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Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * T264 AVC CODEC
- *
- * Copyright(C) 2004-2005 llcc <>
- * 2004-2005 visionany <>
- * 2005.1.4 CloudWu<> modify diamond_search()
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "T264.h"
- #include "estimation.h"
- #ifndef CHIP_DM642
- #include "memory.h"
- #endif
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "inter.h"
- //overlapped check points
- static int32_t
- check_vec(int32_t i, T264_vector_t* vec)
- {
- int32_t j;
- for(j = 0 ; j < i ; j ++)
- {
- if (vec[i].x == vec[j].x && vec[i].y == vec[j].y && vec[i].refno == vec[j].refno)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- uint32_t
- T264_search(T264_t* t, T264_search_context_t* context)
- {
- uint32_t sad = -1;
- int32_t i;
- int32_t best = 0;
- T264_vector_t mv_pred;
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- int32_t stride_cur = t->stride;
- int32_t stride_ref = t->edged_stride;
- int32_t list_index = context->list_index;
- // start point of current and reference block
- int32_t row = context->offset / t->edged_stride;
- int32_t col = context->offset % t->edged_stride;
- uint8_t* cur = t->cur.Y[0] + row * stride_cur + col;
- uint8_t* ref_st;
- uint8_t* ref;
- int8_t best_ref_no;
- //adaptive thresholds
- uint32_t th0;
- th0 = context->height * context->width; //256 for median predictor (16x16)
- // try median vector
- if (context->vec[0].refno >= 0)
- {
- // check this predictor
- mv_pred.refno = context->vec[0].refno;
- mv_pred.x = context->vec[0].x >> 2;
- mv_pred.y = context->vec[0].y >> 2;
- ref_st = t->ref[list_index][mv_pred.refno]->Y[0] + context->offset;
- ref = ref_st + mv_pred.y * stride_ref + mv_pred.x;
- sad = t->sad[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, (mv_pred.x << 2) - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, (mv_pred.y << 2) - context->vec[0].y));
- if (sad < th0)
- {
- context->vec_best = context->vec[0];
- return sad;
- }
- }
- // try other predictors (set A)
- for (i = 1 ; i < context->vec_num ; i ++)
- {
- if (context->vec[i].refno >= 0)
- {
- if (!check_vec(i, context->vec)) //not checked before
- {
- uint32_t cursad;
- // check this predictor
- mv_pred.refno = context->vec[i].refno;
- mv_pred.x = context->vec[i].x >> 2;
- mv_pred.y = context->vec[i].y >> 2;
- ref_st = t->ref[list_index][mv_pred.refno]->Y[0] + context->offset;
- ref = ref_st + mv_pred.y * stride_ref + mv_pred.x;
- cursad = t->sad[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, (mv_pred.x << 2) - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, (mv_pred.y << 2) - context->vec[0].y));
- if (cursad < sad)
- {
- best = i;
- sad = cursad;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- context->vec_best = context->vec[best];
- if (sad < th0)
- return sad;
- // ref_st of best reference frame
- if (context->vec[best].refno >= 0)
- {
- best_ref_no = context->vec[best].refno;
- }
- else
- {
- context->vec_best.refno = 0;
- context->vec_best.x = context->vec_best.y = best_ref_no = 0;
- }
- ref_st = t->ref[list_index][best_ref_no]->Y[0] + context->offset;
- // diamond search
- /* small diamond is the fastest, square diamond has slightly gain lower bitrate and
- pull the speed down severely. LDSP + SDSP maybe have some problem... */
- //*/
- sad = small_diamond_search(t, cur, ref_st, context, stride_cur, stride_ref, sad);
- /*/
- sad = square_diamond_search(t, cur, ref_st, context, stride_cur, stride_ref, sad);
- /*//*
- sad = diamond_search(t, cur, ref_st, context, stride_cur, stride_ref, sad);
- //*/
- return sad;
- }
- uint32_t
- small_diamond_search(T264_t* t, uint8_t* cur, uint8_t* ref_st, T264_search_context_t* context, int32_t stride_cur, int32_t stride_ref, uint32_t sad)
- {
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- //start mv
- int32_t mvx = context->vec_best.x >> 2;
- int32_t mvy = context->vec_best.y >> 2;
- // sad for start mv
- uint8_t* ref;
- uint8_t* better_ref;
- int32_t better_mvx;
- int32_t better_mvy;
- uint32_t cursad;
- uint8_t stop = 0;
- ref_st += mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- better_mvx = mvx;
- better_mvy = mvy;
- better_ref = ref_st;
- while(!stop)
- {
- stop = 1;
- // search 4 points of sdsp
- {
- #define CHECK_CANDIDATE(x_offset, y_offset, ref_offset) ref = ref_st + ref_offset;
- cursad = t->sad[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, ((mvx + x_offset) << 2) - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, ((mvy + y_offset) << 2) - context->vec[0].y));
- if (cursad < sad)
- {
- sad = cursad;
- better_ref = ref;
- better_mvx = mvx + x_offset;
