- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * $Id: chxavplayer.SP,v 2004/03/24 01:52:34 gwright Exp $
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2000 RealNetworks, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program contains proprietary information of RealNetworks, Inc.,
- * and is licensed subject to restrictions on use and distribution.
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Spanish
- *
- * Localization notes:
- *
- * Please use the naming convention "realplayer.XX" when
- * renaming the localized file, where "XX" is one of the following
- * language codes:
- *
- * EN = UK English
- * SG = Swiss German
- * FR = French
- * PO = Portuguese
- * GE = German
- * TU = Turkish
- * SP = Spanish
- * IC = Icelandic
- * IT = Italian
- * RU = Russian
- * SW = Swedish
- * HU = Hungarian
- * DA = Danish
- * DU = Dutch
- * NO = Norwegian
- * BL = Belgian Flemish
- * FI = Finnish
- * AU = Australian English
- * AM = US English
- * BF = Belgian French
- * SF = Swiss French
- * AS = Austrian German
- * IF = International French
- * NZ = New Zealand
- * CS = Czech
- * SK = Slovak
- * PL = Polish
- * SL = Slovenian
- * TC = Taiwan Chinese
- * HK = Hong Kong Chinese
- * ZH = Prc Chinese
- * JA = Japanese
- * TH = Thai
- *
- * Logical names section
- *
- * Logical Names for UI Strings must be stated for the needs of
- * localisation. The format of the logical name of the string is
- *
- * aaa_t_nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
- *
- * where aaa = application (3 chars)
- * t = type (1 (2) char (e.g. I for icon, SC for short cut))
- * n = name (26 chars max.)
- *
- * All characters of the logical name are written in capital letters.
- *
- * TYPE
- * ====
- *
- * A Icon Title
- * AN Animation
- * B Button String
- * C Constant
- * F Field Title (e.g. Job Title in Contact Card)
- * G General UI string (misc. stuff)
- * H Help text
- * I Icon (picture)
- * K * Field (field itself, e.g. ________________) *
- * L List Item
- * M Menu Item
- * N Note
- * O Other command (not button or menu based)
- * S * Field Input (value of the field, e.g. General Manager) *
- * SC Short Cut
- * T Title
- * V Value
- *
- * *used mainly in technical specs
- *
- *
- * NAME
- * ====
- *
- * When giving logical names to Notes the Name part can contain the following
- * abbrevations relating to the Note Type:
- *
- * IN Information Note
- * CO Confirmation Note
- * FL Flashing Note
- * CA Cancel Note
- * IP Input Note
- * SC Short Cut
- * SP Special Note
- *
- * The format is as follows:
- *
- * aaa_N_yy_nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
- *
- * where aaa = application (3 chars)
- * N (1 char)
- * yy = Note Type (2 chars)
- * n = name (23 chars max.)
- */
- #define MRP_T_CAPTION "Helix Player"
- #define ELanguage ELangEnglish
- /* Shortcut keys */
- #define MRP_SC_OPEN 'o' /* open a new file */
- #define MRP_SC_CLIP_INFO 'i' /* open clip info */
- #define MRP_SC_PLAY_PAUSE 'p' /* toggle play/pause */
- #define MRP_SC_STOP 's' /* stop playback */
- #define MRP_SC_MUTE 'm' /* toggle mute volume */
- #define MRP_SC_EXIT 'e' /* exit application */
- #define MRP_SC_INFO 'i' /* clip info */
- #define MRP_SC_FAVE 'f' /* add to favorites */
- /* Menu texts */
- #define MRP_M_FILE "Archivo"
- #define MRP_M_PLAY "Reproducir"
- #define MRP_M_VOLUME "Volumen"
- #define MRP_M_FAVES "Favoritos"
- #define MRP_M_CONTENT "Gu韆"
- #define MRP_M_TOOLS "Herramientas"
- #define MRP_M_OPEN "Abrir..."
- #define MRP_M_OPEN_RECENT "Abrir recientes"
- #define MRP_M_CLIP_INFO "Informaci髇 del clip..."
- #define MRP_M_ADD_TO_DESK "A馻dir a escritorio"
- #define MRP_M_CLOSE "Cerrar"
- #define MRP_M_PLAY "Reproducir"
- #define MRP_M_PAUSE "Pausa"
- #define MRP_M_STOP "Detener"
- #define MRP_M_VOLUP "Vol +"
- #define MRP_M_VOLDOWN "Vol -"
- #define MRP_M_MUTE "Silencio"
- #define MRP_M_UNMUTE "Sonido"
- #define MRP_M_ADD_TO_FAVES "A馻dir a favoritos..."
- #define MRP_M_MANAGE_FAVES "Organizar favoritos..."
- #define MRP_M_GUIDE "Mobile Media Guide"
- #define MRP_M_PREFS "Preferencias..."
- #define MRP_M_ABOUT "Acerca de..."
- /* CBA Buttons */
- #define MRP_B_OPEN "Abrir"
- #define MRP_B_OPEN_FILE "Abrir archivo"
- #define MRP_B_OPEN_URL "Abrir URL"
- #define MRP_B_PLAY "Reproducir"
- #define MRP_B_PAUSE "Pausa"
- #define MRP_B_STOP "Detener"
- #define MRP_B_CLOSE "Cerrar"
- #define MRP_B_MUTE "Silencio"
- #define MRP_B_UNMUTE "Sonido"
- #define MRP_B_OK "Aceptar"
- #define MRP_B_CANCEL "Cancelar"
- #define MRP_B_SHOW_MEDIA_FILES "Archivosnmultimedia"
- #define MRP_B_BROWSE "Examinar"
- #define MRP_B_CHANGE "Cambiar"
- #define MRP_B_EDIT "Editar"
- #define MRP_B_DELETE "Eliminar"
- #define MRP_B_RESET_PREFS "Valoresniniciales"
- /* Dialogs */
- /* About */
- #define MRP_T_ABOUT_CAPTION "Helix Player"
- #define MRP_F_VERSION "Versi髇"
- #define MRP_F_BUILD "Fecha de compilaci髇"
- #define MRP_F_PLATFORM "Plataforma"
- /* Open Dialog */
- #define MRP_T_OPEN_CAPTION "Abrir"
- #define MRP_F_OPEN_URL "URL"
- #define MRP_F_ABOUT_TEXT "Versi髇: %SnCopyright