资源名称:h264src.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * T264 AVC CODEC
- *
- * Copyright(C) 2004-2005 llcc <lcgate1@yahoo.com.cn>
- * 2004-2005 visionany <visionany@yahoo.com.cn>
- *
- * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "config.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "T264.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "utility.h"
- #ifndef CHIP_DM642
- #include "memory.h"
- #endif
- #include "assert.h"
- #ifndef CHIP_DM642
- #include "sse2.h"
- #endif
- #include "interpolate.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "dct.h"
- #include "dec_cavlc.h"
- #include "deblock.h"
- #include "block.h"
- //for dec CABAC
- #include "cabac_engine.h"
- #include "dec_cabac.h"
- #include "inter.h"
- #define NAL_BUFFER_LEN 1024 * 1024 /* big enough ? */
- void
- T264dec_load_ref(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t i, j, k;
- t->rec = &t->refn[0];
- if (t->slice_type == SLICE_P)
- {
- for(i = 0, j = 0 ; i < t->refl0_num ; i ++)
- {
- if (t->refn[i + 1].poc >= 0)
- {
- t->ref[0][j ++] = &t->refn[i + 1];
- }
- }
- }
- else if (t->slice_type == SLICE_B)
- {
- for(i = 0, j = 0, k = 0 ; i < t->refl0_num + t->refl1_num; i ++)
- {
- if (t->refn[i + 1].poc < t->slice.pic_order_cnt_lsb)
- {
- if (t->refn[i + 1].poc >= 0)
- t->ref[0][j ++] = &t->refn[i + 1];
- }
- else
- {
- // yes, t->refn[i].poc already > 0
- t->ref[1][k ++] = &t->refn[i + 1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- T264dec_save_ref(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t i;
- T264_frame_t tmp;
- /* deblock filter exec here */
- if (t->need_deblock)
- T264_deblock_frame(t, t->rec);
- /* current only del with i,p */
- T264_extend_border(t, t->rec);
- T264_interpolate_halfpel(t, t->rec);
- tmp = t->refn[t->ss.num_ref_frames];
- t->refn[0].poc = t->slice.pic_order_cnt_lsb;
- for(i = t->ss.num_ref_frames ; i >= 1 ; i --)
- {
- t->refn[i] = t->refn[i - 1];
- }
- t->refn[0] = tmp;
- }
- void
- T264dec_mb_load_context(T264_t* t, int32_t mb_y, int32_t mb_x)
- {
- int32_t i, j;
- /* nnz count will be set in read_cavlc, but in many cases,
- nnz will equal to 0 because cbp == 0
- */
- memset(t->mb.nnz, 0, sizeof(t->mb.nnz));
- memset(t->mb.nnz_ref, 0, sizeof(t->mb.nnz_ref));
- memset(t->mb.mode_i4x4, Intra_4x4_DC, 16 * sizeof(uint8_t));
- memset(t->mb.submb_part, -1, sizeof(t->mb.submb_part));
- memset(t->mb.dct_y_z, 0, sizeof(t->mb.dct_y_z));
- memset(t->mb.dct_uv_z, 0, sizeof(t->mb.dct_uv_z));
- memset(t->mb.dc4x4_z, 0, sizeof(t->mb.dc4x4_z));
- memset(t->mb.dc2x2_z, 0, sizeof(t->mb.dc2x2_z));
- t->mb.mb_part = -1;
- #define INITINVALIDVEC(vec) vec.refno = -1; vec.x = vec.y = 0;
- for(i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++)
- {
- for(j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j ++)
- {
- INITINVALIDVEC(t->mb.vec[i][j]);
- }
- }
- T264_mb_load_context(t, mb_y, mb_x);
- t->mb.src_y = t->mb.dst_y;
- t->mb.src_u = t->mb.dst_u;
- t->mb.src_v = t->mb.dst_v;
- }
- void
- T264dec_mb_decode(T264_t* t)
- {
- /* p skip decode as p mode */
- if(t->mb.mb_mode == P_MODE)
- {
- T264dec_mb_decode_interp_y(t);
- //
- // Chroma
- //
- T264dec_mb_decode_interp_uv(t);
- t->stat.p_block_num[t->mb.mb_part] ++;
- }
- else if (t->mb.mb_mode == B_MODE)
- {
- T264dec_mb_decode_interb_y(t);
- //
- // Chroma
- //
- T264dec_mb_decode_interb_uv(t);
- t->stat.b_block_num[t->mb.mb_part] ++;
- }
- else if (t->mb.mb_mode == I_4x4 || t->mb.mb_mode == I_16x16)
- {
- T264dec_mb_decode_intra_y(t);
- //
- // Chroma
- //
- T264dec_mb_decode_intra_uv(t);
- t->stat.i_block_num[t->mb.mb_mode] ++;
