资源名称:G711-729.rar [点击查看]
- /* Version 3.3 Last modified: December 26, 1995 */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Functions Coder_ld8k and Init_Coder_ld8k *
- * ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "typedef.h"
- #include "basic_op.h"
- #include "ld8k.h"
- #include "tab_ld8k.h"
- #include "oper_32b.h"
- static void update_exc_err(Word16 gain_pit, Word16 t0);
- static Word16 test_err(Word16 t0, Word16 t0_frac);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * Coder constant parameters (defined in "ld8k.h") *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * L_WINDOW : LPC analysis window size. *
- * L_NEXT : Samples of next frame needed for autocor. *
- * L_FRAME : Frame size. *
- * L_SUBFR : Sub-frame size. *
- * M : LPC order. *
- * MP1 : LPC order+1 *
- * L_TOTAL : Total size of speech buffer. *
- * PIT_MIN : Minimum pitch lag. *
- * PIT_MAX : Maximum pitch lag. *
- * L_INTERPOL : Length of filter for interpolation *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------*
- * Static memory allocation. *
- *--------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Speech vector */
- static Word16 old_speech[L_TOTAL];
- static Word16 *speech, *p_window;
- Word16 *new_speech; /* Global variable */
- /* Weighted speech vector */
- static Word16 old_wsp[L_FRAME+PIT_MAX];
- static Word16 *wsp;
- /* Excitation vector */
- static Word16 old_exc[L_FRAME+PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL];
- static Word16 *exc;
- /* Zero vector */
- static Word16 ai_zero[L_SUBFR+MP1];
- static Word16 *zero;
- /* Lsp (Line spectral pairs) */
- static Word16 lsp_old[M]={
- 30000, 26000, 21000, 15000, 8000, 0, -8000,-15000,-21000,-26000};
- static Word16 lsp_old_q[M];
- /* Filter's memory */
- static Word16 mem_syn[M], mem_w0[M], mem_w[M];
- static Word16 mem_err[M+L_SUBFR], *error;
- static Word16 sharp;
- /* to tame the coder */
- static Word32 L_exc_err[4];
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Function Init_Coder_ld8k *
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
- * *
- * Init_Coder_ld8k(void); *
- * *
- * ->Initialization of variables for the coder section. *
- * - initialize pointers to speech buffer *
- * - initialize static pointers *
- * - set static vectors to zero *
- * *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void Init_Coder_ld8k(void)
- {
- int i;
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Initialize pointers to speech vector. *
- * *
- * *
- * |--------------------|-------------|-------------|------------| *
- * previous speech sf1 sf2 L_NEXT *
- * *
- * <---------------- Total speech vector (L_TOTAL) -----------> *
- * <---------------- LPC analysis window (L_WINDOW) -----------> *
- * | <-- present frame (L_FRAME) --> *
- * old_speech | <-- new speech (L_FRAME) --> *
- * p_window | | *
- * speech | *
- * new_speech *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- new_speech = old_speech + L_TOTAL - L_FRAME; /* New speech */
- speech = new_speech - L_NEXT; /* Present frame */
- p_window = old_speech + L_TOTAL - L_WINDOW; /* For LPC window */
- /* Initialize static pointers */
- wsp = old_wsp + PIT_MAX;
- exc = old_exc + PIT_MAX + L_INTERPOL;
- zero = ai_zero + MP1;
- error = mem_err + M;
- /* Static vectors to zero */
- Set_zero(old_speech, L_TOTAL);
- Set_zero(old_exc, PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);
- Set_zero(old_wsp, PIT_MAX);
- Set_zero(mem_syn, M);
