资源名称:挡案管理系统.rar [点击查看]
- unit datafrm;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ADOBackUP, FileCtrl, Registry;
- type
- Tfrm_Data = class(TForm)
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- lbl_Caption: TLabel;
- edt_Path: TEdit;
- SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton;
- ProgressBar: TProgressBar;
- btnOK: TButton;
- btnCancel: TButton;
- OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
- Panel_Hide: TPanel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- Edt_FileName: TEdit;
- procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ADOBackUPProcession(Sender: TObject; Ratio: Integer);
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FOK: Boolean;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- function Show_Backup: Boolean;
- function Show_Restore: Boolean;
- implementation
- uses DM;
- {$R *.DFM}
- function Show_Backup: Boolean;
- begin
- with Tfrm_data.Create(Application) do
- begin
- Caption := '数据备份';
- lbl_Caption.Caption := '备份路径:';
- Edt_FileName.Text := FormatdateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', now) + '.dat';
- FOK := False;
- try
- Showmodal;
- finally
- Result := FOK;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function Show_Restore: Boolean;
- var
- mHeight: Integer;
- begin
- with Tfrm_data.Create(Application) do
- begin
- Caption := '数据恢复';
- mHeight := Panel_Hide.Height;
- panel_Hide.Visible := False;
- Bevel1.Height := Bevel1.Height - mHeight;
- ProgressBar.Top := ProgressBar.Top - mHeight;
- btnOK.Top := btnOK.Top - mHeight;
- btnCancel.Top := btnCancel.Top - mHeight;
- Height := Height - mHeight;
- lbl_Caption.Caption := '备份文件:';
- FOK := False;
- try
- Showmodal;
- finally
- Result := FOK;
- free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tfrm_Data.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Close;
- end;
- procedure Tfrm_Data.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
- var
- mPath, mFile: string;
- begin
- if caption = '数据备份' then
- begin
- if Selectdirectory('请选择备份路径', 'C:', mPath) then
- edt_Path.Text := mPath;
- end
- else if caption = '数据恢复' then
- begin
- mFile := ADOBackup.BrowseBackFile;
- if mFile <> '' then
- edt_Path.Text := mFile;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tfrm_Data.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
- function mIsWrong: Boolean;
- begin
- edt_path.Text := trim(edt_Path.text);
- Result := True;
- if edt_Path.Text = '' then
- begin
- application.messagebox('请选择备份路径!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- exit;
- end;
- try
- ForceDirectories(edt_path.Text);
- except
- application.messagebox('创建路径不合法,请检查!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- mPath: string;
- mTables, mSql: TStrings;
- i: integer;
- begin
- FOK := True;
- if caption = '数据备份' then
- begin
- mSql := TStringList.Create;
- mTables := TStringlist.Create;
- try
- DMMain.ADOConnection1.GetTableNames(mTables);
- for i := mtables.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- msql.Add('Select * from ' + mtables[i]);
- end;
- ADOBackUP.SQLStrings.Assign(mSql);
- finally
- msql.Free;
- mtables.Free;
- end;
- mPath := edt_Path.Text;
- if mPath[Length(mPath)] <> '' then
- mPath := mPath + '';
- Edt_fileName.Text := Trim(Edt_FileName.text);
- if Edt_fileName.Text = '' then
- ADOBackup.BackUpFileName := FormatdateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', now) + '.dat'
- else
- ADOBackup.BackUpFileName := Edt_FileName.Text;
- ADOBackup.Info.Add('* 所有数据');
- if ADOBackUP.Backup(mPath) then
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- try
- Reg.RootKey := HKey_Local_Machine;
- if Reg.OpenKey('SoftwareWolfSofttest1.0', True) then
- Reg.WriteString('BackupPath', mPath + ADOBackup.BackUpFileName);
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- application.messagebox('备份成功!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- end
- else
- begin
- FOK := False;
- application.messagebox('备份失败!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- end;
- end
- else if Caption = '数据恢复' then
- begin
- try
- if ADOBackUP.Restore(edt_Path.text) then
- application.messagebox('恢复成功!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION)
- else
- begin
- FOK := False;
- application.messagebox('恢复失败!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- end;
- except
- application.messagebox('恢复失败!', '系统提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- end;
- end;
- Self.Close;
- end;
- procedure Tfrm_Data.ADOBackUPProcession(Sender: TObject; Ratio: Integer);
- begin
- ProgressBar.Position := Ratio;
- end;
- procedure Tfrm_Data.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Reg: TRegistry;
- mFile: string;
- begin
- Reg := TRegistry.Create;
- try
- Reg.RootKey := HKey_Local_Machine;
- if Reg.OpenKey('SoftwareWolfSofttest1.0', True) then
- begin
- mFile := Reg.ReadString('BackupPath');
- if mFile <> '' then
- begin
- try
- if Caption = '数据恢复' then
- edt_path.text := mFile
- else if Caption = '数据备份' then
- edt_Path.Text := extractfilePath(mFile);
- except
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Reg.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end.