资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- #ifndef __DSP3_IF_H
- #define __DSP3_IF_H
- #include "types.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "regmap.h"
- #include "dsp3_def.h"
- void dsp3_hw_reset(void);
- void dsp3_stop(void);
- void dsp3_download(const BYTE *DspRom, int DspRomLen);
- int dsp3_mp3init(const void *DspRom, unsigned DspRomLen);
- void set_aud_buf(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned c);
- void reset_audio_buf();
- void set_dsp3_pcm_value(unsigned x_off, unsigned value);
- UINT32 get_dsp3_pcm_value(unsigned x_off);
- int dsp3_get_rest_buf_size();
- #if 0 //2004AUDDRV move to auddrv.h
- #define dsp3_ramp_down(x)
- do {
- regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_delta = 1;
- regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_cfg = 1;
- } while (0)
- #define dsp3_ramp_up(x)
- do {
- regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_delta = 1;
- regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_cfg = 2;
- } while (0)
- //change dsp3_ramp_wait() method equals to to delay_srv_10ms(3) to prevent dead loop
- #define dsp3_ramp_wait() delay_srv_10ms(3)
- /*
- #define dsp3_ramp_wait()
- do {
- polling();
- } while (regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_value>0)
- */
- #endif //2004AUDDRV
- //============================
- //Audio Driver Service Provider Interface Function
- //============================
- //return: 0:fail, 1:success
- extern int AudioIOControl(UINT16 wCode, UINT32 cType, UINT32 wParam);
- #else
- extern int AudioIOControl(UINT16 wCode, BYTE cType, UINT16 wParam);
- #endif
- //return: -1: error, others
- extern int AudioIOStatus(UINT16 wCode);
- //============================
- //Audio Application Programming Interface Function
- //============================
- #if 0 //2004AUDDRV
- //Audio DSP flow control command
- extern int AudioSetPlay(); //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOPLAY, 0) for VCD
- //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOPLAY, 1) for MP3(pure audio)
- extern int AudioSetContinue(); //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOCONTINUE, 0)
- extern int AudioSetStop(); //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOSTOP, 0)
- extern int AudioSetPause(); //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOPAUSE, 0)
- #define AudioFlushBuffer() AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOFLUSH, 0)
- #define AudioSetVCD_FF2PLAY() AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOFF2PLAY, 0)
- extern int AudioFastForward(BYTE speed); //AudioIOControl(FLOW, AUDIOFFxx, 0)
- //Audio DSP set volume command
- #define AudioSetVolume(x) AudioIOControl(VOLUME, x, 0)
- //freyman 2002-7-26 21:34
- #ifdef SUPPORT_AMP
- #undef AudioSetVolume(x)
- int AudioSetVolume(UINT16 x);
- #endif
- #if 0 //kennymark it 2002/2/29
- #if defined(TAS3001_AMP) // jason ych add ti3001 2-8-10 11:36
- #undef AudioSetVolume(x)
- extern void set_volume(BYTE);
- #define AudioSetVolume(x) set_volume(x)
- #endif
- #endif
- //terry,0508 ,test audio whilt noise
- #ifdef NO_AUD_MIC_OFF
- #undef AudioSetVolume(x)
- int AudioSetVolume(UINT16 x);
- #endif
- #ifdef NO_AUD_ECHO_OFF
- #undef AudioSetVolume(x)
- int AudioSetVolume(UINT16 x);
- #endif
- extern inline int AudioDemute();
- //Audio DSP key-shift control command
- //1~15
- #define AudioSetKey(x) AudioIOControl(KEY, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP 3D-Surround control command
- //0:off, 1~..:type
- #define AudioSetSurround(x) AudioIOControl(SURROUND, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP Sub-woof control command
- //0:OFF, 1:ON
- #define AudioSetSubWoof(x) AudioIOControl(SUBWOOF, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP SPDIF control command
- #define AudioSetSPDIF(x) AudioIOControl(SPDIF, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP set EQ type command
- //0:standard, 0x0010:user-defined
- #define AudioSetEQType(x) AudioIOControl(EQ, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP Output Mode control command
- //0x01:Stereo(L/R), 0x02:L/L, 0x03:R/R, 0x04:Auto-L, 0x05:Auto-R, 0x06:5.1 channel, 0x07:2 channel, 0x08:DownMix Lx,Rx(for ProLogic)
- //0x10:RF_MODE-K3, 0x20:LINE_MODE-K2, 0x30:no vocal, 0x40:left vocal, 0x50:right vocal, 0x60:both vocal
- #define AudioSetOutputMode(x, y) AudioIOControl(OUTMODE, x, y)
- //Audio DSP ECHO control command
- //level:0(off) (light)1~8(heavy)
- #define AudioSetEcho(delay, decay) AudioIOControl(ECHO, delay, decay)
- int AudioSetEchoPara(UINT16 x);
- #endif
- //Audio DSP MIC control command
- //threshold://(0~0xff:0x55:for Yuxing, 0x35 for small board, 0x25 for large board)
- //sensitivity:(1~7:default=1)
- //always on:threshold=0, sensitivity=0
- //always off:threshold=0xff, sensitivity=0xff
- #define AudioSetMIC(threshold, sensitivity) AudioIOControl(MIC, threshold, sensitivity)
- //Audio DSP MIC Vol(gain) control command
- //0~8(0:off)
- #define AudioSetMICVol(x) AudioIOControl(AD, x, 0)
- #define AudioSetMICVol_2(x) AudioIOControl(AD_2, x, 0) //wangfeng 2003-09-12 17:11
- //Jeff 20020129
- //Audio DSP Speaker Delay control command
- //spk : 1(center spk), 2(surround spk)
- //delay: time(ms)
- #define AudioSetSpkDelay(spk, delay) AudioIOControl(SPKDELAY, spk, delay)
- //Audio DSP Front Speaker Gain control command
- //0~8(0:off)
- #define AudioSetFSPKGain(x) AudioIOControl(FSPKGAIN, x, 0)
- //Audio DSP Center Speaker Gain control command
- //0~8(0:off)
- #define AudioSetCSPKGain(x) AudioIOControl(CSPKGAIN, (x*2), 0)
- //Audio DSP Surround Speaker Gain control command
- //0~8(0:off)
- #define AudioSetSSPKGain(x) AudioIOControl(SSPKGAIN, x, 0)
- #define AudioSet5SPKGain(s, x) AudioIOControl(s, x, 0)
- #endif //#if 0 //2004AUDDRV
- #endif
- #if 0 //2004AUDDRV
- #ifdef TEST_BASS_MANAGEMENT //Andew 20040803
- #define AudioSetBassMag(x) AudioIOControl(BASSMANAGEMENT,0,x)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif