- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 by Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * *
- * This software is copyrighted by and is the property of Sunplus *
- * Technology Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved by Sunplus Technology *
- * Co., Ltd. This software may only be used in accordance with the *
- * corresponding license agreement. Any unauthorized use, duplication, *
- * distribution, or disclosure of this software is expressly forbidden. *
- * *
- * This Copyright notice MUST not be removed or modified without prior *
- * written consent of Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * *
- * Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify this *
- * software without notice. *
- * *
- * Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * 19, Innovation First Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, *
- * Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. *
- **************************************************************************/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | File Name : iop.c
- |
- | Description : This file main contains three parts.
- | 1. Include 8200 and 8202 iop normal play inc.
- | 2. Include iop normal and standby reset function.
- | 3. Include I2C(24C02) read and write function.
- |
- | Version : 0.1
- |
- |
- | Rev Date Author(s) Status & Comments
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | 2004/12/20 Lijd Updating
- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "config.h"
- #include "regmap.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "dma.h"
- #include "gpio.h"
- #include "iop.h"
- #include "iophw.h"
- #include "user_init.h"
- #include "ircode.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "lbc.h"
- #if defined(SUPPORT_CARD_STORAGE) && defined(CARD_HOT_PLUG)
- #include "cardfs.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_RDS_FUNCTION//xyy 2003-12-4 16:05
- #include "radio_rds.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef DVDRELEASE
- //#define IOP_DEBUG_INFO 1
- #endif
- #include "sio.h"
- #include "emuio.h"
- #endif
- #if defined(DVI_I2C_SET)&&defined(SPHE8202)//Modifed by ChenZhao on 2004-9-21 15:59
- #define K_loopMax 100//chenzhao on 2004-12-14 17:2
- //#include "c_i2c.c"
- #endif//defined(DVI_I2C_SET)&&defined(SPHE8202)
- #define IOP_RDY_WAIT 4000000
- #if defined(TEAC_PORTABLE_DVD)//TEAC
- #include ""//TEAC
- #else
- #include ""//TEAC
- #endif
- #elif defined(SUPPORT_SPI_QSI)
- #include ""
- #else //support spi qsi
- #ifdef OLD_I2C_DEFINE // with IR_NEC
- #include ""
- #elif defined (SPHE8202)
- #ifdef SDRAM_BUS_32BITS
- #ifdef HJ_8202_5401 //fengjl add for himage 8202 ad7312 driver 2004-07-01 13:22
- #include ""
- #elif defined(HJ_8202_8408)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_GBM_PHILIPS)||defined(IR_PHILIPS)//gbm yth add,2004-7-28 14:11
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_M3004) //LIJD 2004-12-27 14:27
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_KONKA)
- #include ""//LIJD 2005-2-4 13:23
- #else
- #include ""
- #endif
- #else//#ifdef SDRAM_BUS_32BITS
- #ifdef EASTECH_DVD
- #include ""
- #else
- #include ""
- #endif
- #elif defined(SDRAM_128Mx1)//#ifdef EASTECH_DVD //mimitsai add 2004-12-07
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_GBM_PHILIPS)//gbm yth add,2004-7-28 14:11
- #include ""
- #elif defined(SUPPORT_IR_GAME)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(TTE_HOST_DVD)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(PMP_DVD)
- #include ""
- // #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_M3004)
- #include ""
- #else//#ifdef EASTECH_DVD
- //#include ""
- #include "" //2004-6-23 14:05 lijd
- #endif//#ifdef EASTECH_DVD
- #endif//#ifdef SDRAM_BUS_32BITS
- #elif defined(MP_BOARD_216_PIN_NON_SHARE)//kenny 2004/7/14
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_KONKA)//LIJD 2005-2-4 13:38
- #include ""
- #else
- #include ""
- #endif
- #elif defined(MP_BOARD_256_PIN_SHARE)
- #include ""
- #include ""
- #endif//MP_BOARD_256_PIN_NON_SHARE
- #elif defined (SPHE1000)
- #include ""
- #else
- #ifdef IR_NEC
- #ifdef USE_C_IOP//2004-3-15 11:45 lijd
- #if (VFD_DRIVER==NEC16312)
- #include "../cc65/iopc_inc/"
- #endif
- #else//USE_C_IOP
- #if (VFD_DRIVER==NEC16312)
- #ifdef MICO_DVD
- #include ""
- #elif defined(F94_5)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(GAME_D0_D1_EXCHANGE)
- #include "" //gerry.2003-12-1 9:41
- #elif defined(GBM_PORTABLE_DVD)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(SUPPORT_I2C_LCD_Panel)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(SUPPORT_RECEIVER) //huziqin 2004-2-26
- #include ""
- //#include "" //huziqin 2004-4-29.key scan not work.I will handle it later
- #elif defined(BBK_DSS_555_PANNEL) //fengjl add 4-1-13 13:12
- #include ""
- //#include "" //ljd 03/9/19
- #elif defined(PANDA_DVD_16) //gerry,2004-3-16 13:31
- #include ""//for read nec16312 sw 2004-2-13 12:36 LIJD
- #elif defined (SUPPORT_SPI)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(HUAJIA_DVD)
- // #include ""
- #include ""
- #else //default
- #include "" //for process 8200-1 sometimes risc death when first time 2004-7-28 16:47 lijd
- //#include "" //for 16312+game+switch 2004-6-25 11:12
- //#include "" //only for 16312+ read switch not have game function
- #endif
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER == AD7312)
- #include ""
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER==HT1621)
- #include "" //used for 121.5 MHZ
- // #include "" //used for 94.5 MHZ
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER==SPL10)
- #include ""
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER==HC164)
- #include ""
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER==GT1128)
- #include ""
- #elif (VFD_DRIVER==PT6554)
- #include ""
- #endif
- #endif//USE_C_IOP
- #elif defined(IR_PHILIPS)
- #include "" //new iop for philip IR
- #elif defined(IR_THOMSON)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_M50560)
- #include ""
- #elif defined(IR_AS1213)
- #include ""
- #else
- #include "" //2004-2-8 16:38 LIJD
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif //for spi qsi
- #define IOP_RESET() (regs0->iop_control = IOPHW_RESET)
- #define IOP_GO() (regs0->iop_control = 0)
- #ifdef SOFT_UART_OUT
- int PutSoftUartChar(BYTE *,int);
- int GetSoftUartChar(BYTE *,int);
- BYTE bResetIop=0;
- #endif
- BYTE bSleepFlag = 0; // keep standby mode flag
- extern const BYTE ir_mapcode[256];
- extern const BYTE vfd_keycode[40];
- extern void LoadModual(UINT16);
- /**************************************************************************
- * Function Name: void reset_iop(void) *
- * Purposes: *
- * Reset iop for normal / standby mode. *
- * Descriptions: *
- * This function contains three parts *
- * 1. reset iop *
- * 2. Set I2C,VFD,IR,GAME GPIOS for iop use. *
- * if system is coming into standby mode. then pass *
- * the IR or VFD power key value and flag to reset code.*
- * 3. LoadModual(MODUAL_IOP_RESET) /LoadModual(MODUAL_IOP) *
- * Arguments: *
- * (None) *
- * Returns: *
- * (None) *
- * See also: *
- * (None) *
- **************************************************************************/
- void reset_iop(void)
- {
- int i;
- //int len;
- //UINT32 *p, *q;
- #ifdef PORTABLE_DVD//nono add 2005-2-18 16:44
- //use
- GPIO_M_SET(9, 0);//TEAC 8202 216 pin
- GPIO_M_SET(10, 0);//TEAC 8202 216 pin
- GPIO_M_SET(16, 0);//TEAC 8202 216 pin
- #else
- //use
- GPIO_M_SET(21, 0);//TEAC 8202 256 pin
- GPIO_M_SET(22, 0);//TEAC 8202 256 pin
- GPIO_M_SET(23, 0);//TEAC 8202 256 pin
- #endif
- #endif//#ifdef PORTABLE_DVD
- // reset iop
- #ifdef PMP_MCU810
- // gpio 21, 22, 23 for VFD
- GPIO_M_SET(21, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(22, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(23, 0);
- #endif
- // setup IOP interface / GPIO
- #ifdef OLD_I2C_DEFINE
- // select GPIO 35,36 for I2C
- regs0->gpio_master[35 / 16] &= ~(0x3 << (35 % 16));
- #else
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- #if defined(MP_BOARD_256_PIN_NON_SHARE)||defined(MP_BOARD_256_PIN_SHARE)//NONO 4-3-23 22:19
- #if defined(SDRAM_BUS_32BITS)||defined(SDRAM_128Mx1) //mimitsai add 2004-12-07
- // gpio 48(pin173), 49(pin174) for I2C
- regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0x1 << 7);//GPIO48
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 5);//GPIO49
- GPIO_M_SET(48, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(49, 0);
- #elif defined(PMP_I2C_NEW) //////////////YANGLI ADD FOR PMP 20021229
- regs0->sft_cfg4 &= ~(0x1 << 5);//I2C DATA PIN62
- GPIO_M_SET(5, 0);//I2C DATA PIN62
- GPIO_M_SET(6, 0);//I2C CLK PIN63
- #else
