



  1. /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** 
  2.  * Version: RCSL 1.0/RPSL 1.0 
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  4.  * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2002 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  5.  *      
  6.  * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file, are 
  7.  * subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public Source License 
  8.  * Version 1.0 (the "RPSL") available at 
  9.  * unless you have licensed 
  10.  * the file under the RealNetworks Community Source License Version 1.0 
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  13.  * directly from RealNetworks.  You may not use this file except in 
  14.  * compliance with the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks 
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  17.  * contents of the file.  
  18.  *  
  19.  * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the 
  20.  * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the portions 
  21.  * it created. 
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  23.  * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed and made 
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  32.  * Contributor(s): 
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  34.  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ 
  35. #ifndef _SMILTYPE_H_
  36. #define _SMILTYPE_H_
  37. typedef enum
  38. {
  39.     PersistentUnknown,
  40.     PersistentRAM,
  41.     PersistentSMIL
  42. } PersistentType;
  43. typedef enum
  44. {
  45.     XMLAttrTypeCDATA,
  46.     XMLAttrTypeID,
  47.     XMLAttrTypeIDREF,
  48.     XMLAttrTypeIDREFS,
  49.     XMLAttrTypeENTITY,
  50.     XMLAttrTypeENTITIES,
  51.     XMLAttrTypeNMTOKEN,
  52.     XMLAttrTypeNMTOKENS,
  53.     XMLAttrTypeEnumerated
  54. } XMLAttributeType;
