资源名称:DirectX3D.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.Form frmMain
- BorderStyle = 0 'None
- Caption = "Character Animation-By MartWare-FPS:"
- ClientHeight = 6810
- ClientLeft = 0
- ClientTop = 0
- ClientWidth = 9945
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- ScaleHeight = 454
- ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
- ScaleWidth = 663
- ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
- StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "Label1"
- Height = 15
- Left = 360
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 360
- Visible = 0 'False
- Width = 135
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '****************************************************************************
- '人人为我,我为人人
- '枕善居汉化收藏整理
- '发布日期:05/05/06
- '描 述:DirectX游戏编程-----3D机器人模型
- '网 站:
- '
- 'OICQ : 88382850
- '****************************************************************************
- 'Hi all.
- 'Some people asked me if it's possible to use animated .x files with
- 'Direct3D Retain Mode;
- 'in some VB forums I had read that it's not possible, or it's possible only
- 'in Direct3D Immediate Mode, or that the only method in Retain Mode is to create
- 'a loop of several static x. files.
- 'Well, this is not correct: it's possible to use an .x file with animation
- 'data in Direct3DRM, as you can see in this example;
- 'I think the best way to do this is to create an animated 3DS file and
- 'then convert it in an animated .x file with Conv3ds.exe having the -A option.
- '
- 'This application wants to be only an example not a real game (it was the beginning of
- 'a RobotsWar 3D game project, but I have suspended it at today), but I am sure you could
- 'find some interesting things in it.
- '
- 'The robot bullet are moving with a traslation: best way is to get them the set.velocity
- '
- 'The explosion was only a simple experiment of nice 3d effect using a surface, but the sequence
- 'decrease the speed of application; I have left it in this program because it's good for
- 'static objects.
- 'I have used this method to create trees in my City3D program because of several up and down views;
- 'however if you have the same height for view, the best way is using the billboard method.
- '
- 'If you choose 1024x768 display mode, a weapon appear for the player
- '(for other resolution you need to make some calculations).
- '
- 'Everybody can modify the code or employ parts of it within own projects, I don't care (just
- '
- 'Every comments, suggestions, ideas and e-mails are always welcomed to:
- 'fabiocalvi@
- '
- 'Happy coding and have fun!
- 'Goodbye, Fabio.
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- 'Arrow Keys moving you around scene
- '
- 'Pageup key: looking up
- 'Pagedown key: looking down
- 'Q key: rotate robot to left
- 'W key: rotate robot to right
- 'Space key: robot shoot
- 'Ctrl key: you are firing
- 'Z key:explosion
- Option Explicit
- Const pi = 3.1415927
- ' direct x objects
- Dim dx As New DirectX7
- Dim dd As DirectDraw4
- Dim SurfPrimary As DirectDrawSurface4
- Dim SurfBack As DirectDrawSurface4
- Dim DDCapsBack As DDSCAPS2
- Dim dev As Direct3DRMDevice3
- Dim clip As DirectDrawClipper
- Dim d3drm As Direct3DRM3
- Dim scene As Direct3DRMFrame3
- Dim cam As Direct3DRMFrame3
- Dim pos As D3DVECTOR
- Dim view As Direct3DRMViewport2
- Dim mesh As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3
- Dim m_objectFrame(1000) As Direct3DRMFrame3
- Dim m_meshBuilder(1000) As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3
- Dim m_object As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3
- Dim bullet(1000) As D3DVECTOR
- ' animation variables
- Dim animframe As Direct3DRMFrame3 ' frame that holds the animation
- Dim anim As Direct3DRMAnimationSet2 ' the actual animation
- Dim animpos As D3DVECTOR
- Dim curframe As Single ' the current frame that the animation is at
- Dim active(1000) As Boolean
- Dim Keyctrl As Boolean
- Dim Keyright As Boolean
- Dim Keyleft As Boolean
- Dim Keydown As Boolean
- Dim Keyup As Boolean
- Dim KeyQ As Boolean
- Dim KeyW As Boolean
- Dim KeyZ As Boolean
- Dim Keyspace As Boolean
- Dim Keyescape As Boolean
- Dim KeyPagedown As Boolean
