资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * Terry,2004/3/30 05:13PM
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "cmd.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "memmap.h"
- #include "memmap0.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "kernel.h"
- #include "cfont.h"
- #include "vfdfunc.h"
- #include "osd.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #include "iop.h"
- #include "memcfg.h"
- #include "ircode.h"
- #include "user_init.h"
- #include "fsNAV.h"
- #include "fsGUI.h"
- #include "setup.h"
- #include "fs96602.h"
- #include "fsGUI1.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- // Added by houyiwu 9/18/2004 for defining "SPHE1000"
- #ifndef SPHE1000
- #include "ver.h"
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE)||defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)//liweihua mod 20031219
- #include "cardfs.h"
- extern CARD_FILE cardFile;
- extern CARD_INFO cardP;
- #if defined(CF_CARD_WRITE) || defined(SPHE8202_FAT_Write_Function)//|| defined(WRITE_USB)
- extern BYTE read_card_sign,flag_cf2cd,flag_cd2cf;
- #endif
- extern BYTE IsCardMediaRemove(void);
- #endif
- extern const BYTE ir_mapcode[256]; //Jefftest 20020606
- //OSD related
- extern void osd_init(void);
- extern void osd_draw_rect(UINT32 xStart, UINT32 yStart, UINT32 xLen, UINT32 yLen, BYTE bkColor);
- extern void osd_init_setup(void);
- extern void osd_DrawLine(UINT32 xStart, UINT32 yStart, UINT32 xEnd, UINT32 yEnd, BYTE color, BYTE lineWidth);
- extern void DrawOSD_XO(BYTE bXO);
- //FLASH related
- extern int FlashEraseUpgrade(unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned int dwSize);
- extern UINT16 FlashReadID();
- extern UINT16 FlashRead();
- extern int FlashWrite(UINT32 iStartAddr, BYTE *pBuf, UINT32 iLen);
- extern int FlashEraseSector(UINT32 unSectorNum);
- extern UINT16 giFlashReadID; //Jeff 20020708
- #ifndef DVDRELEASE
- #define FSNAV_DBG
- #endif
- #define fsnav_printf(s...) ((void)0)
- #ifdef FSNAV_DBG
- #include "sio.h"
- #include "emuio.h"
- #undef fsnav_printf
- #define fsnav_printf printf_w
- #endif
- #ifdef UPGRADE_TRAYOUT //joshua add 04-07-13
- int trayout_flag = 0;
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_SPI
- #include "spi.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef SPHE1000
- #define SMART_UPLOAD_BASE 0x80a00000
- #endif
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO//2004-4-27 1:11
- extern UINT32 g_nAKeyFileLoc;
- extern UINT32 g_nAKeyFileSize;
- #endif
- void FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(UINT32 iCount)
- {
- BYTE buf[10];
- psprintf(buf, "%02d", iCount);
- osd_DrawString(6, 3, buf, 2, 6);
- }
- int FSNav_DoUpgrade(BYTE* strVersion)
- {
- trayout_flag = 1;
- #endif
- BYTE buf[30];
- BYTE len, bOK = 1;
- int iRes = 0;
- UINT32 iCount;
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE) || defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)
- watchdog_onoff(0); //fengjl add 2004-05-20 09:39 for usb upgrade
- #endif
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- BYTE* pKeyFile;
- UINT32 nKeyAmount = 0;
- UINT32 nKeySize = 0;
- UINT32 nEnterNum = 0;
- UINT32 nPos = 0;
- BYTE b0, b1, b2, b3, b4;
- b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = b4 = 0;
- #endif
- #if defined(QSI_PORTABLE_DVD) && defined(QSI_PLATFORM) //qsi: added by johnson 20040720
- printf("FSNav_DoUpgrade> New Firmware Version = %sn",strVersion);
- #endif
- #if defined(QSI_PORTABLE_DVD) && defined(QSI_PLATFORM)//qsi: modify by johnson 20040720
- #else
- #define COUNTDOWN_MAX 20
- #endif
- ircmd_callback_check = NULL;
- cd_subtype = CDROM_BIN;
- #ifdef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode//3-12-9 0:31 nono
- regs0->osd_base_addr = P_BIDIR_LUMA;
- #endif//SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- osd_init_setup();
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- else
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_draw_rect(4*16, 3*26, 28*16, 9*26, 6);
- //top
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26, 2, 1);
- //left
- osd_DrawLine(4*16-2, 3*26, 4*16-2, 3*26+9*26, 2, 1);
- //bottom
