资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * Terry,2004/1/14 02:36PM
- */
- /*******************************************************
- ** ircmd_select_number
- **
- ** Function for IR number-key
- **
- ** In:
- ** num: numer 0~10
- ** Out:
- ** None
- ************************************************************/
- //xulf added temporary here 2004-2-12 11:53
- #if defined(SUPPORT_BASS_TREBLE)//xyy 2004-3-8
- extern BYTE flag_BassAdjust,flag_TrebleAdjust; //xulf 2004-01-12
- #endif
- //extern void ddx_ircmd_BassAdjust(int updown);
- //extern void ddx_ircmd_TrebleAdjust(int updown);
- #if defined(AMP_SUPPORT_EQ)
- extern void ddx_EQ_Toggle(void);
- #endif
- extern void ddx_Revb_Toggle(void);
- #endif
- #ifdef MP3_DIRECT_SELECT_FAST2NORM //Maoyong 2004.02.28 15:54
- #define FAST2NORM 0x01<<0
- #define NOT_REALPLAY 0
- extern void chg2normal_play(UINT8 md,UINT8 realplay);
- extern UINT16 Is_JPEG_STATE(void);
- #endif
- //#ifdef XINGQIU_RECEIVER_PANNEL//xyy 2004-5-24
- #ifdef SUPPORT_STATION_INPUT//xyy 2004-8-15
- #include "radio_mv114_kst.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef CONTINUOUS_NUM_KEY_SELECT//Jack added 04/11/13
- #define psdList (pFsJpeg->List)
- void ir_continuous_num_clr(void)
- {
- ir_num1 = 0;
- ir_num2 = 0;
- ir_num3 = 0;
- ir_num4 = 0;
- ir_num_timer = 0;
- ir_select_number = 0;
- ir_num_state = NUM_STATE0;
- }
- #endif
- void ircmd_input_number(int num)
- {
- UINT8 invalid=0;
- #ifdef DVB1000_OSD_MENU
- if(!((full_scrn & DVB_MENU) ||(full_scrn & SETUP)||(full_scrn & SOUND))&&(system_state == SYSTEM_TS))
- {
- int progCount;
- stProgramInfo_t *progInfo;
- now_num_ns++;
- if(now_num_ns==1)
- {//getime
- //get_tod(&timeout_playback);
- printf("timeout_playback=%dn",timeout_playback);
- ir_select_number =num;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1],"-%01d",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SPACE, REGION1, 2, 1);
- }
- else if(now_num_ns==2)
- {
- ir_select_number = ir_select_number*10 + num;
- printf("ir_select_number = %dn",ir_select_number);
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1],"%02d",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SPACE, REGION1, 1, 1);
- full_scrn = 0;
- if(CurrService ==DIGITAL_TV_SERVICE)//eric 2004-12-20 17:33
- {
- progCount = g_iTVCount;
- progInfo = g_stTVInfo;
- printf("DIGITAL_TV_SERVICE :index_y = %dn",currPlayProgIndex);
- }
- else if(CurrService ==DIGITAL_RADIO_SERVICE)
- {
- progCount = g_iRadioCount;
- progInfo = g_stRadioInfo;
- printf("DIGITAL_RADIO_SERVICE :index_y = %dn",currPlayProgIndex);
- }
- if(ir_select_number<progCount)
- {
- if(ir_select_number!=currPlayProgIndex)
- {
- index_y=ir_select_number;
- dvbgui_select_program(progCount, SCREEN_TYPE_FULL, progInfo, g_stObject2);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1],"INVALID PROGRAM");
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SPACE, REGION1, 1, 1);
- }
- now_num_ns=0;
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- if((!(full_scrn&PROGRAM))&&(!(full_scrn&SETUP))&&(!(full_scrn&GOTO)))
- {
- if(((cd_type_loaded==CDVCD20)||(cd_type_loaded==CDSVCD)) && IsPBCOn() && (is_menu()==0)) //wanghaoying 2003-8-25 23:01
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (bIsPlayMidiTitle)
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef INVALID_NUMBER_IN_DVD_MENU //XLJ2004-3-31
- //invaild number keys during the short film in DVD menu, but need them available
- //in choosing Menu, so use both is_menu() and HL_exist. heqiang, 2004-4-23 9:52
- if(is_menu()&&(HL_exist!=1)&&(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)&&(!(full_scrn&PROGRAM))&&(!(full_scrn&SETUP))&&(!(full_scrn&GOTO)))
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- #ifdef INVALID_NUMBER_IN_REPEAT//wuxiaofeng 2004-03-05
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)//only for DVD use
- {
- if((rep_mode!=REPEAT_IDLE)||(rep_mode!=REPEAT_AB_IDLE))
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef JPG_EFFECT
- if ( Is_JPEG_SlideMode() ) return;
- #endif
- //3-12-9 19:04 NONO MARKED.uopdate dsp code.
