资源名称:J2ME&Game.rar [点击查看]
- import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
- /**
- * Picking test.
- *
- * The scene contains three balls and a sprite rotating around
- * them. On Java Standard Edition platform, the mouse can be used to
- * move the picking point. When picker hits something, normal at the
- * impact point is shown with an elongated box. If the picker hits a
- * ball, the ball turns red.
- *
- */
- public class Example5 extends ExampleBase
- {
- private static final String FILE_NAME = "pallot";
- private static final String TEXTURE_NAME = "/textures/pukki_small.png";
- private static final int IMAGE_BASE_SIZE = 128;
- private Fog iFog;
- private World iWorld;
- private Appearance iPickedAppearance;
- private Mesh iPointer;
- private Group iAligner;
- private Image2D iImage;
- private Sprite3D iSprite;
- private Group iGroup;
- private Group boxGroup;
- private float[] boxSpeed = { 1.f, 1.2f, 2.1f };
- private Mesh[] box = new Mesh[3];
- public Example5()
- {
- }
- protected void render(int time)
- {
- Node picked = null;
- Appearance oldAppearance = null;
- RayIntersection ray = new RayIntersection();
- iWorld.pick(-1, getMouseX(), getMouseY(), iWorld.getActiveCamera(), ray);
- if (ray.getIntersected() != null)
- {
- picked = ray.getIntersected();
- if (picked instanceof Mesh)
- {
- oldAppearance = ((Mesh)picked).getAppearance(0);
- ((Mesh)picked).setAppearance(0, iPickedAppearance);
- }
- else if (picked == iSprite)
- {
- boxGroup.setRenderingEnable(true);
- }
- float[] f = new float[6];
- float dist = ray.getDistance();
- ray.getRay(f);
- iPointer.setTranslation(
- f[0] + f[3] * dist,
- f[1] + f[4] * dist,
- f[2] + f[5] * dist);
- Transform xform = new Transform();
- ray.getIntersected().getTransformTo(iWorld, xform);
- float[] dir = new float[]{ray.getNormalX(), ray.getNormalY(), ray.getNormalZ(), 0.0f};
- xform.transform(dir);
- iAligner.setTranslation(
- f[0] + f[3] * dist + dir[0],
- f[1] + f[4] * dist + dir[1],
- f[2] + f[5] * dist + dir[2]);
- iPointer.setRenderingEnable(true);
- Material mat = iPointer.getAppearance(0).getMaterial();
- int s = (int)(ray.getTextureS(0) * 256.0f) & 0xff;
- int t = (int)(ray.getTextureT(0) * 256.0f) & 0xff;
- mat.setColor(Material.AMBIENT, 0xff555555);
- mat.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, 0xff000077 + (s << 16) + (t << 8));
- }
- else
- {
- iPointer.setRenderingEnable(false);
- }
- float angle = time * 0.0005f;
- float radius = 100.0f;
- iGroup.setTranslation((float)Math.sin(angle) * radius, 0.0f, (float)Math.cos(angle) * radius);
- float boxAngle = time * 0.003f;
- float boxRadius = 30.f;
- box[0].setTranslation((float)Math.sin(boxSpeed[0]*boxAngle) * boxRadius, (float)Math.cos(boxSpeed[0]*boxAngle) * boxRadius, 0.f);
- box[1].setTranslation((float)Math.sin(boxSpeed[1]*boxAngle) * boxRadius, 0.f, (float)Math.cos(boxSpeed[1]*boxAngle) * boxRadius);
- box[2].setTranslation(0.f, (float)Math.sin(boxSpeed[2]*boxAngle) * boxRadius, (float)Math.cos(boxSpeed[2]*boxAngle) * boxRadius);
- iWorld.align(null); // throws IllegalStateException on WTK22b
- Graphics3D.getInstance().render(iWorld);
- if (picked != null)
- {
- if (picked instanceof Mesh)
- {
- ((Mesh)picked).setAppearance(0, oldAppearance);
- }
- else if (picked == iSprite)
- {
- boxGroup.setRenderingEnable(false);
- }
- }
- }
- private void traverse(Node aNode)
- {
- if (aNode instanceof Mesh)
- {
- Mesh mesh = (Mesh)aNode;
- for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getSubmeshCount(); i++)
- {
- Appearance app = mesh.getAppearance(i);
- app.setFog(iFog);
- }
- }
- if (aNode instanceof Group)
- {
- Group group = (Group)aNode;
- for (int i = 0; i < group.getChildCount(); i++)
- {
- traverse(group.getChild(i));
- }
- }
- }
- protected void initialize()
- {
- iFog = new Fog();
- iFog.setColor(0xFF204080);
- iFog.setMode(Fog.LINEAR);
- iFog.setLinear(170.0f, 320.0f);
- iWorld = (World)load(FILE_NAME)[0];
- traverse(iWorld);
- Material mat = new Material();
- mat.setColor(Material.AMBIENT, 0xff000000);
- mat.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, 0xffff0000);
- iPickedAppearance = new Appearance();
- iPickedAppearance.setMaterial(mat);
- iPickedAppearance.setFog(iFog);
- iAligner = new Group();
- iWorld.addChild(iAligner);
- iPointer = createBox();
- Transform xform = new Transform();
- // xform.postScale(0.03f, 0.03f, 0.15f);
- xform.postScale(0.3f, 0.3f, 1.5f);
- // xform.postScale(2.0f, 2.0f, 10.0f);
- xform.postTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);
- iPointer.setTransform(xform);
- iPointer.setRenderingEnable(false);
- iPointer.setPickingEnable(false);
- iPointer.setAlignment(iAligner, Node.ORIGIN, iAligner, Node.Y_AXIS);
- iWorld.addChild(iPointer);
- // Texture options (choose one):
- // 1. load image TEXTURE_IMAGE
- iImage = new Image2D(Image2D.RGBA, platformServices.loadImage(TEXTURE_NAME));
- // 2. create perlin noise image
- //iImage = ProceduralTexture.createPerlinNoiseImage(0, 0, IMAGE_BASE_SIZE, IMAGE_BASE_SIZE, 0, IMAGE_BASE_SIZE, 0, true);
- // 3. create plasma image
- //iImage = ProceduralTexture.createPlasmaImage(IMAGE_BASE_SIZE, IMAGE_BASE_SIZE, true);
- Appearance sapp = new Appearance();
- sapp.setCompositingMode(new CompositingMode());
- sapp.getCompositingMode().setAlphaThreshold(0.5f);
- sapp.setFog(iFog);
- iSprite = new Sprite3D(true, iImage, sapp);
- iSprite.setScale(50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);
- iGroup = new Group();
- boxGroup = new Group();
- boxGroup.setRenderingEnable(false);
- iGroup.addChild(iSprite);
- for (int i = 0; i < box.length; i++)
- {
- box[i] = createBox();
- box[i].setScale(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
- box[i].getAppearance(0).setFog(iFog);
- box[i].setPickingEnable(false);
- boxGroup.addChild(box[i]);
- }
- iGroup.addChild(boxGroup);
- iWorld.addChild(iGroup);
- }
- }