- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: RCSL 1.0/RPSL 1.0
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2002 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file, are
- * subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public Source License
- * Version 1.0 (the "RPSL") available at
- * unless you have licensed
- * the file under the RealNetworks Community Source License Version 1.0
- * (the "RCSL") available at,
- * in which case the RCSL will apply. You may also obtain the license terms
- * directly from RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks
- * applicable to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or
- * RCSL for the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the portions
- * it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed and made
- * available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- *
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #ifndef __WINDRAW2_H__
- #define __WINDRAW2_H__ 1
- // forward declaration
- struct CModesDesc;
- /*
- * Just a more accurately defined BITMAPINFO structure:
- */
- typedef struct tagBMI
- {
- BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; /* bitmap info header */
- union {
- DWORD dwBitMask [3]; /* color masks (for BI_BITFIELDS) */
- DWORD dwPalette [256]; /* palette (for 8-bit mode) */
- };
- #include "hxslist.h"
- //#include "baseroot.h"
- #include "basesurf.h"
- #include "ddraw.h"
- _INTERFACE IHXErrorMessages;
- /*
- * Same for Windows' LOGPALETTE:
- */
- typedef struct tagLOGPAL
- {
- WORD palVersion; /* palette version */
- WORD palNumEntries; /* # of colors used */
- PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry [256]; /* palette colors */
- /*
- * Information we will need to work with each GDI DIB.
- */
- typedef struct tagGDISURFACE
- {
- DIBSECTION DibSection; /* details of DIB section allocated */
- HBITMAP hBitMap; /* handle to bitmap for drawing */
- HANDLE hMapping; /* handle to shared memory block */
- LPBYTE lpBase; /* pointer to base memory address */
- LPBYTE lpAlphaSurface;
- HANDLE hEmpty; /* Is the buffer empty */
- /*
- * WinDrawSurface flags:
- */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_DIRECTDRAW 0x0001 /* GDI/DirectDraw engine? */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_OVERLAY 0x0002 /* is an overlay surface */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_COMPLEX 0x0004 /* has multiple buffers */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_VIDEOMEMORY 0x0008 /* surface is in video mem. */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_NONLOCALVIDMEM 0x0010 /* surface resides in AGP */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_SYSTEMMEMORY 0x0020 /* surface resides in main memory */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_DEFAULTMEMORY 0x0040 /* allow direct draw to do what it wants */
- /* internal flags: */
- #define WINDRAWSURFACE_OPENED 0x0100 /* surface has been created */
- /*
- * Buffers in a flippable chain:
- */
- #define MAX_BACKBUFFERCOUNT 3 /* max # of back buffers */
- #define FRONTBUFFER 0 /* index of the front buffer */
- #define BACKBUFFER 1 /* index of the first back buffer */
- /*
- * defines for asserts
- */
- /*
- * Windraw surface:
- */
- typedef struct tagENUMSURFACE
- {
- BYTE *pHwMemBuffer;
- HANDLE hEmpty;
- double dTimeAvailable;
- typedef struct tagWINDRAWSURFACE
- {
- /* buffer state: */
- DWORD fMode; /* surface type/mode */
- DWORD dwBackBufferCount; /* number of back buffers */
- DWORD dwFrontBuffer; /* Offset in lpChain of front buffer*/
- DWORD dwNextBuffer; /* Next buffer in the chain */
- HANDLE hOverlayIndexMutex, /* Index the flipping chaing */
- hOverlayMutex; /* Prevent flipping locked surfaces */
- /* surface format: */
- BMI bmiSurfaceFormat; /* surface geometry & pixel format */
- int cidSurfaceColor; /* bitmap pixel format */
- /* we should never need both GDI and DD working together: */
- union {
- /* GDI implementation: */
- struct {
- LONG lPitch; /* buffer pitch, <0 if bottom-up bmp*/
- //LPGDISURFACE lpGDISurface; /* front buffer */
- } gdi;
- /* DirectDraw implementation: */
- struct {
- LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE lpDDPal; /* attached palette */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSurface; /* main DD surface object */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDBackBuffer; /* first back-buffer */
- ENUMSURFACE *lpChain; /* flipping chain */
- LONG lPitch; /* surface pitch */
- HANDLE hAbort;
- void* lpSurfaceData;
- } dd;
- };
- /*
- * WINDRAW mode:
- */
- #define WINDRAW_DIRECTDRAW 0x0001 /* use DirectDraw engine */
