- # CHXString() <stringID>
- # CHXString(CHXString) <stringID> <stringID>
- # CHXString(char,int) <stringID> <character> <size>
- # CHXString(char*) <stringID> <string>
- # CHXString(char*,int) <stringID> <string> <size>
- # CHXString(uchar*) <stringID> <string>
- # GetLength <stringID> <expected length>
- # IsEmpty <stringID> <0 = not empty, 1 = is empty>
- # Empty <stringID>
- # (char*) <stringID> <expected string>
- # GetAt <stringID> <index> <expected char return>
- # SetAt <stringID> <index> <char>
- # [] <stringID> <index> <expected char return>
- # =CHXString <stringID> <from string: <stringID>>
- # =char <stringID> <from char>
- # =char* <stringID> <from string>
- # =uchar* <stringID> <from string>
- # +=CHXString <stringID> <from string: <stringID>>
- # +=char <stringID> <from char>
- # +=char* <stringID> <from string>
- # CHXString+CHXString <stringID> <stringID> <expected string>
- # CHXString+char <stringID> <char> <expected string>
- # char+CHXString <char> <stringID> <expected string>
- # CHXString+char* <stringID> <string> <expected string>
- # char*+CHXString <string> <stringID> <expected string>
- # Center <stringID> <length>
- # Compare <stringID> <string> <expected value or "+" for any pos num, "-" for any neg num>
- # CompareNoCase <stringID> <string> <expected value or "+" for any pos num, "-" for any neg num>
- # Mid <stringID> <index> <length> <expected string>
- # Mid <stringID> <index> <expected string>
- # Left <stringID> <length> <expected string>
- # Right <stringID> <length> <expected string>
- # CountFields <stringID> <delimeter char> <expected value>
- # NthField <stringID> <delimeter char> <field index> <expected string>
- # GetNthField <stringID> <delimeter char> <field index> <expected string>
- # SpanIncluding <stringID> <string> <expected string>
- # SpanExcluding <stringID> <string> <expected string>
- # MakeUpper <stringID>
- # MakeLower <stringID>
- # TrimRight <stringID>
- # TrimLeft <stringID>
- # FindChar <stringID> <char> <expected value>
- # FindChar* <stringID> <string> <expected value>
- # ReverseFind <stringID> <char> <expected value>
- # FindAndReplace <stringID> <search string> <repl string> <repl all bool> <expected value>
- # AppendULONG <stringID> <ULONG value>
- # AppendEndOfLine <stringID>
- # FreeExtra <stringID>
- # GetAllocLength <stringID> <expected value>
- # GetAllocLength <stringID> <min expected value> <max expected value>
- # SetMinBufSize <stringID> <new value> <expected return value>
- # The GetBuffer() functions get a char* ptr to the string's buffer. The
- # ReleaseBuffer() functions tell the string that the buffer is done being
- # messed with and our char* ptr is reset to NULL. The Buffer* command
- # manipulate the char* ptr that was gotten from the specified stringID.
- #
- # GetBuffer <stringID> <length> [<expected value>]
- # GetBufferSetLength <stringID> <length> <expected value>
- # BufferSet <stringID> [<index>] <string>
- # BufferFill <stringID> [<index>] <string> <repeat count>
- # BufferEndString <stringID> <index>
- # ReleaseBuffer <stringID>
- # ReleaseBuffer <stringID> <length>
- #
- # FormatInt <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatLong <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatUInt <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatULong <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatChar* <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatChar <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- # FormatDouble <stringID> <format> <data1> [... <data10>]
- #
- # FormatMixed does a mixture of miscellaneous combinations of formattings
- # and verifies the results in C++ code.
- #
- # FormatMixed
- CHXString() A
- GetLength A 0
- IsEmpty A 1
- (char*) A ""
- CHXString(char,int) A