- // DelaunayDoc.cpp : implementation of the CDelaunayDoc class
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Delaunay.h"
- #include "DelaunayDoc.h"
- #include "pointview.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDelaunayDoc
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CDelaunayDoc, CDocument)
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDelaunayDoc, CDocument)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDelaunayDoc)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDelaunayDoc construction/destruction
- CDelaunayDoc::CDelaunayDoc()
- {
- // TODO: add one-time construction code here
- }
- CDelaunayDoc::~CDelaunayDoc()
- {
- }
- BOOL CDelaunayDoc::OnNewDocument()
- {
- if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
- return FALSE;
- // TODO: add reinitialization code here
- // (SDI documents will reuse this document)
- //CPointPos* temp=new CPointPos;
- //m_point.Add(temp);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDelaunayDoc serialization
- void CDelaunayDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
- {
- if (ar.IsStoring())
- {
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: add loading code here
- }
- m_con.Serialize(ar);
- m_point.Serialize(ar);////////
- m_tri.Serialize(ar);
- // m_n.Serialize(ar);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDelaunayDoc diagnostics
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CDelaunayDoc::AssertValid() const
- {
- CDocument::AssertValid();
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
- {
- CDocument::Dump(dc);
- }
- #endif //_DEBUG
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDelaunayDoc commands
- void CDelaunayDoc::AddPoint(double x, double y)
- {
- double z;
- int m_plen;//当前节点个数
- CPointPos *p;
- p=new CPointPos(x,y);
- if(x<=0.4)
- {
- z=0.03-(x-0.2)*(x-0.2)-(y-0.5)*(y-0.5);
- if(z<0) z=0.1;
- p->m_z=sqrt(z)*double(3);
- }
- else{
- if(x>=0.6)
- {
- z=0.05-(x-0.8)*(x-0.8)-(y-0.5)*(y-0.5);
- if(z<0) z=0.1;
- p->m_z=sqrt(z)*double(1.5);
- }
- else
- p->m_z=0.5;
- }
- //p->m_z=sin((x-0.5)*(y-0.5));
- //z=0.25-(x-0.5)*(x-0.5)-(y-0.5)*(y-0.5);
- //if(z<0) z=0;
- //p->m_z=sqrt(z)*double(4);//;
- //p->m_z = (float)sin(3.0*x)*cos(3.0*y)/3.0f;
- m_point.Add(p);
- pos=GetFirstViewPosition();
- m_plen=m_point.GetSize();
- while(pos!=NULL)
- {
- CView *pp=GetNextView(pos);
- if(pp->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPointView)))
- {
- CListCtrl &list=((CPointView*)pp)->GetListCtrl();
- LV_ITEM li;
- CString str;
- str.Format("%d",m_plen-1);
- li.mask=LVIF_TEXT;
- li.pszText=str.GetBuffer(10);;
- li.iItem=m_plen-1;
- li.iSubItem=0;
- list.InsertItem(&li);
- str.ReleaseBuffer();
- str.Format("%f",p->m_x);
- li.pszText=str.GetBuffer(10);
- li.iItem=m_plen-1;
- li.iSubItem=1;
- list.SetItem(&li);
- str.ReleaseBuffer();
- str.Format("%f",p->m_y);
- li.pszText=str.GetBuffer(10);
- li.iItem=m_plen-1;
- li.iSubItem=2;
- list.SetItem(&li);
- str.ReleaseBuffer();
- }
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CDelaunayDoc::DeleteContents()
- {
- int i,max;
- max=m_point.GetSize();
- for(i=0;i<max;i++)
- {
- if(m_point[i]!=NULL)
- delete m_point[i];
- //if(m_n[i]!=NULL)//????????
- // delete m_n[i];
- }
- m_point.RemoveAll();
- // m_n.RemoveAll();
- POSITION pos = m_tri.GetHeadPosition();
- while( pos != NULL )
- {
- delete m_tri.GetNext( pos );
- }
- m_tri.RemoveAll();
- m_con.RemoveAll();
- m_index.RemoveAll();
- CDocument::DeleteContents();
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CDelaunayDoc::Center(CTriangle *temp)//外接圆心和半径
- {
- ASSERT(temp!=NULL);
- int p1,p2,p3;
- p1=temp->m_p1;
- p2=temp->m_p2;
- p3=temp->m_p3;
- double k21,k31;
- CPointPos* p11=(CPointPos*)m_point[p1];
- CPointPos* p22=(CPointPos*)m_point[p2];
- CPointPos* p33=(CPointPos*)m_point[p3];
- if((p22->m_x-p11->m_x)==0)
- {
- temp->m_yc=(p11->m_y+p22->m_y)/2;//circle 纵坐标
- k31=(p33->m_y-p11->m_y)/(p33->m_x-p11->m_x);
- if (k31==0)
- {
- temp->m_xc=(p11->m_x+p33->m_x)/2;
- }
- else
- {
- temp->m_xc=(p11->m_x+p33->m_x)/2+