- // if((cd_type_loaded == CDDVD) && (coding_mode_now == AUDIF_CODING_MODE_DTS))
- // setup_SetDTSDOWNMIXConfig();//3-11-25 22:55 zhangyu
- #ifdef JPG_EFFECT
- num_sel_in_jpg = 1;
- #endif
- #if defined(FAT_Write_UI)||defined(CF_CARD_WRITE)//||defined(WRITE_USB)//liweihua 2003-10-30 10:32
- extern void input_name(int num);
- extern BYTE input_flag;
- if((full_scrn & PERIPHERAL) && (input_flag == 1))
- {
- if(num ==10)
- invalid_key();
- else
- input_name(num);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- switch(play_state)//kenny 891009
- {
- case VCD_STATE_IDLE://for no disc
- if(!full_scrn)
- invalid=1;
- break;
- #ifdef DVD_PREVIEW_FUNCTION//terry,2004/2/7 07:11PM
- if(cd_type_loaded!=CDDVD)
- #endif
- {
- int max=cd_trk_hi-cd_trk_lo_now+1;
- if(v11_trk_now >= cd_trk_lo_now+9*((int)(max/9)))
- {
- if(num> max%9)
- invalid=1;
- }
- }
- if(num==0 || num==10)
- invalid=1;
- break;
- } //end case
- #if defined(SUPPORT_STATION_INPUT)//xyy 2004-5-24 just for xingqiu
- if(system_state== SYSTEM_DOING_TUNER)
- {
- ir_select_number = num;
- if(tuner_oper_mode!=FREQ_DIRECT_CALL)//xyy 2004-7-28
- tuner_oper_mode = RECALL_OR_STORE;
- if(ir_select_number == 10)
- ir_select_number = 0;
- tuner_func_input();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_POWER_OFF_CLOCK_FUNC)//xyy 2004-10-12
- if(system_state==SYSTEM_DOING_CLOCK_FUNC)
- {
- ir_select_number = num;
- if(ir_select_number == 10)
- ir_select_number = 0;
- ClockFuncInput();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- if(shuffle_flag)
- invalid=1;
- if(invalid)
- {
- invalid_key();
- }else if(full_scrn&PROGRAM)
- {
- ir_select_number=num;
- prog_func_input(num);
- // }else if(full_scrn&READ)
- // {
- // read_func_input(num);
- }else if(full_scrn&SETUP)
- {
- #ifdef SCRN_SAVER_WHEN_PAUSE//zhaoyanhua add 2004-2-17 17:48
- //NOTE:
- // add these code there to avoid the BUG:
- // when Slide Show JPEG, ROTATE,then SETUP,enter password GUI
- // when the number is more than two(such as "01"), it will excute SELECT 01
- // OR appear the SCREEN saver.
- // I don't know whether adding these codes like this is reasonable.
- // But the result is correct.