- Set_zero(mem_w, M);
- Set_zero(mem_w0, M);
- Set_zero(mem_err, M);
- Set_zero(zero, L_SUBFR);
- sharp = SHARPMIN;
- /* Initialize lsp_old_q[] */
- Copy(lsp_old, lsp_old_q, M);
- Lsp_encw_reset();
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) L_exc_err[i] = 0x00004000L; /* Q14 */
- return;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Functions Coder_ld8k *
- * ~~~~~~~~~~ *
- * Coder_ld8k(Word16 ana[], Word16 synth[]); *
- * *
- * ->Main coder function. *
- * *
- * *
- * Input: *
- * *
- * 80 speech data should have been copied to vector new_speech[].*
- * This vector is global and is declared in this function. *
- * *
- * Ouputs: *
- * *
- * ana[] ->analysis parameters. *
- * synth[] ->Local synthesis (for debug purpose) *
- * *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void Coder_ld8k(
- Word16 ana[], /* output : Analysis parameters */
- Word16 synth[] /* output : Local synthesis */
- )
- {
- /* LPC analysis */
- Word16 r_l[MP1], r_h[MP1]; /* Autocorrelations low and hi */
- Word16 rc[M]; /* Reflection coefficients. */
- Word16 A_t[(MP1)*2]; /* A(z) unquantized for the 2 subframes */
- Word16 Aq_t[(MP1)*2]; /* A(z) quantized for the 2 subframes */
- Word16 Ap1[MP1]; /* A(z) with spectral expansion */
- Word16 Ap2[MP1]; /* A(z) with spectral expansion */
- Word16 *A, *Aq; /* Pointer on A_t and Aq_t */
- Word16 lsp_new[M], lsp_new_q[M]; /* LSPs at 2th subframe */
- Word16 lsf_int[M]; /* Interpolated LSF 1st subframe. */
- Word16 lsf_new[M];
- Word16 gamma1[2], gamma2[2]; /* Weighting factor for the 2 subframes */
- /* Other vectors */
- Word16 h1[L_SUBFR]; /* Impulse response h1[] */
- Word16 xn[L_SUBFR]; /* Target vector for pitch search */
- Word16 xn2[L_SUBFR]; /* Target vector for codebook search */
- Word16 code[L_SUBFR]; /* Fixed codebook excitation */
- Word16 y1[L_SUBFR]; /* Filtered adaptive excitation */
- Word16 y2[L_SUBFR]; /* Filtered fixed codebook excitation */
- Word16 g_coeff[4]; /* Correlations between xn & y1 */
- Word16 g_coeff_cs[5];
- Word16 exp_g_coeff_cs[5]; /* Correlations between xn, y1, & y2
- <y1,y1>, -2<xn,y1>,
- <y2,y2>, -2<xn,y2>, 2<y1,y2> */
- /* Scalars */
- Word16 i, j, k, i_subfr, i_gamma;
- Word16 T_op, T0, T0_min, T0_max, T0_frac;
- Word16 gain_pit, gain_code, index;
- Word16 temp;
- Word32 L_temp;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * - Perform LPC analysis: *
- * * autocorrelation + lag windowing *
- * * Levinson-durbin algorithm to find a[] *
- * * convert a[] to lsp[] *
- * * quantize and code the LSPs *
- * * find the interpolated LSPs and convert to a[] for the 2 *
- * subframes (both quantized and unquantized) *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* LP analysis */
- Autocorr(p_window, M, r_h, r_l); /* Autocorrelations */
- Lag_window(M, r_h, r_l); /* Lag windowing */
- Levinson(r_h, r_l, &A_t[MP1],rc); /* Levinson Durbin */
- Az_lsp(&A_t[MP1], lsp_new, lsp_old); /* From A(z) to lsp */
- /* LSP quantization */
- Qua_lsp(lsp_new, lsp_new_q, ana);
- ana += 2; /* Advance analysis parameters pointer */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Find interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes (both quantized *
- * and unquantized). *
- * The interpolated parameters are in array A_t[] of size (M+1)*4 *
- * and the quantized interpolated parameters are in array Aq_t[] *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Int_lpc(lsp_old, lsp_new, lsf_int, lsf_new, A_t);
