资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- #ifndef __FS9660_H
- #define __FS9660_H
- #include "memmap.h"
- #include "user_init.h"
- #if (defined( SDRAM_16Mb_Mode ) && defined( SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE ))||defined(FAT_FILE_MODE)||defined(FILE_MODE_WRITE) //sunzhh mod 20041230//liweihua mod 2004-11-2// 2004/06/12 yltseng
- extern UINT32 _fs9660_buf;
- #else
- extern UINT8 _fs9660_buf [];
- #endif
- #define ISO9660_DIR_OFFSET _fs9660_buf
- #if defined( SDRAM_16Mb_Mode ) && defined( SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE )
- #define ISO9660_FILE_OFFSET (_fs9660_buf+1*1024)
- #else
- #define ISO9660_FILE_OFFSET (_fs9660_buf+10*1024)
- #endif
- #if defined( SDRAM_16Mb_Mode ) && defined( SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE )
- #define ISO_DIR_MAX 30 //add max-dir limition
- #define ISO_FILE_MAX 250 //add max-file limition
- #else
- #define ISO_DIR_MAX 300 //add max-dir limition
- #define ISO_FILE_MAX 3000 //add max-file limition
- #endif
- #define iso9660_dir ((DIR_REC *)ISO9660_DIR_OFFSET)
- #define iso9660_file ((DIR_REC *)ISO9660_FILE_OFFSET)
- #if defined(FAT_FILE_MODE)
- #define CurrentFiles1 ((UINT16*)(SDRAM_BASE + FS9660YA * 1024+108*1024))
- #define CurrentFiles2 ((UINT16*)(SDRAM_BASE + FS9660YA * 1024+109*1024))
- #endif
- #define DIR_REC_LEN sizeof(DIR_REC) //30
- typedef struct
- {
- BYTE len_of_record;
- BYTE len_of_attr;
- BYTE location_le[4];
- BYTE location_be[4];
- BYTE length_le[4];
- BYTE length_be[4];
- BYTE time_stamp[7];
- BYTE file_flag;
- BYTE file_unit_size;
- BYTE interleave_gap;
- UINT16 volume_seq_le;
- UINT16 volume_seq_be;
- BYTE len_of_filename;
- BYTE filename[31];
- } CDDirRecord;
- typedef struct
- {
- BYTE len_of_dirid;
- BYTE len_of_attr;
- BYTE location_of_ext[4];
- BYTE parent_dir_num[2];
- BYTE dirname[31];
- typedef struct
- {
- UINT32 loc; // mmssff
- int size; // in sectors
- UINT32 AD_lba;
- #if defined(ETON_DVD)&&defined(SUPPORT_CHINESE_FONT)//for Eton,liweihua 2004-11-23
- char name[16];
- #else
- char name[12];
- #endif
- UINT16 dir; // amount of MP3+JPEG+GAME files under the directory
- #if defined(READ_DIR_AS_PC) || defined (FAT_FILE_MODE) || defined (FILE_MODE_WRITE) //sunzhh 20041230
- INT16 parent_dir;//record its parent dir index
- #endif
- UINT32 rec_lba;
- UINT32 rec_offset;
- #endif
- BYTE type;
- BYTE file_type; //20020730 #ifdef SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE
- #if defined (FAT_FILE_MODE)||defined(FILE_MODE_WRITE)//lijd 2005-1-7 16:56
- char file_short_name[9]; //linrc 2004-12-13 11:18 USE it checksum longfile name
- #endif
- char file_ext_name[4];
- #endif
- //#if defined(SPHE8202_FAT_WRITE_API)||defined(SPHE8202_FAT_Write_Function) //||defined(WRITE_USB) //liweihua 2004-8-16
- #if defined(SPHE8202_FAT_WRITE_API)||defined(SPHE8202_FAT_Write_Function)//liweihua mod 2004-12-9 14:37//lijd 2005-1-5 18:16
- UINT16 presave_time;
- UINT32 save_time;
- UINT32 ext_info;
- #endif
- /*
- enum
- {
- };
- */
- // 2004/04/18 yltseng, Use this struct to represent supported file type
- typedef struct
- {
- char FileExt[5];
- UINT8 uiFileType;
- UINT8 uiCategoryOfFile;
- //for OKO used, to record dir_index
- #define MAX_MENU_NO 10
- #define MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN 12
- typedef struct
- {
- int trk_no; // how many files which a oko menu include
- char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN];
- //functions for external reference
- int read_iso9660(void);
- UINT32 mp3_file_msf(UINT16);
- UINT32 mp3_file_length(UINT16);
- void get_mergefile_info();
- void CalMergefilelength(UINT32*);
- void iso9660_assign_name(char*, char*, int, BYTE);
- int iso_search_str(char*, char*, int);
- void ConvertNameFormat( char*, char*, int*, int );
- // 2004/04/16 yltseng, Use this function to find out if pFileName has the extension of pExtStr
- // note, pExtStr should not store '.', eg 'WMA' or 'MP3'
- int FindFileExt( const char* pFileName, char* pExtStr );
- // 2004/04/16 yltseng, Use this function to convert english in pStr from lower case to upper case
- void ConvertLowerCaseToUpperCase( char* pStr );
- // 2004/04/16 yltseng, Use this function to find last occurance of c from pStr
- char* strrchr( const char* pStr, int c );
- // 2004/04/18 yltseng, Use this function to fill iso9660_file data structure
- void SetISO9660FileInfo( UINT32 uiLoc, UINT32 uiSize, UINT32 uiDir, char* pFileName, int iType, UINT32 AD_lba, UINT32 uiRecLba, UINT32 uiRecOffset );
- #else
- void SetISO9660FileInfo( UINT32 uiLoc, UINT32 uiSize, UINT32 uiDir, char* pFileName, int iType, UINT32 AD_lba );
- #endif
- // 2004/04/18 yltseng, Use this function to process general file type ( defined in g_aFileExtInfoTable[] )
- int ProcessGeneralFileType( char* pFileName, UINT32 uiFileSize );
- // 2004/04/18 yltseng, Use this function to process non-general file type
- int ProcessNonGeneralFileType( char* pFileName, UINT32 loc, UINT32 sz, int dir_index );
- char* strinstr( const char* pStr, const char* pStrSearch, int iSrcLen );
- #ifdef SUPPORT_FS_LONGNAME //Maoyong 2004.06.24
- #ifdef HANYANG_FS_LONGNAME //Maoyong 2004-7-6 23:29
- #define SCROLL_SHOW_500MS_CNT 3
- #define MAX_DISP_LEN 12
- #define SCROLL_STEP_LEN 4
- #else
- #define SCROLL_SHOW_500MS_CNT 2
- #define MAX_DISP_LEN 20
- #define SCROLL_STEP_LEN 4
- #endif
- UINT8 uFullFilename[256];
- UINT16 uFullFileLength;
- UINT8 uScrollDispFilenameSt;
- extern UINT8 uScrollDispFilenameFlag;
- extern UINT8 *wb_loc(UINT32 lsn, UINT32 offset);
- UINT8 GetFileFullName(int nIndex);
- UINT8 GetUDFFileFullName(int nIndex);
- void FS_ScrollDispFileName(void);
- #endif //#ifdef SUPPORT_FS_LONGNAME
- #endif //__FS9660.H