- // zhaoyanhua add 2004-2-17 17:53
- extern UINT32 save_srn_start_t;
- save_srn_start_t = get_rtc_val();//axel 2004/3/11 02:44pm
- // save_srn_start_t = 0;
- #endif//ifdef SCRN_SAVER_WHEN_PAUSE
- ir_select_number=num;
- setup_password();
- #ifdef SHOW_STANDBY_TIMER //suqiaoli add 2003-8-5
- setup_standby_timer_input();
- #endif
- }else if(full_scrn&GOTO) //kenny 2001/5/16
- {
- if(t_disp%10 ==1) // ren 910725
- { // ren 910725
- ir_select_number=num;
- search_func_input();
- }
- #else
- #ifdef NEW_GOTO_TIME //wangfeng 2003-11-15 21:47
- if((index_x==7)||(index_x==9)){
- if(num<6)
- ir_select_number=num;
- else
- return;
- }
- else
- #endif
- ir_select_number=num;
- search_func_input();
- #endif
- }
- else if(In_Goto_Menu() && (full_scrn&SETUP_PLUS))
- {
- setup_menu_plus_timer = DISPLAY_MENU_SHOW_TIME;
- ir_select_number = num;
- search_func_input();
- ShowSetupPage_plus(MENU_REFRESH);
- ir_select_number = 0;
- }
- #endif//end #ifdef SUPPORT_DISPLAY_MENU
- #endif//#ifdef SUPPORT_FUNCTION_MENU
- #ifdef NEWSTYLE_WINDOW //xiongyuyue 20030703
- else if(full_scrn&MESSAGE)
- {
- ir_select_number=num;
- browse_func_input();
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_REP_READ //Maoyong 2004.06.07
- else if(IsReadSetPBTimes()){
- ir_select_number = num;
- read_func_input();
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef DVB1000_OSD_MENU
- else if(full_scrn&DVB_MENU){
- ir_select_number = num;
- pfnDvbInput();
- }
- #endif
- else
- #ifndef IR_10_PLUS
- {
- {
- UINT8 max=2;
- UINT8 f[10]={" ---"};
- UINT8 jp=1;
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE)||defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)
- if (media_type!=MEDIA_CARD) //wthsin, 2004/7/7 02:34pm
- #endif
- if(IsPBCOn() && (is_menu()==0)) //wanghaoying 2003-8-25 23:01
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- now_num_ns++;
- ir_select_number=ir_select_number*10+num;
- //printf("now_num_ns:%x num:%x ir_select_number:%xn",now_num_ns,num,ir_select_number);
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDROM)
- {
- UINT16 tt=mp3_file_count();
- if(tt>=1000)//nono 2-7-15 9:47
- max=4;
- else if(tt>=100)
- max=3;
- else
- max=2;
- }
- jp+=(max-now_num_ns);
- if(jp>1)
- {
- f[jp]='%';
- f[jp+1]='0';
- f[jp+2]='0'+now_num_ns;
- f[jp+3]='d';
- f[jp+4]=0;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1],f,ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION1,1,1);
- #ifdef SUPPORT_TUNER // add tuner 2-6-14 23:17
- if(play_state!=VCD_STATE_POWER)
- #endif
- timeout_osd[REGION1]=150;//terry,0508, avoid waiting too long
- }else
- {
- ir_num_select(ir_select_number);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- #else
- {
- if(num==10)
- {
- int max;
- if(IsPBCOn() && (is_menu()==0)&&(play_state!=VCD_STATE_STOP)
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE) || defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)//liweihua add 2004-3-26
- && (media_type != MEDIA_CARD)
- #endif
- ) //wanghaoying 2003-8-25 23:01
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- ir_10p=1;
- ir_select_number+=10;
- if (cd_type_loaded==CDROM)//nono 20040226 for nintaus
- max=10000;
- else if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- max=1000;
- else
- max=100;
- if(ir_select_number>=max)
- ir_select_number=ir_select_number%max;
- OSD1000ISP_STATUS(ir_select_number/10, num);
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1],"%02d+",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION1,1,1);
- }
- else
- {
- int x;
- if(num==0)
- {
- if(ir_select_number>0)
- x = ir_select_number+num;
- else
- {
- #ifdef ONLY_0//for "0" &"10" not in a key.
