资源名称:qnmov30.rar [点击查看]
- <!--#include file="articleconn.asp" -->
- <html>
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- <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
- <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
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- <%
- if session("flag")>1 then
- response.write "<br><p align=center>您没有操作的权限</p>"
- response.end
- end if
- %>
- <%
- dim rs
- dim sql
- dim rs1
- dim sql1
- dim moban
- if request("page")<>"" then
- if cint(request("page"))<1 then
- currentpage=1
- else
- currentpage=cint(request("page"))
- end if
- end if
- set rs1 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- sql1 = "select moban from moban1 where id=2 "
- set rs1 = conn.Execute (sql1)
- moban=rs1("moban")
- moban1=moban
- set rs=conn.execute("select * from [home]")
- homes=rs("homes")
- set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
- if request("typeid")="" then
- response.write "请先选择类别"
- else
- set rs_sort=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select typeid,type from type where typeid="&request("typeid")&""
- sql,conn,1,1
- type_name=rs_sort("type")
- type_id=rs_sort("typeid")
- rs_sort.close
- set rs_sort=nothing
-"select * from learning where typeid='"&type_name&"' order by articleid desc"),conn,1,1
- if rs.eof and rs.bof then
- body=body&"<tr><td width='100%'><p align=center>没有或没有找到任何电影</td></tr>"
- pagecount1=1
- totalnumber=0
- else
- maxperpage=12
- rs.pagesize=maxperpage
- pagecount1=rs.pagecount
- rs.move (currentpage-1)*maxperpage
- totalnumber=rs.recordcount
- n=0
- '分页程序
- plist_top=plist_top&"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""><tr><td width=""50%"" nowrap colspan=5><p align=list> 本类<b><font color=#FF0000>"&totalnumber&"</font></b>个 "
- plist_top=plist_top&"页次:<b><font color=#FF0000>"¤tpage&"</font></b>/<b>"&pagecount1&"</b> <b>"&maxperpage&"</b>个/页</p></td><td width=""50%"" nowrap><p align=right>"
- pageno=currentpage
- if cint(pageno)>1 then
- plist_top=plist_top&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_1.html title=""首页"">"
- end if
- plist_top=plist_top&"首页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)>1 then
- plist_top=plist_top&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pageno-1&".html title=""上一页"">"
- end if
- plist_top=plist_top&"上一页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)< pagecount1 then
- plist_top=plist_top&" <a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pageno+1&".html title=""下一页"">"
- end if
- plist_top=plist_top&"下一页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)< pagecount1 then
- plist_top=plist_top&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pagecount1&".html title=""尾页"">"
- end if
- plist_top=plist_top&"尾页</a>"
- plist_top=plist_top&"</p></td></tr></table>"
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"<table border=""0"" width=""100%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""><tr><td width=""82%"" nowrap colspan=5><p align=left> 本类<b> <font color=#FF0000>"&totalnumber&"</font></b>个 | "
- pageno=currentpage
- if cint(pageno)>1 then
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_1.html title=""首页"">"
- end if
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"首页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)>1 then
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&" <a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pageno-1&".html title=""上一页"">"
- end if
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"上一页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)< pagecount1 then
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pageno+1&".html title=""下一页"">"
- end if
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"下一页</a> "
- if cint(pageno)< pagecount1 then
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"<a class=mName href="&request("typeid")&"_"&pagecount1&".html title=""尾页"">"
- end if
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"尾页</a> 页次:<b><font color=#FF0000>"¤tpage&"</font></b>/<b>"&pagecount1&"</b> <b>"&maxperpage&"</b>个/页"
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"</p></td><td width=""18%"" nowrap>转到:<select name=""select"" size='1' style=""font-size: 9pt"" onchange=""javascript:window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"">"
- for i=1 to pagecount1
- selected=""
- if currentpage=i then
- selected=" selected"
- end if
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"<option value="&request("typeid")&"_"&i&".html"&selected&">第"&i&"页</option>"
- next
- plist_bottom=plist_bottom&"</select></td></tr></table>"
- '主页面
- body=body&"<tr>"
- row_count=1
- do while not rs.eof
- n=n+1
- name=rs("typeid")
- total=rs.recordcount
- arter=rs("name")
- if rs("movietype")="rm" then
- format="<img src=../img/real.gif border=0 width=30 height=16>"
- elseif rs("movietype")="md" then
- format="<img src=../img/media.gif border=0 width=30 height=16>"
- elseif rs("movietype")="mov" then
- format="<img src=../img/lookmov.gif border=0 width=30 height=16>"
- end if
- if len(arter)>9 then arter=left(arter,9)&"..."
