- function [video, audio] = mmread(filename, frames, disableVideo, disableAudio)
- % function [video, audio] = mmread(filename, frames, disableVideo, disableAudio)
- % mmread reads virtually any media file. If Windows Media Play can play
- % it, so should mmread. It uses the Window's DirectX infrastructure to
- % render the media, so other OSs are out of luck.
- %
- % filename input file to read (mpg, avi, wmv, asf, wav, mp3, ...)
- % frames specifies which video frames to capture, default [] for all
- % disableVideo disables ALL video capturing, to save memory or time
- % disableAudio disables ALL audio capturing, to save memory or time
- %
- % video is a struct with the following fields:
- % width width of the video frames
- % height height of the video frames
- % nrFramesTotal the total number of frames in the movie regardless to
- % how many were captured
- % frames a struct array with the following fields:
- % cdata [height X width X 3] uint8 matricies
- % colormap always empty
- %
- % audio is a struct with the following fields:
- % nrChannels the number of channels in the audio stream (1 or 2)
- % rate sampling rate of the audio, ex. 44100
- % bits bit depth of the samples (8 or 16)
- % data the real data of the whole audio stream. This can be
- % played using wavplay.
- % nrFramesTotal Audio comes in packets or frames when captured, the
- % frames division of the audio into frames may or may not make
- % sense. Probably not of great use. Stored as uint8s.
- %
- % If there is no video or audio stream the corresponding structure will be
- % empty.
- %
- % Specifying frames does not effect audio capturing. If you want only a
- % subsection of the audio you will need to extract it from the matrix
- % yourself.
- %
- % If there are multiple video or audio streams, then the structure will be
- % of length > 1. For example: audio(1).data and audio(2).data.
- %
- % [video, audio] = mmread('chimes.wav');
- % wavplay(,audio.rate);
- %
- % video = mmread('mymovie.mpg');
- % movie(video.frames);
- %
- % video = mmread('mymovie.mpg',1:10); %get only the first 10 frames
- %
- % video = mmread('mymovie.mpg',[],false,true); %read all frames, disable audio
- %
- % Written by Micah Richert
- if nargin < 4
- disableAudio = false;
- if nargin < 3
- disableVideo = false;
- if nargin < 2
- frames = [];
- end
- end
- end
- try
- mexDDGrab('buildGraph',filename);
- mexDDGrab('setFrames',frames);
- if (disableVideo) mexDDGrab('disableVideo'); end;
- if (disableAudio || nargout < 2) mexDDGrab('disableAudio'); end;
- mexDDGrab('doCapture');
- [nrVideoStreams, nrAudioStreams] = mexDDGrab('getCaptureInfo');
- video = struct('width',{},'height',{},'nrFramesTotal',{},'frames',{});
- audio = struct('nrChannels',{},'rate',{},'bits',{},'nrFramesTotal',{},'data',{},'frames',{});
- % loop through getting all of the video data from each stream
- for i=1:nrVideoStreams
- [width, height, nrFramesCaptured, nrFramesTotal] = mexDDGrab('getVideoInfo',i-1);
- video(i).width = width;
- video(i).height = height;
- video(i).nrFramesTotal = nrFramesTotal;
- video(i).frames = struct('cdata',repmat({[]},1,nrFramesCaptured),'colormap',repmat({[]},1,nrFramesCaptured));
- for f=1:nrFramesCaptured
- data = mexDDGrab('getVideoFrame',i-1,f-1);
- % the data ordering is wrong for matlab images, so permute it
- tmp = permute(reshape(data, 3, width, height),[3 2 1]);
- video(i).frames(f).cdata = tmp(end:-1:1,:,3:-1:1); % the images are also upside down and colors were backwards.
- end
- end
- % loop through getting all of the audio data from each stream
- for i=1:nrAudioStreams
- [nrChannels, rate, bits, nrFramesCaptured, nrFramesTotal] = mexDDGrab('getAudioInfo',i-1);
- audio(i).nrChannels = nrChannels;
- audio(i).rate = rate;
- audio(i).bits = bits;
- audio(i).nrFramesTotal = nrFramesTotal;
- audio(i).frames = cell(1,nrFramesCaptured);
- for f=1:nrFramesCaptured
- data = mexDDGrab('getAudioFrame',i-1,f-1);
- audio(i).frames{f} = data;
- end
- % combine the data across frames
- d = double(cat(1,audio(i).frames{:}));
- % convert to 16 bit if need be
- if (bits == 16) d = d(1:2:end)+d(2:2:end)*256; end;
- % make the data signed
- d(d>2^(bits-1)) = d(d>2^(bits-1)) - 2^bits;
- % reshape and rescale the data so that it is nrChannels x Samples
- % and -1.0 to 1.0. This should be the same output as wavread.
- audio(i).data = reshape(d/2^(bits-1),nrChannels,length(d)/nrChannels)';
- end
- mexDDGrab('cleanUp');
- catch
- err = lasterror;
- mexDDGrab('cleanUp');
- rethrow(err);
- end