- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 功能: 位图按钮类,实现按钮的位图显示
- // 修改人: 徐景周
- // 日期: 2001年2月8日
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "RWExcel.h" //在此加入当前对话框应用类的头文件
- #include "WBButton.h"
- #include "AutoFont.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CWBButton
- CWBButton::CWBButton()
- {
- m_TopHeight = 8;
- m_BottomHeight = 8;
- m_LeftWidth = 8;
- m_RightWidth = 17;
- m_State = notInited;
- m_pFnt = new CAutoFont("宋体");
- m_BkColor = RGB(255,0,255);
- m_RcId = 0; // Resource ID
- m_NumofPics = 0;
- }
- CWBButton::~CWBButton()
- {
- NormalBitmap.DeleteObject();
- SelectBitmap.DeleteObject();
- FocusBitmap.DeleteObject();
- DisableBitmap.DeleteObject();
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pFnt);
- }
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWBButton)
- //在对按钮初始化时,自动为按钮属性添加自画属性(OWNERDRAW),jinghzou xu
- void CWBButton::PreSubclassWindow()
- {
- SetButtonStyle(GetButtonStyle()|BS_OWNERDRAW);
- }
- void CWBButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
- {
- CDC xdc;
- xdc.Attach( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC );
- CRect rc;
- GetClientRect(rc);
- CMemDC dc(&xdc,rc);
- UINT state = lpDrawItemStruct->itemState ;
- bool IsDisable = false;
- if (state & ODS_FOCUS)
- {
- DrawBitmap( &dc, focus );
- if (state & ODS_SELECTED)
- {
- DrawBitmap( &dc, select );
- rc.left += 5;
- }
- }
- else if (state & ODS_DISABLED)
- {
- IsDisable = true;
- DrawBitmap( &dc, disable );
- }else{
- DrawBitmap( &dc, normal );
- }
- int imode = dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- CFont *pOldFnt = dc.SelectObject(m_pFnt);
- COLORREF oldColor;
- if(IsDisable)
- oldColor = dc.SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) );
- else
- oldColor = dc.SetTextColor( m_pFnt->GetFontColor() );
- CString txt;
- GetWindowText(txt);
- dc.SetTextColor( oldColor );
- dc.SelectObject(pOldFnt);
- dc.SetBkMode(imode );
- }
- bool CWBButton::LoadBitmaps
- (
- UINT bmpID, int count ,
- int TopHeight, int BottomHeight, int LeftWidth, int RightWidth
- )
- {
- m_TopHeight = TopHeight;
- m_BottomHeight = BottomHeight;
- m_LeftWidth = LeftWidth;
- m_RightWidth = RightWidth;
- m_RcId = bmpID; // Resource ID
- m_NumofPics = count;
- CBitmap bmp;
- if( !bmp.LoadBitmap(bmpID) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, NormalBitmap, 0, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, SelectBitmap, 1, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, DisableBitmap,2, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, FocusBitmap, 3, count ) ) return false;
- bmp.DeleteObject();
- return true;
- }
- //加入与按钮ID相联系涵数,jingzhou xu
- bool CWBButton::AutoLoadBitmaps
- (
- UINT bottonID,CWnd* pParent,UINT bmpID, int count ,
- int TopHeight, int BottomHeight, int LeftWidth, int RightWidth
- )
- {
- m_TopHeight = TopHeight;
- m_BottomHeight = BottomHeight;
- m_LeftWidth = LeftWidth;
- m_RightWidth = RightWidth;
- if (!SubclassDlgItem(bottonID, pParent)) //初始化按按钮ID,jingzhou xu
- return FALSE;
- m_RcId = bmpID; // Resource ID
- m_NumofPics = count;
- CBitmap bmp;
- if( !bmp.LoadBitmap(bmpID) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, NormalBitmap, 0, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, SelectBitmap, 1, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, DisableBitmap,2, count ) ) return false;
- if( !InitBitmap( bmp, FocusBitmap, 3, count ) ) return false;
- bmp.DeleteObject();
- return true;
- }
- bool CWBButton::InitBitmap( CBitmap & src, CBitmap & dist, int index, int count )
- {
- CDC * pDC = GetDC();
- CDC memDC;
- memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- CDC srcDC;
- srcDC.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- CBitmap* pOldBitmap1;
- pOldBitmap1 = srcDC.SelectObject(&src);
- BITMAP bmpinfo;
- src.GetBitmap(&bmpinfo);
- int bmpWidth = bmpinfo.bmWidth / count;
- int bmpHeight = bmpinfo.bmHeight;
- int orix = bmpWidth * index;
- CRect rc;
- GetClientRect(rc);
- CBitmap* pOldBitmap2;
- dist.DeleteObject();
- dist.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC,rc.Width(),rc.Height());
- pOldBitmap2 = memDC.SelectObject(&dist);
- // lefttop,leftbottom,righttop,rightbottom
- if( !memDC.BitBlt(0,0,m_LeftWidth, m_TopHeight, &srcDC,orix,0,SRCCOPY) ) return false;
- if( !memDC.BitBlt(0,rc.bottom - m_BottomHeight,m_LeftWidth, m_BottomHeight,
- &srcDC,orix,bmpHeight - m_BottomHeight,SRCCOPY) ) return false;
- if( !memDC.BitBlt(rc.right - m_RightWidth, 0 ,m_RightWidth, m_TopHeight,
- &srcDC,orix + bmpWidth - m_RightWidth,0,SRCCOPY) ) return false;
- if( !memDC.BitBlt(rc.right - m_RightWidth,rc.bottom - m_BottomHeight,m_RightWidth,m_BottomHeight,
