ending
- if(m_nTags[i-1][1]!=-1)//||m_sWords[i][0]==0
- {//Set end for words like "张/华/平"
- if(m_tagType!=TT_NORMAL)
- m_nTags[i][0]=101;
- else
- m_nTags[i][0]=1;
- m_dFrequency[i][0]=0;
- m_sWords[i][0]=0;//Set virtual ending
- m_nTags[i++][1]=-1;
- }
- m_nCurLength=i;//The current word count
- if(nRetPos!=-1)
- return nWordsIndex+1;//Next start position
- return -1;//Reaching ending
- }
- //Set the tag type
- void CSpan::SetTagType(enum TAG_TYPE nType)
- {
- m_tagType=nType;
- }
- //POS tagging with Hidden Markov Model
- bool CSpan::POSTagging(PWORD_RESULT pWordItems,CDictionary &dictCore,CDictionary &dictUnknown)
- {
- //pWordItems: Items; nItemCount: the count of items;core dictionary and unknown recognition dictionary
- int i=0,j,nStartPos;
- Reset(false);
- while(i>-1&&pWordItems[i].sWord[0]!=0)
- {
- nStartPos=i;//Start Position
- i=GetFrom(pWordItems,nStartPos,dictCore,dictUnknown);
- GetBestPOS();
- switch(m_tagType)
- {
- case TT_NORMAL://normal POS tagging
- j=1;
- while(m_nBestTag[j]!=-1&&j<m_nCurLength)
- {//Store the best POS tagging
- pWordItems[j+nStartPos-1].nHandle=m_nBestTag[j];
- //Let 。be 0
- if(pWordItems[j+nStartPos-1].dValue>0&&dictCore.IsExist(pWordItems[j+nStartPos-1].sWord,-1))//Exist and update its frequncy as a POS value
- pWordItems[j+nStartPos-1].dValue=dictCore.GetFrequency(pWordItems[j+nStartPos-1].sWord,m_nBestTag[j]);
- j+=1;
- }
- break;
- case TT_PERSON://Person recognition
- PersonRecognize(dictUnknown);
- break;
- case TT_PLACE://Place name recognition
- case TT_TRANS_PERSON://Transliteration Person
- PlaceRecognize(dictCore,dictUnknown);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- Reset();
- }
- return true;
- }
- //Guess the POS of No. nIndex word item
- bool CSpan::GuessPOS(int nIndex,int *pSubIndex)
- {
- int j=0,i=nIndex,nCharType;
- unsigned int nLen;
- switch(m_tagType)
- {
- case TT_NORMAL:
- break;
- case TT_PERSON:
- j=0;
- if(CC_Find("××",m_sWords[nIndex]))
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=6;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,6)+1);
- }
- else
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- nLen=strlen(m_sWords[nIndex]);
- if(nLen>=4)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*8);
- }
- else if(nLen==2)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- nCharType=charType((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nIndex]);
- if(nCharType==CT_OTHER||nCharType==CT_CHINESE)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=1;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,1)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=2;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,2)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=3;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,3)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=4;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,4)+1);
- }
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*8);
- }
- }
- break;
- case TT_PLACE:
- j=0;
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- nLen=strlen(m_sWords[nIndex]);
- if(nLen>=4)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*8);
- }
- else if(nLen==2)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- nCharType=charType((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nIndex]);
- if(nCharType==CT_OTHER||nCharType==CT_CHINESE)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=1;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,1)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=2;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,2)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=3;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,3)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=4;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,4)+1);
- }
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*8);
- }
- break;
- j=0;
- nLen=strlen(m_sWords[nIndex]);
- m_nTags[i][j]=0;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,0)+1);
- if(!IsAllChinese((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nIndex]))
- {
- if(IsAllLetter((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nIndex]))
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=1;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,1)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=2;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,2)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=3;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,3)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*2+1);
- }
- m_nTags[i][j]=41;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,41)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=42;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,42)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=43;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,43)*8);
- }
- else if(nLen>=4)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=41;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,41)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=42;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,42)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=43;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,43)*8);
- }
- else if(nLen==2)
- {
- nCharType=charType((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nIndex]);
- if(nCharType==CT_OTHER||nCharType==CT_CHINESE)
- {
- m_nTags[i][j]=1;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,1)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=2;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,2)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=3;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,3)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=30;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,30)*8+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=11;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,11)*4+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=12;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,12)*4+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=13;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,13)*4+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=21;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,21)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=22;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,22)*2+1);
