资源名称:GGBT.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- Purpose: Defines the implementation for an MFC wrapper classe
- to do instance checking
- Created: PJN / 29-07-1998
- History: PJN / 25-03-2000 Neville Franks made the following changes. Contact,
- 1. Changed #pragma error to #pragma message. Former wouldn't compile under VC6
- 2. Replaced above #pragma with #include
- 3. Added TrackFirstInstanceRunning(), MakeMMFFilename()
- PJN / 27-03-2000 1. Fixed a potential handle leak where the file handle m_hPrevInstance was not being
- closed under certain circumstances.
- Neville Franks made the following changes. Contact,
- 2. Split PreviousInstanceRunning() up into separate functions so we
- can call it without needing the MainFrame window.
- 3. Changed ActivatePreviousInstance() to return hWnd.
- PJN / 15-05-2000 1. Serialized access to all of the CSingleInstance class to prevent race conditions
- which can occur when you app is programatically spawned.
- PJN / 17-05-2000 1. Updated sample to show how the code can be used for dialog based apps.
- PJN / 01-01-2001 1. Added a number of asserts to CInstanceChecker::ActivatePreviousInstance
- 2. Now includes copyright message in the source code and documentation.
- PJN / 15-01-2001 1. Now allows multiple calls to PreviousInstanceRunning without ASSERTing
- 2. Removed some unnecessary VERIFY's from ActivatePreviousInstance
- 3. Made the MMF filename used modifiable via a virtual function GetMMFFilename
- 4. Made the window to track modifiable via a virtual function GetWindowToTrack
- 5. Made destructor virtual since the introduction of other virtual functions in the class
- 6. Removed a number of unnecessary verifies
- 7. Changed the meaning of the return value from TrackFirstInstanceRunning
- PJN / 17-06-2001 1. Moved most of the code from CInstanceChecker::CInstanceChecker to
- CInstanceChecker::ActivateChecker. This allows client code to turn on or off the instance
- checking code easily. Thanks to Anders Rundegren for this addition.
- PJN / 31-08-2001 1. made the name of the mutex which the class uses to serialize access to itself a paramter
- to the constructor. That way multiple independent apps do not block each other while
- they are calling into the CSingleInstance class. Thanks to Eugene Shmelyov for spotting
- this problem.
- PJN / 23-03-2002 1. Provided a QuitPreviousInstance method. Thanks to Jon Bennett for providing this.
- PJN / 30-10-2002 1. The name of the internal memory mapped file is now based on the Mutex name rather than
- the application name. An example: a client was writing a webcam application and wanted it to
- run with multiple configuration for multiple camera support. So the app can run multiple times
- as long as a special configuration is given on the command line. But for that configuration
- only one instance is allowed. Using the application name for the memory mapped file was tying
- the single instance to the app rather than the unique mutex name. Thanks to Frank Fesevur for
- this nice update.
- PJN / 06-02-2003 1. Was missing a call to ReleaseLock in CInstanceChecker::ActivatePreviousInstance. Thanks to
- Pierrick Ingels for reporting this problem.
- Copyright (c) 1996 - 2003 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- ///////////////////////////////// Includes //////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "sinstance.h"
- /////////////////////////////// Defines / Macros //////////////////////////////
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////// Implementation //////////////////////////////
- //struct which is put into shared memory
- struct CWindowInstance
- {
- HWND hMainWnd;
- };
- //Class which be used as a static to ensure that we
- //only close the file mapping at the very last chance
- {
- public:
- Close();
- protected:
- HANDLE hInstanceData;
- friend class CInstanceChecker;
- };
- {
- hInstanceData = NULL;
- }
- {
- if (hInstanceData != NULL)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(hInstanceData);
- hInstanceData = NULL;
- }
- }
- {
- if (hInstanceData != NULL)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(hInstanceData);
- hInstanceData = NULL;
- }
- }
- static _INSTANCE_DATA instanceData;
- void AppReleaseInstance()
- {
- instanceData.Close();
- }
- CInstanceChecker::CInstanceChecker(const CString& sMutexName) : m_executeMutex(FALSE, sMutexName)
- {
- //Hive away the unique name as we will also be using it for the name of the memory mapped file
- m_sName = sMutexName;
- // Only one object of type CInstanceChecker should be created
- ASSERT(instanceData.hInstanceData == NULL);
- m_pExecuteLock = NULL;
- }
- void CInstanceChecker::ActivateChecker()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pExecuteLock == NULL);
- //Ensure there is only ever one CInstanceChecker instance
- //active at any one time throughout the system
- m_pExecuteLock = new CSingleLock(&m_executeMutex, TRUE);
- }
- CInstanceChecker::~CInstanceChecker()
- {
- //Free up the instance lock
- ReleaseLock();
- }
- void CInstanceChecker::ReleaseLock()
- {
- if (m_pExecuteLock)
- {
- delete m_pExecuteLock;
- m_pExecuteLock = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Track the first instance of our App.