- x = 0;
- #else
- x = 10;
- #endif
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ir_select_number<10)
- ir_select_number = 0;
- x = ir_select_number + num;
- }
- if(gIsMidiSelMenu)
- {
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_SELECT | (num));
- return;
- }
- #endif
- OSD1000ISP_STATUS(x/10, num);
- ir_num_timer = IR_NUM_TIMER;
- {
- if(ir_num_state == NUM_STATE0)
- {
- ir_num1 = x;
- x = ir_num1;
- ir_num_state = NUM_STATE1;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %d",ir_num1);
- }
- else if(ir_num_state == NUM_STATE1)
- {
- ir_num2 = x;
- x = ir_num1*10+ir_num2;
- ir_num_state = NUM_STATE2;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %d%d",ir_num1,ir_num2);
- }
- else if(ir_num_state == NUM_STATE2)
- {
- ir_num3 = x;
- x = ir_num1*100+ir_num2*10+ir_num3;
- ir_num_state = NUM_STATE3;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %d%d%d",ir_num1,ir_num2,ir_num3);
- }
- else if(ir_num_state == NUM_STATE3)
- {
- ir_num4 = x;
- x = ir_num1*1000+ir_num2*100+ir_num3*10+ir_num4;
- ir_num_state = NUM_STATE4;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %d%d%d%d",ir_num1,ir_num2,ir_num3,ir_num4);
- }
- else
- {
- ir_continuous_num_clr();
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- }
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION1,1,1);
- //psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION2]," %d%d%d----%d",ir_num1,ir_num2,ir_num3 ,x);
- //PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_OPEN,REGION2,1,1);
- if(x)
- #endif //end #ifdef CONTINUOUS_NUM_KEY_SELECT
- ir_num_select(x);
- if(ir_num_timer)
- return;
- #endif
- resumeMSF=0;//wanghaoying 2003-11-5 10:40
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- ir_select_number = 0;
- }
- void init_ir_num(void)
- {
- ir_10p=0;
- ir_select_number=0;
- now_num_ns=0;
- }
- void ir_num_select(int x)
- {
- if((!full_scrn)&&(cd_type_loaded== CDROM)){ //wsf 2004-7-20 14:55 changed for cancel program when select other ,just in CDROM DISC
- if(!Is_OTHER_STATE()){
- prog_cnt=0;
- prog_func_off();
- prog_func_clear();
- }
- }
- #endif
- int dir_num;
- #ifdef IRCMD_DBG
- printf("================= ir_num_select (%x) =================n",x);
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_TUNER // add tuner 2-6-14 23:17
- if(play_state==VCD_STATE_POWER)
- {
- ir_select_number= x;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %02d",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION1,1,1);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- if (cd_type_loaded==CDROM)
- {
- ir_select_number = x;
- //wangap add if the dir_num is mp3 or jpeg or game 2003/12/22
- // yltseng 2004/04/12, use relative method to access pFsJpeg->count_dir
- if( pFsJpeg->gifsFuncBtn != FS_FUNC_IDLE )
- dir_num = pFsJpeg->count_dir[ pFsJpeg->gifsFuncBtn - FS_FUNC_MP3 ];
- else
- dir_num = 0;
- //wanghaoying changed 2003-12-4 17:14
- //Focus in dir-area, the number must be less than the total dir count
- //Focus in file-area, the number must be less than the total file count of the dir
- if((pFsJpeg->ControlArea==CNT_AREA_FILE)&&(ir_select_number > mp3_file_count()))
- ir_select_number = 0;
- if((pFsJpeg->ControlArea==CNT_AREA_DIR)&&(ir_select_number > dir_num))
- ir_select_number = 0;
- if (play_state==VCD_STATE_STOP)
- {
- if (ir_select_number > mp3_file_count()) //Maoyong 2004.03.10
- ir_select_number = 0;
- else
- {
- resumeMSF = 0;
- pFsJpeg->file_current = ir_select_number;
- }
- }
- // 2004/04/13 yltseng mark, it's no need now
- /*
- #ifdef SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE // Robert 021007
- if (IsOtherStatePlayMode())
- ir_select_number = 0;
- #endif
- */
- }else
- {
