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- '获得公司关于信息
- aboutus=sqlshow("select * from trip_infor","aboutus")
- '获得旅游说明信息
- statement=sqlshow("select * from trip_infor","statement")
- '获得解决方案1的标题
- soltitle1=sqlshow("select * from trip_sol where id=1","solname")
- '获得解决方案2的标题
- soltitle2=sqlshow("select * from trip_sol where id=2","solname")
- '获得解决方案3的标题
- soltitle3=sqlshow("select * from trip_sol where id=3","solname")
- '获得解决方案4的标题
- soltitle4=sqlshow("select * from trip_sol where id=4","solname")
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- <p class="Indented2">Long ago, the Aleut Indians called Alaska "Alakshak" - The Great Land. animal has its own unique character."<br><br></p>
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- <p class="Indented2">Long ago, the Aleut Indians called Alaska "Alakshak" - The Great Land. animal has its own unique character."<br><br></p>
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- <p class="Indented2">Long ago, the Aleut Indians called Alaska "Alakshak" - The Great Land. animal has its own unique character."<br><br></p>
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