  55. typedef enum
  56. {
  57.     SMIL2ElemA,
  58.     SMIL2ElemAnchor,
  59.     SMIL2ElemAnimate,
  60.     SMIL2ElemAnimateColor,
  61.     SMIL2ElemAnimateMotion,
  62.     SMIL2ElemAnimation,
  63.     SMIL2ElemArea,
  64.     SMIL2ElemAudio,
  65.     SMIL2ElemBody,
  66.     SMIL2ElemBrush,
  67.     SMIL2ElemCustomAttributes,
  68.     SMIL2ElemCustomTest,
  69.     SMIL2ElemExcl,
  70.     SMIL2ElemHead,
  71.     SMIL2ElemImg,
  72.     SMIL2ElemLayout,
  73.     SMIL2ElemMeta,
  74.     SMIL2ElemMetadata,
  75.     SMIL2ElemPar,
  76.     SMIL2ElemParam,
  77.     SMIL2ElemPrefetch,
  78.     SMIL2ElemPriorityClass,
  79.     SMIL2ElemRef,
  80.     SMIL2ElemRegPoint,
  81.     SMIL2ElemRegion,
  82.     SMIL2ElemRootLayout,
  83.     SMIL2ElemSeq,
  84.     SMIL2ElemSet,
  85.     SMIL2ElemSmil,
  86.     SMIL2ElemSwitch,
  87.     SMIL2ElemText,
  88.     SMIL2ElemTextstream,
  89.     SMIL2ElemTopLayout,
  90.     SMIL2ElemTransition,
  91.     SMIL2ElemVideo,
  92.     SMIL2ElemRNParam,
  93.     SMIL2ElemRNRendererList,
  94.     SMIL2ElemRNRenderer,
  95.     XMLEventsElemListener,
  96.     NumSMIL2Elements // NOTE: THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE LAST!!!
  97. } SMIL2Element;
