- /*
- * Simple trackball-like motion adapted (ripped off) from projtex.c
- * (written by David Yu and David Blythe). See the SIGGRAPH '96
- * Advanced OpenGL course notes.
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <GL/glut.h>
- #include "gltb.h"
- #define GLTB_TIME_EPSILON 10
- static GLuint gltb_lasttime;
- static GLfloat gltb_lastposition[3];
- static GLfloat gltb_angle = 0.0;
- static GLfloat gltb_axis[3];
- static GLfloat gltb_transform[4][4];
- static GLuint gltb_width;
- static GLuint gltb_height;
- static GLint gltb_button = -1;
- static GLboolean gltb_tracking = GL_FALSE;
- static GLboolean gltb_animate = GL_TRUE;
- static void
- _gltbPointToVector(int x, int y, int width, int height, float v[3])
- {
- float d, a;
- /* project x, y onto a hemi-sphere centered within width, height. */
- v[0] = (2.0 * x - width) / width;
- v[1] = (height - 2.0 * y) / height;
- d = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]);
- v[2] = cos((3.14159265 / 2.0) * ((d < 1.0) ? d : 1.0));
- a = 1.0 / sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);
- v[0] *= a;
- v[1] *= a;
- v[2] *= a;
- }
- static void
- _gltbAnimate(void)
- {
- glutPostRedisplay();
- }
- void
- _gltbStartMotion(int x, int y, int button, int time)
- {
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- gltb_tracking = GL_TRUE;
- gltb_lasttime = time;
- _gltbPointToVector(x, y, gltb_width, gltb_height, gltb_lastposition);
- }
- void
- _gltbStopMotion(int button, unsigned time)
- {
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- gltb_tracking = GL_FALSE;
- if (time - gltb_lasttime < GLTB_TIME_EPSILON && gltb_animate) {
- glutIdleFunc(_gltbAnimate);
- } else {
- gltb_angle = 0;
- if (gltb_animate)
- glutIdleFunc(0);
- }
- }
- void
- gltbAnimate(GLboolean animate)
- {
- gltb_animate = animate;
- }
- void
- gltbInit(GLuint button)
- {
- gltb_button = button;
- gltb_angle = 0.0;
- /* put the identity in the trackball transform */
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)gltb_transform);
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- void
- gltbMatrix(void)
- {
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glRotatef(gltb_angle, gltb_axis[0], gltb_axis[1], gltb_axis[2]);
- glMultMatrixf((GLfloat*)gltb_transform);
- glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)gltb_transform);
- glPopMatrix();
- glMultMatrixf((GLfloat*)gltb_transform);
- }
- void
- gltbReshape(int width, int height)
- {
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- gltb_width = width;
- gltb_height = height;
- }
- void
- gltbMouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
- {
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- if (state == GLUT_DOWN && button == gltb_button)
- _gltbStartMotion(x, y, button, glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME));
- else if (state == GLUT_UP && button == gltb_button)
- _gltbStopMotion(button, glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME));
- }
- void
- gltbMotion(int x, int y)
- {
- GLfloat current_position[3], dx, dy, dz;
- assert(gltb_button != -1);
- if (gltb_tracking == GL_FALSE)
- return;
- _gltbPointToVector(x, y, gltb_width, gltb_height, current_position);
- /* calculate the angle to rotate by (directly proportional to the
- length of the mouse movement) */
- dx = current_position[0] - gltb_lastposition[0];
- dy = current_position[1] - gltb_lastposition[1];
- dz = current_position[2] - gltb_lastposition[2];
- gltb_angle = 90.0 * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
- /* calculate the axis of rotation (cross product) */
- gltb_axis[0] = gltb_lastposition[1] * current_position[2] -
- gltb_lastposition[2] * current_position[1];
- gltb_axis[1] = gltb_lastposition[2] * current_position[0] -
- gltb_lastposition[0] * current_position[2];
- gltb_axis[2] = gltb_lastposition[0] * current_position[1] -
- gltb_lastposition[1] * current_position[0];
- /* XXX - constrain motion */
- gltb_axis[2] = 0;
- /* reset for next time */
- gltb_lasttime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
- gltb_lastposition[0] = current_position[0];
- gltb_lastposition[1] = current_position[1];
- gltb_lastposition[2] = current_position[2];
- /* remember to draw new position */
- glutPostRedisplay();
- }