- // return TRUE on success, else FALSE
- BOOL CInstanceChecker::TrackFirstInstanceRunning()
- {
- //If a previous instance is running, just return prematurely
- if (PreviousInstanceRunning())
- return FALSE;
- //If this is the first instance then copy in our info into the shared memory
- //First create the MMF
- int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
- instanceData.hInstanceData = ::CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, nMMFSize, GetMMFFilename());
- if (instanceData.hInstanceData == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("Failed to create the MMF even though this is the first instance, you might want to consider overriding GetMMFFilename()n"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Open the MMF
- CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = (CWindowInstance*) ::MapViewOfFile(instanceData.hInstanceData, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize);
- ASSERT(pInstanceData != NULL); //Opening the MMF should work
- // Lock the data prior to updating it
- CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);
- pInstanceData->hMainWnd = GetWindowToTrack();
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(pInstanceData);
- //Since this will be the last function that will be called
- //when this is the first instance we can release the lock
- ReleaseLock();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Returns TRUE if a previous instance of the App is running.
- BOOL CInstanceChecker::PreviousInstanceRunning()
- {
- //Try to open the MMF first to see if we are the second instance
- HANDLE hPrevInstance = ::OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
- BOOL bPreviousInstance = (hPrevInstance != NULL);
- if (hPrevInstance)
- CloseHandle(hPrevInstance);
- return bPreviousInstance;
- }
- CString CInstanceChecker::GetMMFFilename()
- {
- CString sMMF(_T("CInstanceChecker_MMF_"));
- sMMF += m_sName;
- return sMMF;
- }
- HWND CInstanceChecker::GetWindowToTrack()
- {
- //By default the window tracked will be the standard AfxGetMainWnd()
- ASSERT(AfxGetMainWnd() != NULL); //Did you forget to set up the mainfrm in InitInstance ?
- return AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd();
- }
- // Activate the Previous Instance of our Application.
- HWND CInstanceChecker::ActivatePreviousInstance()
- {
- //Try to open the previous instances MMF
- HANDLE hPrevInstance = ::OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
- if (hPrevInstance)
- {
- // Open up the MMF
- int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
- CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = (CWindowInstance*) ::MapViewOfFile(hPrevInstance, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize);
- if (pInstanceData != NULL) //Opening the MMF should work
- {
- //Lock the data prior to reading from it
- CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);
- //activate the old window
- ASSERT(pInstanceData->hMainWnd); //Something gone wrong with the MMF
- HWND hWindow = pInstanceData->hMainWnd;
- if (hWindow)
- {
- CWnd wndPrev;
- wndPrev.Attach(hWindow);
- CWnd* pWndChild = wndPrev.GetLastActivePopup();
- // Restore the focus to the previous instance and bring it to the foreground
- if (wndPrev.IsIconic())
- wndPrev.ShowWindow(SW_RESTORE);
- pWndChild->SetForegroundWindow();
- //Detach the CWnd we were using
- wndPrev.Detach();
- }
- //Unmap the MMF we were using
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(pInstanceData);
- //Close the file handle now that we
- ::CloseHandle(hPrevInstance);
- //When we have activate the previous instance, we can release the lock
- ReleaseLock();
- //return the Window handle of the previous instance
- return hWindow;
- }
- //Close the file handle now that we
- ::CloseHandle(hPrevInstance);
- //When we have activate the previous instance, we can release the lock
- ReleaseLock();
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void CInstanceChecker::QuitPreviousInstance(int nExitCode)
- {
- //Try to open the previous instances MMF
- HANDLE hPrevInstance = ::OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
- if (hPrevInstance)
- {
- // Open up the MMF
- int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
- CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = (CWindowInstance*) ::MapViewOfFile(hPrevInstance, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize);
- if (pInstanceData != NULL) //Opening the MMF should work
- {
- // Lock the data prior to reading from it
- CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);
- //activate the old window
- ASSERT(pInstanceData->hMainWnd); //Something gone wrong with the MMF
- HWND hWindow = pInstanceData->hMainWnd;
- //Ask it to exit
- if (hWindow)
- PostMessage(hWindow, WM_QUIT, nExitCode, 0);
- }
- //Close the file handle now that we
- ::CloseHandle(hPrevInstance);
- }
- }