资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- #ifndef __UARTCOMM_H
- #define __UARTCOMM_H
- #include "emuiodrv.h"
- #define UART_WRITE_WAIT_SLOW 20000
- #define UART_WRITE_WAIT_MAX 10000
- #ifdef EMUIO_UART1
- #define IsUARTRxEmpty() (!UART1_rx_rdy())
- #define UART_GETC() (regs0->uart1_data)
- #define IsUARTTxFull() (is_uart1_fifo_full())
- #define IsUARTTxEmpty() (is_uart1_fifo_empty())
- #define UART_PUTC(c) (write_uart1(c))
- #define UART_PUTC_EXACT(c) (write_uart1_exact(c))
- #else
- #define IsUARTRxEmpty() (!UART0_rx_rdy())
- #define UART_GETC() (regs0->uart0_data)
- #define IsUARTTxFull() (is_uart0_fifo_full())
- #define IsUARTTxEmpty() (is_uart0_fifo_empty())
- #define UART_PUTC(c) (write_uart0(c))
- #define UART_PUTC_EXACT(c) (write_uart0_exact(c))
- #endif
- #define IO_WAIT()
- do {
- int timeout = UART_WRITE_WAIT_MAX;
- do {
- if (!IsUARTTxFull()) break;
- } while (--timeout>0);
- } while (0)
- #define IO_WAIT_EMPTY()
- do {
- int timeout = UART_WRITE_WAIT_MAX;
- do {
- if (IsUARTTxEmpty()) break;
- } while (--timeout>0);
- } while (0)
- #define IO_PUTC(c)
- do {
- if ((c)==0x0a) UART_PUTC(0x0d);
- } while (0)
- #define IO_PUTC_WAIT(c)
- do {
- IO_WAIT();
- if ((c)==0x0a) {
- IO_WAIT();
- UART_PUTC(0x0d);
- }
- } while (0)
- #define IO_PUTC_EXACT(c)
- do {
- if ((c)==0x0a) {
- IO_WAIT();
- }
- } while (0)
- #define UART_REV_MAX_BYTE 16
- #define UART_TXD_MAX_BYTE 16 //
- #define COMMAND_START 0xCC//'X'
- #define COMMAND_END 0xDD// 'Z'
- #ifndef NEW_UART_COMMAND //for fuss new uart command
- //define Ca720 to 8051 command
- #define POWER_ON 0x01
- #define MUTE_AMP 0x02
- #define AV_MODE 0x03
- #define POWER_OFF 0x04
- #define TOTAL_VOL 0x05
- #define FRONT_VOL 0x06
- #define CENT_VOL 0x07
- #define REAR_VOL 0x08
- #define FRONT_BALANCE 0x09
- #define REAR_BALANCE 0x0A
- #define QS_EFFECT 0x0B
- #define TREBLE_EFFECT 0x0C
- #define BASS_EFFECT 0x0D
- #define AC3_STATUS 0x0E
- #define ERROR_720 0x7F
- //define 8051 to Ca720 command
- #define DIGI_ELEC_VAL 0x80
- #define ELEC_VOL 0x90
- #define ERROR_8051 0xFF
- //define POWER ON index
- #define POWER_ON_FAIL 0x00
- #define POWER_ON_OK 0x01
- //define MUTE index
- #define MUTE_OFF 0x00
- #define MUTE_ON 0x01
- //define MODE index
- #define AV1_MODE 0x00
- #define AV2_MODE 0x01
- #define TUNER_MODE 0x02
- #define DVD_MODE 0x03
- //define POWER-OFF index
- #define POWER_OFF_OK 0x01
- //define AC3 index
- #define NOT_AC3 0x00
- #define IS_AC3 0x01
- #define VOL_MAX 15
- #define VOL_MIN 0
- #define QS_MAX 7
- #define QS_MIN 0
- #define BALANCE_MAX 3
- #define BALANCE_MIN -3
- #else //it's fuss new uart command
- //define Ca720 to 8051 command
- #define POWER_ON 0x01
- #define MUTE_AMP 0x02
- #define AV1_MODE 0x03
- #define AV2_MODE 0x04
- #define TUNER_MODE 0x05
- #define DVD_MODE 0x06
- #define POWER_OFF 0x07
- #define TOTAL_VOL 0x08
- #define FRONT_VOL 0x09
- #define CENT_VOL 0x0A
- #define REAR_VOL 0x0B
- #define SUBWOOFER_VOL 0x0C
- #define FRONT_BALANCE_L 0x0D
- #define FRONT_BALANCE_R 0x0E
- #define REAR_BALANCE_L 0x0F
- #define REAR_BALANCE_R 0x10
- #define QS_EFFECT 0x11
- #define TREBLE_EFFECT 0x12
- #define BASS_EFFECT 0x13
- #define VOL_DEFAULT 0x14
- #define AC3_STATUS 0x15
- #define ERROR_720 0x7F
- //define 8051 to Ca720 command
- #define DIGI_ELEC_VAL 0x80
- #define ELEC_VOL 0x90
- #define ERROR_8051 0xFF
- //define POWER ON index
- #define POWER_ON_FAIL 0x00
- #define POWER_ON_OK 0x01
- //define MUTE index
- #define MUTE_OFF 0x00
- #define MUTE_ON 0x01
- //define MODE index
- #define AV1_MODE_D 0x00
- #define AV2_MODE_D 0x01
- #define TUNER_MODE_D 0x02
- #define DVD_MODE_D 0x03
- //define POWER-OFF index
- #define POWER_OFF_OK 0x01
- #define VOL_DEFAULT_D 0x00
- //define AC3 index
- #define NOT_AC3 0x00
- #define IS_AC3 0x01
- #define VOL_MAX 0x3C
- #define VOL_MIN 0x00
- #define VOL_ADJUST_MAN 6
- #define VOL_ADJUST_MIN -6
- #define QS_MAX 5
- #define QS_MIN 0
- #define BALANCE_MAX 3
- #define BALANCE_MIN -3
- #define MAINVOL 8
- #define FRONTVOL 0
- #define CENTERVOL 0
- #define REARVOL 0
- #define SUBWOOFERVOL 0
- #define MAINBALANCE_L 0
- #define MAINBALANCE_R 0
- #define SURBALANCE_L 0
- #define SURBALANCE_R 0
- #define QSEFFECT 0
- #define TREBLEVOL 0
- #define BASSVOL 0
- #endif //end if fuss new uart command
- #include "types.h"
- int pollingUART51(void);
- void do_uart_command(void);
- void reset_uart(void);
- void IRSwitchMode(void);
- void IRSwitchVolMode(void);
- void IRAdjustVol(int nUpOrDown);
- void Set_Default_Vol(void);
- #endif
- void Inform_MCUOK(void);
- #endif //__UARTCOMM_H