- Dim KeyPageup As Boolean
- Dim I As Integer, j As Integer
- Dim LastTime As Long
- Dim NumFramesDone As Integer
- Dim FrameText As String
- Dim GameFont As IFont
- Dim StartGameTime As Long, nowTime As Long
- Dim MaxSpeed As Integer
- Dim Grados As Integer
- Dim grado2 As Integer
- Dim valor As Integer
- Dim corx As Single
- Dim corz As Single
- Dim Weapon11 As DirectDrawSurface4
- Dim Weapon12 As DirectDrawSurface4
- Dim Weapon13 As DirectDrawSurface4
- Dim Stretching As DDSURFACEDESC2
- Dim Weapon1Width
- Dim Weapon1Height
- Dim Weapon1Attributes As RECT
- Dim Weapon1X As Integer
- Dim Weapon1Y As Integer
- Dim MouseX
- Dim MouseY
- Dim WeaponSwitchable
- Dim shootcount As Byte
- Dim Sfondo As Direct3DRMTexture3
- Dim explframe As Integer, explo As Boolean, nameexplo As String
- Dim mexplo(4) As Direct3DRMFace2
- Dim explox As Single, exploz As Single
- Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
- Private Sub form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode = vbKeyControl Then Keyctrl = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyZ Then KeyZ = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then Keyright = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then Keyleft = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then Keydown = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then Keyescape = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then Keyup = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeySpace Then
- Keyspace = True
- If j < 1001 Then j = j + 1
- End If
- If KeyCode = vbKeyQ Then KeyQ = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyW Then KeyW = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyPageUp Then KeyPageup = True
- If KeyCode = vbKeyPageDown Then KeyPagedown = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub form_Keyup(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode = vbKeyControl Then Keyctrl = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyZ Then KeyZ = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then Keyright = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then Keyleft = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then Keydown = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then Keyescape = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then Keyup = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeySpace Then Keyspace = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyQ Then KeyQ = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyW Then KeyW = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyPageUp Then KeyPageup = False
- If KeyCode = vbKeyPageDown Then KeyPagedown = False
- End Sub
- ' main sub
- Public Sub init_dx(nWidth As Integer, nHeight As Integer, nDepth As Integer, nGUID As String, nDetail As Integer)
- Dim t1 As Long, fogcolor As Single
- Dim Starttick As Long, LastTick As Long
- Dim collidev As Boolean, collideb As Boolean
- Dim distance As Single, distanceb As Single
- StartGameTime = dx.TickCount
- MaxSpeed = 30
- Unload frmSplash
- fogcolor = 125 * 65536 + 125 * 256 + 125
- t1 = dx.TickCount()
- Set dd = dx.DirectDraw4Create("")
- ' this will be full-screen, so set the display mode
- dd.SetDisplayMode CLng(nWidth), CLng(nHeight), CLng(nDepth), 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT
- ' create the primary surface
- DDSDPrimary.lBackBufferCount = 1
- Set SurfPrimary = dd.CreateSurface(DDSDPrimary)
- ' get the back buffer
- Set SurfBack = SurfPrimary.GetAttachedSurface(DDCapsBack)
- ' Create the Retained Mode object
- Set d3drm = dx.Direct3DRMCreate()
- SurfBack.SetForeColor RGB(0, 255, 0)
- Set dev = d3drm.CreateDeviceFromSurface(nGUID, dd, SurfBack, D3DRMDEVICE_DEFAULT)
- dev.SetBufferCount 2
- Select Case nDetail
- Case 0
- Case 1
- 'Linear texturing looks better
- dev.SetTextureQuality D3DRMTEXTURE_LINEAR
- End Select
- Set scene = d3drm.CreateFrame(Nothing)
- Set cam = d3drm.CreateFrame(scene)
- ' Set Sfondo = d3drm.LoadTexture("sky.bmp")
- ' scene.SetSceneBackgroundImage Sfondo
- dev.SetDither D_TRUE
- Set view = d3drm.CreateViewport(dev, cam, 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight)
- view.SetBack 5000!
