资源名称:G711-729.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- **
- ** File: lsp.c
- **
- ** Description: Functions that implement line spectral pair
- ** (LSP) operations.
- **
- ** Functions:
- **
- ** Converting between linear predictive coding (LPC) coefficients
- ** and LSP frequencies:
- **
- ** AtoLsp()
- ** LsptoA()
- **
- ** Vector quantization (VQ) of LSP frequencies:
- **
- ** Lsp_Qnt()
- ** Lsp_Svq()
- ** Lsp_Inq()
- **
- ** Interpolation of LSP frequencies:
- **
- ** Lsp_Int()
- */
- /*
- ITU-T G.723 Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code Version 5.00
- copyright (c) 1995, AudioCodes, DSP Group, France Telecom,
- Universite de Sherbrooke. All rights reserved.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "typedef.h"
- #include "basop.h"
- #include "cst_lbc.h"
- #include "tab_lbc.h"
- #include "lsp.h"
- /*
- **
- ** Function: AtoLsp()
- **
- ** Description: Transforms 10 LPC coefficients to the 10
- ** corresponding LSP frequencies for a subframe.
- ** This transformation is done once per frame,
- ** for subframe 3 only. The transform algorithm
- ** generates sum and difference polynomials from
- ** the LPC coefficients. It then evaluates the
- ** sum and difference polynomials at uniform
- ** intervals of pi/256 along the unit circle.
- ** Intervals where a sign change occurs are
- ** interpolated to find the zeros of the
- ** polynomials, which are the LSP frequencies.
- **
- ** Links to text: Section 2.5
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 *LspVect Empty Buffer
- ** Word16 Lpc[] Unquantized LPC coefficients (10 words)
- ** Word16 PrevLsp[] LSP frequencies from the previous frame (10 words)
- **
- ** Outputs:
- **
- ** Word16 LspVect[] LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
- **
- ** Return value: None
- **
- **/
- void AtoLsp( Word16 *LspVect, Word16 *Lpc, Word16 *PrevLsp )
- {
- int i,j,k ;
- Word32 Lpq[LpcOrder+2] ;
- Word16 Spq[LpcOrder+2] ;
- Word16 Exp ;
- Word16 LspCnt ;
- Word32 PrevVal,CurrVal ;
- Word32 Acc0,Acc1 ;
- /*
- * Perform a bandwidth expansion on the LPC coefficients. This
- * scales the poles of the LPC synthesis filter by a factor of
- * 0.994.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
- LspVect[i] = mult_r( Lpc[i], BandExpTable[i] ) ;
- /*
- * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the roots at z =
- * -1 (sum) or z = +1 (difference) removed. Let these polynomials
- * be P(z) and Q(z) respectively, and let their coefficients be
- * {p_i} amd {q_i}. The coefficients are stored in the array Lpq[]
- * as follows: p_0, q_0, p_1, q_1, ..., p_5, q_5. There is no need
- * to store the other coefficients because of symmetry.
- */
- /*
- * Set p_0 = q_0 = 1. The LPC coefficients are already scaled by
- * 1/4. P(z) and Q(z) are scaled by an additional scaling factor of
- * 1/16, for an overall factor of 1/64 = 0x02000000L.
- */
- Lpq[0] = Lpq[1] = (Word32) 0x02000000L ;
- /*
- * This loop computes the coefficients of P(z) and Q(z). The long
- * division (to remove the real zeros) is done recursively.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {
- /* P(z) */
- Acc0 = L_negate( Lpq[2*i+0] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
- Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
- Lpq[2*i+2] = Acc0 ;
- /* Q(z) */
- Acc0 = Lpq[2*i+1] ;
- Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
- Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
- Lpq[2*i+3] = Acc0 ;
- }
- /*
- * Divide p_5 and q_5 by 2 for proper weighting during polynomial
- * evaluation.
