- /************************************************************************
- * CHXSymClipInfo.cpp
- * ---------------
- *
- *
- *
- * (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. Patents pending. All rights reserved.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "hxtypes.h"
- #include "hxsym_debug.h"
- #include "hxsym_leaveutil.h"
- #include "hxdebug_hxapi.h"
- #include "hxapihelp_player.h"
- #include "hxapihelp.h"
- #include "chxavplayer.h"
- #include "chxavcleanstring.h"
- #include "chxavconfignames.h"
- #include "chxavcleanupstack.h"
- #include "comptr.h"
- #include "comptr_traits.h"
- #include "chxavutil.h"
- #include "chxsymclipinfo.h"
- /*
- * CHXSymClipInfo
- * -----------
- *
- */
- CHXSymClipInfo::CHXSymClipInfo()
- : m_bHasVideo(false)
- , m_bIsLive(false)
- {
- }
- /*
- * ~CHXSymClipInfo
- * -------------
- * Destructor.
- *
- */
- CHXSymClipInfo::~CHXSymClipInfo()
- {
- Reset();
- }
- void CHXSymClipInfo::Reset()
- {
- CleanupHeaders();
- CleanupBitrateInfo();
- CleanupURLs();
- m_bHasVideo = false;
- m_bIsLive = false;
- m_strServer = "";
- }
- /*
- * Release file and stream headers for all sources
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CleanupHeaders()
- {
- TInt count = m_sourceHeaders.GetSize();
- for(TInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
- {
- CHXPtrArray* pSourceHeaders = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_sourceHeaders[idx]);
- CleanupHeaders(pSourceHeaders);
- delete pSourceHeaders;
- }
- m_sourceHeaders.RemoveAll();
- }
- /*
- * Release file and stream headers for the given source
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CleanupHeaders(CHXPtrArray* pSourceHeaders)
- {
- HX_ASSERT(pSourceHeaders);
- TInt count = pSourceHeaders->GetSize();
- for(TInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
- {
- delete reinterpret_cast<comptr<IHXValues>*>((*pSourceHeaders)[idx]);
- }
- pSourceHeaders->RemoveAll();
- }
- /*
- * delete and clear bitrate value info
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CleanupBitrateInfo()
- {
- TInt count = m_bitrateInfo.GetSize();
- for(TInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
- {
- CHXPtrArray* pBitrateValues = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_bitrateInfo[idx]);
- delete pBitrateValues;
- }
- m_bitrateInfo.RemoveAll();
- }
- /*
- * delete source URLs
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CleanupURLs()
- {
- TInt count = m_sourceURLs.GetSize();
- for(TInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
- {
- CHXString* pStr = reinterpret_cast<CHXString*>(m_sourceURLs[idx]);
- delete pStr;
- }
- m_sourceURLs.RemoveAll();
- }
- /*
- * Collect source URLs from active player.
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CacheURLsL(IHXPlayer* pPlayer)
- {
- CleanupURLs();
- UINT32 sourceCount = pPlayer->GetSourceCount();
- m_sourceURLs.SetSize(sourceCount);
- for(UINT32 idxSource = 0; idxSource < sourceCount; ++idxSource)
- {
- comptr<IHXStreamSource> streamSource = player::GetSource(pPlayer, idxSource);
- CHXString* pStr = new CHXString(streamSource->GetURL());
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXSymClipInfo::CacheURLsL(): src %lu url is '%.*s'n", idxSource, 300, static_cast<const char*>(*pStr)));
- m_sourceURLs[idxSource] = pStr;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Collect file and stream headers from active player.