- Set mesh = d3drm.CreateMeshBuilder()
- mesh.SetPerspective D_TRUE
- scene.AddVisual mesh
- For I = 1 To 1000
- active(I) = False
- Next
- ' create walls
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, -1000, -15, 1000, 1000, -15, 1000, 1000, -15, -1000, -1000, -15, -1000, "wall", 20, 20, 0, 0, 0) ' grass texture on the floor
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, 200, 15, 1000, -200, 15, 1000, -200, 15, -1000, 200, 15, -1000, "roof", 3, 3, 0, 0, 0)
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, 200, -15, 1000, -200, -15, 1000, -200, 15, 1000, 200, 15, 1000, "r10", 18, 3, 0, 0, 0)
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, 200, 15, -1000, -200, 15, -1000, -200, -15, -1000, 200, -15, -1000, "r10", 18, 3, 0, 0, 0)
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, 200, -15, 1000, 200, 15, 1000, 200, 15, -1000, 200, -15, -1000, "r10", 3, 60, 0, 0, 0)
- Call MakeWall(d3drm, mesh, -200, 15, 1000, -200, -15, 1000, -200, -15, -1000, -200, 15, -1000, "r10", 3, 60, 0, 0, 0)
- ' create animation frame
- Set animframe = d3drm.CreateFrame(scene)
- ' create animation set
- Set anim = d3drm.CreateAnimationSet()
- anim.LoadFromFile "cyborg.x", 0, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, Nothing, Nothing, animframe ' load animation into frame and animation set
- animframe.AddScale D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
- animframe.SetPosition scene, 0, -15, 100
- For I = 1 To 1000
- Set m_objectFrame(I) = d3drm.CreateFrame(scene)
- Set m_meshBuilder(I) = d3drm.CreateMeshBuilder()
- m_meshBuilder(I).LoadFromFile "cuboid13.x", 0, D3DRMLOAD_FROMFILE, Nothing, Nothing
- m_objectFrame(I).AddScale D3DRMCOMBINE_REPLACE, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01
- m_objectFrame(I).AddVisual m_meshBuilder(I)
- m_objectFrame(I).SetPosition animframe, -50, 90, -20
- Next I
- ' add light to camera
- Dim light(4) As Direct3DRMLight
- Dim lightframe(4) As Direct3DRMFrame3
- For I = 1 To 4
- Set light(I) = d3drm.CreateLightRGB(D3DRMLIGHT_POINT, 1, 1, 1)
- light(I).SetRange 1000
- light(I).SetColorRGB 255, 255, 255
- light(I).SetUmbra 0.8
- light(I).SetPenumbra 1.1
- Set lightframe(I) = d3drm.CreateFrame(scene)
- lightframe(I).AddLight light(I)
- Next
- lightframe(1).SetPosition scene, 1000, 15, 1000
- lightframe(2).SetPosition scene, -1000, 15, 1000
- lightframe(3).SetPosition scene, -1000, 15, -1000
- lightframe(4).SetPosition scene, 1000, 15, -1000
- ' add a bit of ambient light to the scene
- scene.AddLight d3drm.CreateLightRGB(D3DRMLIGHT_AMBIENT, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- ' scene.SetSceneFogEnable 1 'true
- ' scene.SetSceneFogColor fogcolor
- ' scene.SetSceneBackground fogcolor
- ' scene.SetSceneFogMethod D3DRMFOGMETHOD_TABLE
- ' scene.SetSceneFogParams 1, 200, 1
- ' scene.SetZbufferMode D3DRMZBUFFER_ENABLE
- DoEvents
- explo = False
- valor = 5
- Weapon1Width = Int(600 / 1) '1024
- Weapon1Height = Int(324 / 1) '768
- Stretching.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
- Stretching.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN
- Stretching.lWidth = Weapon1Width
- Stretching.lHeight = Weapon1Height
- Set Weapon11 = dd.CreateSurfaceFromFile("weapon11.bmp", Stretching)
- Weapon11.SetColorKey DDCKEY_SRCBLT, NoEdgeW
- Set Weapon12 = dd.CreateSurfaceFromFile("weapon12.bmp", Stretching)
- Weapon12.SetColorKey DDCKEY_SRCBLT, NoEdgeW
- Set Weapon13 = dd.CreateSurfaceFromFile("weapon13.bmp", Stretching)
- Weapon13.SetColorKey DDCKEY_SRCBLT, NoEdgeW
- Weapon1Attributes.Left = 0
- Weapon1Attributes.Right = Weapon1Width
- Weapon1Attributes.Top = 0
- Weapon1Attributes.Bottom = Weapon1Height
- NoEdgeW.low = RGB(0, 0, 0)
- NoEdgeW.high = 0
- ' start main loop
- Do While DoEvents()
- DoEvents
- Starttick = dx.TickCount
- DoEvents
- nowTime = dx.TickCount
- Do Until nowTime - LastTick > MaxSpeed
- DoEvents
- nowTime = dx.TickCount
- Loop
- LastTick = nowTime
- FrameText = Int(1000 / (dx.TickCount - Starttick + 1))
- 'Move forward
- If Keyup = True Then
- corx = corx + valor * Sin(Grados * pi / 180)
- corz = corz + valor * Cos(Grados * pi / 180)
- cam.SetPosition scene, corx, 0, corz
- End If
- 'Move back
- If Keydown = True Then
- corx = corx - valor * Sin(Grados * pi / 180)
- corz = corz - valor * Cos(Grados * pi / 180)
- cam.SetPosition scene, corx, 0, corz
- End If
- 'Rotate left
- If Keyleft = True Then
- Grados = Grados - valor
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, -(grado2 * pi / 180)
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, -(valor * pi / 180)
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, (grado2 * pi / 180)
- End If
- 'Rotate right
- If Keyright = True Then
- Grados = Grados + valor
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, -(grado2 * pi / 180)
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, (valor * pi / 180)
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, (grado2 * pi / 180)
- End If
- 'Look up
- If KeyPageup = True Then
- grado2 = grado2 - valor
- If grado2 > -90 Then
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, -(valor * pi / 180)
- Else
- grado2 = grado2 + valor
- End If
- End If
- 'Look down
- If KeyPagedown = True Then
- grado2 = grado2 + valor
- If grado2 < 90 Then
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, (valor * pi / 180)
- Else
- grado2 = grado2 - valor
- End If
- End If
- curframe = curframe + 1
- ' check if current frame is too high or low
- If curframe > 40 Then curframe = 0
- If curframe < 0 Then curframe = 40
- 'move the robot
- animframe.AddTranslation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 0, -2
- For I = 1 To 1000
- If active(I) = False Then
- m_objectFrame(I).SetPosition animframe, -50, 90, -20
- End If
- Next I
- 'reset the animation frames
- If curframe > 40 Then anim.SetTime 40 Else anim.SetTime curframe
- ' rotate robot left
- If KeyQ = True Then
- animframe.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, 0.05
- For I = 1 To 1000
- If active(I) = False Then m_objectFrame(I).AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, 0.05
- Next
- End If
- ' rotate robot right
- If KeyW = True Then
- animframe.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, -0.05
- For I = 1 To 1000
- If active(I) = False Then m_objectFrame(I).AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 1, 0, -0.05
- Next
- End If
- ' active robot shooting
- If Keyspace = True Then
- If j < 1001 Then active(j) = True
- End If
- For I = 1 To 1000