  98. typedef enum
  99. {
  100.     SMIL2AttrAbstract,
  101.     SMIL2AttrAccesskey,
  102.     SMIL2AttrAccumulate,
  103.     SMIL2AttrActuate,
  104.     SMIL2AttrAdditive,
  105.     SMIL2AttrAlt,
  106.     SMIL2AttrAttributeName,
  107.     SMIL2AttrAttributeType,
  108.     SMIL2AttrAuthor,
  109.     SMIL2AttrBackground_Color,
  110.     SMIL2AttrBackgroundColor,
  111.     SMIL2AttrBandwidth,
  112.     SMIL2AttrBegin,
  113.     SMIL2AttrBorderColor,
  114.     SMIL2AttrBorderWidth,
  115.     SMIL2AttrBottom,
  116.     SMIL2AttrBy,
  117.     SMIL2AttrCalcMode,
  118.     SMIL2AttrClass,
  119.     SMIL2AttrClip_Begin,
  120.     SMIL2AttrClipBegin,
  121.     SMIL2AttrClip_End,
  122.     SMIL2AttrClipEnd,
  123.     SMIL2AttrClose,
  124.     SMIL2AttrColor,
  125.     SMIL2AttrContent,
  126.     SMIL2AttrCoords,
  127.     SMIL2AttrCopyright,
  128.     SMIL2AttrCustomTest,
  129.     SMIL2AttrDefaultState,
  130.     SMIL2AttrDestinationLevel,
  131.     SMIL2AttrDestinationPlaystate,
  132.     SMIL2AttrDirection,
  133.     SMIL2AttrDur,
  134.     SMIL2AttrEnd,
  135.     SMIL2AttrEndProgress,
  136.     SMIL2AttrEndsync,
  137.     SMIL2AttrErase,
  138.     SMIL2AttrExternal,
  139.     SMIL2AttrFadeColor,
  140.     SMIL2AttrFill,
  141.     SMIL2AttrFillDefault,
  142.     SMIL2AttrFit,
  143.     SMIL2AttrFragment,
  144.     SMIL2AttrFrom,
  145.     SMIL2AttrHeight,
  146.     SMIL2AttrHigher,
  147.     SMIL2AttrHorzRepeat,
  148.     SMIL2AttrHref,
  149.     SMIL2AttrId,
  150.     SMIL2AttrLeft,
  151.     SMIL2AttrLongdesc,
  152.     SMIL2AttrLower,
  153.     SMIL2AttrMax,
  154.     SMIL2AttrMediaRepeat,
  155.     SMIL2AttrMediaSize,
  156.     SMIL2AttrMediaTime,
  157.     SMIL2AttrMin,
  158.     SMIL2AttrName,
  159.     SMIL2AttrNohref,
  160.     SMIL2AttrOpen,
  161.     SMIL2AttrOrigin,
  162.     SMIL2AttrOverride,
  163.     SMIL2AttrPauseDisplay,
  164.     SMIL2AttrPeers,
  165.     SMIL2AttrReadIndex,
  166.     SMIL2AttrRegAlign,
  167.     SMIL2AttrRegion,
  168.     SMIL2AttrRegionName,
  169.     SMIL2AttrRegPoint,
  170.     SMIL2AttrRepeat,
  171.     SMIL2AttrRepeatCount,
  172.     SMIL2AttrRepeatDur,
  173.     SMIL2AttrRestart,
  174.     SMIL2AttrRestartDefault,
  175.     SMIL2AttrRight,
  176.     SMIL2AttrSensitivity,
  177.     SMIL2AttrShape,
  178.     SMIL2AttrShow,
  179.     SMIL2AttrShowBackground,
  180.     SMIL2AttrSkip_Content,
  181.     SMIL2AttrSoundLevel,
  182.     SMIL2AttrSourceLevel,
  183.     SMIL2AttrSourcePlaystate,
  184.     SMIL2AttrSrc,
  185.     SMIL2AttrStartProgress,
  186.     SMIL2AttrSubtype,
  187.     SMIL2AttrSyncBehavior,
  188.     SMIL2AttrSyncBehaviorDefault,
  189.     SMIL2AttrSyncTolerance,
  190.     SMIL2AttrSyncToleranceDefault,
  191.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Bitrate,
  192.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Captions,
  193.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Language,
  194.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Overdub_Or_Caption,
  195.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Required,
  196.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Screen_Depth,
  197.     SMIL2AttrSystem_Screen_Size,
  198.     SMIL2AttrSystemAudioDesc,
  199.     SMIL2AttrSystemBitrate,
  200.     SMIL2AttrSystemCaptions,
  201.     SMIL2AttrSystemComponent,
  202.     SMIL2AttrSystemCPU,
  203.     SMIL2AttrSystemLanguage,
  204.     SMIL2AttrSystemOperatingSystem,
  205.     SMIL2AttrSystemOverdubOrSubtitle,
  206.     SMIL2AttrSystemRequired,
  207.     SMIL2AttrSystemScreenDepth,
  208.     SMIL2AttrSystemScreenSize,
  209.     SMIL2AttrTabindex,
  210.     SMIL2AttrTarget,
  211.     SMIL2AttrTargetElement,
  212.     SMIL2AttrTitle,
  213.     SMIL2AttrTo,
  214.     SMIL2AttrTop,
  215.     SMIL2AttrTransIn,
  216.     SMIL2AttrTransOut,
  217.     SMIL2AttrType,
  218.     SMIL2AttrUid,
  219.     SMIL2AttrValue,
  220.     SMIL2AttrValues,
  221.     SMIL2AttrValuetype,
  222.     SMIL2AttrVertRepeat,
  223.     SMIL2AttrWidth,
  224.     SMIL2AttrXmlBase,
  225.     SMIL2AttrXmlLang,
  226.     SMIL2AttrXmlns,
  227.     SMIL2AttrZ_Index,
  228.     SMIL2AttrRNBackgroundOpacity,
  229.     SMIL2AttrRNChromaKey,
  230.     SMIL2AttrRNChromaKeyOpacity,
  231.     SMIL2AttrRNChromaKeyTolerance,
  232.     SMIL2AttrRNMediaOpacity,
  233.     SMIL2AttrRNOpacity,
  234.     SMIL2AttrRNDelivery,
  235.     SMIL2AttrRNHandledBy,
  236.     SMIL2AttrRNSendTo,
  237.     SMIL2AttrRNContextWindow,
  238.     SMIL2AttrRNSystemComponent,
