- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: RCSL 1.0/RPSL 1.0
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2002 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file, are
- * subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public Source License
- * Version 1.0 (the "RPSL") available at
- * unless you have licensed
- * the file under the RealNetworks Community Source License Version 1.0
- * (the "RCSL") available at,
- * in which case the RCSL will apply. You may also obtain the license terms
- * directly from RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks
- * applicable to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or
- * RCSL for the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the portions
- * it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed and made
- * available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- *
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #include "platform/mac/mac_pref_file.h"
- #ifndef _MAC_UNIX
- #include "filespecutils.h"
- #endif
- CMacPrefFile*
- CMacPrefFile::CreatePrefSystemObject( CFStringRef appIDStringRef,
- CFStringRef userNameRef, CFStringRef hostNameRef ) // static
- {
- CMacPrefFileCFPref* pObj = new CMacPrefFileCFPref;
- check_nonnull( pObj );
- if ( pObj )
- {
- pObj->SetPrefsID( appIDStringRef, userNameRef, hostNameRef );
- res = HXR_OK;
- }
- return (CMacPrefFile*) pObj;
- }
- #ifndef _MAC_UNIX
- CMacPrefFile*
- CMacPrefFile::CreatePrefXMLObject( CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, CFStringRef appIDStringRef, const char* pProductName ) // static
- {
- CMacPrefFileXML* pObj = new CMacPrefFileXML;
- check_nonnull( pObj );
- if ( pObj )
- {
- pObj->SetPrefsFileSpec( fileSpec, appIDStringRef, pProductName );
- res = HXR_OK;
- }
- return (CMacPrefFile*) pObj;
- }
- #endif // _MAC_UNIX
- #pragma mark -
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CMacPrefFileCFPref methods are just thin wrappers on CFPreferences functions
- //
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::CMacPrefFileCFPref()
- : m_PrefsAppIDNameRef( NULL ),
- m_UserNameRef( NULL ),
- m_HostNameRef( NULL ),
- m_bInitialized( false )
- {
- }
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::~CMacPrefFileCFPref()
- {
- Destroy();
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::SetPrefsID( CFStringRef appIDStringRef, CFStringRef userNameRef, CFStringRef hostNameRef )
- {
- require_nonnull_void_return( appIDStringRef );
- require_nonnull_void_return( userNameRef );
- require_nonnull_void_return( hostNameRef );
- Destroy();
- m_PrefsAppIDNameRef = appIDStringRef;
- m_UserNameRef = userNameRef;
- m_HostNameRef = hostNameRef;
- ::CFRetain( (CFStringRef) m_PrefsAppIDNameRef );
- ::CFRetain( (CFStringRef) m_UserNameRef );
- ::CFRetain( (CFStringRef) m_HostNameRef );
- m_bInitialized = true;
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::Destroy()
- {
- if ( m_PrefsAppIDNameRef ) ::CFRelease( (CFStringRef) m_PrefsAppIDNameRef );
- if ( m_UserNameRef ) ::CFRelease( (CFStringRef) m_UserNameRef );
- if ( m_HostNameRef ) ::CFRelease( (CFStringRef) m_HostNameRef );
- m_bInitialized = false;
- }
- CFPropertyListRef
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::CopyValue( CFStringRef key )
- {
- require_return( m_bInitialized, NULL );
- return ::CFPreferencesCopyValue(key, m_PrefsAppIDNameRef, m_UserNameRef, m_HostNameRef );
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::SetValue( CFStringRef key, CFPropertyListRef value )
- {
- require_void_return( m_bInitialized );
- ::CFPreferencesSetValue( key, value, m_PrefsAppIDNameRef, m_UserNameRef, m_HostNameRef );
- }
- CFArrayRef
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::CopyKeyList( void )
- {
- require_return( m_bInitialized, NULL );
- return ::CFPreferencesCopyKeyList( m_PrefsAppIDNameRef, m_UserNameRef, m_HostNameRef );
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileCFPref::Synchronize( void )
- {
- require_void_return( m_bInitialized );
- ::CFPreferencesSynchronize( m_PrefsAppIDNameRef, m_UserNameRef, m_HostNameRef );
- }
- #pragma mark -
- #ifndef _MAC_UNIX
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CMacPrefFileXML methods keep the prefs in a dictionary stores as XML in a file
- //
- /* Coherence strategy
- Because this object is implemented in a static library and included by multiple
- shared libraries, we have to take care that our data (m_DictRef) doesn't
- become stale compared to other instances data.