- Int_qlpc(lsp_old_q, lsp_new_q, Aq_t);
- /* update the LSPs for the next frame */
- for(i=0; i<M; i++)
- {
- lsp_old[i] = lsp_new[i];
- lsp_old_q[i] = lsp_new_q[i];
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * - Find the weighting factors *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- perc_var(gamma1, gamma2, lsf_int, lsf_new, rc);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * - Find the weighted input speech w_sp[] for the whole speech frame *
- * - Find the open-loop pitch delay *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Weight_Az(&A_t[0], gamma1[0], M, Ap1);
- Weight_Az(&A_t[0], gamma2[0], M, Ap2);
- Residu(Ap1, &speech[0], &wsp[0], L_SUBFR);
- Syn_filt(Ap2, &wsp[0], &wsp[0], L_SUBFR, mem_w, 1);
- Weight_Az(&A_t[MP1], gamma1[1], M, Ap1);
- Weight_Az(&A_t[MP1], gamma2[1], M, Ap2);
- Residu(Ap1, &speech[L_SUBFR], &wsp[L_SUBFR], L_SUBFR);
- Syn_filt(Ap2, &wsp[L_SUBFR], &wsp[L_SUBFR], L_SUBFR, mem_w, 1);
- /* Find open loop pitch lag */
- T_op = Pitch_ol(wsp, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, L_FRAME);
- /* Range for closed loop pitch search in 1st subframe */
- T0_min = sub(T_op, 3);
- if (sub(T0_min,PIT_MIN)<0) {
- T0_min = PIT_MIN;
- }
- T0_max = add(T0_min, 6);
- if (sub(T0_max ,PIT_MAX)>0)
- {
- T0_max = PIT_MAX;
- T0_min = sub(T0_max, 6);
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Loop for every subframe in the analysis frame *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * To find the pitch and innovation parameters. The subframe size is *
- * L_SUBFR and the loop is repeated 2 times. *
- * - find the weighted LPC coefficients *
- * - find the LPC residual signal res[] *
- * - compute the target signal for pitch search *
- * - compute impulse response of weighted synthesis filter (h1[]) *
- * - find the closed-loop pitch parameters *
- * - encode the pitch delay *
- * - update the impulse response h1[] by including fixed-gain pitch *
- * - find target vector for codebook search *
- * - codebook search *
- * - encode codebook address *
- * - VQ of pitch and codebook gains *
- * - find synthesis speech *
- * - update states of weighting filter *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- A = A_t; /* pointer to interpolated LPC parameters */
- Aq = Aq_t; /* pointer to interpolated quantized LPC parameters */
- i_gamma = 0;
- for (i_subfr = 0; i_subfr < L_FRAME; i_subfr += L_SUBFR)
- {
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Find the weighted LPC coefficients for the weighting filter. *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Weight_Az(A, gamma1[i_gamma], M, Ap1);
- Weight_Az(A, gamma2[i_gamma], M, Ap2);
- i_gamma = add(i_gamma,1);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Compute impulse response, h1[], of weighted synthesis filter *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
- for (i = 0; i <= M; i++) {
- ai_zero[i] = Ap1[i];
- }
- Syn_filt(Aq, ai_zero, h1, L_SUBFR, zero, 0);
- Syn_filt(Ap2, h1, h1, L_SUBFR, zero, 0);
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * *
- * Find the target vector for pitch search: *
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
- * *
- * |------| res[n] *
- * speech[n]---| A(z) |-------- *
- * |------| | |--------| error[n] |------| *
- * zero -- (-)--| 1/A(z) |-----------| W(z) |-- target *
- * exc |--------| |------| *
- * *
- * Instead of subtracting the zero-input response of filters from *