- */
- Lpq[LpcOrder+0] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Lpq[LpcOrder+1] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+1], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- /*
- * Normalize the polynomial coefficients and convert to shorts
- */
- /* Find the maximum */
- Acc1 = L_abs( Lpq[0] ) ;
- for ( i = 1 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
- Acc0 = L_abs( Lpq[i] ) ;
- if ( Acc0 > Acc1 )
- Acc1 = Acc0 ;
- }
- /* Compute the normalization factor */
- Exp = norm_l( Acc1 ) ;
- /* Normalize and convert to shorts */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
- Acc0 = L_shl( Lpq[i], Exp ) ;
- Spq[i] = round( Acc0 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the search loop
- */
- /*
- * The variable k is a flag that indicates which polynomial (sum or
- * difference) the algorithm is currently evaluating. Start with
- * the sum.
- */
- k = 0 ;
- /* Evaluate the sum polynomial at frequency zero */
- PrevVal = (Word32) 0 ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
- PrevVal = L_mac( PrevVal, Spq[2*j], CosineTable[0] ) ;
- /*
- * Search loop. Evaluate P(z) and Q(z) at uniform intervals of
- * pi/256 along the unit circle. Check for zero crossings. The
- * zeros of P(w) and Q(w) alternate, so only one of them need by
- * evaluated at any given step.
- */
- LspCnt = (Word16) 0 ;
- for ( i = 1 ; i < CosineTableSize/2 ; i ++ ) {
- /* Evaluate the selected polynomial */
- CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
- CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
- CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;
- /* Check for a sign change, indicating a zero crossing */
- if ( (CurrVal ^ PrevVal) < (Word32) 0 ) {
- /*
- * Interpolate to find the bottom 7 bits of the
- * zero-crossing frequency
- */
- Acc0 = L_abs( CurrVal ) ;
- Acc1 = L_abs( PrevVal ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
- /* Normalize the sum */
- Exp = norm_l( Acc0 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, Exp ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, Exp ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 8 ) ;
- LspVect[LspCnt] = div_l( Acc1, extract_h( Acc0 ) ) ;
- /*
- * Add the upper part of the zero-crossing frequency,
- * i.e. bits 7-15
- */
- Exp = shl( (Word16) (i-1), (Word16) 7 ) ;
- LspVect[LspCnt] = add( LspVect[LspCnt], Exp ) ;
- LspCnt ++ ;
- /* Check if all zeros have been found */
- if ( LspCnt == (Word16) LpcOrder )
- break ;
- /*
- * Switch the pointer between sum and difference polynomials
- */
- k ^= 1 ;
- /*
- * Evaluate the new polynomial at the current frequency
- */
- CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
- CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
- CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;
- }
- /* Update the previous value */
- PrevVal = CurrVal ;
- }
- /*
- * Check if all 10 zeros were found. If not, ignore the results of
- * the search and use the previous frame's LSP frequencies instead.
- */
- if ( LspCnt != (Word16) LpcOrder ) {
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
- LspVect[j] = PrevLsp[j] ;
- }
- return ;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Function: Lsp_Qnt()
- **
- ** Description: Vector quantizes the LSP frequencies. The LSP
- ** vector is divided into 3 sub-vectors, or
- ** bands, of dimension 3, 3, and 4. Each band is
- ** quantized separately using a different VQ
- ** table. Each table has 256 entries, so the
- ** quantization generates three indices of 8 bits
- ** each. (Only the LSP vector for subframe 3 is
- ** quantized per frame.)
- **
- ** Links to text: Section 2.5
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 CurrLsp[] Unquantized LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
- ** Word16 PrevLsp[] LSP frequencies from the previous frame (10 words)
- **
- ** Outputs: Quantized LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
- **
- ** Return value:
- **
- ** Word32 Long word packed with the 3 VQ indices. Band 0
- ** corresponds to bits [23:16], band 1 corresponds
- ** to bits [15:8], and band 2 corresponds to bits [7:0].
- ** (Bit 0 is the least significant.)
- **
- */
- Word32 Lsp_Qnt( Word16 *CurrLsp, Word16 *PrevLsp )
- {
- int i ;
- Word16 Wvect[LpcOrder] ;
- Word16 Tmp0,Tmp1 ;
- Word16 Exp ;
- /*
- * Compute the VQ weighting vector. The weights assign greater
- * precision to those frequencies that are closer together.
