- // SkinGlobals.h: interface for the CSkinGlobals class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_SKINGLOBALS_H__71878295_0054_4004_AC6D_08F61A5E248F__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_SKINGLOBALS_H__71878295_0054_4004_AC6D_08F61A5E248F__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "skinglobalsdata.h"
- #include <afxtempl.h>
- enum
- {
- };
- #ifndef NO_SKIN_INI
- class CSkinIniGlobalsFile;
- #endif
- class CSkinGlobals
- {
- public:
- CSkinGlobals();
- virtual ~CSkinGlobals();
- #ifndef NO_SKIN_INI
- BOOL LoadSkin(const CSkinIniGlobalsFile* pIniFile);
- void UnloadSkin() { Reset(); }
- #endif
- void Reset(); // clears colors and deletes brushes and pens
- // fonts
- CFont* GetFont(int nFont);
- BOOL SetFont(LPCTSTR szFaceName, int nPointSize = 0, int nHeight = 0);
- LPCTSTR BaseFontName() { return m_sFontName; }
- // controls
- CBitmap* GetControlBitmap(int nItem, int nState = 0, COLORREF* pMask = NULL, int nAltItem = -1);
- BOOL SetControlBitmap(int nItem, CBitmap bitmap[IM_LAST], COLORREF crMask = -1);
- BOOL SetControlBitmap(int nItem, UINT uIDBitmap[IM_LAST], COLORREF crMask = -1);
- // colors
- void SetColor(int nColor, COLORREF color);
- COLORREF GetColor(int nColor);
- CBrush* GetColorBrush(int nColor);
- CBrush* GetColorBrush(COLORREF color);
- CPen* GetColorPen(int nColor, int nWidth = 0);
- CPen* GetColorPen(COLORREF color, int nWidth = 0);
- // static versions
- static COLORREF GetColorSt(int nColor);
- static CBrush* GetColorBrushSt(int nColor);
- static CBrush* GetColorBrushSt(COLORREF color);
- static CPen* GetColorPenSt(int nColor, int nWidth = 0);
- static CPen* GetColorPenSt(COLORREF color, int nWidth = 0);
- static CFont* GetFontSt(int nFont);
- private:
- CMap<int, int, COLORREF, COLORREF&> m_mapColors;
- CMap<COLORREF, COLORREF, CBrush*, CBrush*&> m_mapBrushes;
- CMap<COLORREF, COLORREF, CPen*, CPen*&> m_mapPens;
- CFont m_fontMarlett, m_fontMenu, m_fontTip, m_fontMessage, m_fontCaption;
- CString m_sFontName;
- int m_nFontPointSize, m_nFontHeight;
- CMap<int, int, CSkinBitmap*, CSkinBitmap*&> m_mapCtrlBitmaps;
- static CPen s_pen;
- static CBrush s_brush;
- static CFont s_font;
- private:
- void ResetColors();
- void ResetFonts();
- void ResetCtrls();
- CFont* GetMarlett();
- CFont* GetTipFont();
- CFont* GetMenuFont();
- CFont* GetMessageFont();
- CFont* GetCaptionFont();
- BOOL CreateFont(CFont* pFont, LOGFONT* pLF);
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_SKINGLOBALm_H__71878295_0054_4004_AC6D_08F61A5E248F__INCLUDED_)