- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 1997 Microsoft Sytems Journal
- // If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
- // If not, I don't know who wrote it.
- //
- #ifndef _SUBCLASSW_H
- #define _SUBCLASSW_H
- //////////////////
- // Generic class to hook messages on behalf of a CWnd.
- // Once hooked, all messages go to CSubclassWnd::WindowProc before going
- // to the window. Specific subclasses can trap messages and do something.
- //
- // To use:
- //
- // * Derive a class from CSubclassWnd.
- //
- // * Override CSubclassWnd::WindowProc to handle messages. Make sure you call
- // CSubclassWnd::WindowProc if you don't handle the message, or your
- // window will never get messages. If you write seperate message handlers,
- // you can call Default() to pass the message to the window.
- //
- // * Instantiate your derived class somewhere and call HookWindow(pWnd)
- // to hook your window, AFTER it has been created.
- // To unhook, call HookWindow(NULL).
- //
- // This is a very important class, crucial to many of the widgets Window
- // widgets implemented in PixieLib. To see how it works, look at the HOOK
- // sample program.
- //
- #ifndef GET_X_LPARAM
- #define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp))
- #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp))
- #endif
- class CSubclassWnd;
- class ISubclassCallback
- {
- public:
- virtual void PostNcDestroy(HWND hWnd) = 0;
- };
- class CSubclassWnd
- {
- friend class CSubclassWndMap;
- friend class CSubclasser;
- public:
- CSubclassWnd();
- ~CSubclassWnd();
- virtual BOOL HookWindow(HWND hRealWnd, CSubclasser* pSubclasser = NULL);
- virtual BOOL IsValid() const { return IsValidHook(); }
- inline HWND GetHwnd() const { return m_hWndHooked; }
- inline CWnd* GetCWnd() const { return CWnd::FromHandle(m_hWndHooked); }
- static void SetCallback(ISubclassCallback* pCallback) { s_pCallback = pCallback; }
- protected:
- HWND m_hWndHooked; // the window hooked
- WNDPROC m_pOldWndProc; // ..and original window proc
- CSubclassWnd* m_pNext; // next in chain of hooks for this window
- CSubclasser* m_pSubclasser;
- static ISubclassCallback* s_pCallback;
- protected:
- // this is called only when m_hWndHooked is detached as a result
- // of receiving WM_NCDESTROY else HookWindow(NULL) was called
- virtual void PreDetachWindow() { }
- virtual void PostDetachWindow() { }
- // Subclass a window. Hook(NULL) to unhook (automatic on WM_NCDESTROY)
- virtual BOOL IsHooked() const { return m_hWndHooked != NULL; }
- virtual BOOL IsValidHook() const { return ::IsWindow(m_hWndHooked); }
- inline DWORD GetExStyle() const { return ::GetWindowLong(m_hWndHooked, GWL_EXSTYLE); }
- inline DWORD GetStyle() const { return ::GetWindowLong(m_hWndHooked, GWL_STYLE); }
- inline HWND GetParent() const { return ::GetParent(m_hWndHooked); }
- inline void GetClientRect(LPRECT pRect) const { ::GetClientRect(m_hWndHooked, pRect); }
- inline void GetWindowRect(LPRECT pRect) const { ::GetWindowRect(m_hWndHooked, pRect); }
- inline void Invalidate(BOOL bErase = TRUE) const { ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndHooked, NULL, bErase); }
- inline BOOL IsWindowEnabled() const { return ::IsWindowEnabled(m_hWndHooked); }
- inline BOOL IsWindowVisible() const { return ::IsWindowVisible(m_hWndHooked); }
- void ClientToWindow(LPRECT pRect);
- void ScreenToClient(LPRECT pRect);
- void ClientToScreen(LPRECT pRect);
- void SetRedraw(BOOL bRedraw = TRUE) { ::SendMessage(m_hWndHooked, WM_SETREDRAW, bRedraw, 0); }
- virtual void Redraw() const { Invalidate(); }
- virtual BOOL PostMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0) const;
- virtual BOOL SendMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0) const;
- static CMapPtrToPtr& GetValidMap(); // map containing every CSubclassWnd
- static BOOL IsValid(const CSubclassWnd* pScWnd);
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc(HWND hRealWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
- LRESULT Default(); // call this at the end of handler fns if you are happy with the defaults
- };
- class CSubclasser
- {
- friend class CSubclassWnd;
- friend class CSubclassWndMap;
- protected:
- CSubclasser() {}
- virtual LRESULT ScWindowProc(HWND hRealWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
- {
- ASSERT(hRealWnd == m_subclass.GetHwnd());
- return m_subclass.WindowProc(hRealWnd, msg, wp, lp);
- }
- virtual CSubclasser* GetTopSubclasser() { return this; }
- // this is called only when m_subclass.m_hWndHooked is detached as a result
- // of receiving WM_NCDESTROY else m_subclass.HookWindow(NULL) was called
- virtual void ScPreDetachWindow() { }
- virtual void ScPostDetachWindow() { }
- // Subclass a window. Hook(NULL) to unhook (automatic on WM_NCDESTROY)
- inline operator HWND() const { return m_subclass.GetHwnd(); }
- inline BOOL ScHookWindow(HWND hWnd) { return m_subclass.HookWindow(hWnd, GetTopSubclasser()); }
- inline BOOL ScIsHooked() { return m_subclass.IsHooked(); }
- inline BOOL ScIsValidHook() { return m_subclass.IsValidHook(); }
- inline CWnd* ScGetCWnd() { return m_subclass.GetCWnd(); }
- inline HWND ScGetHwnd() { return m_subclass.GetHwnd(); }
- inline BOOL ScPostMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0)
- { return m_subclass.PostMessage(message, wParam, lParam); }
- BOOL ScSendMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0)
- { return m_subclass.SendMessage(message, wParam, lParam); }
- protected:
- CSubclassWnd m_subclass;
- protected:
- LRESULT ScDefault(HWND hRealWnd)
- {
- ASSERT(hRealWnd == m_subclass.GetHwnd());
- return m_subclass.Default();
- } // in time we will have mutiple subclassed wnds
- };
- #endif // _SUBCLASSW_H