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Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * T264 AVC CODEC
- *
- * Copyright(C) 2004-2005 llcc <>
- * 2004-2005 visionany <>
- *
- * 2004.11.18 Cloud Wu <> Add 4x4 Intrmode 3 and 7
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "portab.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #ifndef CHIP_DM642
- #include "memory.h"
- #endif
- #include "T264.h"
- #include "intra.h"
- #include "utility.h"
- #include "cavlc.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- //
- // NOTE: (t->flags & (INTRA_16x16 | INTRA_4x4)) != 0
- //
- uint32_t
- T264_mode_decision_intra_y(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- uint32_t sad16x16 = -1;
- uint32_t sad4x4 = -1;
- if (t->flags & USE_INTRA16x16)
- sad16x16 = T264_mode_decision_intra_16x16(t);
- if (t->flags & USE_INTRA4x4)
- sad4x4 = T264_mode_decision_intra_4x4(t);
- if (sad16x16 < sad4x4)
- {
- t->mb.mb_mode = I_16x16;
- t->mb.sad = sad16x16;
- }
- else
- {
- t->mb.mb_mode = I_4x4;
- t->mb.sad = sad4x4;
- }
- return t->mb.sad;
- }
- uint32_t
- T264_mode_decision_intra_16x16(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(pred16x16, 16, 16, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(topcache, 1, 16 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(leftcache, 1, 16 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- uint32_t sad16x16 = -1;
- uint8_t* pred16x16free0 = pred16x16;
- uint8_t* pred16x16free1 = t->mb.pred_i16x16;
- int32_t modes;
- int32_t bestmode;
- int32_t preds[9];
- int32_t i;
- uint8_t* top, *left;
- static const uint8_t fixmode[] =
- {
- Intra_16x16_TOP,
- Intra_16x16_LEFT,
- Intra_16x16_DC,
- Intra_16x16_PLANE,
- Intra_16x16_DC,
- Intra_16x16_DC,
- Intra_16x16_DC
- };
- top = &topcache[CACHE_SIZE];
- left = &leftcache[CACHE_SIZE];
- T264_intra_16x16_available(t, preds, &modes, top, left);
- for(i = 0 ; i < modes ; i ++)
- {
- int32_t mode = preds[i];
- uint32_t sad;
- //
- // pred
- //
- t->pred16x16[mode](
- pred16x16free1,
- 16,
- top,
- left);
- // Now use satd for 16x16 Intra
- //
- sad = t->T264_satd_16x16_u(t->mb.src_y, t->stride, pred16x16free1, 16) +
- t->mb.lambda * eg_size_ue(t->bs, fixmode[mode]);
- if (sad < sad16x16)
- {
- SWAP(uint8_t, pred16x16free0, pred16x16free1);
- sad16x16 = sad;
- bestmode = mode;
- }
- }
- if (pred16x16free0 != t->mb.pred_i16x16)
- {
- memcpy(t->mb.pred_i16x16, pred16x16free0, sizeof(uint8_t) * 16 * 16);
- }
- //fixed prediction mode DCLEFT DCTOP DC128 = DC
- t->mb.mode_i16x16 = fixmode[bestmode];
- return sad16x16;
- }
- uint32_t
- T264_mode_decision_intra_4x4(T264_t* t)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(pred4x40, 4, 5, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(pred4x41, 4, 5, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(leftcache, 4 + CACHE_SIZE, 1, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- uint32_t sad_all = 0;
- uint32_t sad4x4;
- int32_t i, j;
- uint8_t* src;
- uint8_t* dst;
- uint8_t* p0, *p1;
- uint8_t* left;
- uint8_t* top;
- int32_t preds[9];
- int32_t modes;
- int32_t bestmode;
- static const uint8_t fixmode[] =
- {
- Intra_4x4_TOP,
- Intra_4x4_LEFT,
- Intra_4x4_DC,
- Intra_4x4_VERTICAL_LEFT,
- Intra_4x4_HORIZONTAL_UP,
- Intra_4x4_DC,
- Intra_4x4_DC,
- Intra_4x4_DC
- };
- p0 = pred4x40;
- p1 = pred4x41;
- left = &leftcache[CACHE_SIZE];
- top = &topcache[CACHE_SIZE];
- for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- int32_t row = i / 4;
- int32_t col = i % 4;
- int32_t pred_mode;
- src = t->mb.src_y + (row * t->stride << 2) + (col << 2);
- dst = t->mb.dst_y + (row * t->edged_stride << 2) + (col << 2);
- pred_mode = T264_mb_predict_intra4x4_mode(t, luma_index[i]);
- T264_intra_4x4_available(t, i, preds, &modes, dst, left, top);
- sad4x4 = -1;
- for(j = 0 ; j < modes ; j ++)
- {
- uint32_t sad;
- int32_t mode = preds[j];
- t->pred4x4[mode](p1, 4, top, left);
- sad = t->cmp[MB_4x4](src, t->stride, p1, 4) +
- (pred_mode == fixmode[mode] ? 0 : 4 * t->mb.lambda);
- //t->mb.lambda * (pred_mode == fixmode[mode] ? 1 : 4);
- if (sad < sad4x4)
- {
- SWAP(uint8_t, p0, p1);
- sad4x4 = sad;
- bestmode = mode;
- }
- }
- //fixed prediction mode DCLEFT DCTOP DC128 = DC
- t->mb.i4x4_pred_mode_ref[IPM_LUMA + col + row * 8] =
- t->mb.mode_i4x4[luma_index[i]] = fixmode[bestmode];
- sad_all += sad4x4;
- T264_encode_intra_4x4(t, p0, i);
- }
- sad_all += t->mb.lambda * 24;
- return sad_all;
- }
- void
- T264_intra_16x16_available(T264_t* t, int32_t preds[], int32_t* modes, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left)
- {
- uint8_t* p;
- int32_t i;
- if ((t->mb.mb_neighbour & (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP)) == (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP))
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_16x16_TOP;
- preds[1] = Intra_16x16_LEFT;
- preds[2] = Intra_16x16_DC;
- preds[3] = Intra_16x16_PLANE;
- *modes = 4;
- p = t->mb.dst_y - t->edged_stride;
- for(i = -1 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- p --;
- for(i = -1 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- left[i] = p[0];
- p += t->edged_stride;
- }
- }
- else if(t->mb.mb_neighbour & MB_LEFT)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_16x16_LEFT;
- preds[1] = Intra_16x16_DCLEFT;
- *modes = 2;
- p = t->mb.dst_y - 1;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- left[i] = p[0];
- p += t->edged_stride;
- }
- }
- else if(t->mb.mb_neighbour & MB_TOP)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_16x16_TOP;
- preds[1] = Intra_16x16_DCTOP;
- *modes = 2;
- p = t->mb.dst_y - t->edged_stride;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_16x16_DC128;
- *modes = 1;
- }
- }
- void
- T264_intra_4x4_available(T264_t* t, int32_t idx, int32_t preds[], int32_t* modes, uint8_t* dst, uint8_t* left, uint8_t* top)
- {
- static const int32_t neighbour[] =
- {
- };
- static const int32_t fix[] =