- better_mvy = mvy + y_offset;
- /* need search more*/
- stop = 0;
- }
- // left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, 0, -1);
- // right
- // top
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, -1, -stride_ref);
- // bottom
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, 1, stride_ref);
- }
- mvx = better_mvx;
- mvy = better_mvy;
- ref_st = better_ref;
- if (ABS(mvx) > limit_x || ABS(mvy) > limit_y)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- // final mv
- context->vec_best.x = mvx << 2;
- context->vec_best.y = mvy << 2;
- // mostly we use sad as cmp function
- if (t->cmp[context->mb_part] == t->sad[context->mb_part])
- return sad;
- ref = ref_st + mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- sad = t->cmp[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.x - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.y - context->vec[0].y));
- return sad;
- }
- uint32_t
- square_diamond_search(T264_t* t, uint8_t* cur, uint8_t* ref_st, T264_search_context_t* context, int32_t stride_cur, int32_t stride_ref, uint32_t sad)
- {
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- //start mv
- int32_t mvx = context->vec_best.x >> 2;
- int32_t mvy = context->vec_best.y >> 2;
- // sad for start mv
- uint32_t cursad;
- uint8_t* ref;
- uint8_t stop = 0;
- uint8_t* better_ref;
- int32_t better_mvx;
- int32_t better_mvy;
- // start mv is zero?
- if(mvx == 0 && mvy == 0)
- return small_diamond_search(t, cur, ref_st, context, stride_cur, stride_ref, sad);
- ref_st += mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- better_mvx = mvx;
- better_mvy = mvy;
- better_ref = ref_st;
- while(!stop)
- {
- stop = 1;
- // search 8 points of sdsp
- {
- // left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, 0, -1);
- // right
- // top-left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, -1, -stride_ref - 1);
- // top
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, -1, -stride_ref);
- // top-right
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(1, -1, -stride_ref + 1);
- // bottom-left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, 1, stride_ref - 1);
- // bottom
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, 1, stride_ref);
- // bottom-right
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(1, 1, stride_ref + 1);
- }
- mvx = better_mvx;
- mvy = better_mvy;
- ref_st = better_ref;
- if (ABS(mvx) > limit_x || ABS(mvy) > limit_y)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- // final mv
- context->vec_best.x = mvx << 2;
- context->vec_best.y = mvy << 2;
- // mostly we use sad as cmp function
- if (t->cmp[context->mb_part] == t->sad[context->mb_part])
- return sad;
- ref = ref_st + mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- sad = t->cmp[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.x - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.y - context->vec[0].y));
- return sad;
- }
- uint32_t
- diamond_search(T264_t* t, uint8_t* cur, uint8_t* ref_st, T264_search_context_t* context, int32_t stride_cur, int32_t stride_ref, uint32_t sad)
- {
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- //start mv
- int32_t mvx = context->vec_best.x >> 2;
- int32_t mvy = context->vec_best.y >> 2;
- // sad for start mv
- uint8_t* ref;
- uint8_t* better_ref;
- int32_t better_mvx;
- int32_t better_mvy;
- uint32_t cursad;
- uint8_t stop = 0;
- ref_st += mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- better_mvx = mvx;
- better_mvy = mvy;
- better_ref = ref_st;
- // large diamond
- while(!stop)
- {
- stop = 1;
- // search 8 points of ldsp
- {
- // left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-2, 0, -2);
- // right
- // top
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, -2, -(stride_ref << 1));
- // bottom
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, 2, (stride_ref << 1));
- // top-left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, -1, -stride_ref - 1);
- // top-right
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(1, -1, -stride_ref + 1);
- // bottom-left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, 1, stride_ref - 1);
- // bottom-right
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(1, 1, stride_ref + 1);
- }
- mvx = better_mvx;
- mvy = better_mvy;
- ref_st = better_ref;
- if (ABS(mvx) > limit_x || ABS(mvy) > limit_y)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- // small diamond
- stop = 0;
- while(!stop)
- {
- stop = 1;
- // search 4 points of sdsp
- {
- // left
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(-1, 0, -1);
- // right
- // top
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, -1, -stride_ref);