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26+9*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26+7*26, 11, 1);
- //right
- osd_DrawLine(4*16+28*16, 3*26, 4*16+9*26, 3*26+28*16, 11, 1);
- osd_DrawString(4, 3, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- psprintf(buf, "%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_READ][0]); //Jeff 20020527
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- #if defined(SPHE1000) && !defined(DVB1000_NON_OS)
- #else
- //Move system image to DRAM
- #ifdef FS_BMP_GUI
- //when NTSC mode,"dvdrom.bin" is not put into UDF buf,but put buf after GP chroma.suqiaoli add 2004-10-16
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE)||defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)
- if (media_type==MEDIA_CARD) {
- UINT32 nLBA;
- cardFile.stLBA = msf2l(pFsJpeg->gifsMSFDVDRom);
- // cardFile.stClus = CardLBA2Clus( cardFile.stLBA );
- cardFile.stClus = FSLBA2Clus( cardFile.stLBA );//linrc rename.20041204
- cardFile.iFileSize = pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize;
- cardFile.curLBA = cardFile.stLBA;
- cardFile.curClus = cardFile.stClus;
- cardFile.iLeaveSize = cardFile.iFileSize;
- nLBA = (pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize + cardP.bytePerSec - 1) / cardP.bytePerSec;
- // CardReadStream(&cardFile, nLBA, pDVDROM);
- FSReadStream(&cardFile, nLBA, pDVDROM);//linrc rename.20041205
- } else
- #endif
- {
- ran_read(pDVDROM, pFsJpeg->gifsMSFDVDRom, pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize);
- }
- // read DVD_AUDIO key file, Robert 030820
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- if (g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0)
- {
- ran_read(pKeyFile, g_nAKeyFileLoc, 2048); // robert 2004/02/18, read 2048 bytes only to identify file header
- }
- #endif
- //Calculate CheckSum
- {
- BYTE *p, bl, bh;
- UINT32 *pSum, iSum = 0, iNext = 0;
- UINT32 iIndex = 0x4f;
- //we store check in 0x20th byte
- pSum = (UINT32 *)(pDVDROM + 0x20);
- //printf("Origional checksum=%08xn", *pSum);
- //from 0x50th byte to caculate checksum
- p = (BYTE *)(pDVDROM + 0x50);
- while (iIndex < pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize)
- {
- bl = *p++;
- iIndex++;
- if (iIndex < pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize)
- {
- bh = *p++;
- iIndex++;
- }
- else
- {
- bl = 0;
- bh = 0;
- }
- iSum = iSum + iNext;
- iNext = (unsigned int)bh * 256U + (unsigned int)bl;
- }
- iNext &= 0xFF;
- iSum += iNext;
- //printf("Read checksum=%08xn", iSum);
- if (*pSum != iSum)
- {
- //printf("Checksum Errorn");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- ircmd_trayout();
- delay_srv_10ms(500);
- trayout_flag = 0;
- #endif
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- if (g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0)
- {
- BYTE buf[10];
- // check key numbers
- nKeyAmount = getUINT32(pKeyFile + 5);
- nKeySize = getUINT32(pKeyFile + 9);
- if (nKeyAmount > 99999) // max key counts up to 99999
- nKeyAmount = 99999;
- //psprintf(buf, "%d %d", nKeyAmount, nKeySize);
- //osd_DrawString(23, 3, buf, 2, 6);
- psprintf(buf, "ENTER 0~%d:", nKeyAmount);
- osd_DrawString(8, 6, buf, 2, 6);
- // show a region to enter number
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b4);
- osd_DrawString(23, 6, buf, 2, 5);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b3);
- osd_DrawString(24, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b2);
- osd_DrawString(25, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b1);
- osd_DrawString(26, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b0);
- osd_DrawString(27, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- }
- #endif
- psprintf(buf," OLD VER: %s%s",QSI_MASTER_VER,QSI_SLAVE_VER);
- osd_DrawString(4, 5, buf, 2, 6);
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- #ifdef USE_KOREAN_OSD //clead korean 2003-10-23
- psprintf(buf, " %s%s %s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- #else
- psprintf(buf, " %s%s%s %s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_ban, Ch_question);
- #endif
- else
- psprintf(buf, " %s%s %s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- len = strlen(buf);
- //osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- osd_DrawString(4, 6, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- #else
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- #ifdef USE_KOREAN_OSD //clead korean 2003-10-23
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- #else
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_ban, Ch_question);
- #endif
- else
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- len = strlen(buf);
- //osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- osd_DrawString(4, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- #else
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- #ifdef USE_KOREAN_OSD //clead korean 2003-10-23
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- #else
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_ban, Ch_question);
- #endif
- else
- psprintf(buf, "%s%s%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADE_TO][0], strVersion, Ch_question);
- len = strlen(buf);
- //osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- osd_DrawString(4, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- #endif //#ifdef QSI_PLATFORM
- //Draw O-X selection
- DrawOSD_XO(1);
- set_rtc_val(0);
- FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(iCount);
- do
- {
- UINT32 rx;
- UINT32 iTime;
- #ifndef OLD_VFD_DRV
- UINT32 nVFDkey = 0;
- //nVFDkey = CheckVFDkey();
- #endif
- iTime = get_rtc_val();
- #ifdef SUPPORT_SPI
- if(!(iTime%50))
- polling_spi();
- #endif
- iTime = COUNTDOWN_MAX - (iTime/100);
- if (iCount==0) {
- if (bOK == 1) bOK=2;
- break;
- } else {
- if (iTime != iCount) {
- iCount = iTime;
- FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(iCount);
- }
- }
- extern UINT16 GetIRCode(); // 2004/10/01 yltseng, move to ir_parser.c GetIRCode()
- rx = GetIRCode();
- if( rx != IR_CODE_MAX_NUM )
- {
- if (rx == IRC_LEFT)
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 0;
- DrawOSD_XO(0);
- set_rtc_val(0);
- FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(iCount);
- }
- }
- else if (rx == IRC_RIGHT)
- {
- if (bOK == 0)
- {
- bOK = 1;
- DrawOSD_XO(1);
- set_rtc_val(0);
- FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(iCount);
- }
- }
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- else if ((rx == IRC_0) || (rx == IRC_1) || (rx == IRC_2) ||
- (rx == IRC_3) || (rx == IRC_4) || (rx == IRC_5) ||
- (rx == IRC_6) || (rx == IRC_7) || (rx == IRC_8) ||
- (rx == IRC_9))
- {
- set_rtc_val(0);
- FSNav_UpgradeCountDown(iCount);
- if (g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0)
- {
- BYTE bVal;
- bVal = rx - IRC_0;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", bVal);
- osd_DrawString(23 + nPos, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- // write to nPos position
- switch (nPos)
- {
- case 0:
- b0 = bVal;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b1);
- nPos = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- b1 = bVal;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b2);
- nPos = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- b2 = bVal;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b3);
- nPos = 3;
- break;
- case 3:
- b3 = bVal;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b4);
- nPos = 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- b4 = bVal;
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b0);
- nPos = 0;
- break;
- }
- osd_DrawString(23 + nPos, 6, buf, 2, 5);
- }
- }
- #endif
- else if ((rx == IRC_SELECT) || (rx == IRC_PLAY_SELECT))
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- if (g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0)
- {
- // get user selected number
- nEnterNum = 10000 * b0 + 1000 * b1 + 100 * b2 + 10 * b3 + b4;
- if (nEnterNum > nKeyAmount)
- {
- b4 = b3 = b2 = b1 = b0 = 0;
- nPos = 0;
- // show a region to enter number
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b4);
- osd_DrawString(23, 6, buf, 2, 5);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b3);
- osd_DrawString(24, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b2);
- osd_DrawString(25, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b1);
- osd_DrawString(26, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b0);
- osd_DrawString(27, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- }
- else
- {
- bOK = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- bOK = 2;
- #else
- bOK = 2;
- #endif
- }
- if (bOK == 0)
- break;
- }
- } //end of if (rx & IR_RDY)
- #ifndef OLD_VFD_DRV // 2004/10/14 yltseng
- if (nVFDkey != IR_CODE_MAX_NUM)
- {
- if (nVFDkey == IRC_LEFT)
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- bOK = 0;
- DrawOSD_XO(0);
- }
- }
- else if (nVFDkey == IRC_RIGHT)
- {
- if (bOK == 0)
- {
- bOK = 1;
- DrawOSD_XO(1);
- }
- }
- else if ((nVFDkey == IRC_PLAY) || (nVFDkey == IRC_PAUSEPLAY))
- {
- if (bOK == 1)
- {
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- if (g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0)
- {
- // get user selected number
- nEnterNum = 10000 * b0 + 1000 * b1 + 100 * b2 + 10 * b3 + b4;
- if (nEnterNum > nKeyAmount)
- {
- b4 = b3 = b2 = b1 = b0 = 0;
- // show a region to enter number
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b4);
- osd_DrawString(23, 6, buf, 2, 5);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b3);
- osd_DrawString(24, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b2);
- osd_DrawString(25, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b1);
- osd_DrawString(26, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- psprintf(buf, "%d", b0);
- osd_DrawString(27, 6, buf, 2, 4);
- }
- else
- {
- bOK = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- bOK = 2;
- #else
- bOK = 2;
- #endif
- }
- if (bOK == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif//#ifndef OLD_VFD_DRV // 2004/10/01 yltseng
- } while (bOK != 2);
- if (bOK == 2)
- {
- //write system image to flash
- osd_init_setup();
- if (IsOSDChinese())
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- else
- psprintf(buf, " %s ", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_SMART_UPGRADE][0]);
- len = strlen(buf);
- osd_draw_rect(4*16, 3*26, 28*16, 7*26, 6);
- //top
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26, 2, 1);
- //left
- osd_DrawLine(4*16-2, 3*26, 4*16-2, 3*26+7*26, 2, 1);
- //bottom
- osd_DrawLine(4*16, 3*26+7*26, 4*16+28*16, 3*26+7*26, 11, 1);
- //right
- osd_DrawLine(4*16+28*16, 3*26, 4*16+7*26, 3*26+28*16, 11, 1);
- osd_DrawString(4, 3, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- //psprintf(buf, "%s...", &_OsdMessegeFont1[STR_OS_UPGRADING][osd_font_mode][0]);
- psprintf(buf, "%s...", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_UPGRADING][0]);
- osd_DrawString(6, 5, buf, 2, 6); //2:font color, 6:background color
- //psprintf(buf, "%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[STR_OS_NOT_POWEROFF][osd_font_mode][0]);
- psprintf(buf, "%s", &_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_NOT_POWEROFF][0]);
- osd_DrawString(6, 6, buf, 2, 5); //2:font color, 6:background color
- osd_DrawString(6, 7, "DISC CAN BE REMOVED", 2, 4);
- #endif
- #ifdef DVD_AUDIO
- // copy key data to pDVDROM
- if ((g_nAKeyFileLoc != 0) && (nEnterNum > 0))
- {
- //psprintf(buf, "%d ", nEnterNum);
- //osd_DrawString(27, 3, buf, 2, 6);
- UINT32 nSelectedSector, nOffset;
- nSelectedSector = 13 + nKeySize * (nEnterNum - 1);
- nOffset = (nSelectedSector & 0x7ff);
- nSelectedSector >>= 11;
- g_nAKeyFileLoc = addmsf(g_nAKeyFileLoc, nSelectedSector);
- ran_read(pKeyFile, g_nAKeyFileLoc, nKeySize + 2048);
- *((BYTE*)(pDVDROM + 0x100)) = 0x44;
- *((BYTE*)(pDVDROM + 0x101)) = 0x45;
- *((BYTE*)(pDVDROM + 0x102)) = 0x56;
- *((BYTE*)(pDVDROM + 0x103)) = 0x4B;
- memcpy((BYTE*)(pDVDROM + 0x104), (BYTE*)(pKeyFile + nOffset), nKeySize);
- }
- #endif
- FlashEraseUpgrade(pDVDROM, pFsJpeg->gifsDVDRomSize);
- ircmd_callback_check = fs_callback_check;
- //while (1);
- }
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE) || defined(SUPPORT_USB)||defined(SPHE8202_CARD_STORAGE)
- watchdog_onoff(1); //fengjl add 2004-05-20 09:39 for usb upgrade
- #endif
- return iRes;
- }
- void FSNav_GetRomVersion(BYTE* strVersion)//jhuang 2004/9/3 11:29