  239.     SMIL2AttrRNResizeBehavior,
  240.     XMLEventsAttrEvent,
  241.     XMLEventsAttrObserver,
  242.     XMLEventsAttrTarget,
  243.     XMLEventsAttrHandler,
  244.     XMLEventsAttrPhase,
  245.     XMLEventsAttrPropagate,
  246.     XMLEventsAttrDefaultAction,
  247.     SMIL2AttrRNAccessErrorBehavior,
  248.     NumSMIL2Attributes // NOTE: THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE LAST!!!
  249. } SMIL2Attribute;
  250. typedef enum
  251. {
  252.     SMIL2AttrCollCore,
  253.     SMIL2AttrCollI18N,
  254.     SMIL2AttrCollBasicTiming,
  255.     SMIL2AttrCollTest,
  256.     SMIL2AttrCollTiming,
  257.     SMIL2AttrCollSubregion,
  258.     SMIL2AttrCollMediaElement,
  259.     NumSMIL2AttributeCollections // NOTE: THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE LAST!!!
  260. } SMIL2AttributeCollection;
  261. typedef enum
  262. {
  263.     AccumulateNone,
  264.     AccumulateSum
  265. } AnimateAccumulate;
  266. typedef enum
  267. {
  268.     ActuateOnRequest,
  269.     ActuateOnLoad
  270. } AnchorActuate;
  271. typedef enum
  272. {
  273.     AdditiveReplace,
  274.     AdditiveSum
  275. } AnimateAdditive;
  276. typedef enum
  277. {
  278.     CalcModeDiscrete,
  279.     CalcModeLinear,
  280.     CalcModePaced
  281. } AnimateCalcMode;
  282. typedef enum
  283. {
  284.     ViewportCloseOnRequest,
  285.     ViewportCloseWhenNotActive
  286. } ViewportClose;
  287. typedef enum
  288. {
  289.     DestinationPlaystatePlay,
  290.     DestinationPlaystatePause,
  291.     DestinationPlaystateStop
  292. } AnchorDestinationPlaystate;
  293. typedef enum
  294. {
  295.     TransitionDirectionForward,
  296.     TransitionDirectionReverse
  297. } TransitionDirection;
  298. typedef enum
  299. {
  300.     EraseWhenDone,
  301.     EraseNever
  302. } EraseType;
  303. typedef enum
  304. {
  305.     FillRemove,
  306.     FillFreeze,
  307.     FillHold,
  308.     FillTransition,
  309.     FillAuto,
  310.     FillDefault
  311. } FillType;
  312. typedef enum
  313. {
  314.     FillDefaultRemove,
  315.     FillDefaultFreeze,
  316.     FillDefaultHold,
  317.     FillDefaultTransition,
  318.     FillDefaultAuto,
  319.     FillDefaultInherit
  320. } FillDefaultType;
  321. typedef enum
  322. {
  323.     FitFill,
  324.     FitHidden,
  325.     FitMeet,
  326.     FitScroll,
  327.     FitSlice
  328. } Fit;
  329. typedef enum
  330. {
  331.     DeliveryClient,
  332.     DeliveryServer
  333. } ParamDelivery;
  334. typedef enum
  335. {
  336.     HigherStop,
  337.     HigherPause
  338. } PriorityClassHigher;
  339. typedef enum
  340. {
  341.     LowerDefer,
  342.     LowerNever
  343. } PriorityClassLower;
  344. typedef enum
  345. {
  346.     MediaRepeatPreserve,
  347.     MediaRepeatStrip
  348. } MediaRepeat;
  349. typedef enum
  350. {
  351.     ViewportOpenOnStart,
  352.     ViewportOpenWhenActive
  353. } ViewportOpen;
  354. typedef enum
  355. {
  356.     OverrideVisible,
  357.     OverrideHidden
  358. } CustomTestOverride;
  359. typedef enum
  360. {
  361.     PauseDisplayDisable,
  362.     PauseDisplayHide,
  363.     PauseDisplayShow
  364. } PriorityClassPauseDisplay;
  365. typedef enum
  366. {
  367.     PeersStop,
  368.     PeersPause,
  369.     PeersDefer,
  370.     PeersNever
  371. } PriorityClassPeers;
  372. typedef enum
  373. {
  374.     RegAlignTopLeft,
  375.     RegAlignTopMid,
  376.     RegAlignTopRight,
  377.     RegAlignMidLeft,
  378.     RegAlignCenter,
  379.     RegAlignMidRight,
  380.     RegAlignBottomLeft,
  381.     RegAlignBottomMid,
  382.     RegAlignBottomRight
  383. } RegAlign;
  384. typedef enum
  385. {
  386.     ShapeRect,
  387.     ShapeCircle,
  388.     ShapePoly,
  389.     ShapeDefault
  390. } AreaShape;
  391. typedef enum
  392. {
  393.     ShowNew,
  394.     ShowPause,
  395.     ShowReplace
  396. } AreaShow;
  397. typedef enum
  398. {
  399.     ShowBackgroundAlways,
  400.     ShowBackgroundWhenActive
  401. } ShowBackground;
  402. typedef enum
  403. {
  404.     SourcePlaystatePlay,
  405.     SourcePlaystatePause,
  406.     SourcePlaystateStop
  407. } AnchorSourcePlaystate;
  408. typedef enum
  409. {
  410.     TransitionSubtypeLeftToRight,
  411.     TransitionSubtypeTopToBottom,
  412.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeft,
  413.     TransitionSubtypeTopRight,
  414.     TransitionSubtypeBottomRight,
  415.     TransitionSubtypeBottomLeft,
  416.     TransitionSubtypeTopCenter,
  417.     TransitionSubtypeRightCenter,
  418.     TransitionSubtypeBottomCenter,