- */
- /* Compute the end differences */
- Wvect[0] = sub( CurrLsp[1], CurrLsp[0] ) ;
- Wvect[LpcOrder-1] = sub( CurrLsp[LpcOrder-1], CurrLsp[LpcOrder-2] ) ;
- /* Compute the rest of the differences */
- for ( i = 1 ; i < LpcOrder-1 ; i ++ ) {
- Tmp0 = sub( CurrLsp[i+1], CurrLsp[i] ) ;
- Tmp1 = sub( CurrLsp[i], CurrLsp[i-1] ) ;
- if ( Tmp0 > Tmp1 )
- Wvect[i] = Tmp1 ;
- else
- Wvect[i] = Tmp0 ;
- }
- /* Invert the differences */
- Tmp0 = (Word16) 0x0020 ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
- if ( Wvect[i] > Tmp0 )
- Wvect[i] = div_s( Tmp0, Wvect[i] ) ;
- else
- Wvect[i] = MAX_16 ;
- }
- /* Normalize the weight vector */
- Tmp0 = (Word16) 0 ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
- if ( Wvect[i] > Tmp0 )
- Tmp0 = Wvect[i] ;
- Exp = norm_s( Tmp0 ) ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
- Wvect[i] = shl( Wvect[i], Exp ) ;
- /*
- * Compute the VQ target vector. This is the residual that remains
- * after subtracting both the DC and predicted
- * components.
- */
- /*
- * Subtract the DC component from both the current and previous LSP
- * vectors.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
- CurrLsp[i] = sub( CurrLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;
- PrevLsp[i] = sub( PrevLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Generate the prediction vector and subtract it. Use a constant
- * first-order predictor based on the previous (DC-free) LSP
- * vector.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
- Tmp0 = mult_r( PrevLsp[i], (Word16) LspPrd0 ) ;
- CurrLsp[i] = sub( CurrLsp[i], Tmp0 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Add the DC component back to the previous LSP vector. This
- * vector is needed in later routines.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
- PrevLsp[i] = add( PrevLsp[i], LspDcTable[i] ) ;
- /*
- * Do the vector quantization for all three bands
- */
- return Lsp_Svq( CurrLsp, Wvect ) ;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Function: Lsp_Svq()
- **
- ** Description: Performs the search of the VQ tables to find
- ** the optimum LSP indices for all three bands.
- ** For each band, the search finds the index which
- ** minimizes the weighted squared error between
- ** the table entry and the target.
- **
- ** Links to text: Section 2.5
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 Tv[] VQ target vector (10 words)
- ** Word16 Wvect[] VQ weight vector (10 words)
- **
- ** Outputs: None
- **
- ** Return value:
- **
- ** Word32 Long word packed with the 3 VQ indices. Band 0
- ** corresponds to bits [23:16], band 1 corresponds
- ** to bits [15:8], and band 2 corresponds to bits [7:0].
- **
- */
- Word32 Lsp_Svq( Word16 *Tv, Word16 *Wvect )
- {
- int i,j,k ;
- Word32 Rez,Indx ;
- Word32 Acc0,Acc1 ;
- Word16 Tmp[LpcOrder] ;
- Word16 *LspQntPnt ;
- /*
- * Initialize the return value
- */
- Rez = (Word32) 0 ;
- /*
- * Quantize each band separately
- */
- for ( k = 0 ; k < LspQntBands ; k ++ ) {
- /*
- * Search over the entire VQ table to find the index that
- * minimizes the error.
- */
- /* Initialize the search */
- Acc1 = (Word32) -1 ;
- Indx = (Word32) 0 ;
- LspQntPnt = BandQntTable[k] ;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LspCbSize ; i ++ ) {
- /*
- * Generate the metric, which is the negative error with the
- * constant component removed.