- * the weighted input speech, the above configuration is used to *
- * compute the target vector. This configuration gives better performance *
- * with fixed-point implementation. The memory of 1/A(z) is updated by *
- * filtering (res[n]-exc[n]) through 1/A(z), or simply by subtracting *
- * the synthesis speech from the input speech: *
- * error[n] = speech[n] - syn[n]. *
- * The memory of W(z) is updated by filtering error[n] through W(z), *
- * or more simply by subtracting the filtered adaptive and fixed *
- * codebook excitations from the target: *
- * target[n] - gain_pit*y1[n] - gain_code*y2[n] *
- * as these signals are already available. *
- * *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Residu(Aq, &speech[i_subfr], &exc[i_subfr], L_SUBFR); /* LPC residual */
- Syn_filt(Aq, &exc[i_subfr], error, L_SUBFR, mem_err, 0);
- Residu(Ap1, error, xn, L_SUBFR);
- Syn_filt(Ap2, xn, xn, L_SUBFR, mem_w0, 0); /* target signal xn[]*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Closed-loop fractional pitch search *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- T0 = Pitch_fr3(&exc[i_subfr], xn, h1, L_SUBFR, T0_min, T0_max,
- i_subfr, &T0_frac);
- index = Enc_lag3(T0, T0_frac, &T0_min, &T0_max,PIT_MIN,PIT_MAX,i_subfr);
- *ana++ = index;
- if (i_subfr == 0) {
- *ana++ = Parity_Pitch(index);
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
- * - find unity gain pitch excitation (adaptive codebook entry) *
- * with fractional interpolation. *
- * - find filtered pitch exc. y1[]=exc[] convolve with h1[]) *
- * - compute pitch gain and limit between 0 and 1.2 *
- * - update target vector for codebook search *
- * - find LTP residual. *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Pred_lt_3(&exc[i_subfr], T0, T0_frac, L_SUBFR);
- Convolve(&exc[i_subfr], h1, y1, L_SUBFR);
- gain_pit = G_pitch(xn, y1, g_coeff, L_SUBFR);
- /* clip pitch gain if taming is necessary */
- temp = test_err(T0, T0_frac);
- if( temp == 1){
- if (sub(gain_pit, GPCLIP) > 0) {
- gain_pit = GPCLIP;
- }
- }
- /* xn2[i] = xn[i] - y1[i] * gain_pit */
- for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
- {
- L_temp = L_mult(y1[i], gain_pit);
- L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1); /* gain_pit in Q14 */
- xn2[i] = sub(xn[i], extract_h(L_temp));
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------*
- * - Innovative codebook search. *
- *-----------------------------------------------------*/
- index = ACELP_Codebook(xn2, h1, T0, sharp, i_subfr, code, y2, &i);
- *ana++ = index; /* Positions index */
- *ana++ = i; /* Signs index */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------*
- * - Quantization of gains. *
- *-----------------------------------------------------*/
- g_coeff_cs[0] = g_coeff[0]; /* <y1,y1> */
- exp_g_coeff_cs[0] = negate(g_coeff[1]); /* Q-Format:XXX -> JPN */
- g_coeff_cs[1] = negate(g_coeff[2]); /* (xn,y1) -> -2<xn,y1> */
- exp_g_coeff_cs[1] = negate(add(g_coeff[3], 1)); /* Q-Format:XXX -> JPN */
- Corr_xy2( xn, y1, y2, g_coeff_cs, exp_g_coeff_cs ); /* Q0 Q0 Q12 ^Qx ^Q0 */
- /* g_coeff_cs[3]:exp_g_coeff_cs[3] = <y2,y2> */
- /* g_coeff_cs[4]:exp_g_coeff_cs[4] = -2<xn,y2> */
- /* g_coeff_cs[5]:exp_g_coeff_cs[5] = 2<y1,y2> */
- *ana++ = Qua_gain(code, g_coeff_cs, exp_g_coeff_cs,
- L_SUBFR, &gain_pit, &gain_code, temp);
- /*------------------------------------------------------------*
- * - Update pitch sharpening "sharp" with quantized gain_pit *