- ((p11->m_y+p33->m_y)/2-temp->m_yc)*k31;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- k21=(p22->m_y-p11->m_y)/(p22->m_x-p11->m_x);
- if (k21==0)
- {
- temp->m_xc=(p11->m_x+p22->m_x)/2;
- if((p22->m_x-p33->m_x)==0)
- {
- temp->m_yc=(p11->m_y+p33->m_y)/2;
- }
- else
- {
- k31=(p33->m_y-p11->m_y)/
- (p33->m_x-p11->m_x);
- temp->m_yc=((p33->m_x+p11->m_x)/2-
- temp->m_xc)/k31+
- (p11->m_y+p33->m_y)/2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if((p33->m_x-p11->m_x)==0)
- {
- temp->m_yc=(p33->m_y+p11->m_y)/2;
- temp->m_xc=k21*(p11->m_y/2+p22->m_y/2-temp->m_yc)+
- (p11->m_x+p22->m_x)/2;
- }
- else
- {
- k31=(p33->m_y-p11->m_y)/(p33->m_x-p11->m_x);
- if(k31==0)
- {
- temp->m_xc=(p11->m_x+p33->m_x)/2;
- temp->m_yc=((p11->m_x+p22->m_x)/2-
- temp->m_xc)/k21+
- (p11->m_y+p22->m_y)/2;
- }
- else
- {
- temp->m_xc=(k21*k31*(p22->m_y-p33->m_y)+
- (p11->m_x+p22->m_x)*k31-(p11->m_x+p33->m_x)*k21)/(k31-k21);
- temp->m_xc=temp->m_xc/2;
- temp->m_yc=((p11->m_x+p22->m_x)/2-
- temp->m_xc)/k21+
- (p11->m_y+p22->m_y)/2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- temp->m_rad=sqrt((p33->m_x-temp->m_xc)*(p33->m_x-temp->m_xc)
- + (p33->m_y-temp->m_yc)*(p33->m_y-temp->m_yc));
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CDelaunayDoc::OnButtonAdd()
- {
- m_DoWhat=DO_ADD;
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::OnUpdateButtonAdd(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
- {
- if(m_DoWhat==DO_ADD)
- pCmdUI->SetCheck(1);
- else
- pCmdUI->SetCheck(0);
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::AddTriangle(int p)
- {
- //add new triangles
- CTriangle* pTriangle;
- int max=m_edge.GetSize();
- for(int i=0;i<max;i++)
- {
- //Every triangle is stored anticlockwise,too.
- if(S(m_edge[i]->m_p1,m_edge[i]->m_p2,p)>0){
- pTriangle=new CTriangle(m_edge[i]->m_p1,m_edge[i]->m_p2,p);
- }
- else{
- pTriangle=new CTriangle(m_edge[i]->m_p2,m_edge[i]->m_p1,p);
- }
- Center(pTriangle);
- BaryCenter(pTriangle);
- m_tri.AddTail(pTriangle);
- }
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::S(int p1, int p2, int p3)
- {
- //求三角形面积,以右下角为原点时,s>0为逆时针(左转),
- //s=0为三点重合
- double s;
- //POI m_p1,m_p2,m_p3;
- CPointPos *m_p1=new CPointPos(m_point[p1]->m_x,m_point[p1]->m_y);
- CPointPos *m_p2=new CPointPos(m_point[p2]->m_x,m_point[p2]->m_y);
- CPointPos *m_p3=new CPointPos(m_point[p3]->m_x,m_point[p3]->m_y);
- s=m_p1->m_x*m_p2->m_y+m_p2->m_x*m_p3->m_y+m_p1->m_y*
- m_p3->m_x-m_p2->m_y*m_p3->m_x-m_p1->m_y*m_p2->m_x-m_p1->m_x*m_p3->m_y;
- s=s/2;
- delete m_p1;
- delete m_p2;
- delete m_p3;
- return s;
- }
- int CDelaunayDoc::TwoEdgeSuperposition(CBorder *b1, CBorder *b2)
- {
- if(b1==b2 || (b1->m_p1==b2->m_p2 && b1->m_p2==b2->m_p1) ) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- int CDelaunayDoc::GetInitEdges(double x, double y, int p)
- {
- // GetInitEdges : ransack each trangle to record it's edges
- //when the piont belong it's circle,record the triangle's position in m_tri to m_index
- //'x' and 'y' are the coordinates of the insert point
- //'p' is the mark or th insert point in 'm_point'
- // the returned value 'k/2' is the number of cirecle the point belonged
- CBorder *m_border;
- CBorder *m_border1;
- CTriangle* pTriangle;
- int j=0,i=0,k=0,max=0;
- CPointPos *point=new CPointPos(x,y);
- POS = m_tri.GetHeadPosition();
- while(POS != NULL ){
- i= m_tri.GetAt( POS )->Where(point);
- if(i==POS_ERROR){
- return POS_ERROR;
- }
- if(i==POS_ON)//in circle POS_ON=2
- {
- k=k+i;
- m_index.Add(POS);
- pTriangle=m_tri.GetAt(POS);
- //ransack three edge of a triangle,if an edge of a triangle
- //have belong to the array 'm_pDoc->m_edge' delete both of them to form
- // the border of the inserted polygon which is stored in the array
- //'m_pDoc->m_edge'
- int array[4];
- array[0]=pTriangle->m_p1;
- array[1]=pTriangle->m_p2;
- array[2]=pTriangle->m_p3;
- array[3]=pTriangle->m_p1;
- for(int h=0;h<3;h++)
- {
- m_border=new CBorder(array[h],array[h+1]);
- max=m_edge.GetSize();
- if(max==0)
- {
- m_edge.Add(m_border);
- }
- else
- {
- j=0;
- for(int m=0;m<max;m++)
- {
- m_border1=m_edge[m];
- if(TwoEdgeSuperposition(m_border,m_border1)==1)//?//???