- */
- for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
- Tmp[j] = mult_r( Wvect[BandInfoTable[k][0]+j],
- LspQntPnt[j] ) ;
- Acc0 = (Word32) 0 ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
- Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tv[BandInfoTable[k][0]+j], Tmp[j] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
- Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, LspQntPnt[j], Tmp[j] ) ;
- LspQntPnt += BandInfoTable[k][1] ;
- /*
- * Compare the metric to the previous maximum and select the
- * new index
- */
- if ( Acc0 > Acc1 ) {
- Acc1 = Acc0 ;
- Indx = (Word32) i ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Pack the result with the optimum index for this band
- */
- Rez = L_shl( Rez, (Word16) LspCbBits ) ;
- Rez = L_add( Rez, Indx ) ;
- }
- return Rez ;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Function: Lsp_Inq()
- **
- ** Description: Performs inverse vector quantization of the
- ** LSP frequencies. The LSP vector is divided
- ** into 3 sub-vectors, or bands, of dimension 3,
- ** 3, and 4. Each band is inverse quantized
- ** separately using a different VQ table. Each
- ** table has 256 entries, so each VQ index is 8
- ** bits. (Only the LSP vector for subframe 3 is
- ** quantized per frame.)
- **
- ** Links to text: Sections 2.6, 3.2
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 *Lsp Empty buffer
- ** Word16 PrevLsp[] Quantized LSP frequencies from the previous frame
- ** (10 words)
- ** Word32 LspId Long word packed with the 3 VQ indices. Band 0
- ** corresponds to bits [23:16], band 1 corresponds
- ** to bits [15:8], and band 2 corresponds to bits
- ** [7:0].
- ** Word16 Crc Frame erasure indicator
- **
- ** Outputs:
- **
- ** Word16 Lsp[] Quantized LSP frequencies for current frame (10
- ** words)
- **
- ** Return value: None
- **
- */
- void Lsp_Inq( Word16 *Lsp, Word16 *PrevLsp, Word32 LspId, Word16 Crc )
- {
- int i,j ;
- Word16 *LspQntPnt ;
- Word16 Scon ;
- Word16 Lprd ;
- Word16 Tmp ;
- Flag Test ;
- /*
- * Check for frame erasure. If a frame erasure has occurred, the
- * resulting VQ table entries are zero. In addition, a different
- * fixed predictor and minimum frequency separation are used.
- */
- if ( Crc == (Word16) 0 ) {
- Scon = (Word16) 0x0100 ;
- Lprd = LspPrd0 ;
- }
- else {
- LspId = (Word32) 0 ;
- Scon = (Word16) 0x0200 ;
- Lprd = LspPrd1 ;
- }
- /*
- * Inverse quantize the 10th-order LSP vector. Each band is done
- * separately.
- */
- for ( i = LspQntBands-1; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
- /*
- * Get the VQ table entry corresponding to the transmitted index
- */
- Tmp = (Word16) ( LspId & (Word32) 0x000000ff ) ;
- LspId >>= 8 ;
- LspQntPnt = BandQntTable[i] ;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[i][1] ; j ++ )
- Lsp[BandInfoTable[i][0] + j] =
- LspQntPnt[Tmp*BandInfoTable[i][1] + j] ;
- }
- /*
- * Subtract the DC component from the previous frame's quantized
- * vector
- */
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
- PrevLsp[j] = sub(PrevLsp[j], LspDcTable[j] ) ;
- /*
- * Generate the prediction vector using a fixed first-order
- * predictor based on the previous frame's (DC-free) quantized
- * vector
- */
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
- Tmp = mult_r( PrevLsp[j], Lprd ) ;
- Lsp[j] = add( Lsp[j], Tmp ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Add the DC component back to the previous quantized vector,
- * which is needed in later routines
- */
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
- PrevLsp[j] = add( PrevLsp[j], LspDcTable[j] ) ;
- Lsp[j] = add( Lsp[j], LspDcTable[j] ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Perform a stability test on the quantized LSP frequencies. This
- * test checks that the frequencies are ordered, with a minimum
- * separation between each. If the test fails, the frequencies are
- * iteratively modified until the test passes. If after 10
- * iterations the test has not passed, the previous frame's
- * quantized LSP vector is used.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
- /* Check the first frequency */
- if ( Lsp[0] < (Word16) 0x180 )
- Lsp[0] = (Word16) 0x180 ;
- /* Check the last frequency */
- if ( Lsp[LpcOrder-1] > (Word16) 0x7e00 )
- Lsp[LpcOrder-1] = (Word16) 0x7e00 ;
- /* Perform the modification */
- for ( j = 1 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
- Tmp = add( Scon, Lsp[j-1] ) ;
- Tmp = sub( Tmp, Lsp[j] ) ;
- if ( Tmp > (Word16) 0 ) {
- Tmp = shr( Tmp, (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Lsp[j-1] = sub( Lsp[j-1], Tmp ) ;
- Lsp[j] = add( Lsp[j], Tmp ) ;
- }
- }
- Test = False ;
- /*
- * Test the modified frequencies for stability. Break out of
- * the loop if the frequencies are stable.