- #define WINDRAW_FULLSCREEN 0x0002 /* switch in full screen mode */
- /* internal state flags: */
- #define WINDRAW_OPENED 0x0100 /* sets by WinDraw2_Open () */
- #define WINDRAW_PALETTE 0x0200 /* uses palette */
- #define WINDRAW_DDCLIPPER 0x0400 /* uses DirectDraw clipper */
- #define WINDRAW_DDDESTCKEY 0x0800 /* uses destination color key */
- #define WINDRAW_RESIZING 0x1000 /* window in process of resizing*/
- #define WINDRAW_REALIZING 0x2000 /* set when we realize palette */
- #define WINDRAW_REALIZEBACKGROUND 0x4000 /* realize pal-te in background */
- /*
- * Blend modes
- */
- #define BLEND_SRCCPY 1
- /*
- * The main WinDraw structure:
- */
- typedef struct tagWINDRAW
- {
- /* WinDraw state variables: */
- DWORD fMode; /* WinDraw mode (WINDRAW_XXX flags) */
- HWND hWnd; /* window handle to use */
- HWND m_hCurrentClipWindow; /* the current clipper window */
- /* display parameters: */
- LPSTR lpszDisplayDevice; /* display device name */
- BMI bmiDisplayFormat; /* display size, palette, etc. */
- int cidDisplayColor; /* display color format ID */
- /* logical palette to use with 8-bit displays: */
- LOGPAL lgplDefaultPalette; /* the entire 256-color palette */
- int loColor, hiColor; /* the range of colors we need most */
- /* window size: */
- DWORD dwWindowWidth; /* current client area width */
- DWORD dwWindowHeight; /* current client area height */
- /* Four CC Codes supported: */
- DWORD numCodes;
- LPDWORD lpCodes;
- /* Monitor properties */
- DWORD dwMaxScanLine; /* number of horizontal lines */
- DWORD dwReportedHeight; /* reported y resolution for filtering
- /* max scan line */
- double dRefreshRate; /* In hertz */
- double dMsPerVBlank;
- UINT32 ulBadConsecutiveVblankCount;
- int nSchedulerResolution; /* In ms */
- /* modes supported by video card */
- CHXSimpleList* m_pModesList;
- /* List of surfaces which were created with this windraw Object */
- CHXSimpleList* m_pSurfaceList;
- /* we should never have both GDI and DirectDraw working together:
- * the minimum of what we can expect DirectDraw to do is RGB blits
- * from offscreen surfaces without stretching; if it cannot do even this,
- * we will use GDI for all our needs. */
- union {
- /* GDI implementation: */
- struct {
- HDC hDC; /* device context for the window */
- HDC hMemoryDC; /* context for GDI video buffers */
- HDC hMemoryDC2; /* context for GDI video buffers */
- HBITMAP hOldBitmap; /* context for GDI video buffers */
- HPALETTE hPalette; /* handle to the palette to use */
- } gdi;
- /* DirectDraw implementation: */
- struct {
- HINSTANCE hDD; /* instance of DDRAW.DLL */
- LPDIRECTDRAW lpDD; /* DDraw object */
- LPDIRECTDRAW2 lpDD2; /* DDraw2 object */
- DDCAPS ddCaps; /* DDraw HW capabilities */
- DDCAPS ddHELCaps; /* DDraw HEL capabilities */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSPrimary; /* DDraw primary surface */
- DDCOLORKEY ddDestColorKey; /* destination color key */
- LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER lpDDClipper; /* clipper for primary surf */
- LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE lpDDPal; /* DDraw palette */
- DDCAPS m_caps; /* DDraw Caps */
- } dd;
- };
- CRITICAL_SECTION csPrimary; /* Protect the primary surface since
- vidsurf2 accesses it on multiple threads */
- IHXErrorMessages* pErrMsg; /* Means to pass exception errors */
- HRESULT WindrawSurface_CreatePrimarySurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- /*
- * Initialize WinDraw engine.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_Open (LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hWnd, DWORD fMode,
- * LPSTR lpszDisplay, LPBMI lpbiDisplayFormat);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW structure to initialize
- * hWnd - a window handle to use
- * fMode - WinDraw mode to set (e.g. WINDRAW_FULLSCREEN)
- * lpszDisplay - monitor to use (NULL or zero string = use all monitors)
- * lpbiDisplayFormat - preferred display mode in full screen
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_Open (LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hWnd, DWORD fMode,
- LPSTR lpszDisplay, LPBMI lpbiDisplayFormat);
- /*
- * Get Description of all modes availiable on the system
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_GetModes(LPWINDRAW lpwd, CModesDesc* pModesDesc, UINT32* nNumModes);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW engine to work with
- * pModesDesc - pointer to a block of memory into which the mode description data will
- * be filled.
- * nNumModes - the number of elements which the pModesDesc can contain. If this is too small
- * then proper value will be placed within it.