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CacheHeadersL(IHXPlayer* pPlayer)
- {
- CleanupHeaders();
- UINT32 sourceCount = pPlayer->GetSourceCount();
- m_sourceHeaders.SetSize(sourceCount);
- for(UINT32 idxSource = 0; idxSource < sourceCount; ++idxSource)
- {
- m_sourceHeaders[idxSource] = new (ELeave) CHXPtrArray;
- CHXPtrArray* pHeaderArray = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_sourceHeaders[idxSource]);
- // set source header total count == one file header + stream headers
- UINT32 streamCount = player::GetStreamCount(pPlayer, idxSource);
- pHeaderArray->SetSize(streamCount + 1);
- comptr<IHXValues> fileHeader = player::GetFileHeader(pPlayer, 0);
- // HX_ASSERT(fileHeader); // sourceCount > 0 and no file header; this is possible for SDP
- if(!fileHeader)
- {
- CleanupHeaders();
- break;
- }
- // assign file header
- comptr<IHXValues>* pHeader = new (ELeave) comptr<IHXValues>;
- *pHeader = fileHeader;
- // stick it in
- (*pHeaderArray)[0] = pHeader;
- // stream headers
- for(UINT32 idxStream = 0; idxStream < streamCount; ++idxStream)
- {
- UINT32 idxHeader = idxStream + 1;
- // assign stream header
- pHeader = new (ELeave) comptr<IHXValues>;
- *pHeader = player::GetStreamHeader(pPlayer, idxSource, idxStream);
- // stick it in
- (*pHeaderArray)[idxHeader] = pHeader;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * return header at given index within array of headers for given source index
- */
- comptr<IHXValues> CHXSymClipInfo::GetHeaderHelper(UINT32 idxSource, UINT32 idxHeader) const
- {
- comptr<IHXValues> header;
- if(idxSource < m_sourceHeaders.GetSize())
- {
- CHXPtrArray* pSourceHeaders = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_sourceHeaders[idxSource]);
- HX_ASSERT(pSourceHeaders);
- HX_ASSERT(!pSourceHeaders->IsEmpty());
- if(idxHeader < pSourceHeaders->GetSize())
- {
- header = *(reinterpret_cast<comptr<IHXValues>*>((*pSourceHeaders)[idxHeader]));
- }
- }
- return header;
- }
- /*
- * save live and video presentation info
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CachePresentationInfoL(IHXPlayer* pPlayer)
- {
- m_bIsLive = pPlayer->IsLive();
- m_bHasVideo = DoCheckForNonAudioStreams();
- }
- void CHXSymClipInfo::CacheRequestInfo(IHXRequest* pRequest)
- {
- HX_ASSERT(pRequest);
- dbg::DumpObject(pRequest);
- comptr<IHXValues> respHeaders;
- pRequest->GetResponseHeaders(respHeaders.AsRef());
- if( respHeaders )
- {
- // store server name (if present) for clip info
- val::GetString(respHeaders, "Server", m_strServer);
- }
- }
- // helper
- bool CHXSymClipInfo::DoCheckForNonAudioStreams()
- {
- // XXXLCM this won't work for smil with all audio streams (first source has smil mimetype)
- UINT32 sourceCount = GetSourceCount();
- for(UINT32 idxSource = 0; idxSource < sourceCount; ++idxSource)
- {
- UINT32 streamCount = GetStreamCount(idxSource);
- for(UINT32 idx = 0; idx < streamCount; ++idx)
- {
- comptr<IHXValues> header = GetStreamHeader(idx, idxSource);
- HX_ASSERT(header);
- CHXString strMimeType;
- val::GetString(header, "MimeType", strMimeType);
- HX_ASSERT(!strMimeType.IsEmpty());
- if( 0 != strMimeType.Left(5).CompareNoCase("audio"))
- {
- // non-audio stream found
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXSymClipInfo::DoCheckForNonAudioStreams(): found '%s' (non-audio)n", static_cast<const char*>(strMimeType)));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // everything is audio
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvPlayer::DoCheckForNonAudioStreams(): audio onlyn"));