  419.     TransitionSubtypeLeftCenter,
  420.     TransitionSubtypeCornersIn,
  421.     TransitionSubtypeCornersOut,
  422.     TransitionSubtypeVertical,
  423.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontal,
  424.     TransitionSubtypeDiagonalBottomLeft,
  425.     TransitionSubtypeDiagonalTopLeft,
  426.     TransitionSubtypeDoubleBarnDoor,
  427.     TransitionSubtypeDoubleDiamond,
  428.     TransitionSubtypeDown,
  429.     TransitionSubtypeLeft,
  430.     TransitionSubtypeUp,
  431.     TransitionSubtypeRight,
  432.     TransitionSubtypeRectangle,
  433.     TransitionSubtypeDiamond,
  434.     TransitionSubtypeCircle,
  435.     TransitionSubtypeFourPoint,
  436.     TransitionSubtypeFivePoint,
  437.     TransitionSubtypeSixPoint,
  438.     TransitionSubtypeHeart,
  439.     TransitionSubtypeKeyhole,
  440.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseTwelve,
  441.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseThree,
  442.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseSix,
  443.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseNine,
  444.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBladeVertical,
  445.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBladeHorizontal,
  446.     TransitionSubtypeFourBlade,
  447.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseTop,
  448.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseRight,
  449.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseBottom,
  450.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseLeft,
  451.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseTopLeft,
  452.     TransitionSubtypeCounterClockwiseBottomLeft,
  453.     TransitionSubtypeClockwiseBottomRight,
  454.     TransitionSubtypeCounterClockwiseTopRight,
  455.     TransitionSubtypeCenterTop,
  456.     TransitionSubtypeCenterRight,
  457.     TransitionSubtypeFanOutVertical,
  458.     TransitionSubtypeFanOutHorizontal,
  459.     TransitionSubtypeFanInVertical,
  460.     TransitionSubtypeFanInHorizontal,
  461.     TransitionSubtypeParallelVertical,
  462.     TransitionSubtypeParallelHorizontal,
  463.     TransitionSubtypeParallelDiagonal,
  464.     TransitionSubtypeOppositeVertical,
  465.     TransitionSubtypeOppositeHorizontal,
  466.     TransitionSubtypeParallelDiagonalTopLeft,
  467.     TransitionSubtypeParallelDiagonalBottomLeft,
  468.     TransitionSubtypeTop,
  469.     TransitionSubtypeBottom,
  470.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeftHorizontal,
  471.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeftVertical,
  472.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeftDiagonal,
  473.     TransitionSubtypeTopRightDiagonal,
  474.     TransitionSubtypeBottomRightDiagonal,
  475.     TransitionSubtypeBottomLeftDiagonal,
  476.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeftClockwise,
  477.     TransitionSubtypeTopRightClockwise,
  478.     TransitionSubtypeBottomRightClockwise,
  479.     TransitionSubtypeBottomLeftClockwise,
  480.     TransitionSubtypeTopLeftCounterClockwise,
  481.     TransitionSubtypeTopRightCounterClockwise,
  482.     TransitionSubtypeBottomRightCounterClockwise,
  483.     TransitionSubtypeBottomLeftCounterClockwise,
  484.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalTopSame,
  485.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalBottomSame,
  486.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalTopLeftOpposite,
  487.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalBottomLeftOpposite,
  488.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalLeftSame,
  489.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalRightSame,
  490.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalTopLeftOpposite,
  491.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalTopRightOpposite,
  492.     TransitionSubtypeDiagonalBottomLeftOpposite,
  493.     TransitionSubtypeDiagonalTopLeftOpposite,
  494.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBoxTop,
  495.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBoxBottom,
  496.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBoxLeft,
  497.     TransitionSubtypeTwoBoxRight,
  498.     TransitionSubtypeFourBoxVertical,
  499.     TransitionSubtypeFourBoxHorizontal,
  500.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalLeft,
  501.     TransitionSubtypeVerticalRight,
  502.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalLeft,
  503.     TransitionSubtypeHorizontalRight,
  504.     TransitionSubtypeFromLeft,
  505.     TransitionSubtypeFromTop,
