资源名称:GGBT.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // DkToolBar.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "DkToolBar.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDkToolBar
- // DKTODO:
- // In the implementation file(s) of the owner(s) of your toolbars, you must
- // add an array of static CToolBarInfo objects. The CToolBarInfo array must
- // be populated as follows:
- // CToolBarInfo CParentWnd::toolBarInfoTable[] =
- // {{ TBBUTTON }, Text to be displayed in customize dialog for this button},
- // {{ TBBUTTON }, Text to be displayed in customize dialog for this button},
- // ...
- // stolen from somewhere in BarTool.cpp
- struct CToolBarData
- {
- WORD wVersion;
- WORD wWidth;
- WORD wHeight;
- WORD wItemCount;
- //WORD aItems[wItemCount]
- WORD* items()
- { return (WORD*)(this+1); }
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDkToolBar message map
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDkToolBar)
- // This function calculates the number of buttons on the toolbar.
- int CDkToolBar::NButtons()
- {
- return nButtons;
- }
- CDkToolBar::CDkToolBar()
- {
- // CDkToolBar TODO: add extra initialization code here
- toolBarInfo = 0;
- }
- CDkToolBar::~CDkToolBar()
- {
- // CDkToolBar TODO: add extra uninitialization code here
- }
- // This function creates the toolbar and associates it with its parent. Also,
- // the registry key to be used for saving and restoring the toolbar's state is
- // stored for later use.
- BOOL CDkToolBar::Create(CWnd *pParentWnd, DWORD dwCtrlStyle, DWORD dwStyle, UINT nID,
- CToolBarInfo *tbInfo, CString regSubKey,
- CString regValue, HKEY regKey)
- {
- BOOL success; // indicates if the toolbar was created
- // if default processing is ok
- if (CToolBar::CreateEx(pParentWnd, dwCtrlStyle, dwStyle, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), nID))
- {
- // indicate success
- success = TRUE;
- // modify the style to include adjustable
- ModifyStyle(0, CCS_ADJUSTABLE);
- // keep the pointer to the toolbar information
- toolBarInfo = tbInfo;
- // if there aren't any buttons to customize
- if (!tbInfo)
- {
- nButtons = 0;
- }
- }
- // else default processing failed
- else
- {
- TRACE0("Failed to create toolbarn");
- success = FALSE;
- }
- // keep record of where our registry entry lives
- registryKey = regKey;
- registrySubKey = regSubKey;
- registryValue = regValue;
- // indicate success
- return success;
- }
- // This function saves the state (visible buttons, toolbar position, etc.)
- // of the toolbar, using the registry key provided to the Create(...) function.
- void CDkToolBar::SaveState()
- {
- // if there is an associated registry subkey
- if (registrySubKey.GetLength())
- {
- // save the toolbar state to the registry
- GetToolBarCtrl().SaveState(registryKey, registrySubKey, registryValue);
- }
- }
- // This function restores the state (visible buttons, toolbar position, etc.)
- // of the toolbar, using the registry key provided to the Create(...) function.
- void CDkToolBar::RestoreState()
- {
- // if there is an associated registry subkey
- if (registrySubKey.GetLength())
- {
- // restore the toolbar state from the registry
- GetToolBarCtrl().RestoreState(registryKey, registrySubKey, registryValue);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDkToolBar message handlers
- // This function is called when the user begins dragging a toolbar
- // button or when the customization dialog is being populated with
- // toolbar information. Basically, *result should be populated with
- // your answer to the question, "is the user allowed to delete this
- // button?".
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarQueryDelete(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // if we're not floating - user can delete anything
- *result = !IsFloating();
- }
- // This function is called when the user begins dragging a toolbar
- // button or when the customization dialog is being populated with
- // toolbar information. Basically, *result should be populated with
- // your answer to the question, "is the user allowed to insert a
- // button to the left of this one?".
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarQueryInsert(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // if we're not floating - user can insert anywhere
- *result = !IsFloating();
- }
- // This function is called whenever the user makes a change to the
- // layout of the toolbar. Calling the mainframe's RecalcLayout forces
- // the toolbar to repaint itself.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarChange(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // force the frame window to recalculate the size
- GetParentFrame()->RecalcLayout();
- }
- // This function is called when the user begins dragging a toolbar button.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarBeginDrag(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- }
- // This function is called when the user has completed a dragging operation.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarEndDrag(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- }
- // This function is called when the user initially calls up the toolbar
- // customization dialog box.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarBeginAdjust(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- }
- // This function is called when the user clicks on the help button on the
- // toolbar customization dialog box.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarCustomHelp(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- }
- // This function is called when the user dismisses the toolbar customization
- // dialog box.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarEndAdjust(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // save the state of the toolbar for reinitialization
- SaveState();
- }
- // This function is called to populate the toolbar customization dialog box
- // with information regarding all of the possible toolbar buttons.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarGetButtonInfo(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // TBNOTIFY* tbStruct = (TBNOTIFY *)notify;
- /*
- char szText[1024] = {0};
- TBBUTTONINFO tbinfo = {0};
- tbinfo.cbSize = sizeof(TBBUTTONINFO);
- tbinfo.pszText = szText;
- tbinfo.cchText = 1024;
- TBBUTTON tbbutton = {0};
- GetToolBarCtrl().GetButton(tbStruct->iItem, &tbbutton);
- GetToolBarCtrl().GetButtonInfo(tbbutton.idCommand, &tbinfo);
- if (tbStruct->iItem < 2)
- *result = TRUE;
- return;
- //*/
- TBNOTIFY *tbStruct; // data needed by customize dialog box
- tbStruct = (TBNOTIFY *)notify;
- if (!toolBarInfo)
- return;
- if (0 <= tbStruct->iItem && tbStruct->iItem < NButtons())
- {
- // copy the stored button structure
- tbStruct->tbButton = toolBarInfo[tbStruct->iItem].tbButton;
- // copy the text for the button label in the dialog
- strcpy(tbStruct->pszText, toolBarInfo[tbStruct->iItem].btnText);
- // indicate valid data was sent
- *result = TRUE;
- }
- // else there is no button for this index
- else
- {
- *result = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // This function is called when the user clicks on the reset button on the
- // toolbar customization dialog box.