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * return file header for current or most-recent playback
- */
- comptr<IHXValues> CHXSymClipInfo::GetFileHeader(UINT32 idxSource) const
- {
- // file header is always first header in source headers array
- return GetHeaderHelper(idxSource, 0);
- }
- /*
- * return url for current or most-recent playback
- */
- const char* CHXSymClipInfo::GetURL(UINT32 idxSource) const
- {
- const char* psz = 0;
- if(idxSource < m_sourceURLs.GetSize())
- {
- CHXString* pStr = reinterpret_cast<CHXString*>(m_sourceURLs[idxSource]);
- psz = *pStr;
- }
- return psz;
- }
- /*
- * return source count for current or most-recent playback
- */
- UINT32 CHXSymClipInfo::GetSourceCount() const
- {
- return m_sourceHeaders.GetSize();
- }
- /*
- * return stream count for current or most-recent playback
- */
- UINT32 CHXSymClipInfo::GetStreamCount(UINT32 idxSource) const
- {
- HX_ASSERT(idxSource < m_sourceHeaders.GetSize());
- CHXPtrArray* pSourceHeaders = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_sourceHeaders[idxSource]);
- HX_ASSERT(pSourceHeaders);
- UINT32 count = pSourceHeaders->GetSize();
- if( count > 0 )
- {
- --count; // minus one for file header
- }
- return count;
- }
- /*
- * return stream header for current or most-recent playback
- */
- comptr<IHXValues> CHXSymClipInfo::GetStreamHeader(UINT32 idxStream, UINT32 idxSource) const
- {
- UINT32 idxStreamHeader = idxStream + 1; // plus one accounts for file header at slot 0
- return GetHeaderHelper(idxSource, idxStreamHeader);
- }
- /*
- * return best-known stream bitrate value for given stream index
- */
- UINT32 CHXSymClipInfo::GetStreamBitrate(UINT32 idxStream, UINT32 idxSource) const
- {
- //HX_ASSERT(idxSource < m_bitrateInfo.GetSize()); // possible if file/stream headers gotten but bitrate values not determined yet
- UINT32 bitrate = 0;
- if( idxSource < m_bitrateInfo.GetSize() )
- {
- CHXPtrArray* pBitrateValues = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_bitrateInfo[idxSource]);
- HX_ASSERT(pBitrateValues);
- HX_ASSERT(idxStream < pBitrateValues->GetSize());
- if(idxStream < pBitrateValues->GetSize())
- {
- bitrate = reinterpret_cast<UINT32>((*pBitrateValues)[idxStream]);
- }
- }
- return bitrate;
- }
- /*
- * save best-known stream bitrate values
- */
- void CHXSymClipInfo::SaveStreamBitrateValuesL(IHXPlayer* pPlayer)
- {
- UINT32 sourceCount = pPlayer->GetSourceCount();
- m_bitrateInfo.SetSize(sourceCount);
- for(UINT32 idxSource = 0; idxSource < sourceCount; ++idxSource)
- {
- m_bitrateInfo[idxSource] = new (ELeave) CHXPtrArray;
- CHXPtrArray* pBitrateValues = reinterpret_cast<CHXPtrArray*>(m_bitrateInfo[idxSource]);
- UINT32 streamCount = player::GetStreamCount(pPlayer, idxSource);
- pBitrateValues->SetSize(streamCount);
- for(UINT32 idxStream = 0; idxStream < streamCount; ++idxStream)
- {
- // prefer asm bitrate connect value...
- comptr<IHXStream> stream = player::GetStream(pPlayer, idxSource, idxStream);
- void*& bitrate = (*pBitrateValues)[idxStream];
- bitrate = reinterpret_cast<void*>(player::GetStreamASMBandwidth(stream));
- // if no asm bitrate use header 'avgbitrate' value - this may be wrong value for streamed surestream case
- if(0 == bitrate)
- {
- UINT32 val = 0;
- comptr<IHXValues> streamHeader = GetStreamHeader(idxStream, idxSource);
- HX_ASSERT(streamHeader);
- if(streamHeader)
- {
- val::GetUINT32(streamHeader, "AvgBitrate", val);
- bitrate = reinterpret_cast<void*>(val);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }