- /***************************************************
- This is the header file for the Grabber code. Include this
- in your files.
- This code was intended to be used inside of a matlab interface,
- but can be used as a generic grabber class for anyone who needs
- one.
- Written by Micah Richert.
- 07/14/2005
- **************************************************/
- #include "atlbase.h"
- #include "dshow.h"
- #include "qedit.h"
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- //using namespace stdext;
- // since the Audio and Video CB vectors are public we need to make the CB interface public too
- class CSampleGrabberCB : public ISampleGrabberCB
- {
- public:
- CSampleGrabberCB();
- virtual ~CSampleGrabberCB();
- vector<BYTE*> frames;
- vector<int> frameBytes;
- vector<int> frameNrs;
- // use this to get data format information, ie. bit depth, sampling rate...
- BYTE *pbFormat;
- unsigned int frameNr;
- bool disabled;
- // Fake out any COM ref counting
- //
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return 2; }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { return 1; }
- // Fake out any COM QI'ing
- //
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
- // We don't implement this one
- //
- STDMETHODIMP SampleCB( double SampleTime, IMediaSample * pSample ){ return 0; }
- // The sample grabber is calling us back on its deliver thread.
- // This is NOT the main app thread!
- //
- STDMETHODIMP BufferCB( double dblSampleTime, BYTE * pBuffer, long lBufferSize );
- };
- // this is the main grabber class. I think the interfaces and names are fairly self explanatory
- class DDGrabber
- {
- public:
- vector<CSampleGrabberCB*> VideoCBs;
- vector<CSampleGrabberCB*> AudioCBs;
- HRESULT buildGraph(char* filename);
- HRESULT doCapture();
- HRESULT getVideoInfo(unsigned int id, int* width, int* height, int* nrFramesCaptured, int* nrFramesTotal);
- HRESULT getAudioInfo(unsigned int id, int* nrChannels, int* rate, int* bits, int* nrFramesCaptured, int* nrFramesTotal);
- void getCaptureInfo(int* nrVideo, int* nrAudio);
- // data must be freed by caller
- HRESULT getVideoFrame(unsigned int id, int frameNr, char** data, int* nrBytes);
- // data must be freed by caller
- HRESULT getAudioFrame(unsigned int id, int frameNr, char** data, int* nrBytes);
- void setFrames(int* frameNrs, int nrFrames);
- void disableVideo();
- void disableAudio();
- void cleanUp(); // must be called at the end, in order to render anything afterward.
- private:
- CComPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraphBuilder;
- void MyFreeMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mt);
- PIN_INFO getPinInfo(IPin* pin);
- IPin* getInputPin(IBaseFilter* filt);
- IPin* getOutputPin(IBaseFilter* filt);
- bool isRenderer(IBaseFilter* filt);
- IPin* connectedToInput(IBaseFilter* filt);
- GUID getMajorType(IBaseFilter* filt);
- HRESULT insertCapture(IGraphBuilder* pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter* pRenderer, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* mt, CSampleGrabberCB** grabberCB);
- HRESULT insertVideoCapture(IGraphBuilder* pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter* pRenderer);
- HRESULT insertAudioCapture(IGraphBuilder* pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter* pRenderer);
- HRESULT changeToNull(IGraphBuilder* pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter* pRenderer);
- HRESULT mangleGraph(IGraphBuilder* pGraphBuilder);
- };