- void CDkToolBar::OnToolBarReset(NMHDR *notify, LRESULT *result)
- {
- // restore the toolbar to the way it was before entering customization
- RestoreState();
- }
- // This function initializes and tracks the toolbar pop-up menu
- void CDkToolBar::OnContextMenu(CWnd*, CPoint point)
- {
- CMenu menu; // toolbar right-click menu
- // if we have extensive information regarding the toolbar
- if (toolBarInfo && !IsFloating())
- {
- // load the menu from resources VERIFY(menu.LoadMenu(CG_IDR_POPUP_DK_TOOL_BAR));
- /// track the menu as a pop-up CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0); ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
- // force all message in this menu to be sent here pPopup->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y,
- this);
- } }
- // This function checks for shift-F10 to pop-up the right-click menu in the
- // toolbar.
- BOOL CDkToolBar::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
- {
- BOOL handled; // indicates if message was handled
- // if user hit shift-F10 or if he hit the context menu key on his keyboard if ((((pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && (pMsg->wParam == VK_F10) && (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & ~1)) != 0) || (pMsg->message == WM_CONTEXTMENU)) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(rect); ClientToScreen(rect); CPoint point = rect.TopLeft(); point.Offset(5, 5); OnContextMenu(NULL, point); handled = TRUE; }
- // else let the base class handle this one
- else
- {
- handled = CToolBar::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
- }
- return handled;
- }
- // This function is called when the user clicks on the 'customize' menu item of
- // the toolbar's right-click menu.
- void CDkToolBar::OnPopupCustomize()
- {
- // let user play with customization dialog
- GetToolBarCtrl().Customize();
- }
- /*
- void CDkToolBar::OnPopupIconsandtext()
- {
- int i; // general index
- CRect box; // box holding toolbar button
- // set the text labels for the buttons
- for (i = 0; i < NButtons(); i++)
- {
- // if this isn't a separator
- if (toolBarInfo[i].tbButton.idCommand != ID_SEPARATOR)
- {
- SetButtonText(CommandToIndex(toolBarInfo[i].tbButton.idCommand),
- toolBarInfo[i].btnText);
- }
- }
- // if we don't already know the button with text sizes
- if ( == -1)
- {
- // calculate the width of the toolbar
- for (i = 0; i < GetToolBarCtrl().GetButtonCount(); i++)
- {
- // grab the size of this button
- GetItemRect(i, box);
- // if this is the first time through
- if (!i)
- {
- // keep this as the max sized button
- = box.Width();
- = box.Height();
- }
- // else this isn't the first time
- else
- {
- // if this button is bigger than the biggest so far
- if (box.Width() >
- {
- = box.Width();
- }
- if (box.Height() >
- {
- = box.Height();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // set the new size of the toolbar and force a recalc
- SetSizes(txtBtnSize, defImgSize);
- // if we're floating
- if (IsFloating())
- {
- // force the miniframe window to recalculate the size
- ((CMiniFrameWnd *)GetParentFrame())->RecalcLayout();
- }
- // else we're docked
- else
- {
- // force the frame window to recalculate the size
- ((CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd())->RecalcLayout();
- }
- // save the current state of the toolbar
- SaveState();
- }
- void CDkToolBar::OnPopupIconsonly()
- {
- // if there are any entries in the string map
- if (m_pStringMap)
- {
- m_pStringMap->RemoveAll();
- delete m_pStringMap;
- m_pStringMap = NULL;
- }
- // restore the toolbar sizes to their defaults
- SetSizes(defBtnSize, defImgSize);
- // if we're floating
- if (IsFloating())
- {
- // force the miniframe window to recalculate the size
- ((CMiniFrameWnd *)GetParentFrame())->RecalcLayout();
- }
- // else we're docked
- else
- {
- // force the frame window to recalculate the size
- ((CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd())->RecalcLayout();
- }
- // save the current state of the toolbar
- SaveState();
- }
- */
- void CDkToolBar::OnDestroy()
- {
- // save the current state of the toolbar
- SaveState();
- // default processing
- CToolBar::OnDestroy();
- }