- }
- }
- void
- T264dec_mb_save_context(T264_t* t, int32_t i, int32_t j)
- {
- memcpy(t->mb.context, &t->mb, sizeof(*t->mb.context));
- }
- void
- T264dec_parse_slice_header(T264_t* t)
- {
- t->slice.first_mb_in_slice = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- assert(t->slice.first_mb_in_slice == 0);
- t->slice_type = t->slice.slice_type = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->slice.pic_id = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->slice.frame_num = eg_read_direct(t->bs, t->ss.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4);
- if (t->nal.nal_unit_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR)
- {
- t->slice.idr_pic_id = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- }
- if (t->ss.pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
- {
- t->poc = t->slice.pic_order_cnt_lsb = eg_read_direct(t->bs, t->ss.max_pic_order + 4);
- }
- if (t->slice_type == SLICE_P)
- {
- t->refl1_num = 0;
- t->refl0_num = t->ps.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1;
- // num_ref_idx_active_override_flag
- if (eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1))
- {
- t->refl0_num = eg_read_ue(t->bs) + 1;
- }
- }
- else if (t->slice_type == SLICE_B)
- {
- // direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag
- t->param.direct_flag = t->slice.direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- t->refl1_num = 1;
- t->refl0_num = t->ps.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1;
- // num_ref_idx_active_override_flag
- if (eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1))
- {
- t->refl0_num = eg_read_ue(t->bs) + 1;
- t->refl1_num = eg_read_ue(t->bs) + 1;
- }
- }
- /* ref_pic_list_reordering() */
- if(t->slice.slice_type != SLICE_I && t->slice.slice_type != SLICE_SI )
- {
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 1);
- if (t->slice.slice_type == SLICE_B)
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 1);
- }
- if (t->nal.nal_ref_idc != 0)
- {
- /* dec_ref_pic_marking() */
- if (t->nal.nal_unit_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR)
- {
- eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- }
- }
- //for dec CABAC
- if(t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag!=0 && t->slice_type!= SLICE_I)
- {
- t->slice.cabac_init_idc = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- }
- t->qp_y = eg_read_se(t->bs) + t->ps.pic_init_qp_minus26 + 26;
- if (t->ps.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag)
- {
- t->need_deblock = !eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- }
- }
- static void __inline
- get_output_frame(T264_t* t)
- {
- /* we will reorder the output frame */
- if (t->slice_type != SLICE_B)
- {
- t->output.poc = -2;
- if (t->frame_num > 0)
- {
- //
- // refn[0] = current reconstruct frame
- // refn[1] = ref frame 1
- // refn[2] = ref frame 2
- //
- t->output = t->refn[1];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // slice b always should send immediately
- t->output = t->refn[0];
- }
- }
- /* currently we _only_ support one slice */
- void
- T264dec_parse_slice(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t i, j, skip, end_of_slice;
- //to be cleaned
- //extern int frame_cabac, mb_cabac, slice_type_cabac;
- T264dec_parse_slice_header(t);
- T264dec_load_ref(t);
- //for dec CABAC
- if( t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag == 1 )
- {
- /* alignment needed */
- BitstreamByteAlign( t->bs );
- /* init cabac */
- T264_cabac_context_init( &t->cabac, t->slice_type, t->ps.pic_init_qp_minus26+26+t->slice.slice_qp_delta, t->slice.cabac_init_idc );
- T264_cabac_decode_init ( &t->cabac, t->bs );
- }
- t->skip = -1;
- for(i = 0 ; i < t->mb_height ; i ++)
- {
- for(j = 0 ; j < t->mb_width ; j ++)
- {
- T264dec_mb_load_context(t, i, j);
- if( t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag == 1 )
- {
- if(t->mb.mb_xy > 0)
- {
- end_of_slice = T264_cabac_decode_terminal(&t->cabac);
- assert(end_of_slice == 0);
- }
- skip = T264dec_mb_read_cabac(t);
- }
- else
- {
- T264dec_mb_read_cavlc(t);
- }
- T264dec_mb_decode(t);
- if(t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag==1 && skip)
- {
- t->mb.mb_mode = (t->slice_type==SLICE_B)?B_SKIP:P_SKIP;
- }
- T264dec_mb_save_context(t, i, j);
- }
- }
- if( t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag == 1 )
- {
- /* end of slice */
- end_of_slice = T264_cabac_decode_terminal(&t->cabac);
- assert(end_of_slice == 1);
- BitstreamByteAlign(t->bs);
- }
- //for dec CABAC
- if( t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag == 1 )
- {
- T264_cabac_model_update( &t->cabac, t->slice_type, t->ps.pic_init_qp_minus26+26 + t->slice.slice_qp_delta );
- }
- get_output_frame(t);
- if (t->slice_type != SLICE_B)
- {
- T264dec_save_ref(t);
- }
- else if (t->need_deblock)
- {
- T264_deblock_frame(t, t->rec);
- }
- t->emms();
- }
- void
- T264dec_parse_pic_header(T264_t* t)
- {
- t->ps.pic_id = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ps.seq_id = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- assert(t->ps.pic_id == 0 && t->ps.seq_id == 0);
- t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- //for dec CABAC, now support CABAC
- //assert(t->ps.entroy_coding_mode_flag == 0);
- t->ps.pic_order_present_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- assert(t->ps.pic_order_present_flag == 0);
- t->ps.num_slice_groups_minus1 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- assert(t->ps.num_slice_groups_minus1 == 0);
- t->ps.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ps.num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ps.weighted_pred_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- t->ps.weighted_bipred_idc = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 2);
- t->ps.pic_init_qp_minus26 = eg_read_se(t->bs);
- t->ps.pic_init_qs_minus26 = eg_read_se(t->bs);
- t->ps.chroma_qp_index_offset = eg_read_se(t->bs);
- t->ps.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- t->refl0_num = t->ps.num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 + 1;
- t->refl1_num = t->ps.num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 + 1;
- t->qp_y = t->ps.pic_init_qp_minus26 + 26;
- }
- void
- T264dec_parse_seq_header(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t i;
- int32_t prev_ref_num = t->ss.num_ref_frames;
- t->ss.profile_idc = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 8);
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 8);
- t->ss.level_idc = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 8);
- t->ss.seq_id = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- assert(t->ss.seq_id == 0);
- t->ss.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ss.pic_order_cnt_type = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- assert(t->ss.pic_order_cnt_type == 0);
- if (t->ss.pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
- {
- t->ss.max_pic_order = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- }
- t->ss.num_ref_frames = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 1);
- t->ss.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ss.pic_height_in_mbs_minus1 = eg_read_ue(t->bs);