- //gpio 95(pin228), 96(pin229) for I2C
- GPIO_M_SET(95, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(96, 0);
- #endif
- #elif defined(MP_BOARD_216_PIN_NON_SHARE) //kenny 2004/7/14
- // gpio 17(pin67), 18(pin68) for I2C
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 2);//GPIO17
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 1);//GPIO18
- GPIO_M_SET(17, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(18, 0);
- // gpio 17, 18 for I2C
- GPIO_M_SET(17, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(18, 0);
- #endif//MP_BOARD_256_PIN_NON_SHARE
- #elif defined(SPHE1000)
- // select GPIO44,45 for I2C
- GPIO_M_SET(44,0);
- GPIO_M_SET(45,0);
- #else
- // select GPIO 0,1 for I2C
- regs0->gpio_master[0 / 16] &= ~(0x3 << (0 % 16));
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_SPI
- regs0->gpio_master[SPI_DATAIN / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (SPI_DATAIN % 16)); //SPI IN
- regs0->gpio_master[SPI_CLK / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (SPI_CLK % 16)); // SPI CLK
- regs0->gpio_master[SPI_DATAOUT / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (SPI_DATAOUT % 16)); // SPI OUT
- //regs0->gpio_master[49 / 16] |= (0x1 << (49 % 16)); //50 SPI IN
- //regs0->gpio_master[51 / 16] |= (0x1 << (51 % 16)); //51 SPI CLK
- //regs0->gpio_master[52 / 16] |= (0x1 << (52 % 16)); //52 SPI OUT
- //while(1)
- //{
- // GPIO_E_SET(49, 1);
- // GPIO_O_SET(49, 0);
- //GPIO_O_SET(49, 1);
- // GPIO_E_SET(49, 0);
- // delay_1ms(100);
- //}
- //GPIO_E_SET(51, 1);
- //GPIO_O_SET(51, 1);
- //GPIO_E_SET(52, 1);
- //GPIO_O_SET(52, 1);
- #endif
- // set GPIO97(GAME_D1) for PS/2 mouse DATA and GPIO98(GAME_D0) for PS/2 mouse CLK
- #if defined(SUPPORT_PS2) && !defined(SUPPORT_GAMEPAD_MOUSE)
- GPIO_M_SET(97, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(98, 0);
- #endif
- // select GPIO 40,41,42,43 for game pad
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- #if defined(MP_BOARD_256_PIN_NON_SHARE)
- #if defined(SDRAM_BUS_32BITS)||defined(SDRAM_128Mx1) //mimitsai add 2004-12-07
- regs0->gpio_master[98 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (98 % 16)); //D0 gpio 98 PIN 231
- regs0->gpio_master[97 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (97 % 16)); //D1 gpio 97 PIN 230
- regs0->gpio_master[99 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (99 % 16)); //CLK gpio 99 PIN 232
- regs0->gpio_master[96 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (96 % 16)); //LATCH gpio 96 PIN 229
- #else
- regs0->gpio_master[98 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (98 % 16)); //D0 gpio 98 PIN 231
- regs0->gpio_master[97 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (97 % 16)); //D1 gpio 97 PIN 230
- regs0->gpio_master[99 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (99 % 16)); //CLK gpio 99 PIN 232
- regs0->gpio_master[100 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (100 % 16)); //LATCH gpio 100 PIN 233
- #endif
- #elif defined(MP_BOARD_216_PIN_NON_SHARE) //rbhung for 8202S/D 216pin 2005-01-13
- regs0->gpio_master[15 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (15 % 16)); //D0 gpio 15 PIN 65
- regs0->gpio_master[16 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (16 % 16)); //D1 gpio 16 PIN 66
- regs0->gpio_master[11 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (11 % 16)); //CLK gpio 11 PIN 59
- regs0->gpio_master[10 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (10 % 16)); //LATCH gpio 10 PIN 58
- #else
- regs0->gpio_master[13 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (13 % 16)); //D0 gpio 13 PIN 62
- regs0->gpio_master[14 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (14 % 16)); //D1 gpio 14 PIN 63
- regs0->gpio_master[11 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (11 % 16)); //CLK gpio 11 PIN 59
- regs0->gpio_master[12 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (12 % 16)); //LATCH gpio 12 PIN 61
- #endif
- #else
- regs0->gpio_master[87 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (87 % 16)); //D0 gpio 87 PIN 181
- regs0->gpio_master[86 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (86 % 16)); //D1 gpio 86 PIN 180
- regs0->gpio_master[88 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (88 % 16)); //CLK gpio 88 PIN 183
- regs0->gpio_master[89 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (89 % 16)); //LATCH gpio 89 PIN 184
