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- Left = 344
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- Left = 408
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- Left = 592
- Top = 8
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- Frame.DrawTop = False
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- Alignment = taLeftJustify
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- Left = 496
- Top = 8
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- Frame.DrawTop = False
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- Left = 176
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- end
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- Left = 240
- Top = -1
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- Frame.Color = clBlack
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- Frame.DrawBottom = False
- Frame.DrawLeft = False
- Frame.DrawRight = False
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- 635
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- Left = 328
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- Shape = qrsRectangle
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- Shape = qrsRectangle
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- Left = 480
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- Shape = qrsRectangle
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- Left = 568
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- Size.Values = (
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- 1502.83333333333
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- Shape = qrsRectangle
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- Left = 38
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- Left = 38
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- object QRLabel4: TQRLabel
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- Left = 464
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- Expression = 'SUM(Query1.'#31246#20215#21512#35745')'
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- end
- end
- object Query1: TQuery
- Active = True
- DatabaseName = 'db'
- SQL.Strings = (
- 'select a.'#20379#36135#21830#21495',b.'#36135#21495',a.'#36827#36135#26085#26399',a.'#19994#21153#21592',a.'#21046#21333#20154',b.'#36827#36135#25968#37327',b.'#36827#20215',b.'#31246#20215#21512#35745',b.'#31246#29575',b.' +
- #19981#21547#31246#20215',b.'#31246#39069','
- #9'c.'#21517#31216',d.'#21697#21517','#20179#24211','#21333#20301' from '#36827#36135#21333' as a,'#36827#36135#21333#26126#32454' as b, '#20379#36135#21830#28165#21333' as c, '#21830#21697#28165#21333' as d'
- #9'where a.'#32534#21495'=b.'#36827#36135#21333#21495' and a.'#20379#36135#21830#21495'=c.'#20379#36135#21830#21495' and b.'#36135#21495'=d.'#36135#21495' ')
- end
- end