- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: RCSL 1.0/RPSL 1.0
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2002 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file, are
- * subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public Source License
- * Version 1.0 (the "RPSL") available at
- * unless you have licensed
- * the file under the RealNetworks Community Source License Version 1.0
- * (the "RCSL") available at,
- * in which case the RCSL will apply. You may also obtain the license terms
- * directly from RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks
- * applicable to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or
- * RCSL for the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the portions
- * it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed and made
- * available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- *
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "mhead.h" /* mpeg header structure, decode protos */
- #include "mpadecobjfltpt.h"
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #include <conio.h>
- #endif
- #define BS_BUFBYTES 60000U
- #define PCM_BUFBYTES 60000U
- typedef struct _FileInfo {
- char *infileName;
- char *outfileName;
- } FileInfo;
- typedef struct _BitStream {
- unsigned char *buffer;
- unsigned char *bufptr;
- int trigger;
- int bufbytes;
- } BitStream;
- typedef struct _PCM {
- unsigned char *buffer;
- unsigned int bufbytes;
- unsigned int trigger;
- } PCM;
- static int print_mpeg_info( MPEG_HEAD *h, int bitrate_arg) /* info only */
- {
- int bitrate;
- int samprate;
- static char *Layer_msg[] = { "INVALID", "III", "II", "I" };
- static char *mode_msg[] = { "STEREO", "JOINT", "DUAL", "MONO" };
- static int sr_table[8] =
- { 22050L, 24000L, 16000L, 1L,
- 44100L, 48000L, 32000L, 1L };
- bitrate = bitrate_arg/1000;
- printf("n Layer %s ", Layer_msg[h->option]);
- printf(" %s ", mode_msg[h->mode]);
- samprate = sr_table[4*h->id + h->sr_index];
- if( (h->sync & 1) == 0 )
- samprate = samprate/2; // mpeg25
- printf(" %d ", samprate);
- printf(" %dKb ", bitrate);
- if( (h->mode == 1) && (h->option != 1) )
- printf(" %d stereo bands ", 4 + 4*h->mode_ext );
- if( h->prot == 0 )
- printf(" (CRC)");
- return 0;
- }
- static int bs_fill(FILE *infile, BitStream *bs)
- {
- int nread;
- if( bs->bufbytes < 0 )
- bs->bufbytes = 0; // signed var could be negative
- if( bs->bufbytes < bs->trigger ) {
- memmove(bs->buffer, bs->bufptr, bs->bufbytes);
- nread = fread(bs->buffer + bs->bufbytes, 1, BS_BUFBYTES - bs->bufbytes, infile);
- if(nread == -1) { /*-- test for -1 = error --*/
- bs->trigger = 0;
- printf("n FILE_READ_ERRORn");
- return 0;
- }
- bs->bufbytes += nread;
- bs->bufptr = bs->buffer;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int WINAPI DecodeMP3File(LPVOID lpParam)
- {
- int bitrate, framebytes, nFrames, sampleCount;
- int in_bytes, out_bytes, writeFlag;
- FileInfo *fileInfo;
- FILE *infile, *outfile;
- unsigned int nwrite;
- unsigned long temp, inBytes, pcmBytes;
- MPEG_HEAD head;
- IN_OUT x;
- DEC_INFO decinfo;
- CMpaDecObj decobj;
- BitStream bs;
- PCM pcm;
- in_bytes = 0;
- out_bytes = 0;
- pcm.bufbytes = 0;
- pcm.trigger = (PCM_BUFBYTES - 2500*sizeof(short));
- /* open files */
- fileInfo = (FileInfo *)lpParam;
- infile = fopen(fileInfo->infileName, "rb");
- if (!infile)
- return -1;
- writeFlag = 0;
- if (strcmp(fileInfo->outfileName, "nul")) {
- writeFlag = 1;
- outfile = fopen(fileInfo->outfileName, "wb");
- if (!outfile)
- return -1;
- }
- /* allocate buffers */
- bs.buffer = new unsigned char [BS_BUFBYTES];
- pcm.buffer = new unsigned char [PCM_BUFBYTES];
- if (!bs.buffer || !pcm.buffer) {
- if (bs.buffer)
- delete [] bs.buffer;
- if (pcm.buffer)
- delete [] pcm.buffer;