- {
- m_edge.RemoveAt(m,1);
- max=max-1;
- j++;
- }
- }
- if(j==0)
- {
- m_edge.Add(m_border);
- }
- }
- }/////for
- }/////////////if(POS_ON)
- pTriangle=m_tri.GetNext(POS);
- }//////////////while
- //if(k==0)//the point don't belong any circle,
- //i.e.don't the convexity
- delete point;
- return k;
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::DelTriMarked()
- {
- int max=m_index.GetSize();
- for(int i=0;i<max;i++)
- {
- m_tri.RemoveAt(m_index[i]);
- }
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::EditCon(int r, int l,int p)
- {
- // r : save the value of i as 右支撑点 or 应去凸包边界节点右边界
- // l : save the value of i as 左支撑点 or 应去凸包边界节点左边界
- //'p' is the mark or th insert point in 'm_point'
- CBorder *m_border;
- int hr=0;//record the number of points on edge of convexity that should be deleted before r(include r)
- int hl=0;//record the number of points on edge of convexity that should be deleted after l(include l)
- int i=r;
- int i1;
- int h=hr+hl;
- int max=m_con.GetSize();
- //search rightward, first
- if((i+1)>max-1) i1=i+1-max;
- else i1=i+1;
- while(S(p,m_con[i],m_con[i1])<0){
- m_border=new CBorder(m_con[i],m_con[i1]);
- m_edge.Add(m_border);
- r=i;
- i++;
- hr++;
- if(i+1>max-1) i1=i+1-max;
- else i1=i+1;
- if(i>max-1) i=i-max;
- }
- i=l;
- if((i-1)<0) i1=i-1+max;
- else i1=i-1;
- while(S(m_con[i1],m_con[i],p)<0){
- m_border=new CBorder(m_con[i],m_con[i1]);
- m_edge.Add(m_border);
- l=i;
- i--;
- hl++;
- if(i-1<0) i1=i-1+max;
- else i1=i-1;
- if(i<0) i=i+max;
- }
- h=hr+hl;
- if(h>0){
- if(r<l){
- if(hl>0){
- if(hr>0){//both>0
- m_con.RemoveAt(l,max-l);
- m_con.RemoveAt(0,hr);
- }
- else{//hl>0,hr=0
- m_con.RemoveAt(l,max-l);
- m_con.RemoveAt(0,hl-max+l);
- }
- m_con.InsertAt(0,p);
- }//end if hl>0
- else{//hl=0,hr>0
- m_con.RemoveAt(0,hr);
- m_con.InsertAt(0,p);
- }
- }//end if r<l
- else{//r>l
- if(hl>0){
- m_con.RemoveAt(l,h);
- m_con.InsertAt(l,p);
- }//end if hl>0
- else{//hl=0,hr>0
- m_con.RemoveAt(l+1,hr);
- m_con.InsertAt(l+1,p);
- }
- }//end if r>l
- }//end if h>0
- else
- {
- if((r-l)>0){
- if((r-l)==1) m_con.InsertAt(r,p);
- else{
- m_con.RemoveAt(l+1,r-l-1);
- m_con.InsertAt(l+1,p);
- }
- }
- else{//r<l,i.e. r and l 在 m_con[0] 两侧
- if(l<(max-1)) m_con.RemoveAt(l+1,max-l-1);
- m_con.RemoveAt(0,r);
- m_con.InsertAt(0,p);
- }
- }//h<0
- }
- CPointPos* CDelaunayDoc::IntersectionPoint(CPointPos *point1, CPointPos *point2,CPointPos *point3, CPointPos *point4)
- {
- ASSERT(point1!=NULL);
- ASSERT(point2!=NULL);
- ASSERT(point3!=NULL);
- ASSERT(point4!=NULL);
- CPointPos *pos=new CPointPos(0,0);
- double k21,k43;
- if((point2->m_x-point1->m_x)==0 || (point4->m_x-point3->m_x)==0)
- {
- if((point2->m_x-point1->m_x)==0 && (point4->m_x-point3->m_x)==0) return NULL;
- if((point2->m_x-point1->m_x)==0){
- k43=(point4->m_y-point3->m_y)/(point4->m_x-point3->m_x);
- pos->m_x=point1->m_x;// x of the intersection point
- pos->m_y=k43*(pos->m_x-point3->m_x)+point3->m_y;// y of the intersection point
- return pos;
- }
- if((point4->m_x-point3->m_x)==0){
- k21=(point2->m_y-point1->m_y)/(point2->m_x-point1->m_x);
- pos->m_x=point3->m_x;// x of the intersection point
- pos->m_y=k21*(pos->m_x-point1->m_x)+point1->m_y;// y of the intersection point
- return pos;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- k43=(point4->m_y-point3->m_y)/(point4->m_x-point3->m_x);
- k21=(point2->m_y-point1->m_y)/(point2->m_x-point1->m_x);
- if(fabs(k43-k21)<0.0000000001)
- return NULL;
- else{
- pos->m_x=(point3->m_y-point1->m_y+k21*point1->m_x-k43*point3->m_x)/(k21-k43);
- pos->m_y=k43*(pos->m_x-point3->m_x)+point3->m_y;