- &srcDC,orix + bmpWidth - m_RightWidth,bmpHeight - m_BottomHeight,SRCCOPY) ) return false;
- // entireimage
- memDC.StretchBlt(m_LeftWidth,
- m_TopHeight,
- rc.Width() - ( m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth ) ,
- rc.Height() - ( m_TopHeight + m_BottomHeight) ,
- &srcDC,
- orix + m_LeftWidth,
- m_TopHeight,
- bmpWidth - ( m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth ) ,
- bmpHeight - ( m_TopHeight + m_BottomHeight ) ,SRCCOPY);
- // topbar,bottombar( Stretch )
- memDC.StretchBlt(m_LeftWidth,0, rc.Width() - (m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth), m_TopHeight,
- &srcDC,orix + m_LeftWidth, 0, bmpWidth - ( m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth) , m_TopHeight,SRCCOPY);
- memDC.StretchBlt(m_LeftWidth, rc.bottom - m_BottomHeight, rc.Width() - ( m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth), m_BottomHeight,
- &srcDC,orix + m_LeftWidth,bmpHeight - m_BottomHeight,bmpWidth - ( m_LeftWidth + m_RightWidth) , m_BottomHeight,SRCCOPY );
- // sidebar ( STretch? )
- memDC.StretchBlt(0,m_TopHeight,m_LeftWidth,rc.bottom - m_TopHeight - m_BottomHeight ,
- &srcDC, orix,m_TopHeight, m_LeftWidth, bmpHeight - ( m_TopHeight + m_BottomHeight ) ,SRCCOPY);
- memDC.StretchBlt(rc.right - m_RightWidth ,m_TopHeight,m_RightWidth,rc.bottom - m_TopHeight - m_BottomHeight ,
- &srcDC, orix + bmpWidth - m_RightWidth,m_TopHeight, m_RightWidth, bmpHeight - m_TopHeight - m_BottomHeight ,SRCCOPY);
- srcDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap1);
- memDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap2);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- //ReleaseDC(&srcDC);
- //ReleaseDC(&memDC);
- //zwh modifing,2002.6.20: CreateCompatibleDC() <----> DeleteDC();
- // GetDC() <----> ReleaseDC();
- srcDC.DeleteDC();
- memDC.DeleteDC();
- m_State = FileLoaded;
- return true;
- }
- void CWBButton::DrawBitmap( CDC * pDC, int mode )
- {
- if( m_State < FileLoaded ) return;
- CRect rc;
- GetClientRect(rc);
- COLORREF crOldBack = pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255));
- COLORREF crOldText = pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0,0,0));
- CDC dcImage, dcTrans;
- // Create two memory dcs for the image and the mask
- dcImage.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- dcTrans.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- // Select the image into the appropriate dc
- CBitmap* pOldBitmapImage;
- switch(mode)
- {
- case normal:
- pOldBitmapImage = dcImage.SelectObject(&NormalBitmap);
- break;
- case select:
- pOldBitmapImage = dcImage.SelectObject(&SelectBitmap);
- break;
- case focus:
- pOldBitmapImage = dcImage.SelectObject(&FocusBitmap);
- break;
- case disable:
- pOldBitmapImage = dcImage.SelectObject(&DisableBitmap);
- break;
- default:
- {
- //zwh Adding,2002.6.20
- dcImage.DeleteDC();
- dcTrans.DeleteDC();
- }
- return;
- }
- // Create the mask bitmap
- CBitmap bitmapTrans;
- int nWidth = rc.Width();
- int nHeight = rc.Height();
- bitmapTrans.CreateBitmap(nWidth, nHeight, 1, 1, NULL);
- // Select the mask bitmap into the appropriate dc
- CBitmap* pOldBitmapTrans = dcTrans.SelectObject(&bitmapTrans);
- // Build mask based on transparent colour
- dcImage.SetBkColor(m_BkColor);
- dcTrans.BitBlt(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, &dcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- // Do the work - True Mask method - cool if not actual display
- pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, &dcImage, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
- pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, &dcTrans, 0, 0, SRCAND);
- pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, &dcImage, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
- // Restore settings
- dcImage.SelectObject(pOldBitmapImage);
- dcTrans.SelectObject(pOldBitmapTrans);
- pDC->SetBkColor(crOldBack);
- pDC->SetTextColor(crOldText);
- //zwh Adding,2002.6.20
- dcImage.DeleteDC();
- dcTrans.DeleteDC();
- }
- BOOL CWBButton::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- void CWBButton::SetButtonDef( int TopHeight, int BottomHeight, int LeftWidth, int RightWidth )
- {
- m_TopHeight = TopHeight;
- m_BottomHeight = BottomHeight;
- m_LeftWidth = LeftWidth;
- m_RightWidth = RightWidth;
- if( m_RcId != 0 && m_NumofPics != 0 )
- {
- LoadBitmaps(m_RcId,m_NumofPics,TopHeight,BottomHeight,LeftWidth,RightWidth);
- }
- }
- void CWBButton::SetTextFont( CFont & fnt )
- {
- fnt.GetLogFont(&lf);
- SAFE_DELETE(m_pFnt);
- m_pFnt = new CAutoFont(lf);
- }
- void CWBButton::SetFontColor( COLORREF color )
- {
- m_pFnt->SetFontColor(color);
- UpdateWindow();
- }