- The strategy we'll use to ensure coherence is:
- - A "coherence value" is a 32-bit non-zero seed that we store via CFPreferences in user prefs
- every time we write out the preferences. We don't really care if the seed
- is remembered across runs; it just needs to be the same for all running instances
- of this object. CFPreferences acts as a global cache for the app, so the
- seed is independent of the object instance and library.
- - For every get, if the object's seed doesn't match the seed stored in the user preferences,
- we'll re-load the dictionary from the file prior to reading the caller's key's value.
- - For every set, we'll read the pref first to ensure that our dictionary is up-to-date
- and to avoid saving the new set value if it's the same as the old value. If necessary, we'll
- save the new value in our dictionary and write out the XML file, and increment and save
- in CFPreferences our new seed.
- */
- CMacPrefFileXML::CMacPrefFileXML()
- {
- CFIndex noItems = 0;
- m_DictRef = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, noItems,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
- check_nonnull( m_DictRef );
- m_CoherenceSeed = 0;
- }
- CMacPrefFileXML::~CMacPrefFileXML()
- {
- if ( m_DictRef )
- {
- ::CFRelease( m_DictRef );
- }
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::SetPrefsFileSpec( const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, CFStringRef appIDStringRef, const char* pProductName )
- {
- check( fileSpec.IsSet() );
- require_nonnull_void_return( appIDStringRef );
- m_FileSpec = fileSpec;
- m_cfsPrefsAppIDNameRef = appIDStringRef;
- ::CFRetain( m_cfsPrefsAppIDNameRef );
- // the coherence key is the pref key where we save the new coherence seed value after each
- // write; it's something like "UpdateSync"
- m_cfsCoherenceKey = CHXString( pProductName ) + "Sync";
- UpdateDictFromFile( true ); // true -> always read from file
- }
- CFPropertyListRef
- CMacPrefFileXML::CopyValue( CFStringRef key )
- {
- require_nonnull_return( m_DictRef, NULL );
- UpdateDictFromFile( false ); // reads m_DictRect from the file if necessary, false -> only if necessary
- CFPropertyListRef value = ::CFDictionaryGetValue( m_DictRef, key );
- if ( value )
- {
- ::CFRetain( value );
- }
- return value;
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::SetValue( CFStringRef key, CFPropertyListRef value )
- {
- require_nonnull_void_return( m_DictRef );
- // Because of the expense of saving the dict to disk with each write to maintain
- // coherence, we want to set and save the value only if it differs from what's
- // currently in the dict.
- // We have to use CopyValue to get the value out of the dict because
- // CopyValue will ensure the dict is synced with what's been saved to the
- // file.
- CFPropertyListRef oldValue = CopyValue( key );
- if ( oldValue == NULL && value == NULL )
- {
- // both unset, so do nothing
- }
- else if ( oldValue && value
- && ( kCFCompareEqualTo == ::CFStringCompare( (CFStringRef) oldValue, (CFStringRef) value, (CFStringCompareFlags) 0 ) ) )
- {
- // both set to the same thing, so do nothing
- }
- else
- {
- // change or remove the value in the dictionary
- if (value)
- {
- ::CFDictionarySetValue( m_DictRef, key, value );
- }
- else
- {
- ::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( m_DictRef, key );
- }
- // write immediately to maintain coherence
- WriteToFile();
- }
- if ( oldValue )
- {
- ::CFRelease( oldValue );
- }
- }
- CFArrayRef
- CMacPrefFileXML::CopyKeyList( void )
- {
- require_return( m_DictRef, NULL );
- UpdateDictFromFile( false ); // reads m_DictRect from the file if necessary, false -> only if necessary
- CFIndex noItems = 0;
- // we'll build an array of keys by calling CopyKeyListProc repeatedly
- CFMutableArrayRef arrayRef = ::CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault,
- noItems, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
- if ( arrayRef )
- {
- ::CFDictionaryApplyFunction( m_DictRef, CMacPrefFileXML::CopyKeyListProc, (void*) arrayRef );
- }
- return arrayRef;
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::CopyKeyListProc( const void *key, const void *value, void *context )
- {
- check_nonnull( context );
- ::CFArrayAppendValue( (CFMutableArrayRef) context, key );
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::Synchronize( void )
- {
- // we always write out from SetPref, so all we need to do to sync is read in if necessary
- UpdateDictFromFile( false ); // false -> read file only if necessary
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::WriteToFile( void )