- *------------------------------------------------------------*/
- sharp = gain_pit;
- if (sub(sharp, SHARPMAX) > 0) { sharp = SHARPMAX; }
- if (sub(sharp, SHARPMIN) < 0) { sharp = SHARPMIN; }
- /*------------------------------------------------------*
- * - Find the total excitation *
- * - find synthesis speech corresponding to exc[] *
- * - update filters memories for finding the target *
- * vector in the next subframe *
- * (update error[-m..-1] and mem_w_err[]) *
- * update error function for taming process *
- *------------------------------------------------------*/
- for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
- {
- /* exc[i] = gain_pit*exc[i] + gain_code*code[i]; */
- /* exc[i] in Q0 gain_pit in Q14 */
- /* code[i] in Q13 gain_cod in Q1 */
- L_temp = L_mult(exc[i+i_subfr], gain_pit);
- L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, code[i], gain_code);
- L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
- exc[i+i_subfr] = round(L_temp);
- }
- update_exc_err(gain_pit, T0);
- Syn_filt(Aq, &exc[i_subfr], &synth[i_subfr], L_SUBFR, mem_syn, 1);
- for (i = L_SUBFR-M, j = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++, j++)
- {
- mem_err[j] = sub(speech[i_subfr+i], synth[i_subfr+i]);
- temp = extract_h(L_shl( L_mult(y1[i], gain_pit), 1) );
- k = extract_h(L_shl( L_mult(y2[i], gain_code), 2) );
- mem_w0[j] = sub(xn[i], add(temp, k));
- }
- A += MP1; /* interpolated LPC parameters for next subframe */
- Aq += MP1;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------*
- * Update signal for next frame. *
- * -> shift to the left by L_FRAME: *
- * speech[], wsp[] and exc[] *
- *--------------------------------------------------*/
- Copy(&old_speech[L_FRAME], &old_speech[0], L_TOTAL-L_FRAME);
- Copy(&old_wsp[L_FRAME], &old_wsp[0], PIT_MAX);
- Copy(&old_exc[L_FRAME], &old_exc[0], PIT_MAX+L_INTERPOL);
- return;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * routine corr_xy2() *
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
- * Find the correlations between the target xn[], the filtered adaptive *
- * codebook excitation y1[], and the filtered 1st codebook innovation y2[]. *
- * g_coeff[2]:exp_g_coeff[2] = <y2,y2> *
- * g_coeff[3]:exp_g_coeff[3] = -2<xn,y2> *
- * g_coeff[4]:exp_g_coeff[4] = 2<y1,y2> *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void Corr_xy2(
- Word16 xn[], /* (i) Q0 :Target vector. */
- Word16 y1[], /* (i) Q0 :Adaptive codebook. */
- Word16 y2[], /* (i) Q12 :Filtered innovative vector. */
- Word16 g_coeff[], /* (o) Q[exp]:Correlations between xn,y1,y2 */
- Word16 exp_g_coeff[] /* (o) :Q-format of g_coeff[] */
- )
- {
- Word16 i,exp;
- Word16 exp_y2y2,exp_xny2,exp_y1y2;
- Word16 y2y2, xny2, y1y2;
- Word32 L_acc;
- Word16 scaled_y2[L_SUBFR]; /* Q9 */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Scale down y2[] from Q12 to Q9 to avoid overflow *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
- scaled_y2[i] = shr(y2[i], 3);
- /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */
- L_acc = 1; /* Avoid case of all zeros */
- for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
- L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, scaled_y2[i], scaled_y2[i]); /* L_acc:Q19 */
- exp = norm_l(L_acc);
- y2y2 = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
- exp_y2y2 = add(exp, 19-16); /* Q[19+exp-16] */
- g_coeff[2] = y2y2;
- exp_g_coeff[2] = exp_y2y2;
- /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y2[]> */
