- /* sphere.c - by David Blythe, SGI */
- /* Instead of tessellating a sphere by lines of longitude and latitude
- (a technique that over tessellates the poles and under tessellates
- the equator of the sphere), tesselate based on regular solids for a
- more uniform tesselation.
- This approach is arguably better than the gluSphere routine's
- approach using slices and stacks (latitude and longitude). -mjk */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <GL/glut.h>
- #include <math.h>
- typedef struct {
- float x, y, z;
- } point;
- typedef struct {
- point pt[3];
- } triangle;
- /* six equidistant points lying on the unit sphere */
- #define XPLUS { 1, 0, 0 } /* X */
- #define XMIN { -1, 0, 0 } /* -X */
- #define YPLUS { 0, 1, 0 } /* Y */
- #define YMIN { 0, -1, 0 } /* -Y */
- #define ZPLUS { 0, 0, 1 } /* Z */
- #define ZMIN { 0, 0, -1 } /* -Z */
- /* for icosahedron */
- #define CZ (0.89442719099991) /* 2/sqrt(5) */
- #define SZ (0.44721359549995) /* 1/sqrt(5) */
- #define C1 (0.951056516) /* cos(18), */
- #define S1 (0.309016994) /* sin(18) */
- #define C2 (0.587785252) /* cos(54), */
- #define S2 (0.809016994) /* sin(54) */
- #define X1 (C1*CZ)
- #define Y1 (S1*CZ)
- #define X2 (C2*CZ)
- #define Y2 (S2*CZ)
- #define Ip0 {0., 0., 1.}
- #define Ip1 {-X2, -Y2, SZ}
- #define Ip2 {X2, -Y2, SZ}
- #define Ip3 {X1, Y1, SZ}
- #define Ip4 {0, CZ, SZ}
- #define Ip5 {-X1, Y1, SZ}
- #define Im0 {-X1, -Y1, -SZ}
- #define Im1 {0, -CZ, -SZ}
- #define Im2 {X1, -Y1, -SZ}
- #define Im3 {X2, Y2, -SZ}
- #define Im4 {-X2, Y2, -SZ}
- #define Im5 {0., 0., -1.}
- /* vertices of a unit icosahedron */
- static triangle icosahedron[20]= {
- /* front pole */
- { {Ip0, Ip1, Ip2}, },
- { {Ip0, Ip5, Ip1}, },
- { {Ip0, Ip4, Ip5}, },
- { {Ip0, Ip3, Ip4}, },
- { {Ip0, Ip2, Ip3}, },
- /* mid */
- { {Ip1, Im0, Im1}, },
- { {Im0, Ip1, Ip5}, },
- { {Ip5, Im4, Im0}, },
- { {Im4, Ip5, Ip4}, },
- { {Ip4, Im3, Im4}, },
- { {Im3, Ip4, Ip3}, },
- { {Ip3, Im2, Im3}, },
- { {Im2, Ip3, Ip2}, },
- { {Ip2, Im1, Im2}, },
- { {Im1, Ip2, Ip1}, },
- /* back pole */
- { {Im3, Im2, Im5}, },
- { {Im4, Im3, Im5}, },
- { {Im0, Im4, Im5}, },
- { {Im1, Im0, Im5}, },
- { {Im2, Im1, Im5}, },
- };
- /* normalize point r */
- static void
- normalize(point *r) {
- float mag;
- mag = r->x * r->x + r->y * r->y + r->z * r->z;
- if (mag != 0.0f) {
- mag = 1.0f / sqrt(mag);
- r->x *= mag;
- r->y *= mag;
- r->z *= mag;
- }
- }
- /* linearly interpolate between a & b, by fraction f */
- static void
- lerp(point *a, point *b, float f, point *r) {
- r->x = a->x + f*(b->x-a->x);
- r->y = a->y + f*(b->y-a->y);
- r->z = a->z + f*(b->z-a->z);
- }
- void
- sphere(int maxlevel) {
- int nrows = 1 << maxlevel;
- int s;
- /* iterate over the 20 sides of the icosahedron */
- for(s = 0; s < 20; s++) {
- int i;
- triangle *t = &icosahedron[s];
- for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
- /* create a tstrip for each row */
- /* number of triangles in this row is number in previous +2 */
- /* strip the ith trapezoid block */
- point v0, v1, v2, v3, va, vb;
- int j;
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[0], (float)(i+1)/nrows, &v0);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[0], (float)i/nrows, &v1);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[2], (float)(i+1)/nrows, &v2);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[2], (float)i/nrows, &v3);
- #define V(v) { point x; x = v; normalize(&x); glNormal3fv(&x.x); glVertex3fv(&x.x); }
- V(v0);
- V(v1);
- for(j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- /* calculate 2 more vertices at a time */
- lerp(&v0, &v2, (float)(j+1)/(i+1), &va);
- lerp(&v1, &v3, (float)(j+1)/i, &vb);
- V(va);
- V(vb);
- }
- V(v2);
- #undef V
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- float *
- sphere_tris(int maxlevel) {
- int nrows = 1 << maxlevel;
- int s, n;
- float *buf, *b;
- n = 20*(1 << (maxlevel * 2));
- b = buf = (float *)malloc(n*3*3*sizeof(float));
- /* iterate over the 20 sides of the icosahedron */
- for(s = 0; s < 20; s++) {
- int i;
- triangle *t = &icosahedron[s];
- for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
- /* create a tstrip for each row */
- /* number of triangles in this row is number in previous +2 */
- /* strip the ith trapezoid block */
- point v0, v1, v2, v3, va, vb, x1, x2;
- int j;
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[0], (float)(i+1)/nrows, &v0);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[0], (float)i/nrows, &v1);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[2], (float)(i+1)/nrows, &v2);
- lerp(&t->pt[1], &t->pt[2], (float)i/nrows, &v3);
- #define V(a, c, v) { point x = v; normalize(&a); normalize(&c); normalize(&x);
- b[0] = a.x; b[1] = a.y; b[2] = a.z;
- b[3] = c.x; b[4] = c.y; b[5] = c.z;
- b[6] = x.x; b[7] = x.y; b[8] = x.z; b+=9; }
- x1 = v0;
- x2 = v1;
- for(j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- /* calculate 2 more vertices at a time */
- lerp(&v0, &v2, (float)(j+1)/(i+1), &va);
- lerp(&v1, &v3, (float)(j+1)/i, &vb);
- V(x1,x2,va); x1 = x2; x2 = va;
- V(vb,x2,x1); x1 = x2; x2 = vb;
- }
- V(x1, x2, v2);
- #undef V
- }
- }
- return buf;
- }