- #ifdef MIX_CDMP3_DISC_DISPLAY_REAL_CD_TRK //linrc add 2004-10-29 11:20
- /*when play the cd+mp3 disc(ABEX TEST CD 786),it display the real CD TRK*/
- if((cd_type_loaded == CDDA)&&((pFsJpeg->cdrom.track_info[1]&0x40000000) == 0x40000000))
- {
- ir_select_number = x-1;
- x += (cd_trk_lo_now-2);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- ir_select_number = x;
- x += (cd_trk_lo_now-1);
- }
- if(cd_type_loaded!=CDDVD)
- {
- if(!IsPBCOn()||(play_state==VCD_STATE_STOP))
- {
- if(((x<cd_trk_lo_now)||(x>cd_trk_hi))&&(play_state!=VCD_STATE_9FRAMES))
- {
- ir_select_number=0;
- }
- }
- }
- if((!(full_scrn&PROGRAM))&&(!(full_scrn&SETUP))&&(!(full_scrn&GOTO)))
- {
- if(((cd_type_loaded==CDVCD20)||(cd_type_loaded==CDSVCD)) && IsPBCOn())
- {
- if(x<psdList.s.bsn || x>=psdList.s.bsn+psdList.s.nos)
- {
- ir_continuous_num_clr();
- ir_select_number = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- //if(is_menu()&&(HL_exist==1))
- {
- if((x>get_tt_info(DISP_CH_Ns)) && (x>get_tt_info(DISP_TT_Ns)))
- {
- ir_continuous_num_clr();
- ir_select_number = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /***************************/
- //Add the code for judge the input and the file count in the dir(when repeat dir and repeat 1!!).
- #ifdef NUMBER_SELECTION_WHEN_REPEAT //wuxiaofeng add for Minton 2004-03-10
- if(cd_type_loaded == CDROM)
- {
- if( ( (rep_mode==REPEAT_TRACK)//prevent inputing other track
- &&(ir_select_number!=disp_trk_now) )//except the current track
- ||((rep_mode==REPEAT_DIRECTORY)//prevent inputing other directory
- &&((ir_select_number > pFsJpeg->first_mp3_seq+pFsJpeg->file_specify_in_dir)//except the current directory
- ||(ir_select_number < pFsJpeg->first_mp3_seq+1)) )
- )
- ir_select_number=0;
- }
- /***************************/
- if(ir_select_number)
- {
- #ifdef TCL_DIRECT_SELECT_CHAPTER// 2004-3-22 14:20 lijd
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- dvd_title = get_tt_info(DISP_TT);
- dvd_chapter=get_tt_info(DISP_CH_Ns);
- if(ir_select_number<=dvd_chapter)
- {
- dvd_chapter = ir_select_number;
- if(dvd_title == 0)
- {
- dvd_title = 1;
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_FUNC|CMD_FUNC_PLAY );
- }
- else
- {
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_FUNC|CMD_FUNC_PLAY );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- /*Maoyong 2004.02.28
- When select MP3
- */
- if( (cd_type_loaded == CDROM) && (!Is_JPEG_STATE()) )
- chg2normal_play(FAST2NORM, NOT_REALPLAY);
- #endif
- if(ir_num_timer)
- ir_select_number = 0;
- else
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_SELECT | (ir_select_number));
- #else
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_SELECT | (ir_select_number));
- #endif
- if(ir_select_number)
- {
- #ifdef ZOOM_DIRECT_STOP_SLIDE//nono 4-8-21 11:07
- if(jpg_slide_time == 0xffffffff)
- {
- if(Is_JPEG_SlideMode())
- {
- jpg_slide_time = JPEG_SLIDE_TIME;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if(!bIntro)
- {
- #if (defined(JIEKE_DVD)||defined(AD_TCL))//2004-3-22 13:09 lijd
- if(Is_JPEG_STATE())//wangfeng 2003-12-22 9:18
- disp_trk_now = ir_select_number;
- #endif
- #ifdef MIX_CDMP3_DISC_DISPLAY_REAL_CD_TRK //linrc add 2004-10-29 11:20
- /*when play the cd+mp3 disc(ABEX TEST CD 786),it display the real CD TRK*/
- if((cd_type_loaded == CDDA)&&((pFsJpeg->cdrom.track_info[1]&0x40000000) == 0x40000000))
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %02d",ir_select_number+1);
- else
- #endif
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION1]," %02d",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION1,1,1);
- }
- if(rep_mode)
- {//terry,2002/5/2 03:26PM
- //cancel repeat status ,avoiding dvd/vcd difference in repeat mode.