- {
- ~0, ~0, ~0, ~0,
- ~0, ~0, ~0, ~MB_TOPRIGHT,
- };
- uint8_t* p;
- int32_t i;
- int32_t mb_neighbour = (t->mb.mb_neighbour| neighbour[idx]) & fix[idx];
- if((idx & 3) == 3) //if is the right-most sub-block
- if(t->mb.mb_x == t->mb_width - 1) //if is th last MB in horizontal
- mb_neighbour &= ~MB_TOPRIGHT; //no top-right exist
- if ((mb_neighbour & (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP)) == (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP))
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_4x4_TOP;
- preds[1] = Intra_4x4_LEFT;
- preds[2] = Intra_4x4_DC;
- preds[3] = Intra_4x4_DIAGONAL_DOWNLEFT;
- preds[4] = Intra_4x4_DIAGONAL_DOWNRIGHT;
- preds[5] = Intra_4x4_VERTICAL_RIGHT;
- preds[6] = Intra_4x4_HORIZONTAL_DOWN;
- preds[7] = Intra_4x4_VERTICAL_LEFT;
- preds[8] = Intra_4x4_HORIZONTAL_UP;
- *modes = 9;
- p = dst - t->edged_stride;
- if (mb_neighbour & MB_TOPRIGHT)
- {
- for(i = -1 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = -1 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- //to fill padded 4 positions
- for( ; i < 8 ; ++ i)
- top[i] = p[3];
- }
- p --;
- for(i = -1 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- left[i] = p[0];
- p += t->edged_stride;
- }
- }
- else if(mb_neighbour & MB_LEFT)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_4x4_LEFT;
- preds[1] = Intra_4x4_DCLEFT;
- preds[2] = Intra_4x4_HORIZONTAL_UP;
- *modes = 3;
- p = dst - 1;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- left[i] = p[0];
- p += t->edged_stride;
- }
- }
- else if(mb_neighbour & MB_TOP)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_4x4_TOP;
- preds[1] = Intra_4x4_DCTOP;
- preds[2] = Intra_4x4_DIAGONAL_DOWNLEFT;
- preds[3] = Intra_4x4_VERTICAL_LEFT;
- *modes = 4;
- p = dst - t->edged_stride;
- if (mb_neighbour & MB_TOPRIGHT)
- {
- for(i = -1 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = -1 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- top[i] = p[i];
- }
- for( ; i < 8 ; ++ i)
- top[i] = p[3];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_4x4_DC128;
- *modes = 1;
- }
- }
- void
- T264_encode_intra_y(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- if (t->mb.mb_mode == I_16x16)
- {
- T264_encode_intra_16x16(t);
- }
- else if (t->mb.mb_mode == I_4x4)
- {
- }
- }
- void
- T264_encode_intra_16x16(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(dct, 17, 16, int16_t, 16);
- int32_t qp = t->qp_y;
- int32_t i;
- int16_t* curdct;
- t->expand8to16sub(t->mb.pred_i16x16, 16 / 4, 16 / 4, dct, t->mb.src_y, t->stride);
- curdct = dct;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- t->fdct4x4(curdct);
- dct[256 + i] = curdct[0];
- t->quant4x4(curdct, qp, TRUE);
- scan_zig_4x4(t->mb.dct_y_z[luma_index[i]], curdct);
- t->iquant4x4(curdct, qp);
- curdct += 16;
- }
- t->fdct4x4dc(curdct);
- t->quant4x4dc(curdct, qp);
- scan_zig_4x4(t->mb.dc4x4_z, curdct);
- // i don't know why to do so, if someone knows tell me.