- return -1;
- }
- /* fill bs buffer */
- bs.bufbytes = 0;
- bs.bufptr = bs.buffer;
- bs.trigger = 2500;
- bs_fill(infile, &bs);
- /* parse mpeg header */
- framebytes = head_info2(bs.buffer, bs.bufbytes, &head, &bitrate, 0);
- if (framebytes == 0) {
- printf("header parsing errorn");
- delete [] bs.buffer;
- delete [] pcm.buffer;
- }
- print_mpeg_info(&head, bitrate);
- decobj.Init_n(bs.buffer, bs.bufbytes);
- /*---- get info -------*/
- decobj.GetPCMInfo_v(temp, decinfo.channels, decinfo.bits);
- decinfo.samprate = temp;
- decinfo.type = 0;
- //printf(" output: samprate = %d, channels = %d, bits = %d, type = %dn",
- // decinfo.samprate, decinfo.channels, decinfo.bits, decinfo.type);
- /*----- DECODE -----*/
- nFrames = 0;
- sampleCount = 0;
- while (1) {
- /* check for EOF */
- if(!bs_fill(infile, &bs) || bs.bufbytes < framebytes)
- break;
- inBytes = bs.bufbytes;
- pcmBytes = PCM_BUFBYTES - pcm.bufbytes;
- /* you can uncomment this to see which file is being decoded, and watch the threads take turns */
- /* printf("decoding %sn", fileInfo->infileName); */
- decobj.DecodeFrame_v(bs.bufptr, &inBytes, pcm.buffer + pcm.bufbytes, &pcmBytes);
- x.in_bytes = inBytes;
- x.out_bytes = pcmBytes;
- if( x.in_bytes <= 0 ) {
- printf("n BAD SYNC IN MPEG FILEn");
- break;
- }
- bs.bufptr += x.in_bytes;
- bs.bufbytes -= x.in_bytes;
- pcm.bufbytes += x.out_bytes;
- sampleCount += (x.out_bytes / sizeof(short));
- if( pcm.bufbytes > pcm.trigger ) {
- if (writeFlag) {
- nwrite = fwrite(pcm.buffer, 1, pcm.bufbytes, outfile);
- if( nwrite != pcm.bufbytes ) {
- printf("n FILE WRITE ERRORn");
- break;
- }
- }
- out_bytes += pcm.bufbytes;
- pcm.bufbytes = 0;
- }
- #ifdef _WIN32
- if( kbhit() )
- break;
- #endif
- nFrames++;
- in_bytes += x.in_bytes;
- }
- if( writeFlag && pcm.bufbytes > 0 ) {
- if (writeFlag) {
- nwrite = fwrite(pcm.buffer, 1, pcm.bufbytes, outfile);
- if( nwrite != pcm.bufbytes ) {
- printf("n FILE WRITE ERRORn");
- }
- }
- out_bytes += pcm.bufbytes;
- pcm.bufbytes = 0;
- }
- /* cleanup */
- fclose(infile);
- if (writeFlag)
- fclose(outfile);
- delete [] bs.buffer;
- delete [] pcm.buffer;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- while(kbhit())
- getch(); /* purge key board */
- #endif
- printf("n");
- return 0;
- }
- void Usage(void)
- {
- printf("Usage: towave infile1.mp3 outfile1.pcm [infile2.mp3 outfile2.pcm]n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- HANDLE hDecThread1, hDecThread2;
- DWORD decThreadID1, decThreadID2;
- DWORD exitCode1, exitCode2;
- FileInfo fileInfo1, fileInfo2;
- if (argc != 3 && argc != 5)
- Usage();
- if (argc == 3 || argc == 5) {
- fileInfo1.infileName = argv[1];
- fileInfo1.outfileName = argv[2];
- hDecThread1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DecodeMP3File, (LPVOID)&fileInfo1, 0, &decThreadID1 );
- if (hDecThread1)
- printf("Started decoder thread 1: infile = %16s outfile = %16sn", fileInfo1.infileName, fileInfo1.outfileName);
- else
- printf("error creating decoder thread 1n");
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- fileInfo2.infileName = argv[3];
- fileInfo2.outfileName = argv[4];
- hDecThread2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DecodeMP3File, (LPVOID)&fileInfo2, 0, &decThreadID2 );
- if (hDecThread2)
- printf("Started decoder thread 2: infile = %16s outfile = %16sn", fileInfo2.infileName, fileInfo2.outfileName);
- else
- printf("error creating decoder thread 2n");
- }
- exitCode1 = exitCode2 = 0;
- do {
- if (hDecThread1)
- GetExitCodeThread(hDecThread1, &exitCode1);
- if (hDecThread2)
- GetExitCodeThread(hDecThread2, &exitCode2);
- } while (exitCode1 == STILL_ACTIVE || exitCode2 == STILL_ACTIVE);
- if (hDecThread1)
- CloseHandle(hDecThread1);
- if (hDecThread2)
- CloseHandle(hDecThread2);
- return 0;
- }