资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- #ifndef __AUDCTRL_H
- #define __AUDCTRL_H
- #include "user_init.h"
- #include "func.h"
- /*
- ** All from datasheet of the chip. If you want to know more detail, please
- ** check out the datasheet. Otherwise, please look down.
- ** In PT2320 and PT2322 the function command is composed of three parts:
- ** first is the address of this chip(PT2320 or PT2322); second is to
- ** point out what function will be done; third is some complexed, some of it
- ** is selected by user, some of it is defined already,
- */
- #define I2C_ID_AUDIO_CTRL 0x88
- /*
- ** function subaddress
- ** the high four bit of the command word
- */
- #define LEFT_FRONT 0x10
- #define RIGHT_FRONT 0x20
- #define CENTER 0x30
- #define LEFT_REAR 0x40
- #define RIGHT_REAR 0x50
- #define SUBWOOFER 0x60
- #define FUNC_SEL 0x70
- #define NO_FUNCTION 0x80
- #define BASE 0x90
- #define MIDDLE 0xa0
- #define TREBLE 0xb0
- #define INPUT_SW 0xc0
- #define VOLUME_1_CONTROL 0xd0
- #define VOLUME_10_CONTROL 0xe0
- #define SYSTEM_RESET 0xf0
- /*
- ** function command
- ** the lowest four bit of the command word
- ** some are defined already,
- ** you can't change it if you want to use the function correctly.
- */
- #define SW_ON 0x07
- #define TONE_CONTROL_ON ~(0x1<<1)
- #define TONE_DEFEAT 0x1<<1
- #define THREED_ON ~(0x1<<2)
- #define THREED_OFF 0x1<<2
- #define PT_MUTE_OFF ~(0x1<<3)
- #define PT_MUTE_ON 0x1<<3
- /*
- #define I2C_SCL_SET(d) GPIO_O_SET(I2C_SCL,d)
- #define I2C_SDA_SET(d) GPIO_O_SET(I2C_SDA,d)
- */
- #define PT2320_WRITE_SBUS(ra,d) WriteI2c(I2C_ID_AUDIO_CTRL,(ra)|(d),0,1)
- void set_base(void);
- void set_treble(void);
- void set_middle(void);
- void set_center(void);
- void set_rear(void);
- void set_woofer(void);
- void set_volume(BYTE);
- void set_front(void);
- void set_mute(void);
- void set_demute(void);
- void set_3d_on(void);
- void set_3d_off(void);
- void init_pt_audio(void);
- void init_volume(void);
- #endif /*__AUDCTRL_H*/