- function L_all = sova(rec_s, g, L_a, ind_dec)
- % This function implememts Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm in trace back mode
- % Input:
- % rec_s: scaled received bits. rec_s(k) = 0.5 * L_c(k) * y(k)
- % L_c = 4 * a * Es/No, reliability value of the channel
- % y: received bits
- % g: encoder generator matrix in binary form, g(1,:) for feedback, g(2,:) for feedforward
- % L_a: a priori information about the info. bits. Extrinsic info. from the previous
- % component decoder
- % ind_dec: index of the component decoder.
- % =1: component decoder 1; The trellis is terminated to all zero state
- % =2: component decoder 2; The trellis is not perfectly terminated.
- % Output:
- % L_all: log ( P(x=1|y) ) / ( P(x=-1|y) )
- %
- % Copyright: Yufei Wu, Nov. 1998
- % MPRG lab, Virginia Tech
- % for academic use only
- % Frame size, info. + tail bits
- L_total = length(L_a);
- [n,K] = size(g);
- m = K - 1;
- nstates = 2^m;
- Infty = 1e10;
- % SOVA window size. Make decision after 'delta' delay. Decide bit k when received bits
- % for bit (k+delta) are processed. Trace back from (k+delta) to k.
- delta = 30;
- % Set up the trellis defined by g.
- [next_out, next_state, last_out, last_state] = trellis(g);
- % Initialize path metrics to -Infty
- for t=1:L_total+1
- for state=1:nstates
- path_metric(state,t) = -Infty;
- end
- end
- % Trace forward to compute all the path metrics
- path_metric(1,1) = 0;
- for t=1:L_total
- y = rec_s(2*t-1:2*t);
- for state=1:nstates
- sym0 = last_out(state,1:2);
- sym1 = last_out(state,3:4);
- state0 = last_state(state,1);
- state1 = last_state(state,2);
- Mk0 = y*sym0' - L_a(t)/2 + path_metric(state0,t);
- Mk1 = y*sym1' + L_a(t)/2 + path_metric(state1,t);
- if Mk0>Mk1
- path_metric(state,t+1)=Mk0;
- Mdiff(state,t+1) = Mk0 - Mk1;
- prev_bit(state, t+1) = 0;
- else
- path_metric(state,t+1)=Mk1;
- Mdiff(state,t+1) = Mk1 - Mk0;
- prev_bit(state,t+1) = 1;
- end
- end
- end
- % For decoder 1, trace back from all zero state,
- % for decoder two, trace back from the most likely state
- if ind_dec == 1
- mlstate(L_total+1) = 1;
- else
- mlstate(L_total+1) = find( path_metric(:,L_total+1)==max(path_metric(:,L_total+1)) );
- end
- % Trace back to get the estimated bits, and the most likely path
- for t=L_total:-1:1
- est(t) = prev_bit(mlstate(t+1),t+1);
- mlstate(t) = last_state(mlstate(t+1), est(t)+1);
- end
- % Find the minimum delta that corresponds to a compitition path with different info. bit estimation.
- % Give the soft output
- for t=1:L_total
- llr = Infty;
- for i=0:delta
- if t+i<L_total+1
- bit = 1-est(t+i);
- temp_state = last_state(mlstate(t+i+1), bit+1);
- for j=i-1:-1:0
- bit = prev_bit(temp_state,t+j+1);
- temp_state = last_state(temp_state, bit+1);
- end
- if bit~=est(t)
- llr = min( llr,Mdiff(mlstate(t+i+1), t+i+1) );
- end
- end
- end
- L_all(t) = (2*est(t) - 1) * llr;
- end