- t->ss.frame_mbs_only_flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1);
- assert(t->ss.frame_mbs_only_flag == 1);
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 2);
- // vui_parameters_present_flag
- if (eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1))
- {
- // aspect_ratio_info_present_flag
- if (eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1) == 1)
- t->aspect_ratio = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 8);
- // overscan_info_present_flag
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 1);
- // video_signal_type_present_flag
- if (eg_read_direct(t->bs, 1) == 1)
- t->video_format = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 3);
- // others discard
- }
- t->mb_height = t->ss.pic_height_in_mbs_minus1 + 1;
- t->mb_width = t->ss.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1;
- t->width = t->mb_width * 16;
- t->height = t->mb_height * 16;
- t->edged_width = t->width + 2 * EDGED_WIDTH;
- t->edged_height = t->height + 2 * EDGED_HEIGHT;
- t->stride = t->width;
- t->stride_uv = t->width >> 1;
- t->edged_stride = t->edged_width;
- t->edged_stride_uv = t->edged_width >> 1;
- t->mb_stride = t->mb_width;
- /* malloc ref frame buffer */
- /* first we malloc current decode buffer */
- if (t->refn[0].Y[0] == 0)
- {
- uint8_t* p = T264_malloc(t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * t->edged_height >> 1), CACHE_SIZE);
- t->refn[0].Y[0] = p + EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH;
- t->refn[0].U = p + t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * EDGED_HEIGHT >> 2) + (EDGED_WIDTH >> 1);
- t->refn[0].V = p + t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * t->edged_height >> 2) + (t->edged_width * EDGED_HEIGHT >> 2) + (EDGED_WIDTH >> 1);
- t->refn[0].mb = T264_malloc(t->mb_height * t->mb_width * sizeof(T264_mb_context_t), CACHE_SIZE);
- p = T264_malloc(t->edged_width * t->edged_height * 3, CACHE_SIZE);
- t->refn[0].Y[1] = p + EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH;
- t->refn[0].Y[2] = t->refn[0].Y[1] + t->edged_width * t->edged_height;
- t->refn[0].Y[3] = t->refn[0].Y[2] + t->edged_width * t->edged_height;
- }
- for (i = prev_ref_num ; i < t->ss.num_ref_frames ; i ++)
- {
- uint8_t* p = T264_malloc(t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * t->edged_height >> 1), CACHE_SIZE);
- t->refn[i + 1].Y[0] = p + EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH;
- t->refn[i + 1].U = p + t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * EDGED_HEIGHT >> 2) + (EDGED_WIDTH >> 1);
- t->refn[i + 1].V = p + t->edged_width * t->edged_height + (t->edged_width * t->edged_height >> 2) + (t->edged_width * EDGED_HEIGHT >> 2) + (EDGED_WIDTH >> 1);
- t->refn[i + 1].mb = T264_malloc(t->mb_height * t->mb_width * sizeof(T264_mb_context_t), CACHE_SIZE);
- p = T264_malloc(t->edged_width * t->edged_height * 3, CACHE_SIZE);
- t->refn[i + 1].Y[1] = p + EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH;
- t->refn[i + 1].Y[2] = t->refn[i + 1].Y[1] + t->edged_width * t->edged_height;
- t->refn[i + 1].Y[3] = t->refn[i + 1].Y[2] + t->edged_width * t->edged_height;
- }
- t->refl0_num = 0;
- t->refl1_num = 0;
- }
- void
- T264dec_parse_custom_set(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t encoder_ver = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 32);
- int32_t flag = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 32);
- }
- void
- T264dec_custom_buffer(T264_t* t, uint8_t* buf, int32_t stride)
- {
- }
- decoder_state_t