- t->idct4x4dc(curdct);
- t->iquant4x4dc(curdct, qp);
- curdct = dct;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
- {
- curdct[0] = dct[256 + i];
- t->idct4x4(curdct);
- curdct += 16;
- }
- t->contract16to8add(dct, 16 / 4, 16 / 4, t->mb.pred_i16x16, t->mb.dst_y, t->edged_stride);
- }
- void
- T264_encode_intra_4x4(_RW T264_t* t, uint8_t* pred, int32_t i)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(dct, 1, 16, int16_t, 16);
- int32_t qp = t->qp_y;
- int32_t row = i / 4;
- int32_t col = i % 4;
- //residual saved in t->pred_16x16_4x4
- uint8_t* src = t->mb.src_y + (row * t->stride << 2) + (col << 2);
- //reconstructed MB saved in t->dst
- uint8_t* dst = t->mb.dst_y + (row * t->edged_stride << 2) + (col << 2);
- t->expand8to16sub(pred, 4 / 4, 4 / 4, dct, src, t->stride);
- t->fdct4x4(dct);
- t->quant4x4(dct, qp, t->slice_type == SLICE_I);
- scan_zig_4x4(t->mb.dct_y_z[luma_index[i]], dct);
- t->iquant4x4(dct, qp);
- t->idct4x4(dct);
- t->contract16to8add(dct, 4 / 4, 4 / 4, pred, dst, t->edged_stride);
- }
- uint32_t
- T264_mode_decision_intra_uv(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(pred8x8u, 8, 8, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(pred8x8v, 8, 8, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(topcacheu, 1, 8 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(leftcacheu, 1, 8 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(topcachev, 1, 8 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(leftcachev, 1, 8 + CACHE_SIZE, uint8_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- uint32_t sad8x8 = -1;
- uint8_t* pred8x8freeu0 = pred8x8u;
- uint8_t* pred8x8freeu1 = t->mb.pred_i8x8u;
- uint8_t* pred8x8freev0 = pred8x8v;
- uint8_t* pred8x8freev1 = t->mb.pred_i8x8v;
- int32_t modes;
- int32_t bestmode;
- int32_t preds[9];
- int32_t i;
- uint8_t* top_u, *left_u;
- uint8_t* top_v, *left_v;
- static const uint8_t fixmode[] =
- {
- Intra_8x8_DC,
- Intra_8x8_LEFT,
- Intra_8x8_TOP,
- Intra_8x8_PLANE,
- Intra_8x8_DC,
- Intra_8x8_DC,
- Intra_8x8_DC
- };
- top_u = &topcacheu[CACHE_SIZE];
- top_v = &topcachev[CACHE_SIZE];
- left_u = &leftcacheu[CACHE_SIZE];
- left_v = &leftcachev[CACHE_SIZE];
- T264_intra_8x8_available(t, preds, &modes, top_u, left_u, top_v, left_v);
- for(i = 0 ; i < modes ; i ++)
- {
- int32_t mode = preds[i];
- uint32_t sad;
- t->pred8x8[mode](
- pred8x8freeu1,
- 8,
- top_u,
- left_u);
- t->pred8x8[mode](
- pred8x8freev1,
- 8,
- top_v,
- left_v);
- sad = t->cmp[MB_8x8](t->mb.src_u, t->stride_uv, pred8x8freeu1, 8) +
- t->cmp[MB_8x8](t->mb.src_v, t->stride_uv, pred8x8freev1, 8) +
- t->mb.lambda * eg_size_ue(t->bs, fixmode[mode]);
- if (sad < sad8x8)
- {
- SWAP(uint8_t, pred8x8freeu0, pred8x8freeu1);
- SWAP(uint8_t, pred8x8freev0, pred8x8freev1);
- sad8x8 = sad;
- bestmode = mode;
- }
- }
- if (pred8x8freeu0 != t->mb.pred_i8x8u)
- {
- memcpy(t->mb.pred_i8x8u, pred8x8freeu0, sizeof(uint8_t) * 8 * 8);
- }
- if (pred8x8freev0 != t->mb.pred_i8x8v)
- {
- memcpy(t->mb.pred_i8x8v, pred8x8freev0, sizeof(uint8_t) * 8 * 8);
- }
- //fixed prediction mode DCLEFT DCTOP DC128 = DC
- t->mb.mb_mode_uv = fixmode[bestmode];
- return sad8x8;
- }
- void
- T264_intra_8x8_available(T264_t* t, int32_t preds[], int32_t* modes, uint8_t* top_u, uint8_t* left_u, uint8_t* top_v, uint8_t* left_v)