- m_objectFrame(I).GetPosition scene, bullet(I)
- If I <= j And active(I) = True Then
- distanceb = Sqr((bullet(I).X - corx) ^ 2 + (bullet(I).z - corz) ^ 2)
- If distanceb <= 10 Then
- collideb = True
- active(I) = False
- Else
- m_objectFrame(I).AddTranslation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 0, 0, -1500
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If collideb = True Then
- Dim k As Integer
- For k = 1 To 2
- If k = 1 Then
- grado2 = grado2 + valor
- cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, (valor * pi / 180)
- Else
- ' grado2 = grado2 - valor
- ' cam.AddRotation D3DRMCOMBINE_BEFORE, 1, 0, 0, -(valor * pi / 180)
- End If
- view.Clear D3DRMCLEAR_ALL
- view.Render scene
- dev.Update
- Next
- collideb = False
- End If
- cam.GetPosition scene, pos
- animframe.GetPosition scene, animpos
- ' don't overcross the limits of room
- ' If pos.X < -175 Then pos.X = -175
- ' If pos.X > 175 Then pos.X = 175
- ' If pos.z < -975 Then pos.z = -975
- ' If pos.z > 975 Then pos.z = 975
- If animpos.X < -185 Then animpos.X = -185
- If animpos.X > 185 Then animpos.X = 185
- If animpos.z < -985 Then animpos.z = -985
- If animpos.z > 985 Then animpos.z = 985
- cam.SetPosition scene, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.z
- animframe.SetPosition scene, animpos.X, animpos.Y, animpos.z
- If KeyZ = True Then
- explo = True
- explframe = -1
- End If
- If explo = True Then
- explframe = explframe + 1
- If explframe = 18 Then
- explo = False
- explframe = -1
- End If
- If explo = True And explframe > -1 And explframe < 18 Then
- nameexplo = "2200" & explframe
- explox = 50
- exploz = 50
- Call MakeExplo(d3drm, mesh, explox, 15, exploz - 20, explox, 15, exploz + 20, explox, -15, exploz + 20, explox, -15, exploz - 20, nameexplo, 1, 1, 1)
- Call MakeExplo(d3drm, mesh, explox - 20, 15, exploz, explox + 20, 15, exploz, explox + 20, -15, exploz, explox - 20, -15, exploz, nameexplo, 1, 1, 2)
- Call MakeExplo(d3drm, mesh, explox + 20, 15, exploz, explox - 20, 15, exploz, explox - 20, -15, exploz, explox + 20, -15, exploz, nameexplo, 1, 1, 3)
- Call MakeExplo(d3drm, mesh, explox, 15, exploz + 20, explox, 15, exploz - 20, explox, -15, exploz - 20, explox, -15, exploz + 20, nameexplo, 1, 1, 4)
- End If
- End If
- view.Clear D3DRMCLEAR_ALL
- view.Render scene
- dev.Update
- If explo = True And explframe > -1 And explframe < 18 Then
- For I = 1 To 4
- mesh.DeleteFace mexplo(I)
- Next
- End If
- ' check to exit
- If Keyescape = True Then Unload Me: End
- 'Set GameFont = Label1.Font
- 'SurfBack.SetFont GameFont
- 'Call SurfBack.DrawText(10, 10, "D3DRM Full Screen, Esc to exit", False)
- 'Call SurfBack.DrawText(10, 30, "Current frame rate: " & FrameText & " fps", False)
- If Keyctrl = True Then
- shootcount = shootcount + 1
- If shootcount > 3 Then
- Call SurfBack.BltFast(424, 443, Weapon12, Weapon1Attributes, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
- shootcount = 0
- Else
- Call SurfBack.BltFast(424, 443, Weapon13, Weapon1Attributes, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
- End If
- Else
- shootcount = 0
- Call SurfBack.BltFast(424, 443, Weapon11, Weapon1Attributes, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
- End If
- SurfPrimary.Flip Nothing, DDFLIP_WAIT
