资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // File: host_811.h
- // Purpose: SPHE8200 firmware to master SL811 Embedded Host.
- // Contains SL811-related control firmware.
- //
- // H/W Target: SL811HST + SPHE8200 DVD SYSTEM
- // the hardware could sustain USB host and USB slave.
- // Creator: Liweihua and Zhaoyanhua 2003-9-20
- // Updated by Liweihua 2003-12-19
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef HOST_811_H
- #define HOST_811_H
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constant Defines
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define USB_ADDR 0x02
- #define ISO_BIT 0x10
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SL811H Register Control memory map
- * --Note:
- * --SL11H only has one control register set from 0x00-0x04
- * --SL811H has two control register set from 0x00-0x04 and 0x08-0x0c
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define EP0_Buf 0x10 // define start of EP0 64-byte buffer
- #define EP1_Buf 0x50 // define start of EP1 64-byte buffer
- #define EP0Control 0x00
- #define EP0Address 0x01
- #define EP0XferLen 0x02
- #define EP0Status 0x03
- #define EP0PIDEP 0x03
- #define EP0Counter 0x04
- #define EP0USBAddr 0x04
- #define EP1Control 0x08
- #define EP1Address 0x09
- #define EP1XferLen 0x0a
- #define EP1Status 0x0b
- #define EP1PIDEP 0x0b
- #define EP1Counter 0x0c
- #define EP1USBAddr 0x0c
- #define CtrlReg 0x05
- #define IntEna 0x06
- // 0x07 is reserved
- #define IntStatus 0x0d
- #define cDATASet 0x0e
- #define cSOFcnt 0x0f // Master=1 Slave=0, D+/D-Pol Swap=1 0=not [0-5] SOF Count
- // 0xAE = 1100 1110
- // 0xEE = 1110 1110
- //Interrupt Status Mask
- #define USB_A_DONE 0x01
- #define USB_B_DONE 0x02
- #define BABBLE_DETECT 0x04
- #define INT_RESERVE 0x08
- #define SOF_TIMER 0x10
- #define INSERT_REMOVE 0x20
- #define USB_RESET 0x40
- #define USB_DPLUS 0x80
- #define INT_CLEAR 0xFF//clear the bit to set "1"
- //EP0 Status Mask
- #define EP0_ACK 0x01 // EPxStatus bits mask during a read
- #define EP0_ERROR 0x02
- #define EP0_TIMEOUT 0x04
- #define EP0_SEQUENCE 0x08
- #define EP0_SETUP 0x10
- #define EP0_OVERFLOW 0x20
- #define EP0_NAK 0x40
- #define EP0_STALL 0x80
- // drive error
- #define USB_STALL_ERR -501
- #define USB_NAK_ERR -502
- #define USB_CONTINAK_ERR -503
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SL811H definition
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // USB-A, USB-B Host Control Register [00H, 08H]
- // Pre Reserved
- // DatT Dir [1=Trans, 0=Recv]
- // SOF Enable
- // ISO Arm
- #define DATA0_WR 0x07 // 0000 0111 ( Data0 + OUT + Enable + Arm)
- #define sDATA0_WR 0x27 // 0010 0111 ( Data0 + SOF + OUT + Enable + Arm)
- #define pDATA0_WR 0x87 // 1000 0111 (Pre + Data0 + OUT + Enable + Arm)
- #define psDATA0_WR 0xA7 // 1010 0111 (Pre + Data0 + SOF + OUT + Enable + Arm)
- #define DATA0_RD 0x03 // 0000 0011 ( Data0 + IN + Enable + Arm)
- #define sDATA0_RD 0x23 // 0010 0011 ( Data0 + SOF + IN + Enable + Arm)
- #define pDATA0_RD 0x83 // 1000 0011 (Pre + Data0 + IN + Enable + Arm)
- #define psDATA0_RD 0xA3 // 1010 0011 (Pre + Data0 + SOF + IN + Enable + Arm)
- #define PID_SETUP 0xD0
- #define PID_IN 0x90
- #define PID_OUT 0x10
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Function Protocol
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void sl811h_init(void);
- int slave_detect(void);
- int speed_detect(void);
- inline BYTE SL811Read(register BYTE a);
- inline void SL811Write(register BYTE a,register BYTE d);
- inline BYTE SL811Read_DATA(void);
- inline void SL811Write_DATA(register BYTE d);
- inline void SL811BufRead(register UINT8 addr, register UINT8 *s, register UINT8 c);
- inline void SL811BufWrite(register UINT8 addr, register UINT8 *s, register UINT8 c);
- void CardReset();
- INT32 usbXfer(UINT8 usbaddr, UINT8 endpoint, UINT8 pid, UINT8 iso, UINT8 Payload, UINT16 wLen, UINT8 *buffer);
- int Slave_Detach(void);
- #endif //end HOST_811_H