  506.     TransitionSubtypeFromRight,
  507.     TransitionSubtypeFromBottom,
  508.     TransitionSubtypeCrossfade,
  509.     TransitionSubtypeFadeToColor,
  510.     TransitionSubtypeFadeFromColor
  511. } TransitionSubtype;
  512. typedef enum
  513. {
  514.     SystemCaptionsOn,
  515.     SystemCaptionsOff
  516. } SystemCaptions;
  517. typedef enum
  518. {
  519.     OverdubOrCaptionOverdub,
  520.     OverdubOrCaptionCaption
  521. } SystemOverdubOrCaption;
  522. typedef enum
  523. {
  524.     AudioDescOn,
  525.     AudioDescOff
  526. } SystemAudioDesc;
  527. typedef enum
  528. {
  529.     OverdubOrSubtitleOverdub,
  530.     OverdubOrSubtitleSubtitle
  531. } SystemOverdubOrSubtitle;
  532. typedef enum
  533. {
  534.     TransitionTypeBarWipe,
  535.     TransitionTypeBoxWipe,
  536.     TransitionTypeFourBoxWipe,
  537.     TransitionTypeBarnDoorWipe,
  538.     TransitionTypeDiagonalWipe,
  539.     TransitionTypeBowTieWipe,
  540.     TransitionTypeMiscDiagonalWipe,
  541.     TransitionTypeVeeWipe,
  542.     TransitionTypeBarnVeeWipe,
  543.     TransitionTypeZigZagWipe,
  544.     TransitionTypeBarnZigZagWipe,
  545.     TransitionTypeIrisWipe,
  546.     TransitionTypeTriangleWipe,
  547.     TransitionTypeArrowHeadWipe,
  548.     TransitionTypePentagonWipe,
  549.     TransitionTypeHexagonWipe,
  550.     TransitionTypeEllipseWipe,
  551.     TransitionTypeEyeWipe,
  552.     TransitionTypeRoundRectWipe,
  553.     TransitionTypeStarWipe,
  554.     TransitionTypeMiscShapeWipe,
  555.     TransitionTypeClockWipe,
  556.     TransitionTypePinWheelWipe,
  557.     TransitionTypeSingleSweepWipe,
  558.     TransitionTypeFanWipe,
  559.     TransitionTypeDoubleFanWipe,
  560.     TransitionTypeDoubleSweepWipe,
  561.     TransitionTypeSaloonDoorWipe,
  562.     TransitionTypeWindshieldWipe,
  563.     TransitionTypeSnakeWipe,
  564.     TransitionTypeSpiralWipe,
  565.     TransitionTypeParallelSnakesWipe,
  566.     TransitionTypeBoxSnakesWipe,
  567.     TransitionTypeWaterfallWipe,
  568.     TransitionTypePushWipe,
  569.     TransitionTypeSlideWipe,
  570.     TransitionTypeFade
  571. } TransitionType;
  572. typedef enum
  573. {
  574.     ValuetypeData,
  575.     ValuetypeRef,
  576.     ValuetypeObject
  577. } ParamValuetype;
  578. typedef enum
  579. {
  580.     NamespaceSystemComponent,
  581.     NamespaceSizeControl,
  582.     NamespaceAlphaControl,
  583.     NamespaceParam,
  584.     NamespaceSendTo,
  585.     NamespaceHandledBy,
  586.     NamespaceRendererList,
  587.     NamespaceAccessErrorBehavior,
  588.     NamespaceAllSMIL2Extensions,
  589.     NamespaceSMIL2AccessKeyTiming,
  590.     NamespaceSMIL2AudioLayout,
  591.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicAnimation,
  592.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicContentControl,
  593.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicInlineTiming,
  594.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicLayout,
  595.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicLinking,
  596.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicMedia,
  597.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicTimeContainers,
  598.     NamespaceSMIL2BasicTransistions,
  599.     NamespaceSMIL2BrushMedia,
  600.     NamespaceSMIL2CustomTestAttributes,
  601.     NamespaceSMIL2EventTiming,
  602.     NamespaceSMIL2ExclTimeContainers,
  603.     NamespaceSMIL2FillDefault,
  604.     NamespaceSMIL2HierarchicalLayout,
  605.     NamespaceSMIL2InlineTransitions,
  606.     NamespaceSMIL2LinkingAttributes,
  607.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaAccessibility,
  608.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaClipMarkers,
  609.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaClipping,
  610.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaDescription,
  611.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaMarkerTiming,
  612.     NamespaceSMIL2MediaParam,
  613.     NamespaceSMIL2Metainformation,
  614.     NamespaceSMIL2MinMaxTiming,
  615.     NamespaceSMIL2MultiArcTiming,
  616.     NamespaceSMIL2MultiWindowLayout,
  617.     NamespaceSMIL2ObjectLinking,
  618.     NamespaceSMIL2PrefetchControl,
  619.     NamespaceSMIL2RepeatTiming,
  620.     NamespaceSMIL2RepeatValueTiming,
  621.     NamespaceSMIL2RestartDefault,
  622.     NamespaceSMIL2RestartTiming,
  623.     NamespaceSMIL2SkipContentControl,
  624.     NamespaceSMIL2SplineAnimation,
  625.     NamespaceSMIL2Structure,
  626.     NamespaceSMIL2SyncbaseTiming,
  627.     NamespaceSMIL2SyncBehavior,