- return pos;
- }
- }
- }
- int CDelaunayDoc::TheOtherPoint(int p1, int p2, CTriangle *temp)
- {//p1,p2 are the mark recorded by m_tri in m_point
- int array[3];
- double s;
- array[0]=temp->m_p1;
- array[1]=temp->m_p2;
- array[2]=temp->m_p3;
- for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- s=S(array[i],p1,p2);
- if(fabs(s)>0.00000000001) return array[i];
- }
- }
- bool CDelaunayDoc::DelEdgeOrNot(int p1, int p2,int p)
- {
- CTriangle* pTriangle;
- //p1=m_pDoc->m_edge[j]->m_p1,record the point's mark in m_point
- //p2=m_pDoc->m_edge[j]->m_p2,record the point's mark in m_point
- int i,j;
- for(i=0;i<m_index.GetSize();i++)
- {
- pTriangle=m_tri.GetAt(m_index[i]);
- int array[3];
- array[0]=pTriangle->m_p1;
- array[1]=pTriangle->m_p2;
- array[2]=pTriangle->m_p3;
- int a=-1,b=-1;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- if(p1==array[j]) a=j;
- }
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- if(p2==array[j]) b=j;
- }
- if((a>=0) & (b>=0))
- {
- int other_point=TheOtherPoint(p1,p2,pTriangle);
- CPointPos* pPoint=IntersectionPoint(m_point[p1],m_point[p2],
- m_point[p],m_point[other_point]);
- if(pTriangle->Where(pPoint)==POS_ON){//整数截断使交点在边外
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::S(CPointPos *p1,CPointPos *p2,CPointPos *p3)
- {
- //求三角形面积,以右下角为原点时,s>0为逆时针(左转),
- //s=0为三点重合
- double s;
- s=p1->m_x*p2->m_y+p2->m_x*p3->m_y+p1->m_y*p3->m_x-
- p2->m_y*p3->m_x-p1->m_y*p2->m_x-p1->m_x*p3->m_y;
- s=s/2.0;
- return s;
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::OnButtonBB()
- {
- int max=m_point.GetSize();
- for(int i=0;i<max;i++)
- {
- FindRelativeTri(i);//get Fx,Fy,N of a point in m_point
- }
- POSITION POS;CTriangle* temp;
- POS = m_tri.GetHeadPosition();
- temp=m_tri.GetAt(POS);
- while(POS != NULL ){
- temp=m_tri.GetNext(POS);
- double d;
- int p[4];p[0]=0;
- p[1]=temp->m_p1;p[2]=temp->m_p2;p[3]=temp->m_p3;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Get 6个 dij 计算无错 但沿边接的方向倒数的估算可能有问题,
- //1)可能不应单位化.2)?
- d=D(temp,2,3);
- temp->d12=m_point[p[2]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- d=D(temp,3,2);
- temp->d13=m_point[p[3]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- d=D(temp,1,3);
- temp->d21=m_point[p[1]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- d=D(temp,3,1);
- temp->d23=m_point[p[3]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- d=D(temp,1,2);
- temp->d31=m_point[p[1]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- d=D(temp,2,1);
- temp->d32=m_point[p[2]]->m_z+d/double(3);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //计算无错
- temp->c1=(temp->d21+temp->d31+m_point[p[1]]->m_z)/double(3);
- temp->c2=(temp->d12+temp->d32+m_point[p[2]]->m_z)/double(3);
- temp->c3=(temp->d13+temp->d23+m_point[p[3]]->m_z)/double(3);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*Get 每边中点处f的法向导数值(XY平面上的)
- 在这边的两顶点间对顶点的法向导数做插值
- 顶点的法向导数由该点的Fx,Fy取得,*/
- temp->n1=F(temp,3,2);//计算无错
- temp->n2=F(temp,1,3);
- temp->n3=F(temp,2,1);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*Get bi and b0(o), 220页公式(5.48) 应再推几遍.HCT 和 三角形面积 都用的是
- XY平面上的?????3维的又如何????*///计算无错
- CPointPos* h1;
- CPointPos* h2;
- CPointPos* h3;
- //三角形o,f2,f3
- h1=GetChuiZu(temp->m_x,temp->m_y,m_point[p[2]],m_point[p[3]]);
- //三角形o,f3,f1
- h2=GetChuiZu(temp->m_x,temp->m_y,m_point[p[3]],m_point[p[1]]);
- //三角形o,f1,f2
- h3=GetChuiZu(temp->m_x,temp->m_y,m_point[p[1]],m_point[p[2]]);
- CPointPos* o=new CPointPos();//重心
- o->m_x=temp->m_x;
- o->m_y=temp->m_y;
- o->m_z=0;
- double s1=S(o,m_point[p[2]],m_point[p[3]]);
- double s2=S(o,m_point[p[3]],m_point[p[1]]);
- double s3=S(o,m_point[p[1]],m_point[p[2]]);
- temp->b1=S(o,m_point[p[3]],h2)/s2
- *(m_point[p[1]]->m_z+temp->d21-temp->d23-m_point[p[3]]->m_z)+
- S(o,m_point[p[1]],h3)/s3
- *(m_point[p[2]]->m_z+temp->d32-temp->d31-m_point[p[1]]->m_z)-
- (temp->n3+temp->n2)/double(0.75)-temp->c3-temp->c2+
- m_point[p[1]]->m_z+m_point[p[3]]->m_z+temp->d21+temp->d32+(temp->d31+temp->d23)*
- double(2);
- temp->b1=temp->b1/double(6);
- temp->b2=S(o,m_point[p[2]],h1)/s1
- *(m_point[p[3]]->m_z+temp->d13-temp->d12-m_point[p[2]]->m_z)+
- S(o,m_point[p[1]],h3)/s3
- *(m_point[p[2]]->m_z+temp->d32-temp->d31-m_point[p[1]]->m_z)-
- (temp->n3+temp->n1)/double(0.75)-temp->c3-temp->c1+
- m_point[p[1]]->m_z+m_point[p[2]]->m_z+temp->d32+temp->d13+(temp->d31+temp->d12)*
- double(2);
- temp->b2=temp->b2/double(6);
- temp->b3=S(o,m_point[p[2]],h1)/s1
- *(m_point[p[3]]->m_z+temp->d13-temp->d12-m_point[p[2]]->m_z)+
- S(o,m_point[p[3]],h2)/s2
- *(m_point[p[1]]->m_z+temp->d21-temp->d23-m_point[p[3]]->m_z)-
- (temp->n1+temp->n2)/double(0.75)-temp->c1-temp->c2+
- m_point[p[2]]->m_z+m_point[p[3]]->m_z+temp->d13+temp->d21+(temp->d12+temp->d23)*
- double(2);
- temp->b3=temp->b3/double(6);
- delete o;
- temp->o=(temp->b1+temp->b2+temp->b3)/double(3);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Get ei//计算无错
- temp->e1=double(3)*(-temp->b1+temp->b2+temp->b3)-(-temp->c1+temp->c2+temp->c3);
- temp->e1=temp->e1/double(2);
- temp->e2=double(3)*(temp->b1-temp->b2+temp->b3)-(temp->c1-temp->c2+temp->c3);
- temp->e2=temp->e2/double(2);
- temp->e3=double(3)*(temp->b1+temp->b2-temp->b3)-(temp->c1+temp->c2-temp->c3);
- temp->e3=temp->e3/double(2);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //NOW we have got the 19 control points in a triangle
- // temp=m_tri.GetNext(POS);
- delete h1;
- delete h2;
- delete h3;
- }
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::OnUpdateButtonBB(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck(1);
- else
- pCmdUI->SetCheck(0);
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::FindRelativeTri(int p)
- {
- CPointPos *point;
- point=m_point[p];
- POS = m_tri.GetHeadPosition();
- while(POS != NULL ){
- int array[3];
- array[0]= m_tri.GetAt(POS)->m_p1;
- array[1]= m_tri.GetAt(POS)->m_p2;
- array[2]= m_tri.GetAt(POS)->m_p3;
- for(int h=0;h<3;h++)
- {
- if(point==m_point[array[h]])
- {
- m_index.Add(POS);
- }
- }/////for
- m_tri.GetNext(POS);
- }//////////////while
- Get_Fx_Fy_N(p);
- }
- POI CDelaunayDoc::GetTriNormal(CTriangle *temp)
- {//得到三角片的单位法向
- POI a,b,n;
- int p1,p2,p3;
- p1=temp->m_p1;
- p2=temp->m_p2;
- p3=temp->m_p3;
- a.x=m_point[p2]->m_x-m_point[p1]->m_x;
- a.y=m_point[p2]->m_y-m_point[p1]->m_y;
- a.z=m_point[p2]->m_z-m_point[p1]->m_z;
- b.x=m_point[p3]->m_x-m_point[p1]->m_x;
- b.y=m_point[p3]->m_y-m_point[p1]->m_y;
- b.z=m_point[p3]->m_z-m_point[p1]->m_z;
- //get the normal n=a*b(外积)
- n=VectorProduct(a.x,a.y,a.z,b.x,b.y,b.z);
- //单位化 normal
- n=Unitization(n);
- return n;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::GetDistance(CPointPos* p1, CPointPos* p2)
- {
- double distance;
- distance=(p1->m_x-p2->m_x)*(p1->m_x-p2->m_x)+
- (p1->m_y-p2->m_y)*(p1->m_y-p2->m_y)+
- (p1->m_z-p2->m_z)*(p1->m_z-p2->m_z);
- distance=sqrt(distance);
- return distance;
- }
- POI CDelaunayDoc::VectorProduct(double x1,double y1,double z1,double x2,double y2,double z2)
- {//get p1*p2(外积) 对!!!!
- POI product;
- product.x=y1*z2-z1*y2;
- product.y=z1*x2-x1*z2;
- product.z=x1*y2-y1*x2;
- return product;
- }
- POI CDelaunayDoc::Unitization(POI p)
- { //单位化 对!!!!