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetModes(LPWINDRAW lpwd, CModesDesc* pModesDesc, UINT32* nNumModes);
- /*
- * Sets Windraw to DD exclusive and sets the display mode to what is specified (if availiable)
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_SetResolution(LPWINDRAW lpwd, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 depth);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW engine to work with
- * width - target width
- * height - target height
- * depth - target pixel depth
- *
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetResolution(LPWINDRAW lpwd, UINT32* width, UINT32* height, UINT32* depth);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_SetResolution(LPWINDRAW lpwd, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 depth, HWND);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_RestoreResolution(LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_RestorePrimarySurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- /*
- * Close WinDraw library.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawClose (LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW engine to deactivate
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_Close (LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- /*
- * Handles Windows palette change messages.
- * Use:
- * LRESULT WinDraw2_OnPaletteChange (LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hwnd, UINT Message);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW structure we work with
- * hwnd - with WM_PALETTECHANGED: identifies a window that CAUSED the
- * palette to change; window that received a message otherwise
- * Returns:
- * TRUE, if we do realise our palette; FALSE, otherwise.
- */
- LRESULT WinDraw2_OnPaletteChange (LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hwnd, UINT Message);
- /*
- * Get display/primary surface format.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_GetDisplayFormat (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPBMI lpbiDisplayFormat);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW structure to initialize
- * lpbiDisplayFormat - a structure to contain display format
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetDisplayFormat (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPBMI lpbiDisplayFormat);
- /*
- * Creates a new surface to be used for image data.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_CreateSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * LPBMI lpImageFormat, DWORD fSurfaceType, int nBackBuffers, DWORD dwCKey);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to initialize
- * lpImageFormat - pointer to BITMAPINFO structure describing image format
- * fSurfaceType - combination of desired properties for a surface
- * nBackBuffers - number of flippable backbuffers to allocate for this surface
- * dwCKey - a color key to use (if transparent surface)
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_CreateSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- LPBMI lpImageFormat, DWORD fSurfaceType, int nBackBuffers, DWORD dwCKey);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_SetColorKey (LPWINDRAW lpwd, DWORD dwLowColor, DWORD dwHighColor);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_SetOverlayPosition(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, UINT32 x, UINT32 y);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_UpdateOverlay(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, RECT* pDestRect, RECT* pSrcRect, DWORD flags);
- HRESULT Windraw_GetCaps(LPWINDRAW lpwd, UINT32* pfSurfaceCaps, UINT32* xMin, UINT32* yMin);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetOverlayPosition(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, POINT* pLocation);
- BOOL WinDraw2_IsSurfaceVisible(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds);
- BOOL WinDraw2_IsDDAvailable(LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- int Windraw_ColorMatch(LPWINDRAW lpwd, COLORREF color);
- int Windraw_GetLowestColor(LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetColorspacePriorities(int cidIn, int *pCPList, int &nSize);
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetScanLine(LPWINDRAW lpwd, DWORD* pdwScanLine);
- /*
- * Blits one secondary surface to another.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT Windraw_AttachSurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * BITMAPINFOHEADER* lpImageFormat, void* pImageData);
- *
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to initialize
- * lpImageFormat - pointer to BITMAPINFOHEADER structure describing image format
- * pImageData - pointer to the image data
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT Windraw_AttachSurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- BITMAPINFOHEADER* lpImageFormat, void* pImageData);
- /*
- * Adds alpha data to a specified surface.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_AttachAlphaSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * UCHAR* pAlphaData);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to initialize
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_CreateAlphaSurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds);
- /*
- * Gets the alpha data for the specified surface.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_AttachAlphaSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * UCHAR* pAlphaData);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to initialize
- * pSurface - pointer to receive the data.
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetAlphaSurface(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, UCHAR** pSurface);
- /*
- * Releases a surface.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_ReleaseSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to release
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_ReleaseSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds);
- /*
- * Obtains refresh rate, ms per vblank, and max scan line of the monitor
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDraw2_GetMonitorProperties (LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDraw2_GetMonitorProperties (LPWINDRAW lpwd);
- /*
- * Get WinDrawSurface capabilities.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetCaps (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * DWORD *lpdwCaps);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW structure to query
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to query
- * lpdwCaps - a variable to contain WinDrawSurface capabilities
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- DWORD *lpdwCaps);
- /*
- * Get WinDrawSurface format.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetFormat (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * LPBMI lpbiSurfaceFormat);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a WINDRAW structure to query
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to query
- * lpbiFormat - a structure to contain surface resolution and color format
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetFormat (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- LPBMI lpbiSurfaceFormat);
- /*
- * Locks pointer to a buffer.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Lock (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * int nBufferNo, LPVOID *lpSurfPtr, LONG *lplSurfPitch);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to lock
- * nBufferNo - # of the surface buffer to lock
- * lpSurfPtr - a variable to contain a base pointer to the surface's data
- * lplSurfPitch - a variable to contain the pitch of the surface
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- * Notes:
- * This functions shall be called before copying data into the surface.
- * Unlock it as soon as you are done with moving data in!!!