  628.     NamespaceSMIL2SyncBehaviorDefault,
  629.     NamespaceSMIL2SyncMaster,
  630.     NamespaceSMIL2TimeContainerAttributes,
  631.     NamespaceSMIL2TimeManipulations,
  632.     NamespaceSMIL2TransitionModifiers,
  633.     NamespaceSMIL2WallclockTiming,
  634.     NamespaceXMLEvents,
  635.     NamespaceNotImplemented // NOTE!! This should always be last
  636. } SupportedNamespace;
  637. typedef enum
  638. {
  639.     ResizeZoom,
  640.     ResizePercentOnly
  641. } ResizeBehavior;
  642. typedef enum
  643. {
  644.     WithinUnknown = 0,
  645.     WithinSeq = 1,
  646.     WithinSeqInPar = 2,
  647.     WithinPar = 3
  648. } ElementWithinTag;
  649. typedef enum
  650. {
  651.     RepeatUnknown,
  652.     RepeatReplica,
  653.     RepeatIndefiniteOnGroup,
  654.     RepeatIndefiniteOnMe
  655. } RepeatTag;
  656. typedef enum
  657. {
  658.     UpdateUnknown,
  659.     UpdateDuration,
  660.     UpdateDelay,
  661.     UpdateAll
  662. } UpdateTag;
  663. typedef enum
  664. {
  665.     SmilBeginTimeList,
  666.     SmilEndTimeList
  667. } SmilTimingListType;
  668. typedef enum
  669. {
  670.     PrefetchUnknown = 0,
  671.     PrefetchTime,
  672.     PrefetchTimePercent,
  673.     PrefetchBytes,
  674.     PrefetchBytesPercent,
  675.     PrefetchBandwidth,
  676.     PrefetchBandwidthPercent
  677.     , PrefetchMaxAllowedPlus1
  678. } PrefetchType;
  679. typedef enum
  680. {
  681.     HandledByRPBrowser,
  682.     HandledByRPContextWin,
  683.     HandledByRPEngine,
  684.     HandledByAuto
  685. } HandledBy;
  686. typedef enum
  687. {
  688.     SendToRPBrowser,
  689.     SendToRPContextWin,
  690.     SendToOSDefaultBrowser,
  691.     SendToRPEngine
  692. } SendTo;
  693. typedef enum
  694. {
  695.     ContextWindowAuto,
  696.     ContextWindowOpenAtStart
  697. } ContextWindow;
  698. typedef enum
  699. {
  700.     PhaseCapture,
  701.     PhaseDefault
  702. } Phase;
  703. typedef enum
  704. {
  705.     PropagateStop,
  706.     PropagateContinue
  707. } Propagate;
  708. typedef enum
  709. {
  710.     DefaultActionCancel,
  711.     DefaultActionPerform
  712. } DefaultAction;
  713. typedef enum
  714. {
  715.     AccessErrorBehaviorInherit,
  716.     AccessErrorBehaviorContinue,
  717.     AccessErrorBehaviorStop
  718. } AccessErrorBehavior;
  719. typedef enum
  720. {
  721.     CSS2TypeAuto,
  722.     CSS2TypeInherit,
  723.     CSS2TypeLength,
  724.     CSS2TypePercentage,
  725.     CSS2TypeInteger,
  726.     CSS2TypeColor,
  727.     CSS2TypeTransparent
  728. } CSS2Type;
  729. typedef struct
  730. {
  731.     double         m_dLeft;
  732.     CSS2Type       m_eLeftType;
  733.     double         m_dTop;
  734.     CSS2Type       m_eTopType;
  735.     double         m_dRight;
  736.     CSS2Type       m_eRightType;
  737.     double         m_dBottom;
  738.     CSS2Type       m_eBottomType;
  739.     double         m_dWidth;
  740.     CSS2Type       m_eWidthType;
  741.     double         m_dHeight;
  742.     CSS2Type       m_eHeightType;
  743. }
  744. LayoutRect;
  745. typedef struct
  746. {
  747.     double   m_dLeft;
  748.     CSS2Type m_eLeftType;
  749.     double   m_dTop;
  750.     CSS2Type m_eTopType;
  751.     double   m_dRight;
  752.     CSS2Type m_eRightType;
  753.     double   m_dBottom;
  754.     CSS2Type m_eBottomType;
  755.     RegAlign m_eRegAlign;
  756. }
  757. RegPoint;
  758. typedef enum
  759. {
  760.       SmilRestartNever
  761.     , SmilRestartWhenNotActive
  762.     , SmilRestartAlways
  763.     , SmilRestartDefault // /Default val for restart
  764.     , SmilRestartInherit // /Default val for restartDefault
  765. }SmilElementRestart;
  766. typedef enum
  767. {
  768.       SmilSyncBehaviorInvalid
  769.     , SmilSyncBehaviorCanSlip
  770.     , SmilSyncBehaviorLocked
  771.     , SmilSyncBehaviorIndependent
  772.     , SmilSyncBehaviorDefault // /Default val for syncBehavior.
  773.     , SmilSyncBehaviorInherit // /Default val for syncBehaviorDefault.
  774. }SMILSyncBehaviorType;
  775. typedef enum
  776. {
  777.       SMILPriorityClassPauseDisplayInvalid
  778.     , SMILPriorityClassPauseDisplayDisable
  779.     , SMILPriorityClassPauseDisplayHide
  780.     , SMILPriorityClassPauseDisplayShow // /Default for pauseDisplay.
  781. }SMILPriorityClassPauseDisplay;
  782. typedef enum
  783. {
  784.       SMILPriorityClassPeersHigherLowerInvalid
  785.     , SMILPriorityClassStop  // /Default for peers.
  786.     , SMILPriorityClassPause // /Default for higher.