- marter=""&arter&""
- body=body&"<td valign=top><table width=100% border=0 bgColor=#303430 bordercolorlight=#000000 STYLE=border:#000000 3px Solid cellpadding=0>"
- body=body&"<tr><td width=121 rowspan=2 valign=top>"
- body=body&"<TABLE width=115 height=144 border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 background=../images/image_bg.gif>"
- body=body&"<TR><TD height=16 align=middle vAlign=center><img src=../images/spacer.gif width=1 height=1></TD></TR>"
- body=body&"<TR><TD align=center><a target=_blank href=../html/"&rs("articleid")&".html>"
- if rs("domurl")="" then
- body=body&"<img border=0 height=119 src=../images/nopic.gif width=100></a></td>"
- else
- body=body&"<img border=0 height=119 src="&rs("domurl")&" width=100></a></td>"
- end if
- body=body&"<TR><TD height=9><img src=../images/spacer.gif width=1 height=1></TD></TR></TABLE></td><td>"
- body=body&"<span class=3dfont2><a target=_blank class=mayi href=../html/"&rs("articleid")&".html><strong>"&left(rs("title"),10)&"</strong></a></td></tr><tr><td>"
- body=body&"<img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>类别:"
- if rs("canlook")=1 then
- body=body&"普通电影"
- elseif rs("canlook")=3 then
- body=body&"黄金电影"
- elseif rs("canlook")=0 then
- body=body&"免费电影"
- end if
- body=body&"<br><img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>主演:"&left(rs("name"),6)&"<br> "
- body=body&"<img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>地区:"&rs("where")&"地区<br> "
- body=body&"<img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>上传:"&rs("dateandtime")&"<br> "
- body=body&"<img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>推荐:<SPAN class=xinxin>"&rs("softlevel")&"</SPAN><br>"
- body=body&"<img src=../images/dot.gif width=15 height=15>点播:"&rs("hits")&"</td>"
- body=body&"</tr><tr bgcolor=#ffffff><td colspan=2></td></tr></table></td>"
- if row_count mod 2 =0 then
- body=body&"</tr>"
- end if
- row_count=row_count+1
- if n>=MaxPerPage then exit do
- rs.movenext
- loop
- rs.close
- end if
- set rs_top=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select top 10 * from learning where typeid='"&name&"' order by hits desc"
- sql,conn,1,1
- if rs_top.eof and rs_top.bof then
- top=top&"暂时没有电影"
- else
- top=top&"<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
- do while not rs_top.eof
- top_n=top_n+1
- top=top&"<tr><td width=80% height=4> <A href=../html/"&rs_top("articleid")&".html class=left"
- top=top&" target=_blank >"&left(rs_top("title"),10)&"</A></td><td width=20% height=4 valign=top><font class=eng_S color=#3B591B1>"&rs_top("hits")&"</font></td></tr>"
- rs_top.movenext
- if top_n>9 then exit do
- loop
- top=top&"</table>"
- end if
- rs_top.close
- set rs_top=nothing
- set rs_new=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
- sql="select top 10 * from learning order by dateandtime desc"
- sql,conn,1,1
- if rs_new.eof and rs_new.bof then
- top=top&"暂时没有电影"
- else
- top_new=top_new&"<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
- do while not rs_new.eof
- new_n=new_n+1
- top_new=top_new&"<tr><td width=80% height=4>"&new_n&".<A href=../html/"&rs_new("articleid")&".html "
- top_new=top_new&" target=_blank class=xhx>"&left(rs_new("title"),10)&"</A></td><td width=20% height=4><font color=#999999>"&rs_new("hits")&"</font></td></tr>"
- rs_new.movenext
- if new_n>9 then exit do
- loop
- top_new=top_new&"</table>"
- end if
- rs_new.close
- set rs_new=nothing
- moban=replace(moban,"CAT",type_name)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-top->",top)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-new->",top_new)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-homes->",homes)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-sortid->",type_id)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-plist_bottom->",plist_bottom)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-plist_top->",plist_top)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-total->",total)
- moban=replace(moban,"<!-body->",body)
- Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("../mlist/"&type_id&"_"&request("page")&".html"))
- fout.Write moban
- fout.close
- if currentpage<pagecount1 then
- response.write "生成第: <font color=#FF0000> "¤tpage&" </font>页<br>共有<font color=#FF0000><b>"&pagecount1&"</b></font>页"
- response.write "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content='0; URL=makesort.asp?typeid="&request("typeid")&"&page="&cint(currentpage+1)&"'>"
- end if
- if currentpage=pagecount1 then%>
- <body>
- <p><br>
- 生成<font color="#FF0000"><%=currentpage%></font>页<br>
- 此类共有<font color="#ff0000"><%=pagecount1%></font>页,自动关闭窗口.
- <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
- <!--
- setTimeout('window.close();', 700);
- // -->
- </script>
- </p>
- </body>
- <%end if
- rs1.close
- set rs1=nothing
- set rs=nothing
- end if
- conn.close
- set conn=nothing
- %></html>