- */
- for ( j = 1 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
- Tmp = add( Lsp[j-1], Scon ) ;
- Tmp = sub( Tmp, (Word16) 4 ) ;
- Tmp = sub( Tmp, Lsp[j] ) ;
- if ( Tmp > (Word16) 0 )
- Test = True ;
- }
- if ( Test == False )
- break ;
- }
- /*
- * Return the result of the stability check. True = not stable,
- * False = stable.
- */
- if ( Test == True) {
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
- Lsp[j] = PrevLsp[j] ;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Function: Lsp_Int()
- **
- ** Description: Computes the quantized LPC coefficients for a
- ** frame. First the quantized LSP frequencies
- ** for all subframes are computed by linear
- ** interpolation. These frequencies are then
- ** transformed to quantized LPC coefficients.
- **
- ** Links to text: Sections 2.7, 3.3
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 *QntLpc Empty buffer
- ** Word16 CurrLsp[] Quantized LSP frequencies for the current frame,
- ** subframe 3 (10 words)
- ** Word16 PrevLsp[] Quantized LSP frequencies for the previous frame,
- ** subframe 3 (10 words)
- **
- ** Outputs:
- **
- ** Word16 QntLpc[] Quantized LPC coefficients for current frame, all
- ** subframes (40 words)
- **
- ** Return value: None
- **
- */
- void Lsp_Int( Word16 *QntLpc, Word16 *CurrLsp, Word16 *PrevLsp )
- {
- int i,j ;
- Word16 Tmp ;
- Word16 *Dpnt ;
- Word32 Acc0 ;
- /*
- * Initialize the interpolation factor
- */
- Tmp = (Word16) (MIN_16 / SubFrames ) ;
- Dpnt = QntLpc ;
- /*
- * Do for all subframes
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < SubFrames ; i ++ ) {
- /*
- * Compute the quantized LSP frequencies by linear interpolation
- * of the frequencies from subframe 3 of the current and
- * previous frames
- */
- for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
- Acc0 = L_deposit_h( PrevLsp[j] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tmp, PrevLsp[j] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Tmp, CurrLsp[j] ) ;
- Dpnt[j] = round( Acc0 ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Convert the quantized LSP frequencies to quantized LPC
- * coefficients
- */
- LsptoA( Dpnt ) ;
- Dpnt += LpcOrder ;
- /* Update the interpolation factor */
- Tmp = add( Tmp, (Word16) (MIN_16 / SubFrames ) ) ;
- }
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Function: LsptoA()
- **
- ** Description: Converts LSP frequencies to LPC coefficients
- ** for a subframe. Sum and difference
- ** polynomials are computed from the LSP
- ** frequencies (which are the roots of these
- ** polynomials). The LPC coefficients are then
- ** computed by adding the sum and difference
- ** polynomials.
