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  313. <p align="center"><a href="movie.asp?id=<%=rs("articleid")%>" target="_blank">
  314. <img src="../../vod/img/sort_play.gif" width="60" height="18" border="0"></a></td>
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  320.   <%end if%>
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  323.       rs.movenext
  324.       loop
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  326.           set rs=nothing
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  348. function gettipnum1()
  349. dim tmprs1
  350. tmprs1=conn.execute("Select Count(articleid) from learning")
  351. gettipnum1=tmprs1(0)
  352. set tmprs1=nothing
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  354. end function
  355.                                 %><font color="#FF0000"><%=gettipnum1()%></font><span class="样式3">部</span>&nbsp; <span class="样式3">今天更新:</span><span lang="zh-cn">
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  357.                              function todays()
  358. dim tmprs
  359. tmprs=conn.execute("Select count(articleid) from learning Where year(dateandtime)=year(date()) and month(dateandtime)=month(date()) and day(dateandtime)=day(date())")
  360. todays=tmprs(0)
  361. set tmprs=nothing
  362. if isnull(todays) then todays=0
  363. end function%><font color="#FF0000"><%=todays()%></font></b><span class="样式3">部</span></span>
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  379.     sql="select * from learning order by articleid desc"
  380. else
  381.    sql="select * from learning where typeid='"&typeid&"' order by articleid desc"
  382. end if   
  383. set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  384. sql,conn,1,1
  385.  if rs.eof and rs.bof then
  386.        response.write "<script>alert('该类还没有任何影片,要想看的话请联系管理员!')</Script><script Language=Javascript>location.href = '';</script>"
  387.        response.end
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  473.                       <td colspan="2">主演: 
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  485.                     <%elseif rs("canlook")=0 then%>
  486.                     免费电影  
  487.                     <%end if%></td>
  488.                     </tr>
  489.                     <tr>
  490.                       <td colspan="2">观看:<%=rs("hits")%>次</td>
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  492.                     <tr>
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  522.                           response.write content
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  532. 主演:<%content=rs("name")
  533.                           if len(content)>8 then content=left(content,8)&"?-"
  534.                           response.write content
  535.                             %>
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  540.                           if len(content)>13 then content=left(content,13)&""
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  545.                       <tr>
  546.                         <td colspan="2">类别: <%=rs("typeid")%></td>
  547.                       </tr>
  548.                       <tr>
  549.                         <td colspan="2">主演:
  550.                             <%content=rs("name")
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  557.                             <% if rs("canlook")=1 then%>
  558.             普通电影
  559.             <%elseif rs("canlook")=3 then%>
  560.             黄金电影
  561.             <%elseif rs("canlook")=0 then%>
  562.             免费电影
  563.             <%end if%></td>
  564.                       </tr>
  565.                       <tr>
  566.                         <td colspan="2">观看:<%=rs("hits")%>次</td>
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  609. n= totalnumber  maxperpage+1
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  625. %>
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  641. end function
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