- */
- int nBufferNo, LPVOID *lpSurfPtr, LONG *lplSurfPitch);
- /*
- * Unlocks the buffer.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Lock (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * int nBufferNo, LPVOID *lpSurfPtr, LONG *lplSurfPitch);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to unlock
- * nBufferNo - # of the surface buffer to unlock
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Unlock (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- int nBufferNo);
- /*
- * Gives a DC to the surface.
- * Use:
- * HDC* pDC);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to unlock
- * HDC* - pointer to a DC which will be created.
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HDC* pDC);
- /*
- * Releases a DC obtained by WinDrawSurface_GetDC
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_ReleaseDC(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * HDC pDC);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure to unlock
- * HDC - pointer to a DC which is to be released.
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HDC pDC);
- /*
- * Blits the surface data to the screen (primary surface).
- * Use:
- * LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE structure containing data to blit
- * lpDestRect - rectangle on the primary surface to be blitted to
- * lpSrcRect - rectangle on the source surface to be blitted from
- * nGdiBuffer - the index of the gdi buffer to blt
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect, int nGdiBufferNo=FRONTBUFFER);
- /*
- * Blits one secondary surface to another.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_BltIndirect (LPWINDRAW lpwd,
- * LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwdsDestSurf - pointer to a destination WINDRAW structure
- * lpwdsSrcSurf - pointer to a source WINDRAW structure
- * lpDestRect - rectangle on the primary surface to be blitted to
- * lpSrcRect - rectangle on the source surface to be blitted from
- * nGdiBuffer - the index of the gdi buffer to blt
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_BltIndirect (LPWINDRAW lpwd,
- LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect, int nGdiBufferNo=FRONTBUFFER);
- /*
- * Flips buffers in a complex surface.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Flip (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a surface to be flipped
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- /*
- * Updates a surface's state/position.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Update (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect, BOOL bShow);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE to update
- * lpDestRect - rectangle on the primary surface
- * where secondary surface (overlay) is mapped
- * lpSrcRect - rectangle on the source surface to be mapped
- * bShow - 1, to make secondary surface visible; 0, to hide it
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Update (LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- LPRECT lpDestRect, LPRECT lpSrcRect, BOOL bShow);
- /*
- * Updates the window that the clipper should use
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_Clipper(LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hwnd);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * hwnd - the window that the clipper should be set to
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_SetClipper(LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND hwnd);
- /*
- * Returns the window to which the clipper is currently set.
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetClipperWindow(LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND* pHwnd);
- * Input:
- * lpwd - pointer to a base WINDRAW structure
- * phwnd - is fulled with the current window to which the clipper is set.
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetClipperWindow(LPWINDRAW lpwd, HWND* pHwnd);
- /*
- * Sets the color controls for a given surface
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetColorControls(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- * float &fBright, float &fContrast, float &fSaturation,
- * float &fHue, float &fSharpness);
- * Input:
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE to update
- * fBright - brightness value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fContrast - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fSaturation - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fHue - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fSharpness - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_GetColorControls(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, float &fBright,
- float &fContrast, float &fSaturation, float &fHue, float &fSharpness);
- /*
- * Sets the color controls for a given surface
- * Use:
- * HRESULT WinDrawSurface_SetColorControls(LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds, float fBright,
- * float fContrast, float Saturation, float fHue, float fSharpness);
- * Input:
- * lpwds - pointer to a WINDRAWSURFACE to update
- * fBright - brightness value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fContrast - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fSaturation - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fHue - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * fSharpness - contrast value from -1 to 1 (0 disables)
- * Returns:
- * NOERROR if OK, or the last relevant DirectDraw error code, or E_FAIL.
- */
- HRESULT WinDrawSurface_SetColorControls(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPWINDRAWSURFACE lpwds,
- float fBright, float fContrast, float fSaturation,
- float fHue, float fSharpness);
- HRESULT WinDraw_CanLockSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds, UCHAR* &pBuffer, int& nIndex, BOOL bBlock=TRUE);
- HRESULT WinDraw_GetLockedSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds, UCHAR* &pBuffer, int nIndex=-1, BOOL bBlock=TRUE);
- HRESULT WinDraw_ReleaseLockedSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds, BYTE *pHwBuf, BOOL bDiscard=FALSE);
- HRESULT WinDraw_AdvanceSurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds, int &nIndex);
- HRESULT WinDraw_DisplaySurface (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds, DWORD dwFlags, int nIndex=-1, BOOL bAbort=FALSE);
- HRESULT WinDraw_CacelPendingDisplay (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds);
- HRESULT WinDraw_ResetSurfaceIndexes (LPWINDRAW lpwd, WINDRAWSURFACE *lpwds);
- char* CollectDDInfo(LPWINDRAW lpwd, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpSurface, char *pFunction, char* pSeparator);
- #endif /* __WINDRAW2_H__ */