- T264dec_copy_nal(T264_t* t)
- {
- uint8_t tmp;
- uint32_t shift;
- uint32_t shift1;
- shift = t->shift;
- shift1 = t->shift1;
- while (t->src_buf < t->src_end)
- {
- tmp = *t->src_buf ++;
- shift1 = (shift1 | tmp) << 8;
- if (shift1 == 0x00000300)
- {
- shift1 = 0xffffff00; /* reset state */
- /* shift == x x 0 0 ==> shift == x x 0 ff
- here we need to prevent the next few words become a wrong start code */
- shift |= 0xff;
- continue;
- }
- shift = (shift << 8) | tmp;
- if (shift == 0x00000001)
- {
- t->shift1 = 0xffffff00;
- t->shift = -1;
- /* we do not copy the next start code */
- t->nal_len -= 3;
- return DEC_STATE_OK;
- }
- t->nal_buf[t->nal_len ++] = tmp;
- }
- t->shift = shift;
- t->shift1 = shift1;
- }
- decoder_state_t
- T264dec_find_nal(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t find = 0;
- uint8_t tmp;
- uint32_t shift;
- shift = t->shift;
- while (t->src_buf < t->src_end)
- {
- tmp = *t->src_buf ++;
- shift = (shift << 8) | tmp;
- if (shift == 0x00000001)
- {
- t->shift = -1;
- t->nal_len = 0;
- find = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (find)
- {
- t->action = T264dec_copy_nal;
- return T264dec_parse(t);
- }
- t->shift = shift;
- }
- decoder_state_t
- T264dec_decode_nal(T264_t* t)
- {
- eg_init(t->bs, t->nal_buf, t->nal_len);
- /* ready for next nal */
- t->action = T264dec_copy_nal;
- t->nal_len = 0;
- eg_read_skip(t->bs, 1); /* discard forbidden + nal_ref_idc */
- t->nal.nal_ref_idc = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 2);
- t->nal.nal_unit_type = eg_read_direct(t->bs, 5);
- switch (t->nal.nal_unit_type)
- {
- T264dec_parse_slice(t);
- t->frame_num ++;
- t->frame_id ++;
- case NAL_PIC_SET:
- T264dec_parse_pic_header(t);
- return DEC_STATE_PIC;
- T264dec_parse_slice(t);
- t->frame_num ++;
- t->frame_id ++;
- case NAL_SEQ_SET:
- T264dec_parse_seq_header(t);
- t->frame_num = 0;
- return DEC_STATE_SEQ;
- T264dec_parse_custom_set(t);
- default:
- assert(0);
- break;
- }
- }
- T264_t*
- T264dec_open()
- {
- T264_t* t = T264_malloc(sizeof(T264_t), CACHE_SIZE);
- int i, j;
- memset(t, 0, sizeof(T264_t));
- t->nal_buf = T264_malloc(NAL_BUFFER_LEN, CACHE_SIZE);
- t->bs = T264_malloc(sizeof(bs_t), CACHE_SIZE);
- //for cabac
- for(j=0; j<4; j++)
- {
- for(i=5; i<8; i++)
- {
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[0].refno = -2;
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[0].x = 0;
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[0].y = 0;
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[1].refno = -2;
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[1].x = 0;
- t->mb.vec_ref[(j<<3)+i].vec[1].y = 0;
- }
- }
- T264_init_cpu(t);
- t->action = T264dec_find_nal;
- t->shift = -1;
- t->shift1 = 0xffffff00;
- t->need_deblock = 1;
- t->flags = USE_HALFPEL| USE_QUARTPEL; /* interpolate func needs this flag */
- return t;
- }
- void
- T264dec_close(T264_t* t)
- {
- int32_t i;
- for(i = 0 ; i < t->ss.num_ref_frames + 1 ; i ++)
- {
- T264_free(t->refn[i].Y[0] - (EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH));
- T264_free(t->refn[i].mb);
- T264_free(t->refn[i].Y[1] - (EDGED_HEIGHT * t->edged_width + EDGED_WIDTH));
- }
- T264_free(t->bs);
- T264_free(t->nal_buf);
- T264_free(t);
- }
- void
- T264dec_buffer(T264_t* t, uint8_t* buf, int32_t len)
- {
- t->src_buf = buf;
- t->src_end = buf + len;
- }
- decoder_state_t
- T264dec_parse(T264_t* t)
- {
- if (t->action(t) == DEC_STATE_BUFFER)
- {
- }
- return T264dec_decode_nal(t);
- }
- T264_frame_t*
- T264dec_flush_frame(T264_t* t)
- {
- /* the last i/p frame */
- return &t->refn[1];
- }