- {
- require_nonnull_void_return( m_DictRef );
- require_void_return( m_FileSpec.IsSet() );
- // increment and save our coherence seed value; don't let it be zero since
- // that's the value of the member variable when the object is first initialized
- m_CoherenceSeed++;
- if ( !m_CoherenceSeed )
- {
- m_CoherenceSeed++;
- }
- CFNumberRef cfnValue = ::CFNumberCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &m_CoherenceSeed );
- check_nonnull( cfnValue );
- if ( cfnValue )
- {
- ::CFPreferencesSetValue(m_cfsCoherenceKey, cfnValue, m_cfsPrefsAppIDNameRef, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost );
- ::CFRelease( cfnValue );
- cfnValue = NULL;
- }
- // write the dictionary out to the file
- CFDataRef xmlData = NULL;
- CFURLRef fileURL = NULL;
- CHXString strPosixPath;
- CFStringRef posixPathString = NULL;
- OSStatus err;
- Boolean bSuccess;
- const Boolean kIsntADir = false;
- // we have to use a path in case the file doesn't exist yet, since
- // we can't get an FSRef for a file that doesn't exist
- strPosixPath = m_FileSpec.GetPOSIXPath();
- posixPathString = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const char *) strPosixPath,
- ::CFStringGetSystemEncoding() );
- require_nonnull( posixPathString, Bail );
- fileURL = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, posixPathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, kIsntADir );
- require_nonnull( fileURL, Bail );
- xmlData = ::CFPropertyListCreateXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, m_DictRef );
- require_nonnull( xmlData, Bail );
- bSuccess = ::CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource( fileURL, xmlData, NULL, &err );
- check( bSuccess );
- Bail:
- if ( fileURL ) ::CFRelease( fileURL );
- if ( xmlData ) ::CFRelease( xmlData );
- if ( posixPathString ) ::CFRelease( posixPathString );
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::UpdateDictFromFile( Boolean forceReadFromFile )
- {
- require_nonnull_void_return( m_DictRef );
- require_void_return( m_FileSpec.IsSet() );
- // check if the coherence seed value matches the one saved in prefs; if not,
- // re-fill the dict from the file, and set our coherence seed to the saved
- // one
- SInt32 coherenceValue = GetGlobalCoherenceSeed();
- if ( ( coherenceValue != m_CoherenceSeed ) || forceReadFromFile )
- {
- ReadFromFile();
- m_CoherenceSeed = coherenceValue;
- }
- return;
- }
- SInt32
- CMacPrefFileXML::GetGlobalCoherenceSeed()
- {
- SInt32 coherenceValue = 0;
- CFNumberRef cfnValue = (CFNumberRef) ::CFPreferencesCopyValue(m_cfsCoherenceKey, m_cfsPrefsAppIDNameRef, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost );
- if ( cfnValue )
- {
- check( ::CFGetTypeID( cfnValue ) == ::CFNumberGetTypeID() );
- Boolean bSuccess = ::CFNumberGetValue( cfnValue, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &coherenceValue );
- check( bSuccess );
- }
- return coherenceValue;
- }
- void
- CMacPrefFileXML::ReadFromFile( void )
- {
- require_nonnull_void_return( m_DictRef );
- require_void_return( m_FileSpec.IsSet() );
- CFDataRef xmlData = NULL;
- CFPropertyListRef props = NULL;
- CFURLRef fileURL = NULL;
- CFStringRef errString = NULL;
- FSRef fileRef;
- OSStatus err;
- Boolean bSuccess;
- ::CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues( m_DictRef );
- require_quiet( CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists( m_FileSpec ), Bail );
- fileRef = ( FSRef ) m_FileSpec;
- fileURL = ::CFURLCreateFromFSRef( kCFAllocatorDefault, &fileRef );
- require_nonnull( fileURL, Bail );
- // read the XML file
- //
- // the nils are for retrieving property info; could we just use those
- // and skip the call to CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData?
- bSuccess = ::CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource( kCFAllocatorDefault,
- fileURL, &xmlData, nil, nil, &err );
- require( bSuccess, Bail );
- // make a dictionary from the XML
- props = ::CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault,
- xmlData, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, &errString );
- require( ::CFGetTypeID( props ) == ::CFDictionaryGetTypeID(), Bail );
- ::CFRelease( m_DictRef );
- m_DictRef = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) props;
- ::CFRetain( m_DictRef ); // the release below is kept for error-handlign cleanup
- Bail:
- if ( fileURL ) ::CFRelease( fileURL );
- if ( xmlData ) ::CFRelease( xmlData );
- if ( props ) ::CFRelease( props );
- if ( errString ) ::CFRelease( errString );
- }
- #endif // _MAC_UNIX