- // bottom
- CHECK_CANDIDATE(0, 1, stride_ref);
- }
- mvx = better_mvx;
- mvy = better_mvy;
- ref_st = better_ref;
- if (ABS(mvx) > limit_x || ABS(mvy) > limit_y)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- // final mv
- context->vec_best.x = mvx << 2;
- context->vec_best.y = mvy << 2;
- // mostly we use sad as cmp function
- if (t->cmp[context->mb_part] == t->sad[context->mb_part])
- return sad;
- ref = ref_st + mvy * stride_ref + mvx;
- sad = t->cmp[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.x - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.y - context->vec[0].y));
- return sad;
- }
- /*
- * Full Search
- */
- uint32_t
- T264_search_full(T264_t* t, T264_search_context_t* context)
- {
- uint32_t sad;
- uint32_t cursad;
- int32_t i, j;
- int16_t mb_xy = t->mb.mb_xy;
- int16_t mb_x = t->mb.mb_x;
- int16_t mb_y = t->mb.mb_y;
- int32_t height = context->height;
- int32_t width = context->width;
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- int32_t stride_cur = t->stride;
- int32_t stride_ref = t->edged_stride;
- int32_t list_index = context->list_index;
- // start point of current and reference block
- int32_t row = context->offset / t->edged_stride;
- int32_t col = context->offset % t->edged_stride;
- uint8_t* cur = t->cur.Y[0] + row * stride_cur + col;
- uint8_t* ref_st = t->ref[list_index][0]->Y[0] + row * stride_ref + col;
- uint8_t* ref;
- context->vec_best.refno = 0;
- // full search
- sad = width * height * 255;
- for(i = -limit_y + (context->vec[0].y >> 2); i <= (limit_y + (context->vec[0].y >> 2)) ; i++)
- for(j = -limit_x + (context->vec[0].x >> 2); j <= (limit_x + (context->vec[0].x >> 2)) ; j++)
- {
- ref = ref_st + i * stride_ref + j;
- cursad = t->sad[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, (j << 2) - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, (i << 2) - context->vec[0].y));
- if(cursad < sad)
- {
- sad = cursad;
- context->vec_best.y = i;
- context->vec_best.x = j;
- }
- }
- ref = ref_st + context->vec_best.y * stride_ref + context->vec_best.x;
- context->vec_best.y <<= 2;
- context->vec_best.x <<= 2;
- sad = t->cmp[context->mb_part](cur, t->stride, ref, t->edged_stride) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.x - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.y - context->vec[0].y));
- return sad;
- }
- // xxx, never used, just for compare to jm80.
- uint32_t
- T264_spiral_search_full(T264_t* t, T264_search_context_t* context)
- {
- uint32_t sad;
- uint32_t cursad;
- int32_t i, j, k, l;
- int16_t mb_xy = t->mb.mb_xy;
- int16_t mb_x = t->mb.mb_x;
- int16_t mb_y = t->mb.mb_y;
- int32_t height = context->height;
- int32_t width = context->width;
- int32_t limit_x = context->limit_x;
- int32_t limit_y = context->limit_y;
- int32_t stride_cur = t->stride;
- int32_t stride_ref = t->edged_stride;
- int32_t list_index = context->list_index;
- // start point of current and reference block
- int32_t row = context->offset / t->edged_stride;
- int32_t col = context->offset % t->edged_stride;
- uint8_t* cur = t->cur.Y[0] + row * stride_cur + col;
- uint8_t* ref_st = t->ref[list_index][context->vec[0].refno]->Y[0] + row * stride_ref + col;
- uint8_t* ref;
- int32_t spiral_search_x[33 * 33];
- int32_t spiral_search_y[33 * 33];
- context->vec_best.refno = context->vec[0].refno;
- spiral_search_x[0] = spiral_search_y[0] = 0;
- for (k=1, l=1; l<=T264_MAX(1,16); l++)
- {
- for (i=-l+1; i< l; i++)
- {
- spiral_search_x[k] = l; spiral_search_y[k++] = i;
- spiral_search_x[k] = -l; spiral_search_y[k++] = i;
- }
- for (i=-l; i<=l; i++)
- {
- spiral_search_x[k] = i; spiral_search_y[k++] = l;
- spiral_search_x[k] = i; spiral_search_y[k++] = -l;
- }
- }
- // full search
- sad = width * height * 255;
- for(k = 0 ; k < 33 * 33 ; k ++)
- {
- i = (context->vec[0].y / 4) + spiral_search_y[k];
- j = (context->vec[0].x / 4) + spiral_search_x[k];
- ref = ref_st + i * stride_ref + j;
- cursad = t->sad[context->mb_part](cur, stride_cur, ref, stride_ref) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, (j << 2) - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, (i << 2) - context->vec[0].y));
- if(cursad < sad)
- {
- sad = cursad;
- context->vec_best.y = i;
- context->vec_best.x = j;
- }
- }
- ref = ref_st + context->vec_best.y * stride_ref + context->vec_best.x;
- context->vec_best.y <<= 2;
- context->vec_best.x <<= 2;
- sad = t->cmp[context->mb_part](cur, t->stride, ref, t->edged_stride) +
- t->mb.lambda * (eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.x - context->vec[0].x) +
- eg_size_se(t->bs, context->vec_best.y - context->vec[0].y));
- return sad;
- }