- **
- ** Links to text: Sections 2.7, 3.3
- **
- ** Arguments:
- **
- ** Word16 Lsp[] LSP frequencies (10 words)
- **
- ** Outputs:
- **
- ** Word16 Lsp[] LPC coefficients (10 words)
- **
- ** Return value: None
- **
- */
- void LsptoA( Word16 *Lsp )
- {
- int i,j ;
- Word32 Acc0,Acc1 ;
- Word16 Tmp ;
- Word32 P[LpcOrder/2+1] ;
- Word32 Q[LpcOrder/2+1] ;
- /*
- * Compute the cosines of the LSP frequencies by table lookup and
- * linear interpolation
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {
- /*
- * Do the table lookup using bits [15:7] of the LSP frequency
- */
- j = (int) shr( Lsp[i], (Word16) 7 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_deposit_h( CosineTable[j] ) ;
- /*
- * Do the linear interpolations using bits [6:0] of the LSP
- * frequency
- */
- Tmp = sub(CosineTable[j+1], CosineTable[j] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tmp, add( shl( (Word16)(Lsp[i] & 0x007f) ,
- (Word16)8 ), (Word16) 0x0080 ) ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the real roots
- * removed. These are computed by polynomial multiplication as
- * follows. Let the sum polynomial be P(z). Define the elementary
- * polynomials P_i(z) = 1 - 2cos(w_i) z^{-1} + z^{-2}, for 1<=i<=
- * 5, where {w_i} are the LSP frequencies corresponding to the sum
- * polynomial. Then P(z) = P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_5(z). Similarly
- * the difference polynomial Q(z) = Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_5(z).
- */
- /*
- * Initialize the arrays with the coefficients of the product
- * P_1(z)P_2(z) and Q_1(z)Q_2(z). Scale by 1/8.
- */
- P[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
- P[1] = L_mult( Lsp[0], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
- P[1] = L_mac( P[1], Lsp[2], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
- P[2] = L_mult( Lsp[0], Lsp[2] ) ;
- P[2] = L_shr( P[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- P[2] = L_add( P[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;
- Q[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
- Q[1] = L_mult( Lsp[1], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
- Q[1] = L_mac( Q[1], Lsp[3], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
- Q[2] = L_mult( Lsp[1], Lsp[3] ) ;
- Q[2] = L_shr( Q[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Q[2] = L_add( Q[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;
- /*
- * Compute the intermediate polynomials P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_i(z) and
- * Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_i(z), for i = 2, 3, 4. Each intermediate
- * polynomial is symmetric, so only the coefficients up to i+1 need
- * by computed. Scale by 1/2 each iteration for a total of 1/8.
- */
- for ( i = 2 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {
- /* Compute coefficient (i+1) */
- Acc0 = P[i] ;
- Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i-1] ) ;
- P[i+1] = Acc0 ;
- Acc1 = Q[i] ;
- Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i-1] ) ;
- Q[i+1] = Acc1 ;
- /* Compute coefficients i, i-1, ..., 2 */
- for ( j = i ; j >= 2 ; j -- ) {
- Acc0 = P[j-1] ;
- Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
- P[j] = Acc0 ;
- Acc1 = Q[j-1] ;
- Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
- Q[j] = Acc1 ;
- }
- /* Compute coefficients 1, 0 */
- P[0] = L_shr( P[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Q[0] = L_shr( Q[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Acc0 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) i ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[1] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
- P[1] = Acc0 ;
- Acc1 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) i ) ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 1 ) ;
- Q[1] = Acc1 ;
- }
- /*
- * Convert the sum and difference polynomials to LPC coefficients
- * The LPC polynomial is the sum of the sum and difference
- * polynomials with the real zeros factored in: A(z) = 1/2 {P(z) (1
- * + z^{-1}) + Q(z) (1 - z^{-1})}. The LPC coefficients are scaled
- * here by 16; the overall scale factor for the LPC coefficients
- * returned by this function is therefore 1/4.
- */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {
- Acc0 = P[i] ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i+1] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Q[i] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Q[i+1] ) ;
- Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 3 ) ;
- Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;
- Acc1 = P[i] ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, P[i+1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_sub( Acc1, Q[i+1] ) ;
- Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, (Word16) 3 ) ;
- Lsp[LpcOrder-1-i] = negate( round( Acc1 ) ) ;
- }
- }