- The /source/rnxmllib/expat repository was last synced with Mozilla's
- On December 15th 1999 at 5:00 PM.
- RealNetworks has made the following changes:
- Change Log:
- 12/15/1999
- We created a "loose" mode the parser can run in. When the parser is set
- to use this "loose" mode, it will allow ampersands (&) in attribute.
- This involved creating two new API functions to set up the parser, and
- modifing the parameter list of the many of the scanning functions.
- These changes are all ifdefed. Compiling expat with RNXML_STRICT_FLAG
- activates these new changes.
- Modifications were made by, Josh Hug
- 3/27/2000
- We backed out the loose mode changes, so the code is closer to the expat
- source.
- I also checked in diffs that we are going of our error handling changes
- that can be put on our web stite to fullfill our legal requirements.
- Josh Hug