  787.     , SMILPriorityClassDefer // /Default for lower.
  788.     , SMILPriorityClassNever
  789. }SMILPriorityClassPeersHigherLowerVal;
  790. typedef enum
  791. {
  792.       SMILPriorityClassPeersHigherLowerAttribInvalid
  793.     , SMILPriorityClassPeers
  794.     , SMILPriorityClassHigher
  795.     , SMILPriorityClassLower
  796. }SMILPriorityClassPeersHigherLowerAttrib;
  797. typedef enum
  798. {
  799.       SMILLinkPlaystateInvalid
  800.     , SMILLinkPlaystatePlay
  801.     , SMILLinkPlaystatePause
  802.     , SMILLinkPlaystateStop
  803. }SMILLinkPlaystate;
  804. typedef enum
  805. {
  806.     SMILUnknown = 0,
  807.     SMILAAnchor,
  808.     SMILAnchor,
  809.     SMILAnimate,
  810.     SMILAnimateColor,
  811.     SMILAnimateMotion,
  812.     SMILAnimation,
  813.     SMILArea,
  814.     SMILAudio,
  815.     SMILBody,
  816.     SMILBrush,
  817.     SMILCustomAttributes,
  818.     SMILCustomTest,
  819.     SMILExcl,
  820.     SMILHead,
  821.     SMILImg,
  822.     SMILBasicLayout,
  823.     SMILMeta,
  824.     SMILMetadata,
  825.     SMILPar,
  826.     SMILParam,
  827.     SMILPrefetch,
  828.     SMILPriorityClass,
  829.     SMILRef,
  830.     SMILRegPoint,
  831.     SMILRegion,
  832.     SMILRootLayout,
  833.     SMILSeq,
  834.     SMILSet,
  835.     SMILSmil,
  836.     SMILSwitch,
  837.     SMILText,
  838.     SMILTextstream,
  839.     SMILViewport,
  840.     SMILTransition,
  841.     SMILVideo,
  842.     SMILEndPar,
  843.     SMILEndSeq,
  844.     SMILEndExcl,
  845.     SMILEndPriorityClass,
  846.     SMILRNRendererList,
  847.     SMILRendererPreFetch,
  848.     SMILEndAAnchor
  849. } SMILNodeTag;
  850. typedef enum
  851. {
  852.     SMILEventSourceNone,
  853.     SMILEventSourceBegin,
  854.     SMILEventSourceEnd,
  855.     SMILEventSourceFirst,
  856.     SMILEventSourceLast,
  857.     SMILEventSourceAll,
  858.     SMILEventSourceID,
  859.     SMILEventSourceClock
  860. } SMILEventSourceTag;
  861. typedef enum
  862. {
  863.     SMILSyncAttrNone,
  864.     SMILSyncAttrBegin,
  865.     SMILSyncAttrEnd,
  866.     SMILSyncAttrDur,
  867.     SMILSyncAttrEndsync,
  868.     SMILSyncAttrClipBegin,
  869.     SMILSyncAttrClipEnd,
  870.     SMILSyncAttrSyncTolerance,
  871.     SMILSyncAttrSyncToleranceDefault,
  872.     SMILSyncAttrSyncBehavior,
  873.     SMILSyncAttrSyncBehaviorDefault,
  874.     SMILSyncAttrMin,
  875.     SMILSyncAttrMax
  876. } SMILSyncAttributeTag;
  877. typedef enum
  878. {
  879.     SMILErrorNone,
  880.     SMILErrorGeneralError,
  881.     SMILErrorBadXML,
  882.     SMILErrorNotSMIL,
  883.     SMILErrorDuplicateID,
  884.     SMILErrorNonexistentID,
  885.     SMILErrorNoBodyTag,
  886.     SMILErrorNoBodyElements,
  887.     SMILErrorUnrecognizedTag,
  888.     SMILErrorUnrecognizedAttribute,
  889.     SMILErrorUnexpectedTag,
  890.     SMILErrorBadDuration,
  891.     SMILErrorBadAttribute,
  892.     SMILErrorBadFragment,
  893.     SMILErrorRequiredAttributeMissing,
  894.     SMILErrorSyncAttributeMissing,
  895.     SMILErrorUnexpectedContent,
  896.     SMILErrorSMIL10Document,
  897.     SMILErrorIndefiniteNotSupported,
  898.     SMILErrorMetaDatatype,
  899.     SMILErrorRootLayoutHeightWidthRequired,
  900.     SMILErrorBadID,
  901.     SMILErrorNoSources,
  902.     SMILErrorBadTimeValue,
  903.     SMILErrorBadWallClockValue,
  904.     SMILErrorTimeValueNotallowed
  905. // XXXMEH - these don't seem to be used, and also
  906. // require a dependency on hxresult.h, xmlreslt.h,
  907. // so try removing them for now
  908. //    SMILXMLUnknownError             = HXR_XML_GENERALERROR,
  909. //    SMILXMLErrorNoClose             = HXR_XML_NOCLOSE,
  910. //    SMILXMLErrorBadAttribute        = HXR_XML_BADATTRIBUTE,
  911. //    SMILXMLErrorNoValue             = HXR_XML_NOVALUE,
  912. //    SMILXMLErrorMissingQuote        = HXR_XML_MISSINGQUOTE,
  913. //    SMILXMLErrorBadEndTag           = HXR_XML_BADENDTAG,
  914. //    SMILXMLErrorNoTagType           = HXR_XML_NOTAGTYPE,
  915. //    SMILXMLErrorIllegalID           = HXR_XML_ILLEGALID
  916. } SMILErrorTag;
  917. #define SMILTIME_PAUSED_INDEFINITELY    ((LONG32)2147483642)  /* 0x7FFFFFFA */
  918. #define SMILTIME_DEFERRED_INDEFINITELY  ((LONG32)2147483645)  /* 0x7FFFFFFD */
  920. #define SMILTIME_NEGATIVE_INFINITY      ((LONG32)-2147483647) /* 0x80000001 */
  921. #define SMILTIME_INFINITY               ((LONG32)2147483647)  /* 0x7FFFFFFF */
  923. #define SMILTIME_INVALID                ((UINT32)-1)          /* 0xFFFFFFFF */
  924. #endif /* _SMILTYPE_H_ */