- function [Wo, xp, alpha, e] = rls_AR_pred(Xi, Y, verbose, lambda, delta)
- % function [Wo, xp, alpha, e] = rls_AR_pred(Xi, Y, verbose, lambda, delta)
- %
- % rls_AR_pred.m - use basic RLS algorithm to predict real-valued AR process
- % written for MATLAB 4.0
- %
- % Reference: Haykin, _Adaptive Filter Theory_, 2nd (corr.) ed., 1991
- %
- % Note that we use the algorithm in Table 13.2, i.e.,
- % we do not exploit the Hermitian property of P(n), to
- % minimize the possibility of numerical instability.
- %
- %
- % Input parameters:
- % Xi : matrix of training/test points - each row is
- % considered a datum
- % y : vector of corresponding desired outputs for
- % predictor
- % verbose: set to 1 for interactive processing
- % lambda : the initial value of the forgetting factor
- % delta : the initial value for the diagonal P matrix
- %
- % Output parameters:
- % Wo : column-wise matrix of weights at each iteration
- % xp : row vector of predicted outputs
- % alpha : row vector of a priori prediction errors
- % e : row vector of a posteriori prediction errors Y - xp
- Nout = size(Xi, 2);
- % length of maximum number of timesteps that can be predicted
- N = size(Xi, 1);
- % order of predictor
- d = size(Xi, 2);
- % initialize weight matrix and associated parameters for RLS predictor
- W = zeros(Nout, 1);
- Wo = [];
- P = eye(d) / delta;
- for n = 1:N,
- % save weights
- Wo = [Wo W];
- % adapt weight matrix
- u = Xi(n, :)';
- p = u' * P;
- kappa = lambda + p * u;
- k = P * u / kappa;
- alpha(n) = Y(n) - W' * u;
- W = W + k * alpha(n);
- Pp = k * p;
- P = (P - Pp) / lambda;
- % predict next sample and compute error
- xp(n) = W' * u;
- e(n) = Y(n) - xp(n);
- if (verbose ~= 0)
- disp(['time step ', int2str(n), ': mag. pred. err. = ', num2str(abs(e(n)))]);
- end;
- end % for n