- /*****************************************************************************
- * chxavdirectoryreader.cpp
- * ------------------------
- *
- * Synopsis:
- * Makes locating files and sub-dirs within a dir a bit easier.
- *
- * Target:
- * Symbian OS
- *
- *
- * (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. Patents pending. All rights reserved.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- // Symbian includes...
- #include <eikfutil.h>
- #include <f32file.h>
- // Helix includes...
- #include "hxtypes.h"
- #include "hxstring.h"
- // Includes fromt this project...
- #include "hxsym_debug.h"
- #include "chxavdirectoryreader.h"
- #include "chxavstringutils.h"
- CHXAvDirectoryReader::CHXAvDirectoryReader(RFs& rfs)
- : m_rfs(rfs)
- , m_pFileEntries(0)
- , m_pDirEntries(0)
- , m_lastError(KErrNone)
- , m_sortFlags(ESortByName | EAscending)
- , m_attributes(KEntryAttNormal) // | KEntryAttSystem | KEntryAttHidden;
- {
- }
- CHXAvDirectoryReader::~CHXAvDirectoryReader()
- {
- HX_DELETE(m_pFileEntries);
- HX_DELETE(m_pDirEntries);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // if documents is a directory:
- //
- // documents -> file list is empty, dir list contains 1 entry
- // documents -> file list contains files; dir list contains child dirs
- // documents* -> " "
- // documents*.rm -> file list contains all .rm files; dir list is empty
- //
- // dir must have trailing back-slash to collect its contents; otherwise it
- // is interpreted as an entry (filename or dir)
- //
- //
- bool
- CHXAvDirectoryReader::SetToPath(const TDesC& path)
- {
- _LIT(KWildcardText, "*");
- bool bSuccess = false;
- HX_DELETE(m_pFileEntries);
- HX_DELETE(m_pDirEntries);
- // check that the specified path is parseable
- m_lastError = EikFileUtils::Parse(path);
- if(KErrNone == m_lastError )
- {
- m_path = path;
- // append wildcard if name component is missing (dir specified)
- TParse parsedPath;
- parsedPath.Set(m_path, NULL, NULL);
- if( !parsedPath.NamePresent() && m_path.Length() < KMaxFileName )
- {
- m_path.Append(KWildcardText);
- }
- m_lastError = m_rfs.GetDir(m_path, m_attributes, m_sortFlags, m_pFileEntries, m_pDirEntries);
- bSuccess = (KErrNone == m_lastError);
- if( bSuccess )
- {
- HX_ASSERT(m_pDirEntries);
- BaflUtils::RemoveSystemDirectory(*m_pDirEntries);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CHXString str;
- CHXAvStringUtils::DesToString(path, str);
- DPRINTF(SYMP_FILE, ("CHXAvDirectoryReader::SetToPath(): bad path '%s'n", (const char*)str));
- str.GetLength();
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // descend from current directory to a child directory
- //
- // name must not start or end with '\'
- //
- bool CHXAvDirectoryReader::SetToChild(const TDesC& dir)
- {
- TParse parsedPath;
- parsedPath.Set(m_path, NULL, NULL);
- parsedPath.AddDir(dir);
- return SetToPath(parsedPath.FullName());
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // move up from current directory to parent directory
- //
- bool CHXAvDirectoryReader::SetToParent()
- {
- TParse parsedPath;
- parsedPath.Set(m_path, NULL, NULL);
- parsedPath.PopDir();
- return SetToPath(parsedPath.FullName());
- }