资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- #ifndef __AVI_TYPES_H
- #define __AVI_TYPES_H
- #include "types.h"
- typedef UINT32 FOURCC;
- // structure for avi stream table
- typedef struct _strm_table
- {
- BYTE strm_num;
- UINT32 strm_offset;
- typedef struct _cset
- {
- UINT16 wCodePage __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wCountryCode __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wLanguageCode __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wDialect __attribute__ ((packed));
- typedef struct _rect
- {
- UINT32 left __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 top __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 right __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 bottom __attribute__ ((packed));
- typedef struct _colorrgb
- {
- BYTE bRed __attribute__ ((packed));
- BYTE bGreen __attribute__ ((packed));
- BYTE bBlue __attribute__ ((packed));
- typedef struct tagPALETTEENTRY
- {
- BYTE peRed __attribute__ ((packed));
- BYTE peGreen __attribute__ ((packed));
- BYTE peBlue __attribute__ ((packed));
- BYTE peFlags __attribute__ ((packed));
- typedef struct
- {
- BYTE bFirstEntry __attribute__ ((packed)); // first entry to change
- BYTE bNumEntries __attribute__ ((packed)); // # entries to change (0 if 256)
- UINT16 wFlags __attribute__ ((packed)); // Mostly to preserve alignment...
- PALETTEENTRY peNew[] __attribute__ ((packed)); // New color specifications
- typedef struct _bitmapinfoheader
- {
- UINT32 biSize __attribute__ ((packed));
- INT32 biWidth __attribute__ ((packed));
- INT32 biHeight __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 biPlanes __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 biBitCount __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 biCompression __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 biSizeImage __attribute__ ((packed));
- INT32 biXPelsPerMeter __attribute__ ((packed));
- INT32 biYPelsPerMeter __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 biClrUsed __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 biClrImportant __attribute__ ((packed));
- typedef struct _supbipmapheader
- {
- UINT16 wWidth __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wHeight __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wLeft __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wTop __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wRight __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wBottom __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wFoffset __attribute__ ((packed));
- CLRRGB CBackground __attribute__ ((packed));
- CLRRGB CPattern __attribute__ ((packed));
- CLRRGB CEmphasis1 __attribute__ ((packed));
- CLRRGB CEmphasis2 __attribute__ ((packed));
- // main AVI header list
- typedef struct _mainaviheader
- {
- UINT32 dwMicroSecPerFrame __attribute__ ((packed)); // frame display rate (or 0L)
- UINT32 dwMaxBytesPerSec __attribute__ ((packed)); // max. transfer rate
- UINT32 dwPaddingGranularity __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwFlags __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwTotalFrames __attribute__ ((packed)); // # frames in file
- UINT32 dwInitialFrames __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwStreams __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwSuggestedBufferSize __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwWidth __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwHeight __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwScale __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwRate __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwStart __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwlength __attribute__ ((packed));
- } MainAVIHeader, *PMainAVIHeader;
- // stream header
- typedef struct _avistreamheader
- {
- FOURCC fccType __attribute__ ((packed));
- FOURCC fccHandler __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwFlags __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wPriority __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wLanguage __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwInitialFrames __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwScale __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwRate __attribute__ ((packed)); // dwRate / dwScale == samples/second
- UINT32 dwStart __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwLength __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwSuggestedBufferSize __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwQuality __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwSampleSize __attribute__ ((packed));
- RECT rcFrame __attribute__ ((packed));
- } AVIStreamHeader, *PAVIStreamHeader;
- // idx1 structure
- typedef struct _aviindexentry
- {
- UINT32 ckid __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwFlags __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 dwChunkOffset __attribute__ ((packed)); // Position of chunk
- UINT32 dwChunkLength __attribute__ ((packed)); // Length of chunk
- // base index form 'indx'
- typedef struct _avioldindex
- {
- FOURCC fcc __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT32 cb __attribute__ ((packed));
- UINT16 wLongsPerEntry __attribute__ ((packed)); // must be sizeof(aIndex[0])/sizeof(DWORD)
- BYTE bIndexSubType __attribute__ ((packed)); // must be 0
- BYTE bIndexType __attribute__ ((packed)); // must be AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS
- UINT32 nEntriesInUse __attribute__ ((packed)); // index of first unused member in aIndex array
- UINT32 dwChunkID __attribute__ ((packed)); // fcc of what is indexed
- UINT32 dwReserved[3] __attribute__ ((packed)); // meaning differs for each index type/subtype. 0 if unused
- struct _aviindex_entry {
- UINT32 asw;
- } aIndex[];
- // AVI standard index chunk
- typedef struct _avistdindex_chunk
- {
- FOURCC fcc; // 'ix##'
- UINT32 cb;
- UINT16 wLongsPerEntry; // must be sizeof(aIndex[0])/sizeof(DWORD)
- BYTE bIndexSubType; // must be 0
- BYTE bIndexType; // must be AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS
- UINT32 nEntriesInUse; // index of first unused member in aIndex array
- UINT32 dwChunkID; // '##dc' or '##db' or '##wb' etc..
- UINT64 qwBaseOffset; // all dwOffsets in aIndex array are relative to this
- UINT32 dwReserved3; // must be 0
- struct _avistdindex_entry {
- UINT32 dwOffset; // qwBaseOffset + this is absolute file offset
- UINT32 dwSize; // bit 31 is set if tis is NOT a keyframe
- } aIndex[];
- // AVI field index chunk
- typedef struct _avifieldindex_chunk
- {
- FOURCC fcc; // 'ix##'
- UINT32 cb;
- UINT16 wLongsPerEntry; // must be 3 (size of each entry in aIndex array)
- BYTE bIndexSubType; // AVI_INDEX_2FIELD
- BYTE bIndexType; // must be AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS
- UINT32 nEntriesInUse; //
- UINT32 dwChunkID; // '##dc' or '##db'
- UINT64 qwBaseOffset; // all dwOffsets in aIndex array are relative to this
- UINT32 dwReserved3; // must be 0
- struct _avifieldindex_entry {
- UINT32 dwOffset; // qwBaseOffset + this is absolute file offset
- UINT32 dwSize; // size of all fields (bit 31 set for NON-keyframes)
- UINT32 dwOffsetField2; // offset to second field
- } aIndex[];
- // AVI super index chunk
- typedef struct _avisuperindex_chunk
- {
- FOURCC fcc; // 'indx'
- UINT32 cb;
- UINT16 wLongsPerEntry; // must be 4 (size of each entry in aIndex array)
- BYTE bIndexSubType; // must be 0 or AVI_INDEX_2FIELD
- BYTE bIndexType; // must be AVI_INDEX_OFINDEXES
- UINT32 nEntriesInUse; //
- UINT32 dwChunkID; // '##dc' or '##db' or '##wb' etc..
- UINT32 dwReserved[3]; // must be 0
- struct _avisuperindex_entry {
- UINT64 qwOffset; // absolute file offset, offset is unused entry??
- UINT32 dwSize; // size of index chunk at this offset
- UINT32 dwDuration; // time span in stream ticks
- UINT32 dwOffsetField2; // offset to second field
- } aIndex[];
- typedef struct _avi_video_info
- {
- BYTE version_str[6];
- UINT16 width;
- UINT16 height;
- } avi_video_info;
- #endif // __AVI_TYPES_H