- // SkinMenu.h: interface for the CSkinMenu class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_SKINMENU_H__E2EFA8F0_B9CD_41AB_98FD_812C963B7ACC__INCLUDED_)
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #ifndef NO_SKIN_MENUS
- #include "subclass.h"
- #include "skinglobals.h"
- // style flags
- enum
- {
- SKMS_SIDEBAR = 0x0002,
- SKMS_FLAT = 0x0004,
- };
- class ISkinMenuRender
- {
- public:
- virtual BOOL DrawMenuBorder(CDC* pDC, LPRECT pRect) { return FALSE; }
- virtual BOOL DrawMenuSidebar(CDC* pDC, LPRECT pRect, LPCTSTR szTitle = NULL) { return FALSE; }
- virtual BOOL DrawMenuClientBkgnd(CDC* pDC, LPRECT pRect, LPRECT pClip) { return FALSE; }
- virtual BOOL DrawMenuNonClientBkgnd(CDC* pDC, LPRECT pRect) { return FALSE; }
- };
- class CSkinGlobals;
- class CSkinMenu : public CSubclassWnd
- {
- public:
- CSkinMenu(CSkinGlobals* pGlobals = NULL, DWORD dwStyle = SKMS_SIDEBAR, int nSBWidth = 10);
- virtual ~CSkinMenu();
- virtual BOOL AttachWindow(HWND hWnd);
- BOOL DetachWindow();
- void SetContextWnd(HWND hWnd);
- void SetMenu(HMENU hMenu, CSkinMenu* pParentMenu = NULL);
- const HMENU GetMenu() const { return m_hMenu; }
- static BOOL IsMenuWnd(HWND hWnd);
- static void SetRenderer(ISkinMenuRender* pRenderer) { s_pRenderer = pRenderer; }
- protected:
- int m_nSelIndex;
- DWORD m_dwStyle;
- CSkinGlobals* m_pGlobals;
- int m_nSidebarWidth;
- HWND m_hContextWnd;
- HMENU m_hMenu;
- CSkinMenu* m_pParentMenu;
- BOOL m_bAnimatedMenus;
- BOOL m_bFirstRedraw; // fix for animated menus
- static ISkinMenuRender* s_pRenderer;
- protected:
- virtual void OnNcPaint(CDC* pDC);
- virtual void OnPrintClient(CDC* pDC, DWORD dwFlags);
- virtual void OnPaint(CDC* pDC);
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc(HWND hRealWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
- BOOL IsValid() { return IsHooked(); } // is it hooked up and ready to go
- void GetDrawRect(LPRECT pWindow, LPRECT pClient = NULL);
- void SetTransparent();
- CDC* ReplaceSystemColors(CDC* pDCDest, CDC* pDestSrc, LPRECT pRect, LPRECT pClip);
- void GetInvalidRect(int nCurSel, int nPrevSel, LPRECT lpRect); // in client coords
- int GetCurSel();
- // style helpers
- BOOL Sidebar() { return m_dwStyle & SKMS_SIDEBAR; }
- BOOL RoundCorners() { return m_dwStyle & SKMS_ROUNDCORNERS; }
- BOOL Flat() { return m_dwStyle & SKMS_FLAT; }
- static BOOL ReplaceColor(CDC* pDCSrc, COLORREF crSrc, CDC* pDCDest, COLORREF crDest, LPRECT pRect, LPRECT pClip);
- // CSkinGlobals wrappers
- COLORREF GetColor(int nColor);
- CFont* GetFont(int nFont);
- inline void SwapDCs(CDC*& pDC1, CDC*& pDC2)
- {
- CDC* pTemp = pDC1;
- pDC1 = pDC2;
- pDC2 = pTemp;
- }
- };
- #endif // NO_SKIN_CTRLS
- #endif // !defined(AFX_SKINMENU_H__E2EFA8F0_B9CD_41AB_98FD_812C963B7ACC__INCLUDED_)