- m_nTags[i][j]=23;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,23)*2+1);
- }
- m_nTags[i][j]=41;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,41)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=42;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,42)*8);
- m_nTags[i][j]=43;
- m_dFrequency[i][j++]=(double)1/(double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,43)*8);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- *pSubIndex=j;
- return true;
- }
- ELEMENT_TYPE CSpan::ComputePossibility(int nStartPos,int nLength,CDictionary &dict)
- {
- ELEMENT_TYPE dRetValue=0,dPOSPoss;
- //dPOSPoss: the possibility of a POS appears
- //dContextPoss: The possibility of context POS appears
- int nFreq;
- for(int i=nStartPos;i<nStartPos+nLength;i++)
- {
- nFreq=dict.GetFrequency(m_sWords[i],m_nBestTag[i]);
- //nFreq is word being the POS
- dPOSPoss=log((double)(m_context.GetFrequency(0,m_nBestTag[i])+1))-log((double)(nFreq+1));
- dRetValue+=dPOSPoss;
- /* if(i<nStartPos+nLength-1)
- {
- dContextPoss=log((double)(m_context.GetContextPossibility(0,m_nBestTag[i],m_nBestTag[i+1])+1));
- dRetValue+=dPOSPoss-dContextPoss;
- }
- */ }
- return dRetValue;
- }
- //DEL bool CSpan::TransRecognize(CDictionary &dictCore,CDictionary &transDict)
- //DEL {
- //DEL int nStart=1,nEnd=1,i=1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[i]>-1)
- //DEL {
- //DEL if(m_nBestTag[i]==1||m_nBestTag[i]==11||m_nBestTag[i]==21)//1,11,21 Trigger the recognition
- //DEL {
- //DEL nStart=i;
- //DEL nEnd=nStart+1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart])//1,11,21
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+1)//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+2)//3,13,23
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==30)//3,13,23
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL }
- //DEL else if(m_nBestTag[i]==2||m_nBestTag[i]==12||m_nBestTag[i]==22)//1,11,21 Trigger the recognition
- //DEL {
- //DEL nStart=i;
- //DEL nEnd=nStart+1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart])//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+1)//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==30)//3,13,23
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL }
- //DEL if(nEnd>nStart&&!IsAllNum((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nStart])&&(nEnd>nStart+2||(nEnd==nStart+2&&(m_nBestTag[nEnd-1]!=30||strlen(m_sWords[nStart])>2))||(nEnd==nStart+1&&strlen(m_sWords[nStart])>2&&!dictCore.IsExist(m_sWords[nStart],-1))))
- //DEL {
- //DEL m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][0]=m_nWordPosition[nStart];
- //DEL m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][1]=m_nWordPosition[nEnd];
- //DEL m_dWordsPossibility[m_nUnknownIndex++]=ComputePossibility(nStart,nEnd-nStart+1,transDict);
- //DEL nStart=nEnd;
- //DEL }
- //DEL
- //DEL if(i<nEnd)
- //DEL i=nEnd;
- //DEL else
- //DEL i=i+1;
- //DEL }
- //DEL return true;
- //DEL }
- bool CSpan::PlaceRecognize(CDictionary &dictCore,CDictionary &placeDict)
- {
- int nStart=1,nEnd=1,i=1,nTemp;
- double dPanelty=1.0;//Panelty value
- while(m_nBestTag[i]>-1)
- {
- if(m_nBestTag[i]==1)//1 Trigger the recognition procession
- {
- nStart=i;
- nEnd=nStart+1;
- while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==1)//
- {
- if(nEnd>nStart+1)
- dPanelty+=1.0;
- nEnd++;
- }
- while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==2)//2,12,22
- nEnd++;
- nTemp=nEnd;
- while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==3)
- {
- if(nEnd>nTemp)
- dPanelty+=1.0;
- nEnd++;
- }
- }
- else if(m_nBestTag[i]==2)//1,11,21 Trigger the recognition
- {
- dPanelty+=1.0;
- nStart=i;
- nEnd=nStart+1;
- while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==2)//2
- nEnd++;
- nTemp=nEnd;
- while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==3)//2
- {
- if(nEnd>nTemp)
- dPanelty+=1.0;
- nEnd++;
- }
- }
- if(nEnd>nStart)
- {
- m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][0]=m_nWordPosition[nStart];
- m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][1]=m_nWordPosition[nEnd];
- m_dWordsPossibility[m_nUnknownIndex++]=ComputePossibility(nStart,nEnd-nStart+1,placeDict)+log(dPanelty);
- nStart=nEnd;
- }
- if(i<nEnd)
- i=nEnd;
- else
- i=i+1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //DEL bool CSpan::TransPersonRecognize(CDictionary &dictCore, CDictionary &transDict)
- //DEL {
- //DEL int nStart=1,nEnd=1,i=1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[i]>-1)
- //DEL {
- //DEL if(m_nBestTag[i]==1)//1,11,21 Trigger the recognition
- //DEL {
- //DEL nStart=i;
- //DEL nEnd=nStart+1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart])//1,11,21
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+1)//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+2)//3,13,23
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL }
- //DEL else if(m_nBestTag[i]==2)//1,11,21 Trigger the recognition
- //DEL {
- //DEL nStart=i;
- //DEL nEnd=nStart+1;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart])//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL while(m_nBestTag[nEnd]==m_nBestTag[nStart]+1)//2,12,22
- //DEL nEnd++;
- //DEL }
- //DEL if(nEnd>nStart&&!IsAllNum((unsigned char *)m_sWords[nStart])&&(nEnd>nStart+2||(nEnd==nStart+2&&(m_nBestTag[nEnd-1]!=30||strlen(m_sWords[nStart])>2))||(nEnd==nStart+1&&strlen(m_sWords[nStart])>2&&!dictCore.IsExist(m_sWords[nStart],-1))))
- //DEL {
- //DEL m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][0]=m_nWordPosition[nStart];
- //DEL m_nUnknownWords[m_nUnknownIndex][1]=m_nWordPosition[nEnd];
- //DEL m_dWordsPossibility[m_nUnknownIndex++]=ComputePossibility(nStart,nEnd-nStart+1,transDict);
- //DEL nStart=nEnd;
- //DEL }
- //DEL
- //DEL if(i<nEnd)
- //DEL i=nEnd;
- //DEL else
- //DEL i=i+1;
- //DEL }
- //DEL return true;
- //DEL }