- double m;
- m=p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y+p.z*p.z;
- m=sqrt(m);
- p.x=p.x/m;
- p.y=p.y/m;
- p.z=p.z/m;
- return p;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::DotProduction(double x1,double y1,double z1,double x2,double y2,double z2)
- {//(x1,y1,z1)(内积)(x2,y2,z2)
- double product;
- product=x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2;
- return product;
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::Get_Fx_Fy_N(int p)
- {/*本处计算无错,但型值点法向没用,因算得是Fx and Fy,
- 然后用 Fx and Fy 在 xy 平面上沿边的方向计算方向倒数
- 没用型值点法向做沿空间三角形边的方向倒数:
- D(i,i+1)=(Pi+1-Pi)-[(Pi+1-Pi)Ni]Ni
- D(i,i+2)=(Pi+2-Pi)-[(Pi+2-Pi)Ni]Ni
- */
- CPointPos *point;
- point=m_point[p];
- int max=m_index.GetSize();
- double Fx=0;//点的x偏导
- double Fy=0;
- // POI n;//点的法向量
- //n.x=0;n.y=0;n.z=0;
- double w=0.0;//Little法
- for(int i=0;i<max;i++)
- {
- CArray<double,double> a;//save 三角片所在平面的方程ax+by+cz+d=0的a
- CArray<double,double> b;//save 三角片所在平面的方程ax+by+cz+d=0的b
- CArray<double,double> c;//save 三角片所在平面的方程ax+by+cz+d=0的c
- int array[3];
- CTriangle* Tri;
- Tri=m_tri.GetAt(m_index[i]);
- array[0]= Tri->m_p1;
- array[1]= Tri->m_p2;
- array[2]= Tri->m_p3;
- //a,b,c 计算无错 对!!!!
- a.SetAtGrow(i,(m_point[array[1]]->m_y-m_point[array[0]]->m_y)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_z-m_point[array[0]]->m_z)-
- (m_point[array[1]]->m_z-m_point[array[0]]->m_z)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_y-m_point[array[0]]->m_y));
- b.SetAtGrow(i,(m_point[array[1]]->m_z-m_point[array[0]]->m_z)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_x-m_point[array[0]]->m_x)-
- (m_point[array[1]]->m_x-m_point[array[0]]->m_x)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_z-m_point[array[0]]->m_z));
- c.SetAtGrow(i,(m_point[array[1]]->m_x-m_point[array[0]]->m_x)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_y-m_point[array[0]]->m_y)-
- (m_point[array[1]]->m_y-m_point[array[0]]->m_y)*
- (m_point[array[2]]->m_x-m_point[array[0]]->m_x));
- CArray<CPointPos*,CPointPos*> P;
- double l1,l2;
- for(int h=0;h<3;h++)
- {
- if(point!=m_point[array[h]])
- {
- P.Add(m_point[array[h]]);
- }
- }/////for
- l1=GetDistance(point,P[0]);
- l2=GetDistance(point,P[1]);
- P.RemoveAll();////????
- l1=l1*l1;
- l2=l2*l2;
- w=w+double(1)/(l1*l2);//w ,Fx,Fy and n have been 初始化了 =0
- /*n.x=n.x+GetTriNormal(Tri).x/(l1*l2);
- n.y=n.y+GetTriNormal(Tri).y/(l1*l2);
- n.z=n.z+GetTriNormal(Tri).z/(l1*l2);*/
- Fx=(-a[i]/c[i])/(l1*l2)+Fx;Fy=(-b[i]/c[i])/(l1*l2)+Fy;
- }
- /*m_point[p]->nx=n.x/w;///?????nx,ny,nz 有用吗
- m_point[p]->ny=n.y/w;
- m_point[p]->nz=n.z/w;*/
- m_point[p]->Fx=Fx/w;m_point[p]->Fy=Fy/w;
- m_index.RemoveAll();
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::BaryCenter(CTriangle *temp)
- {//三角形重心
- ASSERT(temp!=NULL);
- int p1,p2,p3;
- p1=temp->m_p1;
- p2=temp->m_p2;
- p3=temp->m_p3;
- CPointPos* p11=m_point[p1];
- CPointPos* p22=m_point[p2];
- CPointPos* p33=m_point[p3];
- temp->m_x=(p11->m_x+p22->m_x +p33->m_x )/double(3);
- temp->m_y=(p11->m_y+p22->m_y +p33->m_y )/double(3);
- //temp->m_z=(p11->m_z+p22->m_z +p33->m_z )/double(3);
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::GetMold(CPointPos *p)//取模
- {
- double m=0;
- m=p->m_x*p->m_x+p->m_y*p->m_y+p->m_z*p->m_z;
- m=sqrt(m);
- return m;
- }
- CPointPos* CDelaunayDoc::GetChuiZu(double x,double y, CPointPos* p2, CPointPos* p3)
- {//求 p1 对于p2和p3 的垂足.