- #endif
- #else
- regs0->gpio_master[45 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (45 % 16)); //D0 gpio 45 PIN 140
- regs0->gpio_master[17 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (17 % 16)); //D1 gpio 17 PIN 141
- regs0->gpio_master[54 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (54 % 16)); // CLK gpio 54 PIN 154
- regs0->gpio_master[55 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (55 % 16)); // LATCH gpio 55 PIN 155
- #else
- #ifndef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 3); // CS4 as GPIO3
- regs0->gpio_master[2 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (2 % 16)); //D0 gpio 2 PIN 28
- regs0->gpio_master[3 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (3 % 16)); //D1 gpio 3 PIN 29
- regs0->gpio_master[4 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (4 % 16)); // clk gpio 4 PIN 31
- regs0->gpio_master[35 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (35 % 16)); // latch gpio 35PIN 70
- #else
- // select GPIO 40,41,42,43 for game pad
- regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0xff << 7);
- regs0->gpio_master[40 / 16] &= ~(0xf << (40 % 16));
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif //SPHE8202
- #endif //SUPPORT_IR_GAME
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- // gpio 20 as IR
- GPIO_M_SET(20, 0);
- #elif defined(SPHE1000)
- // gpio 26 as IR
- GPIO_M_SET(26, 0);
- #else
- // GPIO 53 as IR, GPIO 54,55,56 as VFD
- regs0->gpio_master[53 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (53 % 16));
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_VFD
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- // gpio 21, 22, 23 for VFD
- GPIO_M_SET(21, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(22, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(23, 0);
- #elif defined(SPHE1000)
- // GPIO 26 as IR, GPIO 27,28,29 as VFD
- GPIO_M_SET(27, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(28, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(29, 0);
- #else
- // GPIO 53 as IR, GPIO 54,55,56 as VFD
- regs0->gpio_master[54 / 16] &= ~(0x7 << (54 % 16));
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef TTE_HOST_DVD //for TTE PCA964 LIJD 2004-11-11 20:02
- regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0x1 << 7);//GPIO48
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 5);//GPIO49
- GPIO_M_SET(32, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(33, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(35, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(36, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(37, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(40, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(41, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(42, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(43, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(44, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(45, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(46, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(47, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(48, 0);
- GPIO_M_SET(49, 0);
- #endif
- // reset IOP/RISC interface
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) regs0->iop_data[i] = 0;
- // below registers' value are used only for first time gotten by IOP
- // regs0->iop_data[1]: in standby mode or not (1:Y, 0:N)
- // regs0->iop_data[2]: store IR power key value
- // regs0->iop_data[3]: store VFD power key value
- // regs0->iop_data[4]: IR power key exist or not
- // regs0->iop_data[5]: VFD power key exist or not
- //
- if (bSleepFlag)
- {
- BYTE nIndex, bVFD_MASK, nIndex2 = 0;
- regs0->iop_data[1] = 1;
- #if defined(DP2030_SCAN_KEY)//eastech2030
- GPIO_M_SET(23,0);
- GPIO_M_SET(100,0);
- #elif defined(DP30H0_KEY_SCAN)//eastech2030
- regs0->sft_cfg1 &= ~(0x1 << 5);
- GPIO_M_SET(94,0);
- GPIO_M_SET(97,0);
- #endif
- regs0->gpio_master[54 / 16] &= ~(0x7 << (54 % 16));//NONO 2003-8-3 15:34
- #ifdef VTREK_MINI_DVD //linrc add for vtreck mini dvd 2004-3-27 16:50
- regs0->gpio_master[54 / 16] &= ~(0x7 << (54 % 16));//linrc 2003-8-3 15:34
- GPIO_M_SET(55,0);
- #endif //endif VTREK_MINI_DVD
- regs0->gpio_master[4 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (4 % 16));//gerry,2004/2/11 05:32