- function [output, state] = encode_bit(g, input, state)
- % Copyright 1996 Matthew C. Valenti
- % MPRG lab, Virginia Tech
- % for academic use only
- % This function takes as an input a single bit to be encoded,
- % as well as the coeficients of the generator polynomials and
- % the current state vector.
- % It returns as output n encoded data bits, where 1/n is the
- % code rate.
- % the rate is 1/n
- % k is the constraint length
- % m is the amount of memory
- %*****************************************************************
- % 根据生产矩阵多项式g和输入比特input 寄存器的当前状态
- % 进行编码
- % 输出为 (编码比特 编码后寄存器的状态)
- % 编码比特(1 2 3 。。。。)
- % 对应着生产矩阵的每一列。
- %*****************************************************************
- [n,k] = size(g);
- m = k-1;
- % determine the next output bit
- for i=1:n
- output(i) = g(i,1)*input;
- % 第一个寄存器前的一个比特编码值
- for j = 2:k
- output(i) = xor(output(i),g(i,j)*state(j-1));
- % xor 二进制 加法
- end;
- end
- state = [input, state(1:m-1)];
- % 寄存器状态转移