- CPointPos* h=new CPointPos();
- double k23;
- if (p3->m_x-p2->m_x==0){
- h->m_x=p2->m_x;
- h->m_y=y;
- }
- else{
- k23=(p3->m_y-p2->m_y)/(p3->m_x-p2->m_x);
- if (k23==0){
- h->m_x=x;
- h->m_y=p2->m_y;
- }
- else{
- h->m_x=(k23*k23*p2->m_x+x+(y-p2->m_y)*k23)/(1.0+k23*k23);
- h->m_y=p2->m_y+k23*(h->m_x-p2->m_x);
- }
- }
- return h;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::D(CTriangle *temp, int i, int j)
- {//沿边方向导:i to j,用i点处的两个偏导Fx,Fy 和i to j 的边的方向上的单位矢量作内积
- int p[4];p[0]=0;
- p[1]=temp->m_p1;p[2]=temp->m_p2;p[3]=temp->m_p3;
- POI vector;
- double d;
- vector.x=m_point[p[j]]->m_x-m_point[p[i]]->m_x;
- vector.y=m_point[p[j]]->m_y-m_point[p[i]]->m_y;
- vector=Unitization(vector);//要是单位化就错了
- d=DotProduction(vector.x,vector.y,0,m_point[p[i]]->Fx,m_point[p[i]]->Fy,0);
- return d;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::F(CTriangle *temp, int i, int j)
- {//i to j,ij边上的法向导数
- int p[4];p[0]=0;
- p[1]=temp->m_p1;p[2]=temp->m_p2;p[3]=temp->m_p3;
- int h=TheOtherPoint(p[i],p[j],temp);
- CPointPos* H=GetChuiZu(m_point[h]->m_x,m_point[h]->m_y,m_point[p[i]],m_point[p[j]]);
- POI n;
- n.x=H->m_x-m_point[h]->m_x;
- n.y=H->m_y-m_point[h]->m_y;
- n.z=0;
- //n=Unitization(n);//要是单位化就错了
- double n1,n2;
- n1=DotProduction(m_point[p[j]]->Fx,m_point[p[j]]->Fy,0,n.x,n.y,0);
- n2=DotProduction(m_point[p[i]]->Fx,m_point[p[i]]->Fy,0,n.x,n.y,0);
- delete H;
- return (n1+n2)/double(2);
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::DrawTri(int m_p1,int m_p2,CTriangle *tri)
- {
- int i,j;
- POI p1,p2,o;
- p1.x=m_point[m_p1]->m_x;
- p1.y=m_point[m_p1]->m_y;
- p2.x=m_point[m_p2]->m_x;
- p2.y=m_point[m_p2]->m_y;
- o.x=tri->m_x;o.y=tri->m_y;
- int n;
- n=8;
- double x[8][8];
- double y[8][8];
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-j;i++)
- {
- x[j][i]=p1.x+j*(p2.x-p1.x)/double(n-1)+
- i*(o.x+j*(p2.x-o.x)/double(n-1)-p1.x-j*(p2.x-p1.x)/double(n-1))
- /double(n-1-j);
- y[j][i]=p1.y+j*(p2.y-p1.y)/double(n-1)+
- i*(o.y+j*(p2.y-o.y)/double(n-1)-p1.y-j*(p2.y-p1.y)/double(n-1))
- /double(n-1-j);
- }
- }
- x[7][0]=p2.x;
- y[7][0]=p2.y;
- for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-j-1;i++)
- {
- //normal=GetTriNormal(m_hct[0],m_hct[1],m_hct[2]);
- //glNormal3d(normal.x,normal.y,normal.z);
- glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
- glVertex3d(x[j][i],y[j][i],Bezier(x[j][i],y[j][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j+1][i],y[j+1][i],Bezier(x[j+1][i],y[j+1][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],Bezier(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- for(j=1;j<n-1;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-j-1;i++)
- {
- //normal=GetTriNormal(m_hct[0],m_hct[1],m_hct[2]);
- //glNormal3d(normal.x,normal.y,normal.z);
- glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
- glVertex3d(x[j][i],y[j][i],Bezier(x[j][i],y[j][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],Bezier(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j-1][i+1],y[j-1][i+1],Bezier(x[j-1][i+1],y[j-1][i+1],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- /*
- for(j=1;j<n;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-j;i++)
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3d(x[j][i],y[j][i],Bezier(x[j][i],y[j][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j-1][i],y[j-1][i],Bezier(x[j-1][i],y[j-1][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j][i],y[j][i],Bezier(x[j][i],y[j][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j-1][i+1],y[j-1][i+1],Bezier(x[j-1][i+1],y[j-1][i+1],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-j-1;i++)
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3d(x[j][i],y[j][i],Bezier(x[j][i],y[j][i],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glVertex3d(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],Bezier(x[j][i+1],y[j][i+1],m_p1,m_p2,tri));
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- */
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::Bezier(double x, double y,int m_p1,int m_p2,CTriangle* tri)
- {
- //s1,s2,s3 : 面积坐标
- double s1,s2,s3,s;
- double b[4][4][4];
- POI p1,p2,o,p;
- p1.x=m_point[m_p1]->m_x;
- p1.y=m_point[m_p1]->m_y;
- p2.x=m_point[m_p2]->m_x;
- p2.y=m_point[m_p2]->m_y;
- o.x=tri->m_x;o.y=tri->m_y;
- p.x=x;p.y=y;
- s=S(o,p1,p2);
- s1=S(p,p1,p2)/s;
- s2=S(o,p,p2)/s;
- s3=S(o,p1,p)/s;
- if(fabs(s1)<0.000000000001) s1=0;