- #ifdef MINTON_DVD //wanghaoying 2003-8-4 16:24 added the limitation
- //if((cd_type_loaded==CDDVD) //Marked by Wuxiaofeng for support DVD repeat
- if(Is_JPEG_PLAY_STATE()&&pFsJpeg->gbfsSlide==0)//if not JPEG slide then cancel repeat
- #endif
- rep_mode=0;//only cancel in (JPEG & !slide) mode
- ShowRepInfo();
- #endif //clead
- #ifdef NUMBER_SELECTION_WHEN_REPEAT //wuxiaofeng add for Minton 2004-03-12
- psprintf(RegionValStr[REGION2]," %02d",ir_select_number);
- PrintOsdMsg(STR_OS_SELECT,REGION2,1,1);//display select info in region 2
- }
- }
- }else
- invalid_key();
- init_ir_num();
- }
- }
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- //Maoyong 2004.05.26, just for record test on DVD platform
- void TestRecordCmd(BYTE cmd)
- {
- switch(cmd)
- {
- case 0: //stop
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 1 as STOP buttonn");
- break;
- case 1: //record
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 2 as RECORD buttonn");
- break;
- case 2: //play
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 3 as PLAY buttonn");
- break;
- case 3: //pause
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 4 as PAUSE buttonn");
- break;
- case 4: //set record quality High
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 5 to set High quality n");
- break;
- case 5: //set record quality High
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 6 to set Middle qualityn");
- break;
- case 6: //set record quality High
- printf("nRecord test: Press KEY 7 to set Low qualityn");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- DSP_AudioIOControl(RECORDMIC,cmd,0);//2004AUDDRV AudioIOControl(RECORDMIC,cmd,0);
- }
- #endif //#if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- #include "ircmd_QSI.c"
- #endif
- void ircmd_0(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(0);
- else
- #endif
- ircmd_input_number(0);
- }
- void ircmd_1(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(1);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(0); //stop
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(1);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_2(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(2);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(1); //record
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(2);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_3(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(3);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(2); //play
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(3);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_4(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(4);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(3); //pause
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(4);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_5(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(5);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(4); //quality H
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(5);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_6(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(6);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(5); //quality M
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(6);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_7(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(7);
- else
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_REP_READ) && defined(REP_READ_TEST_RECORD)
- TestRecordCmd(6); //quality L
- #else
- ircmd_input_number(7);
- #endif
- }
- void ircmd_8(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(8);
- else
- #endif
- ircmd_input_number(8);
- }
- void ircmd_9(void)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- QSI_setMSF(9);
- else
- #endif
- ircmd_input_number(9);
- }
- void ircmd_p10(void)
- {
- if(gIsMidiSelMenu)
- {
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(QSI_SHOW_ERR_RATE) && defined(SUPPORT_SPI_QSI)
- if(QSI_PIPO_TEST==0x1)
- {
- if(QSI_PIPO_FLAG!=0)
- {
- MSF_trigger=2;
- psprintf(linebuf, "QSI_PIPO> STOP testing!n<Pressed any num key to continue> Or n<Second press to finish phase of run-in.>n");
- UART0_puts(linebuf);
- }
- else if(MSF_trigger==2)
- {
- spi_cmd_run_in_final();
- }
- else
- {
- psprintf(linebuf, "<Pressed NUM 0-9 to start PIPO testing>n");
- UART0_puts(linebuf);
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- ircmd_input_number(10);
- }
- void ircmd_10(void)
- {
- ircmd_input_number(0);
- }
- //============================ending===========================================