- {
- int32_t i;
- uint8_t* p_u, *p_v;
- if ((t->mb.mb_neighbour & (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP)) == (MB_LEFT | MB_TOP))
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_8x8_DC;
- preds[1] = Intra_8x8_TOP;
- preds[2] = Intra_8x8_LEFT;
- preds[3] = Intra_8x8_PLANE;
- *modes = 4;
- p_u = t->mb.dst_u - t->edged_stride_uv;
- p_v = t->mb.dst_v - t->edged_stride_uv;
- for(i = -1 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- top_u[i] = p_u[i];
- top_v[i] = p_v[i];
- }
- p_u --;
- p_v --;
- for(i = -1 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- left_u[i] = p_u[0];
- left_v[i] = p_v[0];
- p_u += t->edged_stride_uv;
- p_v += t->edged_stride_uv;
- }
- }
- else if(t->mb.mb_neighbour & MB_LEFT)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_8x8_DCLEFT;
- preds[1] = Intra_8x8_LEFT;
- *modes = 2;
- p_u = t->mb.dst_u - 1;
- p_v = t->mb.dst_v - 1;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- left_u[i] = p_u[0];
- left_v[i] = p_v[0];
- p_u += t->edged_stride_uv;
- p_v += t->edged_stride_uv;
- }
- }
- else if(t->mb.mb_neighbour & MB_TOP)
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_8x8_DCTOP;
- preds[1] = Intra_8x8_TOP;
- *modes = 2;
- p_u = t->mb.dst_u - t->edged_stride_uv;
- p_v = t->mb.dst_v - t->edged_stride_uv;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
- {
- top_u[i] = p_u[i];
- top_v[i] = p_v[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- preds[0] = Intra_8x8_DC128;
- *modes = 1;
- }
- }
- void
- T264_encode_intra_uv(_RW T264_t* t)
- {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(dct, 10, 8, int16_t, CACHE_SIZE);
- int32_t qp = t->qp_uv;
- int32_t i, j;
- int16_t* curdct;
- uint8_t* start;
- uint8_t* dst;
- uint8_t* src;
- int32_t intra = t->slice_type == SLICE_I ? 1 : 0;
- start = t->mb.pred_i8x8u;
- src = t->mb.src_u;
- dst = t->mb.dst_u;
- for(j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j ++)
- {
- int32_t run, k;
- int32_t coeff_cost;
- coeff_cost = 0;
- t->expand8to16sub(start, 8 / 4, 8 / 4, dct, src, t->stride_uv);
- curdct = dct;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- run = -1;
- // we will count coeff cost, from jm80
- t->fdct4x4(curdct);
- dct[64 + i] = curdct[0];
- t->quant4x4(curdct, qp, intra);
- scan_zig_4x4(t->mb.dct_uv_z[j][i], curdct);
- {
- for(k = 1 ; k < 16 ; k ++)
- {
- run ++;
- if (t->mb.dct_uv_z[j][i][k] != 0)
- {
- if (ABS(t->mb.dct_uv_z[j][i][k]) > 1)
- {
- coeff_cost += 16 * 16 * 256;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- coeff_cost += COEFF_COST[run];
- run = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- t->iquant4x4(curdct, qp);
- curdct += 16;
- }
- if (coeff_cost < CHROMA_COEFF_COST)
- {
- memset(&t->mb.dct_uv_z[j][0][0], 0, 4 * 16 * sizeof(int16_t));
- memset(dct, 0, 8 * 8 * sizeof(int16_t));
- }
- t->fdct2x2dc(curdct);
- t->quant2x2dc(curdct, qp, intra);
- scan_zig_2x2(t->mb.dc2x2_z[j], curdct);
- t->iquant2x2dc(curdct, qp);
- t->idct2x2dc(curdct);
- curdct = dct;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++)
- {
- curdct[0] = dct[64 + i];
- t->idct4x4(curdct);
- curdct += 16;
- }
- t->contract16to8add(dct, 8 / 4, 8 / 4, start, dst, t->edged_stride_uv);
- //
- // change to v
- //
- start = t->mb.pred_i8x8v;
- dst = t->mb.dst_v;
- src = t->mb.src_v;
- }
- }