- if(fabs(s2)<0.000000000001) s2=0;
- if(fabs(s3)<0.000000000001) s3=0;
- int i,j,k;
- double B=0.0;
- b[0][0][3]=m_point[m_p2]->m_z;b[0][3][0]=m_point[m_p1]->m_z;b[3][0][0]=tri->o;
- if(m_p1==tri->m_p1)
- {
- b[1][1][1]=tri->e3;
- b[2][1][0]=tri->b1;b[1][2][0]=tri->c1;
- b[0][2][1]=tri->d31;b[0][1][2]=tri->d32;
- b[2][0][1]=tri->b2;b[1][0][2]=tri->c2;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- for(j=0;j<=(3-i);j++){
- for(k=0;k<=(3-i-j);k++){
- if((i+j+k)==3){
- B=B+b[i][j][k]*double(6)/(Factorial(i)*Factorial(j)*Factorial(k))*
- Power(s1,i)*Power(s2,j)*Power(s3,k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(m_p1==tri->m_p2)
- {
- b[1][1][1]=tri->e1;
- b[2][1][0]=tri->b2;b[1][2][0]=tri->c2;
- b[0][2][1]=tri->d12;b[0][1][2]=tri->d13;
- b[2][0][1]=tri->b3;b[1][0][2]=tri->c3;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- for(j=0;j<=(3-i);j++){
- for(k=0;k<=(3-i-j);k++){
- if((i+j+k)==3){
- B=B+b[i][j][k]*double(6)/(Factorial(i)*Factorial(j)*Factorial(k))*
- Power(s1,i)*Power(s2,j)*Power(s3,k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(m_p1==tri->m_p3)
- {
- b[1][1][1]=tri->e2;
- b[2][1][0]=tri->b3;b[1][2][0]=tri->c3;
- b[0][2][1]=tri->d23;b[0][1][2]=tri->d21;
- b[2][0][1]=tri->b1;b[1][0][2]=tri->c1;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- for(j=0;j<=(3-i);j++){
- for(k=0;k<=(3-i-j);k++){
- if((i+j+k)==3){
- B=B+b[i][j][k]*double(6)/(Factorial(i)*Factorial(j)*Factorial(k))*
- Power(s1,i)*Power(s2,j)*Power(s3,k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return B;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::S(POI p1, POI p2, POI p3)
- {
- //求三角形面积,以右下角为原点时,s>0为逆时针(左转),
- //s=0为三点重合
- double s;
- s=p1.x*p2.y+p2.x*p3.y+p1.y*p3.x-p2.y*p3.x-p1.y*p2.x-p1.x*p3.y;
- s=s/2.0;
- return s;
- }
- int CDelaunayDoc::Factorial(int n)
- {//阶乘
- int x=n;
- if(n==0 ||n==1)
- return 1;
- else{
- for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
- x=x*(n-i);
- }
- }
- return x;
- }
- double CDelaunayDoc::Power(double a, int e)
- {
- double x=1.0;
- if(e==0){
- return 1.0;
- }
- else{
- if(a==0.0){
- return 0.0;
- }
- for(int i=1;i<=e;i++){
- x=x*a;
- }
- }
- return x;
- }
- CTriangle* CDelaunayDoc::Belong(double x, double y)
- {
- CTriangle* tri;
- POI p1,p2,p3,p;
- p.x=x;p.y=y;
- POSITION pos = m_tri.GetHeadPosition();
- while( pos != NULL )
- {
- tri=m_tri.GetAt( pos );
- double s1,s2,s3;
- p1.x=m_point[tri->m_p1]->m_x;
- p1.y=m_point[tri->m_p1]->m_y;
- p2.x=m_point[tri->m_p2]->m_x;
- p2.y=m_point[tri->m_p2]->m_y;
- p3.x=m_point[tri->m_p3]->m_x;
- p3.y=m_point[tri->m_p3]->m_y;
- s1=S(p,p1,p2);
- s2=S(p,p2,p3);
- s3=S(p,p3,p1);
- if(s1>0 && s2>0 && s3>0)
- return tri;
- m_tri.GetNext( pos );
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int CDelaunayDoc::Belong(double x, double y, CTriangle *tri)
- {
- POI p1,p2,o,p;
- p.x=x;p.y=y;
- double s1,s2,s3;
- o.x=tri->m_x;
- o.y=tri->m_y;
- int a[4];
- a[0]=tri->m_p1;
- a[1]=tri->m_p2;
- a[2]=tri->m_p3;
- a[3]=tri->m_p1;
- for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- p1.x=m_point[a[i]]->m_x;
- p1.y=m_point[a[i]]->m_y;
- p2.x=m_point[a[i+1]]->m_x;
- p2.y=m_point[a[i+1]]->m_y;
- s1=S(p,o,p1);
- s2=S(p,p1,p2);
- s3=S(p,p2,o);
- if(s1>0 && s2>0 && s3>0)
- return i;
- }
- }
- void CDelaunayDoc::Wang()
- {
- int n=50;
- CTriangle* tri;
- double x[60];
- double y[60];
- double z[60][60];
- int i,j,what;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- x[i]=double(i)/double(n);
- y[i]=double(i)/double(n);
- }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- {
- tri=Belong(x[i],y[j]);
- if(tri!=NULL)
- {
- what=Belong(x[i],y[j],tri);
- switch(what)
- {
- case 0:
- z[i][j]=Bezier(x[i],y[j],tri->m_p1,tri->m_p2,tri);
- break;
- case 1:
- z[i][j]=Bezier(x[i],y[j],tri->m_p2,tri->m_p3,tri);
- break;
- default:
- z[i][j]=Bezier(x[i],y[j],tri->m_p3,tri->m_p1,tri);
- break;
- }
- //z[i][j]=z[i][j]-0.2;
- }
- else
- z[i][j]=0;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)
- {
- if((z[i][j]!=0) && (z[i][j+1]!=0))
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3d(x[i],y[j],z[i][j]);
- glVertex3d(x[i],y[j+1],z[i][j+1]);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n-1;i++)
- {
- if((z[i][j]!=0) && (z[i+1][j]!=0))
- {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3d(x[i],y[j],z[i][j]);
- glVertex3d(x[i+1],y[j],z[i+1][j]);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- }