- L_acc = 1; /* Avoid case of all zeros */
- for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
- L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, xn[i], scaled_y2[i]); /* L_acc:Q10 */
- exp = norm_l(L_acc);
- xny2 = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
- exp_xny2 = add(exp, 10-16); /* Q[10+exp-16] */
- g_coeff[3] = negate(xny2);
- exp_g_coeff[3] = sub(exp_xny2,1); /* -2<xn,y2> */
- /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y2[]> */
- L_acc = 1; /* Avoid case of all zeros */
- for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
- L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, y1[i], scaled_y2[i]); /* L_acc:Q10 */
- exp = norm_l(L_acc);
- y1y2 = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
- exp_y1y2 = add(exp, 10-16); /* Q[10+exp-16] */
- g_coeff[4] = y1y2;
- exp_g_coeff[4] = sub(exp_y1y2,1); ; /* 2<y1,y2> */
- return;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * routine test_err - computes the accumulated potential error in the *
- * adaptive codebook contribution *
- **************************************************************************/
- static Word16 test_err( /* (o) flag set to 1 if taming is necessary */
- Word16 T0, /* (i) integer part of pitch delay */
- Word16 T0_frac /* (i) fractional part of pitch delay */
- )
- {
- Word16 i, t1, zone1, zone2, flag;
- Word32 L_maxloc, L_acc;
- if(T0_frac > 0) {
- t1 = add(T0, 1);
- }
- else {
- t1 = T0;
- }
- i = sub(t1, (L_SUBFR+L_INTER10));
- if(i < 0) {
- i = 0;
- }
- zone1 = tab_zone[i];
- i = add(t1, (L_INTER10 - 2));
- zone2 = tab_zone[i];
- L_maxloc = -1L;
- flag = 0 ;
- for(i=zone2; i>=zone1; i--) {
- L_acc = L_sub(L_exc_err[i], L_maxloc);
- if(L_acc > 0L) {
- L_maxloc = L_exc_err[i];
- }
- }
- L_acc = L_sub(L_maxloc, L_THRESH_ERR);
- if(L_acc > 0L) {
- flag = 1;
- }
- return(flag);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *routine update_exc_err - maintains the memory used to compute the error *
- * function due to an adaptive codebook mismatch between encoder and *
- * decoder *
- **************************************************************************/
- static void update_exc_err(
- Word16 gain_pit, /* (i) pitch gain */
- Word16 T0 /* (i) integer part of pitch delay */
- )
- {
- Word16 i, zone1, zone2, n;
- Word32 L_worst, L_temp, L_acc;
- Word16 hi, lo;
- L_worst = -1L;
- n = sub(T0, L_SUBFR);
- if(n < 0) {
- L_Extract(L_exc_err[0], &hi, &lo);
- L_temp = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, gain_pit);
- L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
- L_temp = L_add(0x00004000L, L_temp);
- L_acc = L_sub(L_temp, L_worst);
- if(L_acc > 0L) {
- L_worst = L_temp;
- }
- L_Extract(L_temp, &hi, &lo);
- L_temp = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, gain_pit);
- L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
- L_temp = L_add(0x00004000L, L_temp);
- L_acc = L_sub(L_temp, L_worst);
- if(L_acc > 0L) {
- L_worst = L_temp;
- }
- }
- else {
- zone1 = tab_zone[n];
- i = sub(T0, 1);
- zone2 = tab_zone[i];
- for(i = zone1; i <= zone2; i++) {
- L_Extract(L_exc_err[i], &hi, &lo);
- L_temp = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, gain_pit);
- L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 1);
- L_temp = L_add(0x00004000L, L_temp);
- L_acc = L_sub(L_temp, L_worst);
- if(L_acc > 0L) L_worst = L_temp;
- }
- }
- for(i=3; i>=1; i--) {
- L_exc_err[i] = L_exc_err[i-1];
- }
- L_exc_err[0] = L_worst;
- return;
- }