- Loop
- End Sub
- Private Sub MakeWall(d3drm As Direct3DRM3, mesh As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, z1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single, z3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single, z4 As Single, TexFile As String, TileX As Single, TileY As Single, r As Single, g As Single, b As Single)
- ' local variables
- Dim wall As Direct3DRMFace2
- Dim texwall As Direct3DRMTexture3
- ' create face
- Set wall = d3drm.CreateFace()
- ' add vertexs
- wall.AddVertex X1, Y1, z1
- wall.AddVertex x2, y2, z2
- wall.AddVertex x3, y3, z3
- wall.AddVertex x4, y4, z4
- ' get type of file
- If TexFile = "" Then
- ' set colors
- wall.SetColorRGB r, g, b
- Else
- ' create texture
- Set texwall = d3drm.LoadTexture(App.Path & "" & TexFile & ".bmp")
- ' set u and v values
- wall.SetTextureCoordinates 0, 0, 0
- wall.SetTextureCoordinates 1, TileX, 0
- wall.SetTextureCoordinates 2, TileX, TileY
- wall.SetTextureCoordinates 3, 0, TileY
- ' set the texture
- wall.SetTexture texwall
- End If
- ' add face to mesh
- mesh.AddFace wall
- End Sub
- Private Sub MakeExplo(d3drm As Direct3DRM3, mesh As Direct3DRMMeshBuilder3, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, z1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, z2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single, z3 As Single, x4 As Single, y4 As Single, z4 As Single, TexFile As String, TileX As Single, TileY As Single, ind As Byte)
- ' local variables
- Dim t As Direct3DRMTexture3
- ' create face
- Set mexplo(ind) = d3drm.CreateFace()
- ' add vertexs
- mexplo(ind).AddVertex X1, Y1, z1
- mexplo(ind).AddVertex x2, y2, z2
- mexplo(ind).AddVertex x3, y3, z3
- mexplo(ind).AddVertex x4, y4, z4
- ' get type of file
- If TexFile = "" Then
- MsgBox ("Texture file missing")
- End
- Else
- ' create texture
- Set t = d3drm.LoadTexture(App.Path & "" & TexFile & ".bmp")
- t.SetDecalTransparency D_TRUE
- t.SetDecalTransparentColor 0
- ' set u and v values
- mexplo(ind).SetTextureCoordinates 0, 0, 0
- mexplo(ind).SetTextureCoordinates 1, TileX, 0
- mexplo(ind).SetTextureCoordinates 2, TileX, TileY
- mexplo(ind).SetTextureCoordinates 3, 0, TileY
- ' set the texture
- mexplo(ind).SetTexture t
- End If
- ' add face to mesh
- mesh.AddFace mexplo(ind)
- End Sub
- Sub EndIT()
- Call dd.RestoreDisplayMode
- Call dd.SetCooperativeLevel(Me.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
- MouseX = X
- MouseY = Y
- End Sub
- Private Sub Weapon1Edge(bytTileNumber As Byte, ByRef intTileX As Integer, ByRef intTileY As Integer, ByRef Weapon1Attributes As RECT)
- Weapon1Attributes.Left = 0
- Weapon1Attributes.Right = Weapon1Width
- Weapon1Attributes.Top = 0
- Weapon1Attributes.Bottom = Weapon1Height
- If intTileX < 0 Then
- Weapon1Attributes.Left = Weapon1Attributes.Left - intTileX
- intTileX = 0
- End If
- If intTileY < 0 Then
- Weapon1Attributes.Top = Weapon1Attributes.Top - intTileY
- intTileY = 0
- End If
- If intTileX + Weapon1Width > 1024 Then
- Weapon1Attributes.Right = Weapon1Attributes.Right + (1024 - (intTileX + Weapon1Width))
- End If
- If intTileY + Weapon1Height > 768 Then
- Weapon1Attributes.Bottom = Weapon1Attributes.Bottom + (768 - (intTileY + Weapon1Height))
- End If
- End Sub